License plate number operations
Use this function to perform a number of actions on the containers.
- Change the container on one or several stock lines. This change can be the result of:
- The grouping of several containers into a destination container. The grouping necessarily impacts all the stock lines of those containers being grouped.
- The entire or partial splitting of a container onto one or several other containers.
- Entirely or partly deassign one or several stock lines of a container.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Entry screen
You can filter the list of containers to display in the selection panel by entering criteria relating to:
- Location type ranges. Ranges are free.
- Location ranges. Ranges are free.
Example : The codes of your locations are AABBB. You can select the locations from AA to AA999, without specifying the exact codes. All the locations starting with AA are selected. - The license plate number impacted by the operation.
- Customized criteria, by entering a formula.
1/ Click on New.
2/ Enter the selection criteria.
3/ Select the action you wish to perform.
To carry out a grouping:
- Select the Regroup action.
- First, enter the Destination license plate number.
- Enter also the destination location in the event of a new license plate number that is not assigned to a location yet.
- In the selection panel, pick the license plate numbers to regroup.
- All the stock lines associated with these license plate numbers are automatically displayed in the table.
You cannot clear them. The grouping necessarily impacts the entire container, therefore all the stock lines associated with the license plate number.
To carry out a split:
- Select the Split action.
- Enter the Destination license plate number.
- Enter also the destination location in the event of a new license plate number that is not assigned to a location yet.
- In the selection panel, pick the license plate number(s) to split.
- All the stock lines associated with these license plate numbers are displayed in the table.
- Select the stock line(s) to assign to the new container.
- Enter the quantity to assign to the destination license plate number if you do not wish to assign the entire quantity to the new container.
- On each line, the destination license plate number is populated by default with the one entered in the Action block. You can modify each license plate number separately.
- Enter also the destination location in the event of a new license plate number that is not assigned to a location yet.
If you wish to split a stock line onto several containers:
- Click License plate number change accessed on the line from the Actions icon. A table is displayed in a window. It contains the selected stock line.
- Enter the relevant quantity as well as the destination license plate number and the location, if required.
- The remaining quantity is displayed on a new line: Specify the destination license plate number and the location, if required.
- Modify the quantity, if required, and follow the same steps as many times as necessary.
- Click Save.
To deassign a stock line:
- Select the Deassign action.
- In the selection panel, pick the license plate number(s) to deassign.
- All the stock lines associated with these license plate numbers are displayed in the table.
- Select the stock line(s) to deassign.
- Enter the quantity to deassign if you only wish to partially deassign a stock line.
4/ Click Create:
- An entry number is created.
- A 'License plate number change'-type stock movement is performed.
Block number 1
Stock site (field STOFCY) |
Renseignez obligatoirement le site. Il est initialisé par défaut avec le site associé à votre profil fonction. |
Entry (field VCRNUM) |
This field cannot be entered. It displays the document number generated after creation. |
Description (field VCRDES) |
This is the description of the document. |
Allocation date (field IPTDAT) |
Date utilisée à la comptabilisation du mouvement. Elle est initialisée avec la date du jour et peut être changée pour une date antérieure, si la date sélectionnée se situe dans une période ouverte du calendrier comptable.
From locn type (field LOCTYPSTR) |
Type emplacement début permettant de sélectionner les enregistrements à traiter. |
To locn type (field LOCTYPEND) |
Type emplacement fin permettant de sélectionner les enregistrements à traiter. |
From location (field LOCSTR) |
Enter from location used to select recordings to be processed. Les bornes sont libres. Exemple : vos emplacements sont codés AABBB. Vous pouvez sélectionner les emplacements de AA à AA999, sans préciser les codes exacts. Tous les emplacements commençant par AA sont sélectionnés. |
To location (field LOCEND) |
Enter to location used to select recordings to be processed. |
License plate number (field LPNNUMSEL) |
Vous pouvez saisir directement le numéro de contenant sur lequel porte l'opération. |
Formula (field SELFOR) |
Enter, select, or use the formula editor to create a filter expression in the Sage X3 language.
Sélectionnez le type d'opération que vous souhaitez effectuer :
Pour plus de détails sur le mode opératoire associé à chacune de ces opérations, reportez-vous à l'aide sur la fonction Opérations numéro contenant. |
Destination license plate number (field LPNDESH) |
Ce champ est accessible uniquement pour une opération de regroupement ou d'éclatement.
Destination location (field LOCDESH) |
Ce champ affiche l'emplacement auquel est affecté le numéro de contenant destination. |
Destination warehouse (field WRHDESH) |
Ce champ est soumis au code activité WRH. |
field FLGSEL |
Cochez cette case pour sélectionner les lignes de stock concernées par l'opération. |
License plate number (field LPNNUM) |
Ce champ n'est pas saisissable. Il rappelle le numéro de contenant sélectionné. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
This field specifies the reference of the product to to process. |
Description (field ITMDES1) |
This is the description from the product record. |
Lot (field LOT) |
This field is not editable. It displays the lot associated with the product on the stock line. |
Sublot (field SLO) |
This field is not editable. It displays the sublot associated with the product on the stock line. |
Status (field STA) |
This field is not editable. It displays the product status on the stock line. |
Quantity (field QTYPCU) |
Ce champ affiche la quantité de l’article de la ligne de stock sélectionnée, exprimée en unité de conditionnement.
Unit (field PCU) |
This field displays the packaging unit of the selected stock line. |
STK quantity (field QTYSTUDES) |
Ce champ affiche la quantité exprimée en unité de stock. |
PAC-STK conv. (field PCUSTUCOE) |
Ce champ affiche le coefficient de conversion UC-US. |
Stock unit (field STU) |
Product storage unit. |
Dstn. license plate no. (field LPNNUMDES) |
Ce champ est accessible uniquement si vous effectuez un éclatement. Il affiche par défaut le numéro de contenant que vous avez éventuellement renseigné au niveau du bloc Action. Vous pouvez le modifier indépendamment sur chacune des lignes sélectionnées. Si vous souhaitez éclater une ligne de stock sur plusieurs contenants, cliquez sur Changement numéro contenant accessible depuis l'icône Actions. Vous pourrez ainsi renseigner la liste des contenants destination et indiquer la quantité affectée à chacun d'entre eux. |
Dstn. loc. type (field LOCTYPDES) |
This field cannot be entered. It displays the type of the selected location. |
Target location (field LOCDES) |
Ce champ affiche l'emplacement auquel est affecté le numéro de contenant destination. |
Dstn. warehouse (field WRHDES) |
Ce champ est soumis au code activité WRH. |
Serial number (field SERNUM) |
Ce champ est renseigné uniquement si l’article est géré en numéro de série :
Une fois la sélection effectuée, ce champ affiche le premier numéro de série concerné.
Ending serial number (field SERNUMF) |
This is the serial number of the product. |
Movement description (field MVTDES) |
License plate number change |
This action is available during a split operation. |
Stock by site |
Click this action to access the Stock transactions inquiry. |
Line(s) addition |
Click this action to access the Stock transactions inquiry. |
Impacted serial no. |
Click this action to access the Stock by license plate number inquiry. |
Impacted serial no. |
This action is available when the following conditions are met:
Click this action to select the relevant serial numbers when you wish to partially split or partially deassign the stock line. |