Sales Reps

A sales representative is a business partner (BP). It is identified in the business partner (BP) table as well as in the sales representative table. You maintain the sales representative table and its associated tables: BP and Addresses. You can create, query, and update information specific to a rep as well as those associated with the BP.

You can access this function from the BP function (GESBPR).


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Field help

This section describes the field help for each tab or section.

A sales representative is created with the help of a maximum of three tabs. Two of these tabs come from the BP record that has previously been created. The Identity and Addresses tabs are common to both the BP and Sales representative records. Any modification made on one or more of these common tabs is automatically saved in the BP table. In all cases, all the tabs are accessible at the level of the sales representative record.

The two tabs common to the BP management and the sales representative management are described in the BP documentation. The tab belonging to the sales representative management itself is described below.


Identity tab

Tab Addresses

Tab General

All the information related to the commission method for the sales representative is to be entered. It is firstly necessary to define the commission basis. The choice is between the net price (discounted price), the margin (net price - production cost) and a formula. If a commission basis with a formula is chosen, it will be necessary to then associate a formula code with each role of this sales representative in an invoice (principal or secondary sales representative).

Once the commission basis is determined, on or two commission rates will be associated with the sales representative by commercial category. The first rate corresponds to the rate of the sales representative when they are the principal sales representative on an invoice, the second rate corresponds to the sales representative when they are the secondary sales representative on an invoice.

The commercial category corresponds to correlation with the customers. In fact this information is present in each customer record. If a sales representative is assigned to an invoice involving a customer, their rate will depend on the Customer category. The commercial category is a local menu that can be set up (local menu 403).

The rule for the assignment of the sales representative in the sales cycle is as follows. A sales representative may be associated with a customer or with a shipment address for this customer. If a sales representative is assigned to the customer, they will always have priority over the sales representative associated with the shipment address.

Regarding the commission rules, it is possible to weight the commission rate for the sales representative on each line of an invoice by entering a weighting coefficient. This weighting coefficient can be determined according to certain management rules. These rules are defined in the price list setup function.

The calculation of the commission that must be given to the sales representatives is carried out by means of the COMREP report.

This tab is also used to enter the accounting information such as the accounting code, which is used to provide the accounting characteristics of the postings linked to the sales representative by defining the control accounts, the accounts, even the parts of the accounts used by default in the automatic journals and the analytical dimension for each dimension type, used as default value in the different documents in the sales cycle, thanks to the corresponding setup.

Each sales representative has a "Function" field. If this field is entered, it signifies that the sales representatives record has been created at the same time as a user record: the "Function" is indicated at the level of the user parameter AUSCRMA - Function (CRM chapter, COL group). The function conditions the access to certain fields in the CRM section:

  • "User code":
    This field is entered only if the sales rep is a Sage X3 user. It indicates the user code to which the sales rep is linked (AUSCRMF - Sales rep parameter - CRM chapter, COL group).
  • "Daily call objective":
    This field is only accessible for the sales representatives whose function is "Tele-sales".
    It is used to indicate the daily calls objective assigned to a telesales person. This field is very important to ensure the correct functioning of the call campaign distribution processes.
  • "Number of late calls":
    This field displays the total number of late calls in the employee workbench. This information is principally designed for the service managers in order to measure any overloads imposed on the employees.
  • "Sales site":
    This field indicates the site from which the sales representative manages most of their commercial activates.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  SALESREP : Sales rep listing

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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