Local menus Module Human Resources administration
- Interview messages (2455)
- Format (2532)
- Phases DSN (2542)
- AD remunearion type (2551)
- Company location (2559)
- CNBF code (10310)
- 1099 record type (10311)
- Calculation basis (10316)
- Sort employee prints (10319)
- Sort headings (10321)
- Print amounts (10322)
- Raise type (10323)
- Operation type (10324)
- Amount type (10326)
- Employees type (10327)
- Calculation type (charges) (10328)
- Payroll calculation (10330)
- 1099 amount types (10331)
- Working time unit (10332)
- Total update (10333)
- Total frequency (10334)
- Priority (10335)
- Value type (10336)
- Bracket (10338)
- Value level (10339)
- Payroll status (10340)
- Totals frequency on printing (10341)
- Note status (10343)
- 1099 totals type (10344)
- Availability threshold (10345)
- Specific situation basis (10346)
- 1099 record use (10347)
- 1099 record type (10348)
- Totals titles (10349)
- Communication mode (10350)
- 1099 selected department (10351)
- Amount type (10355)
- Print type (10357)
- Period (10358)
- Site staff (10359)
- Leave reason (10360)
- Back to work on part-time (10361)
- Employee status (10363)
- Public sector position (10364)
- Departure reason (10365)
- Weekly hour reason (10366)
- Managing position (10367)
- Prepayment entry (10368)
- Subrogation (10369)
- MO status (10370)
- Total type (10372)
- Welfare base type (10374)
- Time unit expression (10375)
- Salary unit expression (10376)
- Hourly type code (10377)
- Print sort (10378)
- Overdue pay (10381)
- Start of inactivity period (10384)
- IRC type (10385)
- Leave reason (10389)
- Type of funds (10391)
- Interest type (10392)
- Sharing type (10393)
- DPS scheme (10394)
- DPS scheme (10395)
- Movement type (10396)
- Reason for withdrawing DPS sch (10397)
- Time criteria (10479)
- Hypothesis status (10482)
- Raise type (10483)
- Variation type (10484)
- Hypothesis type (10485)
- Scenario type (10486)
- Hypothesis field origin (10487)
- Gap management (10488)
- TP tracking display detail (10489)
- TP paybook element (10490)
- Sort criterion (10491)
- Toutée pesentation (10492)
- Initial scenario (10493)
- Aggregation level inquired (10494)
- Described Tables Heading (10501)
- Presentation type (10502)
- Sectors of activity (10503)
- Annual employee report classif (10504)
- Annual employee report level (10505)
- Analytical dimensions types (10601)
- 1099 account (10615)
- Prepay variable status (10640)
- Prepay slip status (10641)
- Prepay inquiry sort (10642)
- Prepay workflow operation (10643)
- Back-pay type (10644)
- Back-pay file status (10645)
- Period Type (10646)
- Period type (10647)
- SS scheme extension (10648)
- Payment type (10649)
- (10650)
- Administration cost (10651)
- Interest type (10652)
- (10653)
- Insurance calculation base (10654)
- (10656)
- Loan messages (10657)
- Loan standard rates (10658)
- (10659)
- Payment headings (10660)
- Payment messages (10661)
- Payment descriptions (10662)
- Payment status (10683)
- Reason for action (10685)
- Sanction type (10686)
- Appeal type (10687)
- Recourse action (10688)
- Award given (10689)
- Archiving origin (10725)
- Access level (10730)
- Type (10731)
- Type (10733)
- Salary payment frequency (10801)
- Benefits in kind (10802)
- Business expenses (10803)
- Free share context code (10804)
- Stock option context code (10805)
- Specific employee status (10806)
- CRPNPAC contribution type (10807)
- Teaching type code (10808)
- Work terms code (10809)
- Employment status code (10810)
- Headcount (10811)
- Usage FTC exemption circuit (10812)
- WHT rate type (10813)
- WHT error type (10814)
- Code cotis indiv non salarié (10815)
- Proratisation du plafond SS (10816)
- Statut BOETH (10817)
- Complément dispositif public (10818)
- Mise à disposition externe (10819)
- Aménagement activité partielle (10820)
- Point de dépôt DSN (10822)
- Type de rémunération (10823)
- Motif reprise (10824)
- Primes et indemnités (10825)
- Type d'envoi (10826)
- Décalage de paiement (10827)
- Annulation fiche DSN (10828)
- Inclure les régularisations (10829)
- Type de contrat DSN (10831)
- Type revenu brut (10832)
- Type contact arrêt travail DSN (10833)
- Qualifiant assiette (10834)
- Code base assujettie (10835)
- Type composant base assujettie (10836)
- Choix de périodicité (10837)
- Assujettissement fiscal (10838)
- Paiement (10839)
- Données fiscales (10840)
- Code régime RC déclaré à tort (10841)
- Statut fiscal à l'étranger (10842)
- Statut embauche (10843)
- Type de personnel (10844)
- Organismes (10845)
- Description definition (10846)
- Bases individu non salarié (10847)
- Modalité indemnités (10849)
- Niveau de formation le + élevé (10850)
- Fee beneficiaries (10851)
- Total Payroll counters (10870)
- Lock (10872)
- Certificate status (10946)
- DUCS record use (10951)
- Contribution base type (10952)
- Transport rate type (10953)
- Savings amount type code (10954)
- Benefit type code (10955)
- Type code exonerated amounts (10956)
- Type code of paid allowances (10957)
- Sickness delegation (10958)
- Employee total level (10959)
- MEC copy status (10960)
- A/D management in the month (10961)
- Administrative situation (10962)
- Foreign company employee (10963)
- Liability to the Assedic (10964)
- AL fund (10965)
- Working time unit (10966)
- Hour unit (10967)
- Bonus paid (10968)
- Allowance paid (10969)
- Notice type (10970)
- MEC print-out (10971)
- Record nature (10972)
- Unemp insurance exemption code (10973)
- AGS liability code (10974)
- Kinship (10975)
- Back pay type (10976)
- Remuneration nature (10977)
- Contribution nature (10978)
- Seniority type (10979)
- Beneficiary type (10980)
- Operation code (10981)
- Contribution exemption (10982)
- Paperless document agreement (10992)
- Paperless payslip (10994)
- DSN ground for exclusion (10995)
- Legal nature (10996)
- Part time full time contrib (10997)
- Pay frequencies (10998)
- Family status (11565)
- Folder type (11600)
- Relationship (11681)
- Leave calculations (11683)
- Carry-forward options (11684)
- Leave requirements (11685)
- Balance warning (11686)
- Accrual options (11687)
- Insufficient leave option (11688)
- Fraction entry (11689)
- Cycle length unit (11690)
- Leave value level (11692)
- Default leave cycle (11693)
- Grouping type (11694)
- Prorata option (11695)
- Moroccan Regulations (11710)
- Calculation type (11711)
- Assignment (11712)
- Employee Type (11713)
- Tax classes (11715)
- (11745)
- Belief (A&ME context) (11801)
- Sexual orientation (A&ME use) (11802)
- Gender reassignment (A&ME use) (11803)
- Ethnic origin (A&ME context) (11804)
- RTI submission type (11811)
- RTI submission status (11812)
- RTI submission reason (11824)
- Provided form (11825)
- SXP messages (11828)
- Type of return (11831)
- Equity extract (11833)
- ITax extract (11834)
- Employee address selection (11835)
- Date filter (11836)
- Directive income source code (11837)
- UE codifications (12540)
- Tax extract (12541)
- Tax extract (12542)
- Subcategory (12543)
- Catogory (12544)
- Tax certificates messages (12545)
- Status (12547)
- Reason (12570)