Mass recoding
This processing is used to mass replace some field values on the job objects: Fixed assets, Expenses, Lease contracts, Subsidies and Stock count notes.
The processing can be used:
- either to mass recodify a table,
- either during an intra-group sale processing in order to individually recodify an asset and its linked objects: the recoding can then concern several tables.
The recoding can concern:
- the fields checked by a miscellaneous table,
- the analytical dimensions
- and, in the case of intra-group sales: the Location and the Geographic site (with implicit recoding of the financial site).
This replacement is a simple recoding of the field value and unlike the modification carried out in transactional mode, this replacement does not generate any initiated action nor any event.
When the recoding is not designed for an Intra-group transfer, a processing option makes it possible for the user:
- Either to add a new value in the table to be recodified along with recording its original value. A selection makes it possible to limit the objects processed and the population processed on these objects.
- Either to physically replace the new value in the table to be recodified: the original value is then deleted on all the job objects and records.
Protection of the data integrity - Locking of the function
When carrying out the processing, it is prohibited to carry out a transactional modification of the population to be processed.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This function is composed of:
- A header used to specify the identification information as well as the processing options.
- From the General setuptab used to view the code list of the table to be recodified and to enter the new codes.
- From the Extended selection tab used to select the records to be processed on the master object specified on the General setuptab.
In the case of a recoding designed for an intra-group transfer, the processing setup of the recoding is limited to the reference entry of the transfer concerned, of the table to be processed and of the target codes of the table.The other information: processing options, object selection, company/site selection and extended selection, cannot be accessed.
The header contains the processing reference, its status, the code of the table to be recodified and if necessary, the reference of the intra-group transfer for which the processing is designed.
It also contains the options reserved to the processings that are not designed for the intra-group transfers, especially the status to assign to the former codes and the choice on whether to update or not the associations.
Reference (field REFCDF) |
Recoding reference. It is a freely selected alphanumerical code. |
Description (field REFDES) |
Recoding description. |
Process status (field PROSTA) |
When creating the reference, only the status: To process or To process (Intra-group sale) can be selected. |
Table name (field TABNAM) |
In creation mode, this field is used to enter the name of the table for which recoding some codes or of all the codes is required. |
Table name (field TABNAMDES) |
This non modifiable field displays the description of the table that is affected by the recoding. |
Process date (field PRODAT) |
This field, that cannot be modified, is automatically loaded with the date at which the recoding processing is carried out. |
Intra-grp trans ref (field REFTRFCMP) |
This field can be viewed only if the status of the processing is set to: To process (Intra-group transfer) or Processed (Intra-group transfer).
Operation description (field DESTRFCMP) |
Title of the intra-group sale. Non-modifiable field. |
Dimension type code (field CCEDIE) |
This field is used only when the recoding concerns an analytical dimension type. The entry of the dimension type code is mandatory. |
User (field PROUSR) |
This non modifiable field displays the name of the user that has launched the processing. |
Prev code status (field STAOLDCOD) |
This field can only be entered when the status of the processing is set toTo process. |
Validity end date (field DATENDACT) |
This field is displayed and can be entered only if the processing status is: To be processed, and if the recoding concerns the analytical dimensions table with the Previous status codes positioned at: Inactive |
Associations update (field FLGUPDASS) |
This flag is activated to specify that an association will be recoded if one of its elements has been recoded (determining and/or determined value). |
Simulation (field FLGSIM) |
This check box is selected by default and runs the closing in simulation mode. In this case, controls and the process are carried out but there are no updates recorded in the database. Clear this check box to run in actual mode. In this case, you cannot reverse the closing and updates are recorded in the database. If you are using intermediate commits, it is recommended that the NIVTRACE – Log file level parameter (AAS chapter, MIS group) value is 0. |
Log : print of updates (field FLGTRCEDT) |
This flag is used, when activated, to edit, in the log file, the details of the updates. |
Tab General parameter
This tab is used to view the code list of the table to be recodified and to enter the new codes.
It is also used, for the recoding processings not destined to an intra-group transfer:
- to select the objects on which the recoding will apply,
- to select the companies and sites to which belong the records to be processed.
Grid Recoding
Before(code) (field VALOLDCOD) |
This column displays the list of table lines to recodify. |
Before (label) (field VALOLDDES) |
Title of the table line. This information cannot be modified. |
After (code) (field VALNEWCOD) |
This column is used to enter the value of the new code, as long as the status of the processing has not been set to Processed or Processed (intra-group transfer).
After (label) (field VALNEWDES) |
This column cannot be modified if the status of the processing has been set to Processed or Processed (intra-group transfer).
Object selection
Master object (field OBCLDR) |
The master object is the object on which the recoding is mainly carried out. This setup is applied when the status of the former codes has for value: Stored or Inactive.
Assets (field OBCPCDFAS) |
This checkbox is used to specify that the recoding of the Fixed assets object is required. |
Expenses (field OBCPCDLOF) |
This checkbox is used to specify that the recoding of the Expenses object is required. |
Funding contracts (field OBCPCDLEA) |
This checkbox is used to specify that the recoding of the Financial contracts object is required. |
Subsidies (field OBCPCDGRT) |
This checkbox is used to specify that the recoding of the Subsidies object is required. |
Physical assets (field OBCPCDPHY) |
This checkbox is used to specify that the recoding of the Physical assets object is required. |
Grid Company selection
field FLGCPY |
The activation of this box is used to select the company on which the processing must be carried out.
