Purchasing >  Inquiries >  Invoices >  List of invoices  

Display all Hide all

Use this function to display all the invoices of a specific supplier or of all suppliers.

You can carry out an inquiry for a given date range and recover the invoices of a purchase site, or all the invoices of the folder, or only the invoices of a specific company.

You may also directly access each invoice.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



Enter the main selection criteria for the inquiry in the header.

To access additional selection criteria, click Criteria from the Actions panel.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This field is used to specify the company code.
The company is automatically loaded with the company of the user default purchase site. It can still be modified.
To view the invoices of all companies, leave this field blank.
In this case, the site field is automatically left blank.

This field is used to specify the purchase site.
This site is automatically loaded with the default purchase site of the user. It can still be modified.
To inquire all the invoices of the company, leave this field blank.

These fields are optional. They are used to enter or select the range of suppliers whose invoices are to be displayed.


  • From invoice no. (field NUMDEB)

These fields are optional. They are used to enter or select the range of invoices to be displayed.

  • To invoice no. (field NUMFIN)


Filter for results within a range of project codes. For a single project, enter the same project code in the from/start Project and to/end Project fields. The content can be one of the following:

  • A project code
  • A project code and a project budget code
  • A project code and a project task code, that is a material task code, a labor task code (sales only), or a combined (mixed) labor and material task code.

If the value of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark '!' this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project budget structure or the project operational (task) structure. For example, if a material task code is 'USA-P3' and a project code is 'USA12345678', this field displays a link to the project operational structure as 'USA12345678!USA-P3'.

To provide a quick and easy visual reference the link to the project or project structure is distinguishable by the number of separator characters used. If there is no separator, the link is made to the project. A single separator character such as an exclamation mark after the project code (the first code) indicates the link type is a task (the link is to the project operational structure). Two separators placed after the project code mean that the link corresponds to a budget code (link to the project budget structure).

 This field is populated by default with the project code if you accessed this function directly from the project. If you accessed this function from the project structure the project code and project budget/task code is displayed accordingly.


  • Start date (field BPRDATDEB)

You can use these fields to filter the invoices whose supplier invoice date is included in the entered date range.
By default, these dates are initialized as follows:

  • The start date is initialized with the first day of the month coming from the current date minus two months.
  • The end date is initialized with the current date postponed to the last day of the month.
  • End date (field BPRDATFIN)



This field displays the company currency and cannot be modified.

This field displays the folder currency and cannot be modified.

Invoice type

  • Invoice (field PIHTYP1)

Check this box to select invoices, which includes invoices and additional invoices.
To select invoices or additional invoices only, click the Criteria action to access additional selection criteria.

  • Credit memo (field PIHTYP3)

Select this check box to select credit memos, which include credit memos and credit memos on return.
To select credit memos or credit memos on return only, click the Criteria action to access additional selection criteria.


  • Posted (field STAO)

Check this box to select validated invoices.

  • Not validated (field STAN)

Check this box to select non-validated invoices.



Tab number 1


The columns displayed in the table and the order in which they are displayed depend on the setup in the Inquiry screens function, ‘CPI’ code.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Module (field ORIMOD)



  • Document no. (field NUM)



  • Source date (field BPRDAT)


  • Type (field INVTYP)


  • Amount + tax (doc) (field AMTATI)



  • Invoice amt. + tax (co) (field AMTATILOC)


  • Invoice amt. + tax (folder) (field AMTATIDOS)



  • Due date basis (field STRDUDDAT)


  • Already paid (field PAYTOT)


  • Already paid (company) (field PAYTOTLOC)


  • Already paid (folder) (field PAYTOTDOS)



  • Source document (field BPRVCR)


  • Status (field STA)


  • Match status (field TWMSTA)


  • Pay approval (field PAZ)


  • Product cost total (doc) (field FCSCSTPURD)


  • Product cost total (co.) (field FCSCSTPURS)


  • Line amount - tax (doc) (field LINAMT)


  • Line amount - tax (co) (field LINAMTSOC)


  • Non-deductible tax (doc) (field NONDEDTAXD)


  • Non-deductible tax (co) (field NONDEDTAXS)


  • Invoicing elmt. - decrease (doc) (field DISCGRAMTM)


  • Invoicing elmt. - decrease (co) (field DISCGRAMTM)


  • Invoicing elmt. - increase (doc) (field DISCGRAMTM)


  • Invoicing elmt. - increase (co) (field DISCGRAMTM)


  • Landed cost total (doc) (field TOTCOEFFAP)


  • Landed cost total (co) (field TOTCOEFFAP)


  • Additional invoice total (doc) (field AMTNOTLIND)


  • Additional invoice total (co) (field AMTNOTLINS)


  • Cost total (doc) (field TOTCHARGES)


  • Cost total (co) (field TOTCHARGES)


  • Purchase cost total (doc) (field TOTCOUTACH)


  • Purchase cost total (co) (field TOTCOUTACH)


  • Amount - tax (doc) (field AMTNOT)


  • Amount - tax (co) (field AMTNOTSOC)


  • Amount - tax (folder) (field AMTNOTDOS)





Action icon

Basic Product Management

Click this action to access Purchasing or A/P-A/R accounting invoices depending on which module the invoice originates from.

Purchase journal traceability

This function is used to access by tunnel the inquiry function of the Traceability of purchase documents.

Invoice lines




Specific buttons

Click this action to access criteria previously defined, as well as additional criteria:

  • Invoice: this check box is used to select invoices other than additional invoices.
  • Additional invoice: this check box is used to select additional invoices only.
  • Credit memo: this check box is used to select credit memos other than credit memos on returns.
  • Credit memo/return: this check box is used to select credit memos on returns only.
  • Purchasing module: this check box is used to select the invoices originating from the Purchasing module only.
  • A/P-A/R accounting module: this check box is used to select the invoices originating from the A/P-A/R accounting module only.
  • PA level: this check box is used to select the invoices with a payment approval level equal to ‘Payment Approval’.
  • Not at PA level: this check box is used to select the invoices with a payment approval level other than ‘Payment Approval’.
  • Match status: these check boxes are used to select the invoices whose status is 'Match'.

In this screen, you can also:

  • Select the sort criteria applied to invoices. By default, they are sorted by invoice number, but you can also sort them by document date.
  • Save the selection criteria under a memo code to be able to recall them later on.
    The STD memo code is specific since it is the one that is systematically applied upon entering the inquiry. For this specific memo code, the date range is not kept so that the invoices of the last two months and of the current month are always displayed by default.

Menu Bar

Graphics/Invoice types/period

Use this inquiry to view, by period, the tax excl. amount invoiced by invoice type (Invoices/Credit memos).

When accessing this inquiry from the invoice list inquiry, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.


Use this inquiry to view, by period, the tax incl. amount paid and the tax incl. amount to be paid.

When accessing this inquiry from the invoice list inquiry, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Graphics/Supplier ranking

Use this inquiry to view the ranking of expected and received credit memos by supplier in tax excl. amount over the relevant period.

When accessing this inquiry from the invoice list inquiry, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Graphics/Payment Approval ranking

Use this inquiry to view the ranking by payment approval level in unpaid tax incl. amount for invoices saved during the relevant period.

When accessing this inquiry from the invoice list inquiry, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation