Product Categories
Product categories are used to:
- sort products based on their management method (purchased, manufactured, subcontracted, generic, etc.).
- form an association between management rules common to the products attached to this category.
These management rules will be mainly used as default values upon product creation for the category.
A category can be defined at folder and site levels.
In the first instance, it is recommended to create the folder category and then create the category for the relevant sites.
The site category is useful essentially to assign a set of default values to the product-site description attached to the site category.
In the product record and product-site, all the information inherited by default from the category can be modified at the time of creation.
On the other hand, all modifications of the category information after the creation of products and product-sites, are not passed onto the products/product-sites assigned to the category.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The category management function contains several tabs that are used to:
- create,
- inquire,
- and update product categories.
Only the main attributes are described in this documentation.
The following information is presented in the function header:
- the category code and description,
- the site code and its description: a category can be described for the folder as a whole and at site level.
First, it is necessary to create the folder category then to create the category for all the relevant sites.
Category (field TCLCOD) |
The product categories are used to classify and filter the products according to their use. This step makes it possible to refine the selection prior to carrying out the adjustment process. This code is used in the Product record to enable selections. |
Description (field TCLAXX) |
Storage site (field STOFCY) |
Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
Tab Description
Short description (field TCLSHOAXX) |
Enter the short description. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Product sequence (field ITMREFCOU) |
The Product reference counter is a code of three alphanumerical characters selected in the ACODNUM counter table. |
Creation method (field ITMCREMOD) |
The product creation method is used to introduce a validation phase before making it available:
Access code (field PLAACS) |
Use this access code to specify a user that is in charge of the product quality for this product category (for correcting the product details). |
Buyer (field BUY) |
Enter or select the code of the operator responsible for reordering the product on the selected site. This code is referenced in several scripts, such as the buyer’s plan, the supplier order entry, etc. |
Planner (field PLANNER) |
Operator in charge of performing the production planning or product ordering. |
Category types
Service (field SCSFLG) |
A Service type category with a Sold flow is a category relating to subcontract products.
If this particular flow type is Sold, then the product is always Deliverable (so it can be received). However, with a Sold flow type only, the product does not always have to be Deliverable. In this case, the product is a sheer service product, which is not included in deliveries. |
Phantom (field PHAFLG) |
When ticked, this box indicates that the product can be called in BOMS in two cases:
Tools (field TOOFLG) |
When ticked, this box is used to indicate that the product is used in routing operations to represent the tools. |
Generic (field GENFLG) |
When ticked, this box is used to indicate that the product is of type 'Generic'. |
Maintenance (field MCEFLG) |
Access to this box is submitted to the MMS - MMS - X3 Interface activity code. |
Flow types
Bought (field PURFLG) |
When ticked, this box indicates that the product is of type 'Purchased". |
Sold (field SALFLG) |
When ticked, this box indicates that the product is of type 'Sold". |
Manufactured (field MFGFLG) |
When ticked, this box indicates that the product is of type 'Manufactured". |
Deliverable (field DLVFLG) |
This check box is selected by default when the flow type is Sold.
Subcontracted (field SCPFLG) |
When ticked, this box indicates that the product of of type subcontracted (subcontract BOM). |
ABC class (field ABCCLS) |
Product line (field CFGLIN) |
A product line is used to:
SAF-T product type (field ITMSFTTYP) |
This field is displayed only when the KPO - Portuguese localization activity code is activated. It only applies to the SAFT file generation. This file is exported according to the type of product indicated:
Statistical groups
field TSICOD |
Code of the product statistical group, comprised of three alphanumerical characters, to be entered for the chosen group. It is associated with a meaningful label. |
Tab Management
The information in this tab cannot be accessed when the category has the 'Service' type.
Stock management
Stock management (field STOMGTCOD) |
Use this field to define how stock of this product is managed:
QC management (field QUAFLG) |
This code is used to define whether this product must be controlled on receipt into stock.
Technical sheet (field QLYCRD) |
The quality control process for the product can be described via a technical record, to be chosen from the technical record table. These records contain text descriptions, but also a set of questions and answers used to carry out statistical analyses concerning the quality control results. |
Access code (field QUAACS) |
Stock parameters
Negative stock (field NEGSTO) |
Select this check box if stock of this product that is not yet present in the system can be issued. Example:
Management mode (field STDFLG) |
Use this field to define the management mode for this product:
This value is used in the MRP and MPS reorder calculations. |
Count mode (field CUNCOD) |
Use this field to specify the frequency of counts for products in this category:
Stock withdrawal mode (field STOCOD) |
The stock issue mode can be defined at category level, then refined by site category.
