Production tracking

Use this function to record progress against individual work orders. This might be recording the issue of components to a work order, recording activity against a specific operation in a route, or receiving the manufactured goods and recording the details of the receipt.

To record, or track production activity, work orders must be at order status Firm (Order status field (MFGSTA) in the home section of the Work order function (GESMFG)) and components must be available for tracking unless the Release if shortage check box (MFGSHTCOD) in the Manufacturing section of the product-site record is selected.

By simply selecting the production site and work order, the entry transaction associated with this function can automate entry of the tracking information in full when you create the tracking number. Alternatively, you can enter all tracking information (manufacturing, operation and component tracking) manually, or track the work order with other work orders using a bulk tracking function.

 You can record component tracking, create production reports and print labels from radio frequency terminals.

This function is directly linked with the Non-conformances management functionality. If the manufacturing process warrants notification to your quality management team of a potential non-conformity you can raise a non-conformance incidence directly from this function. For example, if you are aware of a problem, or failure or potential failure in a design or production model, or in a service, or in a process, or in the system.

 Timely notification of a non-conformity can be critical for compliance.


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Screen management

This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed.

If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

The Production tracking function contains a home section and three additional sections controlled by check boxes in the home section.


Use this section to select the work order to be tracked:

  • Production site. The production site at which the work order is processed.
  • Order number. The work order must be at order status Firm.
  • Tracking date. Today's date is the default date. You can enter an earlier date than today but not a later date. Stock issues and receipts corresponding to any component or production tracking are carried out on this date. The system will validate that the date falls in a period for which stock updates are authorized.

The types of tracking available - the recording of component issues (material tracking), the recording of operation activity (operation tracking) and produced goods receipt (production reporting) - is determined by the selected entry transaction. Clear a check box if you do not need to report progress for a specific type of tracking on this tracking number. These check boxes determine which sections in this function are available for entry.

The Tracking number is assigned automatically when you create the tracking record.

Tab Operations

This section is available for entry if the Operation tracking check box in the home section is selected. Use this section to enter production times and quantities for operations in the routing used to produce the manufactured product.

The fields available for entry and the operation unit is determined by the selected entry transaction.

You can record progress or completion data against one or all of the selected operations and add an unplanned operation. Production times are adjusted automatically.

  • The quantity you record in the Total actual quantity field (CPLQTY) should be the total quantity produced by the operation, including any rejected quantities.
  • If you need to record a rejected quantity for an operation, you can assign individual rejection codes to rejection quantities using a Detail entry action. This action is available from the Actions icon in the Actual rejected qty (REJCPLQTY) and Reject (SCANUM1) fields.
  • You can record actual setup and run times for an operation over a range of dates and times. An Entry by range action is available from the Actions icon in the Actual setup time (CPLSETTIM) and Actual run time (CPLOPETIM) fields. The times are calculated from the entered values.

If this tracking number includes progress reporting against the produced goods (the Production reporting check box in the home section is selected), the actual quantities are updated from the progress recorded against the selected operations.

 You must adjust the actual quantity of the produced goods if an operation includes a rejected quantity as the total completed quantity of the produced goods reflects the quantity recorded in the Total actual quantity (see above).

If this tracking number includes reporting the issue of materials to the work order (the check box Material tracking in the home section is selected), the tracked quantities are updated from the progress recorded against the linked operations. You can, however, adjust the consumed material quantities by changing the total Tracked qty field (QTESUIVOPE).

 The Tracking type provides a useful reference when viewing a routing operation for this work order in the Time tracking plan function (FUNBENCHO) as this function permits progress to be recorded against an operation without a work order. This field cannot be changed.

If this operation tracking is for a scheduled work order, the production load is updated when the tracking number is generated.

Tab Manufacturing

This section is available for entry if the Production reporting check box in the home section is selected. Use this section to carry out the receipt to stock from production.

The Tracked quantity is initialized by the planned quantity for the work order. If this production reporting follows an operation tracking entry, this field is initialized with the planned quantity to be tracked from the operations and cannot be modified.

All fields in the table of released products are determined by the selected entry transaction. The entry transaction determines if the lot, sublot, status, serial number, and transaction description fields are accessible.

The product is highlighted if the system does not have the required stock information to carry out the receipt without manual intervention. Click Enter detailed quantities from the Actions icon to perform a manual stock receipt.

By-products are included in the table of released products to be received into stock if by-products are managed for work order tracking.

The Tracking type column is a useful reference when viewing the tracking record in the tracking plan where it is possible to carry out a receipt to stock with or without a work order. As are the order number, the routing code and the BOM code which can then group all the work order operations and/or trackings on a production routing without a work order.

Tab Components

This section is available for entry if the Material tracking check box in the home section is selected. Use this section to carry out material stock issues.

All the fields that can be entered in this tab are pre-loaded by the transaction.


The entry of operation number ranges is used to select the materials to be tracked with respect to their attached operations.

