WO tracking
Use this function to view the progress of, and production activity recorded for a work order. This is referred to as "tracking".
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The WO tracking function contains a Home section and one section per production feature of a work order.
- Home section. The Home section provides key tracking information, including the work order number.
- Manufacturing. This section displays the list of production tracking records against which receipt of produced goods for the work order have been recorded.
- Components. This section displays the list of production tracking records against which components issued to this work order have been recorded.
- Operations. This section displays the list of production tracking records against which activity against a specific operation in the routing defined for this work order have been recorded.
The Home section provides key tracking information including the site at which the work order is being produced and the status of the work order.
Production site (field MFGFCY) |
The production site assigned to this work order. |
Work order (field MFGNUM) |
Type in or select the work order number.
WO status (field XMFGSTA) |
This field indicates the status of the work order. This status can be Firm or Closed. |
Tab Manufacturing
You use this section to view the list of production tracking records against which receipt of produced goods for this work order have been recorded.
Tracking number (field MFGTRKNUM) |
This field displays the production tracking record against which progress against this work order has been recorded. This tracking number might be recording the issue of materials to this work order, recording activity against a specific operation in a route, or receiving the produced goods and recording the details of the receipt. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
This product code describes what is referred to as a "Bill of Materials" or a "BOM". A BOM contains structured information for making and costing a product. It defines the components that make up a product, and given this, the cost of the product. The BOM code matches the product code. |
Allocation date (field IPTDAT) |
This field displays the date the stock was allocated to this work order line. |
REL (field UOM) |
This field displays the release unit of measure (volume or mass) for this product for this order. This unit and any applicable unit conversion are defined for this product on the product record. |
Total completed qty. (field UOMCPLQTY) |
This field indicates the actual quantity expressed in the release unit. |
This field displays the product-specific conversion factor applied between the stock unit and the release unit of measure. This unit conversion is defined for this product on the product record. |
STK (field STU) |
This field displays the unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes etc. |
Total completed qty. (field CPLQTY) |
This field displays the total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit. |
Description (field ITMDES1) |
This is the description from the product record. |
Product source (field FMI) |
This field indicates how the goods required for the order line will be managed.
Transactions |
Click Transactions from the Actions icon to view the history of stock movements performed for this product. |
Production tracking |
Click Production tracking from the Actions icon to view the production tracking record against which receipt of this product for this work order was recorded. |
Stock by site |
Click Stock by site from the Actions icon to view the inventory levels for the selected product, by site. |
Tab Components
You use this section to view the list of production tracking records against which components issued to this work order have been recorded.
Type (field MATTYP) |
This field displays the source of the component demand. It can be set to one of the following values:
Tracking number (field MFGTRKNUM) |
This field displays the production tracking record against which progress against this work order has been recorded. This tracking number might be recording the issue of materials to this work order, recording activity against a specific operation in a route, or receiving the produced goods and recording the details of the receipt. |
Component (field MFMITMREF) |
This field displays the component product code. |
Allocation date (field IPTDAT) |
This field displays the date the stock was allocated to this work order line. |
STK (field STU) |
This field displays the unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes etc. |
Qty tracked (field USEQTY) |
This field displays the quantity of this component issued to produce the bills of materials (BOMs) on this work order that have been recorded against this tracking number. |
Type (field TYPQTY) |
This field indicates if this component is stored in stock. This field can be set to one of the following values:
Description (field ITMDES1) |
This is the description from the product record. |
BOM sequence (field BOMSEQ) |
This field identifies the sequence number of this component in the BOM (bill of materials). |
Transactions |
Click Transactions from the Actions icon to view the history of stock movements performed for this component. |
Production tracking |
Click Production tracking from the Actions icon to view the production tracking record against which an issue of this component for this work order was recorded. |
Stock by site |
Click Stock by site from the Actions icon to view the inventory levels for the selected product, by site. |
Tab Operations
You use this section to view the list of production tracking records against which activity against a specific operation in the routing defined for this work order have been recorded.