Two parameters from the material tracking transaction are associated with the issue mode: upon material tracking, it is possible to filter the materials to be proposed for consumption in the transaction (« post consumption / immediate / all stock issue » in the materials tab in the tacking transaction). These parameters are:
Traceability (field TRKCOD) |
Product type (field INVPRODTYP) |
Expiration management (field EXYMGTCOD) |
Expiration management is subject to the EXY - Expiration management activity code. The calculation mode of the expiration date can be set up according to the following criteria:
This information, if defined at the category level, is used at the product level where the shelf life can also be specified. |
Expiration status (field EXYSTA) |
When a lot in stock is to expire, a process is used to automatically change its status:
Location management (field LOCMGTCOD) |
Select this check box to enable location management. You can then select location categories and enter, for each category, the location type and storage location which will be linked to this product category by default. |
Container management (field LPNMGTCOD) |
This field is subject to the LPN - License plate no. management activity code. |
Packing (field PCKFLG) |
Select this check box to indicate that this product is taken into account in the packing. |
Stock detail (field PCKSTKFLG) |
Packaging (field PCK) |
Code on 3 alphanumerical characters. Enter the packaging in which the product is to be delivered. |
Packaging capacity (field PCKCAP) |
It is the number of products, expressed in sales unit, that the packaging can contain. |
Lot management
Lot management (field LOTMGTCOD) |
This field is used to define whether the products in the category must be lot managed or not. It is also possible to have a management with sublots, which are subdivisions of a lot.
Lot sequence number (field LOTCOU) |
Lot sequence number counter that defines the format of lot numbers for this product. The lot number can be a maximum of 15 characters.
Serial no. management
Serial no. management (field SERMGTCOD) |
Use this field to control serial number management for this product. Select from the following serial number management methods:
Serial sequence (field SERCOU) |
Version management
Version management (field ECCFLG) |
Management of versions is subject to the ECC - Product version management activity code. During the lifetime of a product, some of its characteristics can be modified. These modifications can be tracked back by activating version management. Version management can be initialized for the assigned product category then, provided the product has no stock, modified for individual products. |
Stock version (field ECCSTO) |
This field can only be accessed if versions are managed at the stock level. That is, the product is managed by lot and management of versions is activated. Select from the following:
Major sequence (field ECCMAJ) |
If major versions are managed for this product, use this field to assign the major version sequence counter to be used to automatically assign a code to each major version of this product. For example, each major version of this product can be identified by an alphanumeric code, A then B, then C, etc. |
Minor sequence (field ECCMIN) |
If major and minor versions are managed for this product, use this field to assign the minor version sequence counter to be used to automatically assign a code to each minor version of this product. For example, each major version of this product can be identified by an alphanumeric code, A then B, then C, etc. with minor versions identified by a numeric code, 01, 02, 03, etc. |
Grid Dedicated locations
Location category (field LOCDES) |
You can only access this field when the location management flag is enabled. |
Default icon type (field DEFLOCTYP) |
Default locations (field DEFLOC) |
Bill of lading
Freight class (field FRTCLS) |
Enter the freight class to use when creating a new product-site record for use in Bill of lading. The value is controlled by the legislation and site groupings. |
NMFC (field NMFC) |
Enter the NMFC (National Motor Freight Codes) code to use when creating a new product-site record for use in Bill of lading. This field is only available if the 'KUS - Localization USA' activity code and the USABOL - Bill of Lading parameter (LOC chapter, USA group) are set to "Yes". |
Tab Logistics
This tab can only be accessed if warehouses are linked to the storage site entered.
It is used to associate a preferential warehouse by flow type.
Allocation flows
- Order
- Work Order
Output flow
- Shipment
- Material consumption
- Internal movement
- Subcontract shipment
- Subcontract consumption
This parameter is used to initialize the preferential warehouses defined at the level of the Product-site record.
