This function is used to define the structure codes used to determine the various discount and charges columns that can apply to a company.
The definition of sales price lists breaks down into four major stages:

  • Setting up the invoicing elements to define the different invoice footers that can influence the price setting of a customer.
    SEEREFERTTO See the Invoicing elements documentation for further information.
  • Setting up the structure codes to define the different discount and charges columns that can be applied to a company.
  • Setting up the price list codes to define the different price setting rules that can be applied to a structure code and thus to the companies linked to this structure code.
    SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on the price list setup for further information.
  • Entering the price list records to define the actual values of the product price, discounts and charges, for each price list code.
    SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on the price list entry for further information.

This function is the second major stage in the supplier price list setup cycle.
In the sales transaction, the user is asked to enter, for each line, the minimum quantity and a unitary price. But it is also possible to define for the line other values such as discounts and charges.
As a rule, the structure of the document line can be presented as follows:

Unitary price


Value 1

Value 2

Value 3

Value 4

Value n

Thanks to these different values, it should be possible to calculate the following elements:
SEEREFERTTO These values can be entered at line level or assigned to price lists that can be set up. See the documentation on the setup of price lists and on price list entry.

  • the net price of the line. This price is stored in the invoice line and corresponds to the amount that will be posted to the sales account,
  • some amounts are totalled in the invoice footer, before being posted separately (and do not form part of the net price on the line).
  • informative amounts which will not be used but appear in the document display.

The purpose of this function is to define these columns dedicated to the price list management and the associated calculation rules. This way, the sales conditions to be applied can be determined.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The setup of the discount and charges columns applied to or appearing in the line is made in a single table (on up to a maximum of 9 lines) where each line represents a column likely to appear during the entry of the sales transaction.

It is possible to set up as many structure codes as necessary. This structure code is then associated with the Supplier record.

SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on the Suppliers for further information.

Entry screen

Inter-company management

In the inter-company situation, it will be necessary to create a price list structure for suppliers (corresponding to the sales sites) identical to the sales price list structure. In fact, in the reciprocal invoicing situation, it is imperative that the price list conditions are applied in the same manner. Some settings such that the calculation basis by document are excluded from the setup or must not be used in this context.

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