Tracking number (field MFGTRKNUM) |
This field displays the production tracking record against which progress against this work order has been recorded. This tracking number might be recording the issue of materials to this work order, recording activity against a specific operation in a route, or receiving the produced goods and recording the details of the receipt. |
No. (field OPENUM) |
This field displays the specific routing operation sequence number against which activity was recorded. The operations in a routing used for manufacturing a product are assigned operation numbers. Each operation number corresponds to a task carried out on a given resource, with given times. |
Tracking date (field MFGTRKDAT) |
This field displays the date activity against this specific operation in the routing defined for this work order was recorded. |
Work center (field CPLWST) |
This field identifies the production resource used for this operation, that is the actual work center used. This work center is the main, or principal work center for this operation. It can be a machine, labor or subcontract work center. The work center is attached to a work center group. |
Work center group (field CPLWCR) |
This field identifies the group of work centers to which this work center belongs. Work center groups are used to review workloads. |
Type (field CPLWSTTYP) |
This field identifies the type of operation that is performed on the selected work center. This might be a machine, labor or a subcontracted operation. Work centers of type Subcontracting are managed externally by subcontract suppliers. |
UNIT (field OPEUOM) |
This field displays the unit in which this work order operation quantity is expressed. Work order operation quantities are expressed in the operation unit. |
U-OPE conversion (field OPEWORCOE) |
This field displays the Stock unit - Operation unit conversion factor. The factor applied to convert the released quantity of the finished product into the operation quantity, according to the operation unit (Unit field (OPEUOM)). |
OP UOM (field XOPEUOM) |
Work order operation quantities are expressed in the operation unit. This field is displayed if the operation unit used to express operating time is a different unit to that of the product being produced by the routing. For example, a product managed by unit is subject to three different operations, none of which produce intermediate stock:
The operation unit is associated with a conversion coefficient for the stock unit of the product being produced by the routing, and the operation unit. |
Total completed qty. (field CPLQTY) |
This field displays the total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit. |
Rejected qty. (field REJCPLQTY) |
This field displays the actual rejected quantity.
Time unit (field TIMUOMCOD) |
This field displays the unit of time in which this operation is measured. |
Actual stp. time (field CPLSETTIM) |
This field displays the actual time taken to set up this machinery ready for use. The time is expressed in the defined time unit. The time can be zero (0). |
Actual run time (field CPLOPETIM) |
This field displays the actual time taken to perform this operation for the required number of items. The operating time:
Actual labor W/C (field CPLLAB) |
This field identifies the labor work center actually used to carry out this operation. This might be, for example, the labor work center that relates to the crew that operated this machine. |
Work center group (field CPLLABWCR) |
This field identifies the group associated with the labor work center. |
Labor time set fac (field SETLABCOE) |
This field displays the coefficient applied to obtain the setting time allocated to the labor work center linked to the main work center. |
Labor r-time fact (field OPELABCOE) |
This is the coefficient applied to the planned operation time. It is used to obtain the operation time for the labor work center linked to the principal work center. Operation times are subdivided as follows:
Proportional times are expressed for the production of an operation unit (and not in the stock unit of the finished product using the routing). |
Order no. (field POHNUM) |
If this operation has been subcontracted to an external supplier, this field displays the purchase order number raised for this subcontract operation. |
Line (field POPLIN) |
This field displays the line number on the purchase order that is for the subcontracted product required for this operation. |
Sequence (field POPSEQ) |
Receipt no. (field PTHNUM) |
This field identifies the receipt transaction number against which receipt of the subcontracted product for this operation has been recorded. |
Line (field PTDLIN) |
This field displays the line number on the purchase receipt that is for the subcontracted product required for this operation. |
Supplier (field BPSNUM) |
This field displays the code of the subcontract supplier the subcontracted product has been purchased from. |
Employee ID (field EMPNUM) |
This field identifies the operator that performed this operation. |
Reject (field SCANUM) |
This field displays the code of a predefined rejection message that has been associated with the rejection quantity recorded against this operation. |
Message (field MSGNUM) |
This field displays the code of a predefined information message that has been associated with the production activity recorded against this operation. |
Milestone (field DACMST) |
This field defines the type of production tracking that applies to this operation, as follows:
Entry date (field DACDAT) |
This field displays the date the transaction log file was created in the system. |
Entered hour (field DACHOU) |
This field displays the time the transaction log file was created in the system. |
Production tracking |
Click Production tracking from the Actions icon to view the production tracking record against which activity against this operation in the routing defined for this work order was recorded. |