Allocation flows
Order (field ORDWRH) |
Lorsque le site renseigné comporte des dépôts à gérer, il est possible de désigner dans cet onglet un dépôt préférentiel par type de flux. |
Issue flows
Shipment (field SHIWRH) |
Lorsque le site renseigné comporte des dépôts à gérer, il est possible de désigner dans cet onglet un dépôt préférentiel par type de flux. |
Tab Units of measure
Use this tab to reference all the units to be submitted by default for the products belonging to the category.
The following information can be modified for each individual product:
- Stock unit (mandatory) and the related label format
- Weight unit
- Statistical unit
- Volume unit
For those units other than the stock units, you must define a conversion coefficient with the stock unit.
Concerning the sales unit, select the "Changeable" check box if the conversion coefficient for this unit with the stock unit can be modified on sales or purchase order entry.
The various units can be accessed based on the category type (purchased, manufactured, sold, etc.).
Use a packing unit table to manage the packing units.
This table is limited by default to four packing units (you can modify this quantity using the NUC - Number of packing units) sizing activity code.
Enter the packing unit, the conversion coefficient of this unit with the stock unit. Specify whether or not it is possible to modify this unit. Enter a label format and the field defining the unit management when stock is issued, a fraction of this packing unit.
This field can take the following values:
It is possible to modify the coefficient for the stock line by splitting it if necessary (this choice is only possible if the coefficient entry authorized).
Example: Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are issued from this line. This issue results in 2 stock lines: one line with 3 boxes containing 12 units and one line with 1 box containing 6 units.
Signifies that it is possible to vary the quantities on the stock lines by division.
Example: Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are issued from this line. The result of this stock issue is 1 stock line with 3.5 boxes with 12 units.
It is possible to smooth out the fraction of the stock line by splitting it if necessary (this choice is only possible if the coefficient entry is authorized).
Example: Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are issued from this line. This results in 2 stock lines: one line with 3 boxes containing 12 units and one line with 6 units.
The sales and purchasing units must occur in the packing units table if the document unit entered in the resulting stock line should be kept. If this is not the case, the stock line generated by the document in sales or purchasing units is managed in stock units.
Units of measure
Stock unit (field STU) |
This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:
This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified. |
STK label format (field STULBEFMT) |
The stock labels can be printed at the time of movement entry or with the production folder. The label format can be set up an can vary according to the packing unit defined. |
Weight unit (field WEU) |
The weight unit. |
STK weight (field ITMWEI) |
Weight of a product stock unit, expressed in the displayed weight unit. |
Volume unit (field VOU) |
STK volume (field ITMVOU) |
Purchase unit (field PUU) |
This is the purchase unit defined for the product-supplier combination, or for products that do not exist in the product-supplier record.
This purchase unit cannot be modified. It is used as the default value when entering an order, subcontract order or receipt. The supplier purchase unit is suggested by default when the product-supplier record exists. The purchase units are accessible depending on the type of category assigned.
PUR-STK conv. (field PUUSTUCOE) |
Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in purchase units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PUR * conversion factor. This conversion factor can be accessed if the Purchase unit field (PUU) has been entered, and has a value different from the stock unit. It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists. |
Sales unit (field SAU) |
The unit in which this product is sold. The sales price is attributed to this unit. This sales unit is also displayed by default in the Sales and Customer sections. The sales units are accessible depending on the type of category assigned. |
SAL-STK conv. (field SAUSTUCOE) |
Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in sales units: Quantity in STK = Qty in SAL * conversion factor. This conversion factor can be accessed if the Sales unit field (SAU) has been entered, and has a value different from the stock unit. It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists. |
Changeable (field DACSAUCOE) |
Select this check box if modification of the conversion factor between the sales unit and the stock unit at order level is authorized. |
Statistical unit (field SSU) |
This unit is used for the calculation of statistics in quantity. It is used to carry out analyses with a unit that is common to all products, when the analysis criteria are of type customer or supplier, for example. |
STA-STK conv. (field SSUSTUCOE) |
Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in statistical units: Quantity in STK = Qty in statU * conversion factor. This conversion factor can be accessed if the Statistical unit field (SSU) has been entered, and has a value different from the stock unit. It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists. |
Intrastat additional unit (field EEU) |
This is the additional EU unit in which is expressed the quantity issued for the Customs Document File. |
EU-STK conv. (field EEUSTUCOE) |
Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in additional EU units: Quantity in STK = Qty in EEU * conversion factor. This conversion factor can be accessed if the EU unit field (EEU) has been entered, and has a value different from the stock unit. It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists. |
Grid Packing unit
Unit (field PCU) |
It is possible to specify a packing unit by supplier.