If the material tracking is consecutive to an operation tracking, the ranges are pre-loaded with the values of the ranges in the operations tab.

If the material tracking is consecutive to a production reporting, the ranges take the values 0 to 999.

In neither of these two cases can they be modified.

If material tracking is carried out alone, the entry of these ranges is used to re-load the materials grid.

Stock withdrawal

This field is pre-loaded by default by the chosen transaction. It is used to filter the materials as a function of their stock withdrawal method (immediate or post consumption).

If the transaction plans a strictly manual withdrawal, it will impose the detailed entry of the material consumption with immediate stock withdrawal.

The stock withdrawal field cannot be modified if the material tracking is made following an operation tracking or to a production reporting.


This filter is used to choose the status of the materials to be tracked (closed or not).

It is pre-loaded by default by the chosen transaction. If the material tracking follows an operation tracking, the material filter is identical to the operations filter and cannot be modified.

Stock issue location

This field entry is based on the setup of the tracking transaction and the WO allocation status: 

  • If the WO is allocated, this field cannot be assigned.
  • If the WO is not allocated, this field is used to initialize the preferred location in the picking criteria and the proposition if it is not automatically determined. In case of an automatic determination, the system attempts to pick from this location in priority and then plays by the production allocation rule.

Materials table

Automatic tracking

In automatic tracking, the quantity consumed for each material is loaded by default from the remaining quantity in the WO, weighted by the Material consumption method in the transaction; and by default the user is prompted to complete the material.

If these data are not appropriate, the consumed quantity fields and the close field can be modified.

The lot, sub-lot, status, serial number, transaction description fields are accessible if required according to the tracking transaction used.

The material table displays the material allocation information from the time of release (allocation status, detailed, global, with or without shortage).

  • In the case of a detailed allocation without shortage, the stock issue location is specified in the material. If the material is allocated to several locations, the stock issue location is marked "Multiple".
  • If the material is in shortage and negative stocks are authorized at the product level, the material issue is performed: it generates a suspended stock movement and it will be necessary to adjust this system receipt to stock when the missing stock allocation is made.
  • If the allocation is global or if the WO is not allocated (which is possible as a function of the value assigned to the general setup MTKALLMGT), the system looks to carryout the issue as a function of the management and allocation rules.
  • Finally, according to the transaction setup, the "Tracking type column" is displayed: it cannot be entered but is useful when viewing the created tracking entry in the tracking plan where it is possible to carry out a receipt to stock with or without a WO.

It is possible to add an unplanned material directly in the grid. 

Similarly, the "Order no.", "Routing" and "BOM code" data can never be entered: they are used in the reading of a tracking generated by a tracking plan, which can then group all the operations of several WOs and/or trackings on a Production routing without WO.

Manual tracking

If the system does not have the necessary stock information to perform the issue without the intervention of the user, the product to be produced is displayed in red. It is then necessary to carryout a manual stock receipt using the right-click button "Enter quantity details".

If the stock is not available but the product is managed with "negative stock authorized", the field will be displayed in green.

A cumulated material for tracking cannot be the object of a detailed tracking.

Specific actions

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

This site is not a production site

The defined site is not a production site. Click the Selection icon to open the complete list of available production sites.

Date greater than the current date

This message is displayed if the tracking date entered is greater than the current date.

Period not defined or process prohibited for this date

This message is displayed if the entered date falls in a non open period, or during a period when stock updates are prohibited.

Record does not exist

This message is displayed if the work order does not exist.

No record selected

This message can be displayed for several reasons:

  • When selecting the work order, if no work order meets the selection criteria.
  • When loading the tables (operations, released products, materials) if no selection meets the filters, for example, not closed operations are requested and all the operations for the work order are already closed.
It is only possible to track a WO with status "FIRM"

This message is displayed if the status of the work order is not set to Firm.

A material is out of stock and prevents the tracking of this WO

This message is displayed during the creation of the tracking for a work order where a material is out of stock and the Release if shortage check box (MFGSHTCOD) in the product-site record is clear.

Record that already exists

This message is displayed during the creation of the tracking with a manual sequence number if the tracking number already exists in the database.

Incomplete allocation. Tracking impossible

This message is displayed if the work order is not at a minimum allocated globally and the MKTALLMGT - Allocation to the WO mandatory parameter (GPA chapter, CTL group) is set to Yes.

The WO is not printed: Tracking impossible

This message is displayed if the production folder has not been printed and this is mandatory for production to start (according to the DOSFAB - Printing WO documents parameter (GPA chapter, CTL group)).

Incomplete Work Order: Tracking impossible

This message is displayed if the work order is not complete (only materials or only operations) and the work order management plans to complete this order before releasing the production.

The end range is prior to the start range

This message appears in three cases:

  • During the start and end operation range entry in the Operations section.
  • During the start and end operation range entry in the Components section.
  • During entry of the start and end time for manual operation tracking.
Excluded line

This message is displayed if an attempt is made to track an excluded operation, released product or material.

