The lead sector management is used to divide a group of sales targets into several sub-groups based on criteria that can be freely set up.

Lead sectors can then be assigned to a sales representative. The sales representative is then in charge of a lead list that meets the predefined parameters. The assignment is to be performed from annex function "Lead assignment".


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Screen management


For each lead sector, it is necessary to enter a code and to give a description. A sales representative code must be entered in order to be used upon launching the Lead mass assignment process.

The left list of the lead sector management object is used to view the sectors that make up the lead segment.

Tab Criteria

The Criteria tab is used to enter the lead assignment criteria.

This selection can be performed from a simple criteria definition grid or from a more complex calculation formula. It is also possible to combine both a criteria definition grid and a formula so as to obtain a very restrictive lead segment.

A criteria selection grid is made of:

  • A criteria combination operator. It can be selected among the following list : And, Or, And not, Or not
  • An access to tables LEADS (leads) and CONTACTCRM (contacts).
  • A field name coming from one of the two tables specified above.
  • A condition dependant on the selected field. If the selected field is of type text, the possible conditions are: Equal, Different, Starts with, Contains, Ends with. If the selected field is of type numerical or date, the possible conditions are: Equal, Different, Superior to, Superior or equal to, Inferior to, Inferior or equal to.
  • A value for the field defined as a criterion.

The criteria selection grid can contain up to 25 combined lines.

As for the mathematical formula, it is used to widen the selection criteria by opening additional tables (other than LEADS and CONTACTCRM).

Specific Buttons


The Copy button is used to copy a lead sector to another folder.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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