Only packing type units from the units of measure table can be selected. |
PAC-STK conv. (field PCUSTUCOE) |
Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in packing units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PAC * conversion factor. This conversion factor can be accessed if the packing Unit field (PCU) has been entered, and has a value different from the Stock unit field (STU). It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists. |
Changeable (field DACPCUCOE) |
Select this check box if modification of the conversion factor between the packing unit and the stock unit on purchase orders or receipts is authorized. |
Label format (field LBEFMT) |
The stock labels can be printed at the time of movement entry or with the production folder. The label format can be set up an can vary according to the packing unit defined. |
Issuing PAC (field PCURUL) |
Use this field to define how to split stock lines during the unpacking process.
Tab Receipts
Management Rules
This grid defines for each movement type the rules used to generate the receipt behavior.
This grid is preloaded by default based on a setup of global rules for all categories and all sites, by movement type and defined via the Stock management rules function.
For each movement type, the management rules can be refined by movement code (movement codes are defined in miscellaneous table 14), which allows the assignment of several management rules to a single movement type. The movement codes used are attached to a stock note transaction: the choice of a note carrying a specific movement code determines the management rule that will be used.
At the time of the modification of the category information, the system suggests to transfer the modifications to the site categories. The management rules are not included in this. In case of a management rule change for a category it is necessary to modify each site category to carry out the update.
Grid Management rules
Movement type (field TRSTYPE) | |||||||||||||||||
Type of the transaction to be set up, to be chosen among the various proposed values. Each transaction type corresponds to an identified stock movement. |
Movement code (field TRSCODE) | |||||||||||||||||
A stock transaction code is used to specify rules within a similar transaction type.
The movement code is used to define specific stock receipt and issue rules for some transactions. For example, a dedicated transaction associated with experienced users can authorize the receipt to stock of goods in A status while the other users may be associated with a transaction authorizing the receipt to stock of goods in Q status. |
Location (field LOCNUME) | |||||||||||||||||
Indicate via the local menu the location to be proposed for this stock movement. |
Authorized statuses (field AUZSTAE) | |||||||||||||||||
Indicate which statuses are authorized in this stock movement type. |
Authorized substatuses (field AUZSSTE) | |||||||||||||||||
Specify here which sub-statuses are authorized for this stock movement type. To do so, click on Authorized statuses from the Actions icon. Entry is possible in grid mode by selecting the grids from the stock status table or by entering a sub-status template with generic characters (*,?,#,!). On validating this grid, a control is carried out to keep only those corresponding to the chosen authorized statuses. If this field is left empty, it will be automatically populated with the sub-status templates corresponding to the authorized statuses. |
Default status (field DEFSTA) | |||||||||||||||||
It is possible to specify a sub-status by default to facilitate the entry of stock movements. The latter must respect one of the templates defined previously. |
Analysis request (field QLYCTLFLG) | |||||||||||||||||
Use this parameter to save an analysis request to be processed by the Quality control function, in the event that the status has been entered with the 'Q' value. If the value of this parameter is "No", the switching of statuses to "A" or "R" cannot be performed in the Quality control function. It is necessary to use the Stock change transactions function. |
Lot entry (field DACLOT) | |||||||||||||||||
Use this field to specify the manual entry conditions of the lot code for the stock movement type. Free entry
New lot
Lot by default (field LOTSUPINH) | |||||||||||||||||
In this field, you can set up a default value for the entered lot: None
Document number
The table shown below summarizes the impact of the management rule setup on the Receipt type movements in a mandatory lot management context. In an optional lot management context, use the Actions icon to access an additional function from the Lot field, when performing the receipt to stock: with this function, you can indicate that you want to save a blank lot.
(*) To assign a lot to each counter, the system uses the lot counter linked to the product. |
License plate number (field DACCTR) | |||||||||||||||||
Specify whether the license plate number is mandatory or not. |
Tab Issue flow
The information set up in this tab is specific to the products of the category and constitutes the non-modifiable values for the products.
