Recurring Entry Generation
Use this function to generate accounting entries relating to one or several recurring entries previously defined.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The status of entries in the launch screen must be 'Definitive' when the 'Actual' entry category is selected and when the company:
- is a French legislation company: the parameter FRADGI - French fiscal regulation (TC chapter, CPT group) is set to 'Yes' and this value cannot be modified,
- is not a French legislation company but applies French compliance rules ("DGI no. 13L-1-06"): the parameter FRADGI - French fiscal regulation (TC chapter, CPT group) is set to 'Yes' and this value can be modified.
Entry screen
Selection criteria
The selection of recurring entries to be processed is performed according to the following criteria:
- company,
- site,
- user,
- a range for the recurring entry codes,
- a date range (the due date of the recurring entry is the one that is taken into account).
These criteria are used to limit the selection of the recurring entry due dates to be processed. You do not need to enter all these fields.
The system selects by default all the due dates of all the recurring entries and generates an accounting entry for each one.
All companies (field TOUSOC) |
Select this check box to run the process for all companies. Otherwise, you need to select a company. Specific caseIn a multi-legislation environment, this check box is not available. The process can only be run one company at a time because the document type and journal for the posting are likely for a single legislation. |
Company (field SOCIETE) |
Enter the company code for which the processing has been started.
Legislation (field LEG) |
All sites (field TOUSIT) |
Select this check box to include all sites. To run this process for a single site, leave clear. |
Site (field SITE) |
Enter the site code for which the processing has been started.
All users (field TOUUSR) |
Select this check box to include all users. To run this process for a single user group, leave clear. The current user will be used if the user/group code is blank. |
User (field USER) |
If a user code is entered in this field, the process only includes accounting documents entered by the user. If left blank, only accounting documents for the current user are included. |
From recurring entry (field ABTDEB) |
The accounting document type used on actual generation of the recurring entry is defined at recurring task setup level.
It is possible first to generate the document in simulation mode, then, after checking, to restart the processing in actual mode. |
To recurring entry (field ABTFIN) |
Until (field DATFIN) |
Date up to which the recurring task journals are generated (only if this date is comprised between the validity start and end ranges of the recurring task). |
Generation type (field TYPGEN) |
The accounting document type used on actual generation of the recurring entry is defined at recurring task setup level.
It is possible first to generate the document in simulation mode, then, after checking, to restart the processing in actual mode. |
Entry status (field ECTSTA) |
In the event of an actual generation, the status of the journal can be:
The entry status for entries must be Final when the requested generation type is Actual and the company meets one of the following criteria:
In temporary mode, most of the information displayed on the journal can be modified. The modification options can vary based on:
Entry type (field TYPPCE) |
When a journal type is entered, the processing is only started for the journals for which this type has been used. This field can be access only in simulation mode: when generating in real mode, the type of journal used is that defined in the recurring task setup. |
Journal (field JOU) |
This field is used to select the simulated generation journal. |
Log file (field TRACE) |
If this box is checked, a summary is provided of all the generated documents at the end of the processing. |
Batch task
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task ACCGAFGEN is provided for that purpose.
Specific Actions
Recall |
Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code. |
Delete Memo |
Click this action to delete a Memo code. |
The management and generation of accounting documents using the double-entry method is not available for this function because it does not use an automatic journal process. Only functions that use an automatic journal process can use the double-entry method for a company.
The KRU - Russian legislation activity code must be active to use the double-entry method for a company.
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The posted documents will have the 'Final' status for the company
If the processing is launched for a given company and this company has selected the French compliance rules (the parameter FRADGI - French fiscal regulation - TC chapter, CPT group is set to 'Yes'), then the documents generated by the processing will have the status 'Final'.
The posted documents will have the 'Final' status for one or more companies
The processing is launched for all companies or group of companies and if at least one of the companies chose French compliance rules (i.e. the parameter FRADGI - French fiscal regulation - TC chapter, CPT group - is set to 'Yes'), the documents generated by the processing will have the status 'Final'.