Company (field CPY) |
This field displays the company code. |
Grid Site selection
field FLGFCY |
This checkbox is activated for the site to be taken into account in the processing. After selecting a company, all the financial sites that are linked to it are selected by default.
Company (field FCYCPY) |
Identification Code for the company which the site is linked to. |
Site (field FCY) |
This field cannot be modified and displays the code of the site on which the process is carried out. |
Selection terms of the record, depending on the choice of master object
General principles:
- When the recoding is designed for an intra-group transfer, the master object must be the Fixed asset and the other objects cannot be entered.
- When the statuses of the former codes have the following status: Deleted, no other master object can be selected: all the objects must be processed and none of them can be a master object.
- When the former codes have as status, the value: Inactive or Saved, the following records are excluded from the processing:
- the assets that have been issued during the previous financial years,
- the expenses attached to the assets (when the master object is the Expense, even if the object other Assets is activated),
- the financial leasing contracts that have the status Terminated, Complete or Buyback,
- the subsidies with the status: Deleted,
- the stock count notes with the status: 6 - Asset in phase, 7 - Statement rejected, or those that belong to a close stock count operation.
Master script: Asset
Other object |
Expenses |
Financial leasing contracts |
Subsidies |
Stock count statements |
Link with Company + Site + Asset reference |
Link with Company + Site + Contract reference |
Link with Company + Site + Investment project reference |
Link with Bar codes or Bar code only |
For 1 asset: |
For 1 asset: |
For 1 asset: |
For 1 asset: |
Master script: Expense
Other object |
Assets |
Financial leasing contracts |
Subsidies |
Stock count statements |
Impossible because the expenses selected are only the expenses not linked with the assets |
Master script: Contract
Other object |
Assets |
Expenses |
Subsidies |
Stock count statements |
Link with Company + Site + Contract reference |
Reading of the x assets linked to the contract, then for each of them: |
For 1 contract: |
Master script: Subsidy
Other object |
Assets |
Expenses |
Contracts |
Stock count statements |
Link with Company + Site + Investment project reference |
Reading of the x assets linked to the subsidy (i.e. of the x assets having the same investment project as the subsidy), then for each of them: |
Reading of the x assets linked to the subsidy (i.e. of the x assets having the same investment project as the subsidy), then for each of them: |
Reading of the x assets linked to the subsidy (i.e. of the x assets having the same investment project as the subsidy), then for each of them: - - > x potential stock count statements |
For 1 asset: |
Master script: Stock count list and Physical elements: non-authorized
- Example: Master script: Subsidy - Other object: Expenses
Processing :
For the subsidy processed:
--> Research of the assets having benefited from this subsidy
For each asset processed:
--> Research of the assigned expenses
Special features on the recording of the analytical dimensions
- The recoding will not systematically generate new codes in the analytical dimensions table contrary to the miscellaneous tables. The user may then manually create new analytical dimensions then the recoding will only modify the value in the records of the processed objects.
- When the recoding is for a intra-group sale, only the following dimensions are displayed in the recoding table:
- dimensions linked to the source company,
- dimensions that are not linked to a company or a group of companies.
Special features on the recoding of the sites and localizations
The recoding will not systematically generate new codes in the site table (FCY) and in the location table (LOC) contrary to the miscellaneous tables.
The user may then manually create the new sites and/or locations, then the recoding will only modify the value in the records of the processed objects.
The recoding of the geographical sites and/or of the locations is used to implicitly recodify the financial site because, to a geographical site and to a (target) company corresponds only one financial site.
Recoding site locations |
This is an option available by right-clicking in the Recoding table, only when the recoding applies to geographical sites (case of an intra-group sale). |
Reload grid |
This is an option available by right-clicking in the Recoding table, only when the recoding applies to geographical sites (case of an intra-group sale). |
Tick all the Companies/Sites |
This option, available on the Company selection and Site selection tables, is used to mass select all the companies and financial sites attached to the companies. |
Untick all Companies/Sites |
This option, available on the Company selection and Site selection tables, is used to mass deselect all the companies and financial sites attached to the companies. |
Tab Extended selection
This tab is used to carry out a selection of the records to be processed, concerning the master object specified at the level of the General setup tab.
The extended selection is not accessible in the following cases:
- The recoding is designed for an intra-group transfer, the selection of the assets is then carried out from the setup of the transfer Operation definition.
- When the statuses of the former codes are the following: Deleted, at the level of the setup of the recoding processing. All the records belonging to all the entities must, indeed, be taken into account in the processing.
Block number 1
Object (field OBJNAM) |
Description (field OBJDES) |
Block number 2
Table (field TBL1) |
Indicate a table amongst the principal object table and the linked tables. |
Field (field FLD1) |
Indicate a field from the table. |
Operator (field OPE1) |
Indicate the comparison operation:
Value (field VAL1) |
This field is used to indicate the comparison value (without quotation marks for the alphabetic fields). |
And/or (field ANDOR2) |
Indicate the link between the criteria lines. For instance: |
Table (field TBL2) |
Field (field FLD2) |
Operator (field OPE2) |
Value (field VAL2) |
And/or (field ANDOR3) |
Table (field TBL3) |
Field (field FLD3) |
Operator (field OPE3) |
Value (field VAL3) |
And/or (field ANDOR4) |
Table (field TBL4) |
Field (field FLD4) |
Operator (field OPE4) |
Value (field VAL4) |
And/or (field ANDOR5) |
Table (field TBL5) |
Field (field FLD5) |
Operator (field OPE5) |
Value (field VAL5) |
Block number 3
field REQUETE |