The definition of supplier price lists consists in four stages:

  • setting up the invoicing elements to define the different invoice footers that can influence the price setting of a business partner,
    SEEREFERTTO See the Invoicing elements documentation for further information.
  • setting up the structure codes to define the different discount and charge columns that can be applied to a particular business partner,
    SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on the price list structure for further information.
  • setting up the price list codes to define the various price setting rules that can apply to each structure code.
  • the input of the price list records, defining the actual values of the product price, discounts and charges, for each price list code.
    SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on the price list entry for further information.

This function is the third major stage in the price list setup cycle. You use this function to set the supplier price setting rules, which are rules used for determining the values of prices, discounts, and other amounts (all the column fields of the price list structure setup can be used).

The price setting rules are applied to the management of purchase requests, orders and receipts, remembering that these rules are only applied in creation or during the insertion of lines, but not when generated from another document (the sales conditions are complied with in this case). Except for purchase requests, which can be recalculated if necessary (which is the case where a group of purchase requests are chosen).

The user can define an unlimited number of supplier price setting rules, each being identified by a 6-character code. Each rule is associated with a priority that allows the establishing of a hierarchy with respect to other rules and a reason code that makes it possible to indicate the origin of the values found during a price list search.

The result of this setup makes it possible, for each price list code, to automatically create inquiry and update screens for price lists that will contain the correct columns. The price list search algorithm takes into account the price setting rule, and the user can then load the price list database.

A large number of rules can be set up, thus making it possible to define:

  • prices or charges and discounts,
  • the amounts at the line that can be defined by the line structure setup (as a percentage or amount, with the sign -/+).

These rules can be applied based on defined conditions:

  • for each line individually (depending or not on the quantity),
  • for a group of lines with the same characteristics (depending on the quantities or aggregated prices).


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The setup is spread over multiple tabs:

  • Criteria: determines the linked criteria which are used to detect when a a price list line applies, by associating a price list code to a structure code.
  • Price: determines the general rules of price processing.
  • Charges / discounts: determines the charges and discounts to be considered in the price list.


Tab Criteria

Use this tab to define the different fields in the on-line tables where the values will determine the application of the price setting on the line.
The following tables are available:


Table Title




Product - site


Products / Suppliers






Supplier transactions


Header and footer elements of the document


Products / Sales (for inter-company price lists)


Customers (for inter-company price lists)


Customer transactions (for inter-company price lists)


Delivered customers (for inter-company price lists)

The Header and footer elements of a document (PPRICLINK) has no real existence in the database. This is a data structure in which the document header and line elements used for the price list search are stored. The elements concerned essentially include header elements and line elements common to all the documents (Purchase requests, orders, receipts) selected as price list search criteria (carrier code, delivery mode, supplier/product statistical groups, etc.).

Specification on the Project code:
In the PPRICLINK table, two Project fields are available:

  • The PJT - Project field, authorizing the selection of a unique Project reference or of a project reference linked to a task code and/or a budget code at the price list entry level,
  • The PJTNUM - Project number field, only authorizing the entry of a 'global' project, with no mention of the task code or budget code, at the price list entry level.

When the price list setup defines a price list line related to the PJT field, the price list search only applies to the project code or to the project code + task code and/or budget code association defined at the price list entry level. This makes it possible to define price list conditions by task or budget code.

When the price list setup defines a price list line related to the PJTNUM field, the price list search applies to the project code, whether it is linked to a task code or budget code. This makes it possible to define a price list condition, regardless of the task or budget used.

Inter-company price lists: it is possible to define different prices for certain companies of the group which purchase from other companies of the group. For this setup, the ITMSALES, BPCUSTOMER, BPCUSTMVT and BPDLVCUST tables have been added. The PPRICLINK table has been modified to include the sales site and the sales company associated with the inter-company supplier.

It is possible to define a price list per sales company for different purchasing companies:

For a sales company, the price list can be defined with the:

  • Sales company: SPRICLINK/CPY.

For a purchase company, the price list can be defined with the:

  • Sales company: PPRICLINK/CPY.
  • Customer: BPCUSTOMER/BPCNUM (this is the customer associated with the purchasing site)

Tab Unit Price

Use this tab to define the price processing.

Tab Charges / Discounts

This tab displays the list of columns defined in the line structure setup (these columns can contain amounts or percentages).

Specific Buttons


Click this action once you have completed the entry to save the setup and trigger the screen generation.