Management Rules
This grid defines for each movement type the rules used to manage the issue behavior.
This grid is preloaded by default based on a setup of global rules for all categories and all sites, by movement type and defined via the Stock management rules function.
For each movement type, the management rules can be refined by a movement code (the movement codes must have been defined in the miscellaneous table 14); which allows the assignment of several management rules to a single movement type. The movement codes used are attached to a stock note transaction: the choice of a note carrying a specific movement code determines the management rule that will be used.
At the time of the modification of the category information, the system suggests to transfer the modifications to the site categories. The management rules are not included in this. Where there is a management rule change for a category it is necessary to modify each of the site categories to carry out the update.
Allocation rules
Order (field ALLRULORD) |
A code is attached to each rule. This code is defined in the allocation rules table. |
Work order (field ALLRULMAT) |
Specify the allocation rule to be applied to work orders. This code refers to the allocation and issue rules table. |
Issue rules
Shipment (field ALLRULSHI) |
Specify the assignment rule to be applied to deliveries and pickings. |
Material consumption (field ALLRULMFG) |
Specify the assignment rule to be applied to work orders and material tracking (for materials not attached to subcontract operations). |
Internal movement (field ALLRULTRF) |
Specify the assignment rule to be applied to internal movements (miscellaneous issues, assembly/disassembly, transfers). |
Subcontract dispatch (field ALLRULSCO) |
Specify the assignment rule to be applied to subcontract deliveries and consumption field reorder plan for subcontractor-type locations. |
Subcon. consumption (field ALLRULSCC) |
Specify the assignment rule to be applied to material tracking (for the materials assigned to subcontract operations). |
Global allocation
Allow A (field GLOAAAFLG) |
Within the framework of a global assignment, it is possible to specify which statuses are regarded as available for the assignment. |
Allow Q (field GLOQQQFLG) |
Within the framework of a global assignment, it is possible to specify which statuses are regarded as available for the assignment. |
Allow R (field GLORRRFLG) |
Within the framework of a global assignment, it is possible to specify which statuses are regarded as available for the assignment. |
Grid Management rules
Movement type (field TRSTYPS) |
Type of the transaction to be set up, to be chosen among the various proposed values. Each transaction type corresponds to an identified stock movement. |
Movement code (field TRSCODS) |
A stock transaction code is used to specify rules within a similar transaction type.
The movement code is used to define specific stock receipt and issue rules for some transactions. For example, a dedicated transaction associated with experienced users can authorize the receipt to stock of goods in A status while the other users may be associated with a transaction authorizing the receipt to stock of goods in Q status. |
Location 1 (field LOCNUM) |
Indicate via the local menu the location to be proposed for this stock movement. |
Location 2 (field LOCNUM2) |
Location 3 (field LOCNUM3) |
Authorized statuses (field AUZSTAS) |
Indicate which statuses are authorized in this stock movement type. |
Authorized substatuses (field AUZSSTS) |
Specify here which sub-statuses are authorized for this stock movement type. To do so, click on Authorized statuses from the Actions icon. Entry is possible in grid mode by selecting the grids from the stock status table or by entering a sub-status template with generic characters (*,?,#,!). On validating this grid, a control is carried out to keep only those corresponding to the chosen authorized statuses. If this field is left empty, it will be automatically populated with the sub-status templates corresponding to the authorized statuses. |
Output lot (field SHLLOT) |
This field is used to display the stock issue conditions of a lot with an exceeded Use-By-Date: No, UBD control
No, expiry control
Prototype version (field AUZPRO) |
Specify whether the versions that have the Prototype status are authorized or not for this type of stock issue movement. |
Active version (field AUZACT) |
Specify whether the versions that have the Active status are authorized or not for this type of stock issue movement. |
Version stopped (field AUZSTP) |
Specify whether the versions that have the Stopped status are authorized or not for this type of stock issue movement. |
Exclusive entry version (field ORDVER) |
Specify whether the version entered in the issue line should be exclusive or not.
Tab Accounts/costs
This tab is used to define:
- the accounting data,
- the pieces of information linked to the valuation/costs,
- the pieces of information linked to the analytical management,
- The overheads.
Accounting code (field ACCCOD) |
field VACITM |
Use this field to specify the tax level. |
SST tax code (field SSTCOD) |
Valuation method (field VLTCOD) |
Use this field to initialize at product-site level the valuation method defining the valuation options of the stock transactions.
