This function is used to manage the personalization setup of the material tracking plan screens.

At least one standard transaction of material tracking plan is delivered with the installation of the software. It can either be modified or deleted with this function, which can also be used to create new ones.

It is possible to set up different transactions for the material tracking plan. Each transaction, identified by a code and a label, appears in a selection window when calling the "Material tracking plan" option.


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Screen management

Specifying the setup is done by entering information into the header and the three tabs.


The transaction header enables the user to create new transaction codes or to search existing transactions to modify or delete. It is composed of two sections:


This is the code identifying the setup of the material tracking plan transaction. A description is assigned to each setup transaction code. These are the two pieces of information that appear in the selection window suggested at the start of material tracking plan entry.

Access code

Transactions can be filtered according to the users, thanks to the addition of this access code: if the field is entered, only the users who have this access code in their profile will be able to access the transaction.

If several transactions are set up for a function, and the user only has access to one of them because of the access codes, the selection window is no longer suggested: the access is by direct entry.

Tab Parameter definition

In this tab, the following must be defined:

  • Which type of material tracking should be carried out (material consumption with WO / material consumption without WO)
  • The material consumption mode: this parameter is used to load the quantities of material consumed based on the planned and completed quantity.
  • Manual issue only: this parameter is used to define whether to make mandatory the manual entry of material consumption in immediate stock withdrawal mode.

Tab Filters/Sort

In this tab, the following must be defined:

  • A default filter that is used to select the products to be proposed in the grid (closed, not closed, all)
  • Whether to authorize the modification of this filter
  • Two sort criteria to combine among four possible choices: these sort criteria can be modified when using the material tracking plan. If the transaction allows production reporting, it is necessary to specify whether it is possible or not to access stock data in the case where the transaction on which the entry to stock is based plans a quick entry.
  • Stock withdrawal (immediate, post-consumer, all) : this is a filter that allows selection of the material to track depending on their stock withdrawal code.
  • Auto journal code: this is the automatic journal that will be used to post the movements created with this transaction.
  • Movement code: this movement code is used to specify rules within the same movement type (see stock management rules).

Tab Display

This tab makes it possible to define all the columns that should be displayed in the material tracking plan, along with their display order.

Also specified here is whether the quantities consumed should be pre-loaded or not.

Tab Analytical

In this function, the following fields cannot be accessed:

  • Entry.
  • Distribution line,
  • Header dimensions.

Specific Buttons


This button is used to save the setup carried out and trigger the generation of the corresponding screens:


This button allows the user to copy the transaction to another folder.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

You do not have the rights for this code

This message appears when the access code entered does not exist in the user profile. To solve this problem, it is necessary to choose an access code from the list displayed or (provided you have the authorization) to add the requested access code to the user profile.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation