Operating budgets >  Budget management >  Budget lines  

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The budget line creation can be carried out based on two accesses:

  • From the fiscal year budget, right click used to go to the budget line creation,
  • Via the menu specific to budget lines.

The fiscal year budget is divided in budget lines. Each budget line has a budget account and a recipient entity, consumer of the budget.

A uniqueness control forbids the creation of two identical budget lines based on these criteria: Envelope, Budget, Recipient Entity, Budget account.

The budget lines's approval authorizes the entry of expenses: Purchase requests, invoices orders.

The budget lines follow the managing rules described in the envelope managing concerning :


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Screen management

Entry screen


The save and modification functions of the budget lines are carried out on a single screen including:

  • A header
  • A budget line table
  • The information on the reference budget of the lines.

If the access to the budget lines is done through the enveloppe budget, the information displayed in the header is automatically generated from the envelope. If the access is done via the menu line, this information is searched for via the envelope number.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Budget envelope code, entered, searched for in the list or automatically loaded if the access to the budget line is done via the budget. A tunnel makes it possible to access to the inquiry of the envelope when the access to the budget line is dont via the menu line "Budget lines". If the access is done via the envelope, this function is not available since the object under management is the envelope.


  • Fiscal year (field FIY)

Financial year code and vintage fiscal year budget code.

  • Short description (field EXEINFO)

Short title of the fiscal year that give the vintage of this fiscal year.

Grid Details

Budget account code posted of the expense, to enter or select in the budget account table. This account and the recipient entity that make it possible to divide the fiscal year budget in budget lines.

  • Description (field TEX)


For the operating budget that necessarily include a ENTITY dimension and a ENVELOPE dimension, it is possible to enter another analytical dimension that can generate a finer analysis of the budget line. This dimension can be activated if the budget code has a third dimension.

  • Amount (field AMT)

Budgeted amount of the budget line, ex-tax. This amount, entered during the creation of the budget line can me modified freely before its approval. After approval, this amount cannot be modified directly anymore, but only via revisions. The total amounts of the budget lines cannot exceed the available amount of the budget.
If the available amount of the budget is not totally posted on the budget lines, the fiscal year budget includes a "left-to-distribute" that can be transfered to another budget line or modify a budget line amount as long as the budget line is not approved.

  • Approved amount (field AMTAPP)

Approved budgeted amount of the budget line, ex-tax. The approval of the budget line itself or the approval of its budget generates a "approved amount" of the budget line and makes it possible to enter purchases requests, orders and invoices on this line. This amount will not change after approval. Only the cancellation of the approval will reset this amount and the approval date on the budget line. The cancellation of the approval of a budget line is forbidden if its purchase requests, its orders or its invoices are entered.

  • Year-end outcome (field AMTATT)

Field allowing the entry of outcome forecasts on the budget line: Estimate of the total of actual expenses at the time of the project completion. The entry of this forecast can be done whichever status of the budget line: Entry, To approve, Approved.

  • Status (field STA)

Budget line status, entered automatically according to the progress of the line (cannot be modified). It is managed in the message table 2691 that assigns the corresponding status accordint to the events on the line:

  • Entered: status correspondint to a created line, not approved yet, or that has been denied,
  • To approve: the line has been under approval request, this forbids any modification of the amounts displayed on line as long as the approval or the denial has not been done,
  • Approved: the line is approved and its amounts cannot be modified without a revision,
  • Closed: the line is closed by the lines specific closing function. Any modification or budget posting is forbidden.
  • Lot (field LOT)

Code of the lot number created in the project, to enter or select in the project lots' list that includes the lot number, its description and its amount. Controls that the enterd lot exists in the project.

  • Approval date (field APPDAT)

Entered date when approving a budget line. The cancellation of the approval generate the reset of this zone.

  • Precommitted amt (field AMTCMMPRP)

Total of the purchase requests posted on the budget line, ex-tax Calculation carried out corresponding to:

Total (+) of purchase requests posted on budget line

+ Total of purchases requests transformed into orders in the budget lines

  • Committed amt (field AMTCMM)

Total of the purchase orders posted on the budget line, ex-tax Calculation carried out corresponding to:

Total (+) of purchase orders posted on budget line

- Total of the orders transfered into invoices

  • Actual amount (field AMTREA)

Total of the saved invoices on the budget line, ex-tax. Calculation carried out corresponding to:

Total of invoices and credit notes, validated on the budget line

  • Amount consumed (field TOTREA)

Actual total mount of the budget line, ex-tax. Calculation carried out corresponding to:

Precommitments balance + commitments balance + Invoices

  • Purchase accruals amount (field AMTCCA)

Amount of purchase accruals posted on the budget line. The loading of this column is linked to the following parameters:

  • Setup/General parameters/Parameter values, CPT: Accounting - CLO group: Settlement operations.

    GAUCCA: Definition of the type of automatic journal for cost accrual posting,

    TYPGNRSVC: Definition of the purchase accruals management level, by journal by BP or by journal by invoice,

    VCRTYPSVC: Definition of the type of default journal of purchase accruals entries.

  • Setup/General parameters/Parameter values, GDD: Operating budgets - GDD group: Operating budgets.

    GDDGTECCA: Definition of the type of journal used for the generation of accruals and upload in the budget lines.

  • Setup/General parameters/Parameter values, LOC: Localizations - ITA Group: Italy.

    ITAPRE: This parameter must be set to NO so that the purchase accruals can be uploaded in the budget lines.

  • Parameter/General parameters/Folder, "FOLDER" Tab "Options".

    SVC code"Accruals must be set to: YES

  • Accrued expenses amount (field AMTCAP)

Amount of accrued charges payable posted on the budget lines. The loading of the amounts in this column is linked to the following parameters:

  • Setup/General parameters/Parameter values, GDD: Operating budgets - GDD Group: Operating budgets.

    GDDGTECAP: Definition of the type of journal used for the generation of the invoices receivable and upload in the budget lines.

  • Setup/General parameters/Parameter values, ACH: Purchases - INV Group: Invoicing and accounting rules.

    GAUPTH: Definition of the automatic journal code used for the generation of the invoices receivable. If it was not entered, the PTH automatic journal will be used.

    GAUPNH : Definition of the automatic journal code used for the generation of the credit memos receivable. If it is not entered, the PNH automatic journal will be used.
  • Capitalized amount (field AMTFAS)

Total of the posted invoices on a fixed asset account, on the buget line. The loading of this column is carried out if the fixed asset budget account is checked with "Fixed asset tracking" and "Expense creation". (Common data/G/L accounting tables/General/Accounts).

  • Latest review date (field REVDAT)

Zone loaded with the last approved revision date.

Budget fiscal year

  • Budget (field AMTENF)

Budgeted amount, displayed (for information) on the budget line, cannot be modified in this screen, ex-tax. This amount is initialized when creating the budget and can be modified freely before approval. After approval, this amount cannot be modified directly anymore, but only via revisions. A budget created with a blanck amount will not be submitted to approval, nor approved, unless it is checked "Off-budget".

  • Reserve (field AMTRES)

Budget amount of the reserve of the budget, ex-tax, displayed (for information) on the budget line screen (cannot be modified). The amount of the budget reserve can be entered as soon as the budget is created. The reserve is included in the budget, this amount must be strictely lower than the budget amount. The budget amount, minus the reserve determines the available amount that can be divided in budget lines. This reserve can be used all the along the envelope's life, before or after approval The lower the bugdet reserve amount, the higher the left-to-distribute amount. The higher the bugdet reserve amount, the lower the left-to-distribute amount. After approval, it is limited to the available amount, left-to-distribute in budget lines.

  • Available (field SOLDE)

Budget available amount balance, ex-tax. Calculated amount correspondint to:

Budget amount - Reserve

This amount is used to divide the buget amount into budget lines.

  • Budget remaining amount (field RAVB)

Left-to-distribute (ex-tax). Calculation carried out corresponding to:

Budgets amountes - Reserve - Total of the budget lines


  • Distributed (field VL)

Total of the budget lines posted on the budget, ex-tax.

  • Precommitted total (field VL_PREENG)

Total of the purchase requests posted on the budget line, ex-tax Calculation carried out corresponding to:

+ Total of purchases requests of the budget lines of the budget

- Total of the purchase requests transfered into orders

  • Committed total (field VL_ENG)

Total of the purchase orders posted on the budget line, ex-tax Calculation carried out corresponding to:

+ Total of the budget lines orders of the budget

- Total of the orders transfered into invoices

  • Actual total (field VL_REA)

Total of the invoicezs posted on the budget lines of the budget,

  • Consumed total (field TOT_USED)

Total of the actual amount of the envelopes' budget lines, ex-tax. Calculation carried out corresponding to:

Precommitments balance + commitments balance + Invoices

  • Line remaining amount (field RAVL)

Left-to-distribute on the total of the budget lines, ex-tax. Calculation carried out corresponding to:

+ Budget lines amount

- Total of the DA balance (stop)

- Total of the orders balance

- Total of invoices



Action icon

Submission for approval

This function makes it possible to send an approval request of the budget line to the approval entity contact. This request is carried out via a WORKFLOW message, warning the budget line first signatory.

Inquiry review

This function makes it possible to access the review inquiry on a budget line.

Budget positions

This function makes it possible to access the inquiry of the budget line situation, of the budget and its envelope situation.

Purchase detail

Used to access the list of purchases assigned to the budget line. This list presents the purchase request lines, the order lines and the invoice lines assigned to this budget line.

Each record mentions its tax excl. amount in entry currency. If this record belongs to the pre-committed or committed amount, its amount converted to the ledger management currency is displayed in the corresponding column (pre-committed or committed amount).

  • The pre-committed amount is comprised of purchase request lines that have not been turned into orders or that have been closed.
  • The committed amount is comprised of order lines that have not been turned into invoices or that have not been closed.
  • The invoiced amount is comprised of the posted invoice lines.

SEEINFOThe pre-committed, committed and invoiced amounts can differ from the tax excl. amounts of the records for two main reasons:

  • Entry currency different from the management currency of the ledger
  • Management of purchases on a tax incl. or tax excl basis, including a part of non recoverable tax (VAT). This management is determined by the PURCMMTAX and PURVACBPR parameters.




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Fiscal year incorrect

In the direct access to the function (menu), after entering the envelop code, you have entered a fiscal year code for which there is no budget specified for the envelope. Modify the fiscal year code, or, for a pluriannual envelope, create the corresponding budget by postponing the end date.

An approved line cannot be deleted.

The user cannot delete an approved line. You can cancel the approval if it doesn't include purchases (Purchase requests, orders or invoices). Then, you can delete the line.

The budget nature is not followed on the entity and envelope dimension types of the envelope budget.

You have entered a budget account not followed by the "Entity" and "Envelope" axes of the budget code. Modify the data of an account or modify your entry.

Line already defined for this nature and this receiving entity

The application includes a control that forbids entering a budget line with the same budget account and recipient entity on a fiscal year budget. Modify one of these two elements.

The sum of the amounts of the budget lines must not exceed the available amount of the fiscal year budget.

The buget line amount that is being entered leads to the overrun of the available budget. Modify your entry or do a budget review.

This batch does not exist in the envelope project.

Your have entered a non-existing lot number in the project. Modify the entry or select a lot number in the project's lot list.

Tables used

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