Cost group (field BRDCOD) |
Cost calculations are used to break down material costs. Use this field to define which field (subtotal) the material cost for this product category must be posted.
Standard cost update (field STDCSTUPD) |
Use this field to enter the cost update indicator (for each type):
Fixed assets
Capitalizable (field FLGFAS) |
This check box is used when the Fixed Assets module is managed. |
Cost type (field PCCCOD) |
Use this field to associate this product category with a specific cost type. Cost types are used in Project management. In a product context, a cost type defines the types of product that can affect a project such as the purchase of raw materials.
Grid Analytical
Dimension type (field DIE) |
Dimension (field CCE) |
The setup determines if the analytical dimensions can be modified. They are initialized based on the setup of the default dimension.
In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line is entered and the project code is modified, the analytical dimensions are not reset. |
Grid Overhead
Movement type (field OTRSTYP) |
Overhead (field OVECOD) |
Select an overhead code. Overhead codes are used as follows:
The overheads column that contains the formula or fixed rate to be used in the cost price calculation functions is defined by parameters. For standard cost calculations the OVECOLSTD - Standard calc overhead column parameter (GPA chapter, COS group) applies. You can modify the column to be applied before running the calculation. |
Include lower level ovrh. (field OVECPNFLG) |
Use this field to select the calculation type.
Tab Purchase/sales
The information entered in this tab is specific to the products of the category and represent the default values for the products. Nevertheless they can be modified.
Access to the Purchasing and Sales blocks is subject to the Flow type generated for this product category (for example, the Purchase block information can only be accessed if the relating product category is defined as "Bought"). This setup is completed in the Description tab.
Firm horizon (field FIMHOR) |
Horizon for which the firm delivery requests must be carried out (based on a week, month or other unit). |
Unit of time in which the firm horizon will be expressed. |
Planning horizon (field FRTHOR) |
This is the period, expressed in number of days, weeks or months, during which the provisional delivery requests can be completed. |
Unit of time in which the planning horizon will be expressed. |
Reorder LT (field OFS) |
Number of days corresponding to:
It is in general fixed for a given lot size, and is used to calculate the start date for the MRP suggestions. |
field JOURS1 |
Delivery tolerance % (field MINRMNPRC) |
Balance tolerance in percentage |
Matching tolerance (field MATTOL) |
Use this field to specify the match code for a given product category. Reminder: The Three-way match is a reconciliation process used to validate the payment of an invoice, with a minimum and a maximum tolerance threshold. The reconciliation is carried out:
Received product (field RCPFLG) |
This flag determines whether the product will be subject to a receipt or not.
Mandatory PO request (field PRQFLG) |
This indicator determines if the entry of a product is prohibited on a direct order. It is in this case mandatory to use a purchase request. |
Version preloading (field LOAECCFLG) |
Purchase unit (field ITMPUU) |
This field displays the purchase unit defined in the Units of measure section. |
Type (field ITMTYP) |
This is the product type, which can be:
Delivery tolerance % (field SALRMNPRC) |
This is the quantity on the order, in purchasing units, below which the closure of the order can be carried out after partial receipt. |
Minimum quantity (field MINQTY) |
Minimum quantity of order, in sales units. |
Maximum quantity (field MAXQTY) |
Maximum quantity of order, in sales units. |
Loan authorized (field LNDFLG) |
if this box is not checked, this product cannot be the subject of a loan. |
Back-to-back order (field CTMFLG) |
If this box is checked, the product is subject to a direct order management and the operation is as follows:
Back-to-back direct qty. (field CTMQTY) |
Quantity (expressed in sales units) from which the back-to-back order will be straightforward. |
Price origin (field BASPRIORI) |
% applied (field PURPRIPRC) |
Invoicing term (field INVCND) |
This field can only be accessed when the following conditions are met:
Use this field to enter an Invoicing term. This information is optional. This information is used as the default invoicing term on the sales order lines when the header invoicing term is not entered and cannot be used to initialize the invoicing term on order lines. |
Landed costs
Landed cost coef. (field CPRCOE) |
The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management. This field makes it possible to enter a coefficient included in the calculation of the cost price. |
Fixed cost per unit (field CPRAMT) |
The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management. This field makes it possible to enter a unit fixed cost. |
Cost structure (field STCNUM) |
The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management. Use this field to enter a cost structure used in the calculation of the cost price. The entry can be performed manually. From the Actions icon, you can also click Selection or Cost structure (access to the Cost structure function).