Previous operation not tracked

This message is displayed when an attempt is made to track an operation even though the previous operation has not been tracked. This message can be blocking or not according to the value of the CTLOPEPRE - Expected operation tracking co parameter (GPA chapter, CTL group).

Technical sheet not entered

This message is displayed upon tracking creation (as a function of the value of the CTLFICTEC - Technical sheet control parameter (GPA chapter, CTL group)), and if an operation with a technical sheet has been tracked and the technical sheet has not been entered.

Problem with the update of the WIP load

This message is displayed during the creation of an operation tracking if the WIP load record has not been updated correctly.

No tracking carried out

This error message is displayed during creation of the tracking if no operation or released product or material has been tracked.

Problem at the time of sequence number counter recovery

This error message is displayed during creation of the tracking if the reading of the associated sequence number counter is incorrect.

No sequence number counter is associated with this document

This error message is displayed during creation of the tracking if no sequence number counter has been assigned to the production tracking.


This number is already used!

This message is displayed when an unplanned operation is added if the operation entered already exists in the work order.

Sub-contracting prohibited

This message is displayed when adding a non-planned subcontracting operation (either a standard subcontracting operation or work center).

Actual quantity greater than the planned quantity. Continue?

This warning message is displayed during the tracking of an operation if the actual quantity is greater than the planned quantity.

Rejected quantity greater than the actual quantity

This message can appear during operation tracking if the rejected quantity is greater than the actual quantity.

Recover the standard operation data?

This message is displayed during the adding of an unplanned operation after the entry of a standard operation.

The labor work center must not be identical to the principal work center

This message is displayed during the manual tracking of an operation if the actual labor work center is identical to the actual principal work center.

XXXXXX is not a labor work center

This message can appear following the validation control on the actual labor work center.

The site attached to the work center must be the same as the site linked to the routing code

This message can appear following the validation control on the actual machine or labor work center.

Tracking unexpected operation on a versioned routing

This warning is displayed if this work order uses a routing that is version-managed and you have chosen to add a new operation to it. Click Cancel to abandon your action. To add the new operation, click OK. You will not be prevented from adding the operation if you need to. This message is only displayed the first time you elect to add an operation to a work order that uses a routing that is version-managed.

Modifying work center of a versioned routing operation

This warning is displayed if this work order uses a routing that is version-managed and you have chosen to modify an existing operation. Click Cancel to abandon your action. To modify the work center, click OK. You will not be prevented from modifying the operation if you need to.


Access to this Product unauthorized

This message is displayed when the product is an "in design" product, that is, the product has been created from a product design BOM revision and has a New product in design mode warning displayed in the home section of the parent product. You should assign the product to QA stock as it can only be added to a prototype work order which cannot be used to cover demand for a sales order.


Material with strict manual stock issuing method : Mandatory manual tracking

This message is displayed if an attempt is made to automatically track a material with an immediate issue method and a transaction that prohibits the automatic issue for this type of material (strict manual issue).

Not enough stock for this material and negative stock prohibited

This message is displayed when an attempt is made to consume a material for which there is not enough available stock and where negative stock is prohibited for this material.

Quantity generating a negative stock

This message is displayed during the manual tracking of the material if the quantity consumed does not exist in stock. According to the setup "negative stock authorized" in the product record, this message can be critical or not.

Product not managed in stock

This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material, if the entered product is not managed in stock.

Material already present in the tracking for the same operation

This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product is already present in the materials to be tracked table.

Material already present in the tracking for another operation: Continue?

This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product entered is already present in the materials to be tracked table for another operation.

Material already present in the WO for the same operation: Continue?

This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product entered already exists for the same operation but is not present in the materials to be tracked table. If the user decides to continue, the system proposes the characteristics for this material.

Non-existent product code

This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product entered does not exist.

The product is not linked to this production site!

This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product entered does not exist in the selected production site.

Tracking unexpected material on a versioned product

This warning is displayed if this work order is for a product (BOM) that is version-managed and you have chosen to add a new component to it. Click Cancel to abandon your action. To add the new component, click OK. You will not be prevented from adding the component if you need to.


Production reporting: entry of the receipt to stock not carried out line : XXX

This message is displayed in production reporting if the receipt to stock has failed.

Tracking following a sub-contractor receipt: Deletion impossible

This error message is displayed after using the Delete action if the tracking has been created automatically by a sub-contract receipt. In this case, the tracking entry cannot be deleted by the tracking option. However, it will be automatically deleted if the receipt from which it came is deleted.

Adjustment of the quantities to be tracked?

This message is displayed after having requested the producible quantity in order to readjust the different quantities to be tracked.

Problem with stock update

This error message is displayed during production reporting or material consumption if the stock file update could not be carried out correctly.

WO closed. Deletion impossible.

It is not possible to delete a tracking for a closed work order.

Tables used

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