Tab Planning
This tab can only be accessed when a category has been defined by site: it is used to enter default values for the products/site of this category.
- "PLANNING" section: this defines the demand and firm horizons for the product, the seasonality to be taken into account if necessary.
- "REORDER" section": this indicates whether the product must be reordered by MRP, MPS, the reorder process with a threshold or periodic replenishment, or finally no process, according to the reorder policies, the coverage policies, etc.
- Block "PRODUCTION" : this contains information which will be operated by the follow-up to manufacturing.
Firm horizon (field PLH) |
The fixed horizon (in leadtime unit) is used in the calculation of the Master Production Schedule (MPS) and Material Requirements Planning (MRP). It can be used to freeze the production plan on a given period: the suggestions used to cover the shortages located within this horizon are transferred onto the first period beyond this horizon. These suggestions are subject to a specific marking in the MRP results and MPS results inquiries: in the Order column, the order code is followed by an asterisk (*). |
field PLHUOT |
Planning horizon lead-time unit (weeks, fortnights or months). |
Demand horizon (field FOH) |
The request horizon, expressed in number of days, is used to calculate the projected stock: the available stock is calculated using the customer order book below this horizon, and the forecasts above this horizon. |
field FOHUOT |
Request horizon lead-time unit (weeks, fortnights or months). |
Trend profile (field SESCOD) |
Seasonality - This is an allocation curve used to create forecasts, based on a seasonality variation structure that can be parameterized. Seasonality curves are created in the seasonality table. |
Shrinkage percent (field SHR) |
The loss percentage corresponds to the production or storage loss. The production loss corresponds to the totaled loss generated for each routing operation. This percentage is taken into account in the material requirements planning and in the work order management. it is used to calculate the quantity to be reordered to obtain the quantity to cover the requirement. |
Reorder mode (field REOMGTCOD) |
Use this field to define the reordering mode:
Reorder frequency (field REOPER) |
For a periodic reorder mode, indicate here the number of calendar days between two reorders. |
field JOURS8 |
Reorder policy (field REOPOL) |
The reorder policy is used to set up the calculation mode of suggestions in the MRP processing:
Coverage (field DAYCOV) |
The coverage, expressed in weeks, is one of the MRP parameters. It makes it possible to work with changeable security and reorder lots depending on the order book or on the forecasts recorded during the coverage period. |
field SEMAINE |
Suggestion type (field REOCOD) |
This suggestion type is used when running material requirements planning. It is used to define if the product has to be subject to:
If the suggestion is of type Intersite, the reorder site must be specified in the Reorder site field (REFCY). |
Reorder site (field REOFCY) |
When the suggestion is of the type inter-site, this field serves to indicate the supplier site from which the replenishment must be carried out. The inter-site suggestion is coupled with a requirement at the replenishment site.
Safety stock (field SAFSTO) |
The security stock is used in the material requirements planning. It features an additional stock implemented to be able to face a longer deadline to obtain stock or a request higher than the average request. |
Reorder threshold (field REOTSD) |
The reorder treshold is used in the stock management on order. This is the stock level from which a reordering (or work order) is triggered. It is generally equal to the consumption sum during the reorder time, to which the security stock is added. |
Maximum stock (field MAXSTO) |
The maximum stock is taken into account in the reorder calculations. |
Minimum reorder quantity
Technical lot (field MFGLOTQTY) |
Lot size
Release if shortage (field MFGSHTCOD) |
Select this check box to block this product with respect to the printing of the manufacturing folders and production tracking if there is a shortage of physical stock. |
Automatic closing % (field CLEPCTAUT) |
This percentage defines the threshold being applied to automatically close the materials during production tracking. For instance, if the value is 95% and the material requirement is 200 UN, the system will suggest to close the material if the consumed quantity is greater than or equal to 190 UN. |
Assignment rule (field PTOCOD) |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
TABITMCLS : Product categories
This can be changed using a different setup.
Specific actions
Click this action to access the description of the default management rules set up for the folder. The system will use these rules in the absence of information at product category level. |