Use this function to:
This function only displays the quote header information but provides you with a direct access to the quote so you can view it in details.
Refer to documentation Implementation
This screen is comprised of two parts:
Use the screen header information to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry being used.
The following fields are present on this tab :
The compnay and the sales site are used to select the quotes:
When opening the function, the sales site submitted by default matches the user's default sales site. The company is deduced from the user's site. It is nevertheless possible to modify the company or the site.
The selected sites are checked depending on the authorizations granted to the user. If a site is not authorized for a particular user, the latter will not be able to view the quotes for this site. |
This field is used to enter a customer code.
This field is used to filter information by quote type. When the quote type is not specified, all quote types are displayed in the list of results.
In these two fields, you can specify the start and end ranges of the project reference. |
The indicated date ranges are used to filter the documents whose date is included within this interval.
The currency of the company or the folder are automatically displayed. The company currency varies depending on the company selected for the inquiry. Based on the setup of the inquiry, three types of amounts can be expressed:
Use additional criteria to target the quotes that you wish to view. There are two types:
The columns present in the quote table depend on the setup of the screen code chosen.
The following fields are present on this tab :
The quote number allows the quote to be identified in a unique way. This number is automatically assigned or entered upon each creation of a quote following the counter parameterization defined for the quotes. If the quote counter is defined with automatic allocation, the quote number field is not accessible and the counter is assigned to the quote creation. Conversely, if the quote counter is defined with manual allocation, it is possible to enter it manually. If it is not entered at the moment of creation, the system will automatically assign a quote number according to the counter. |
Based on the parameterization of the quote inquiry transaction, the following information can be viewed:
Action icon
You can access the displayed quote, providing that you have the required authorizations.
Click this action to display the log of sales documents.
You use this graphical inquiry to view the tax excl. amounts of valued quotes by period (including the invoicing elements). The quotes are only valued if they are fully taken into consideration. The amount is broken down in the various statuses of the selected quotes (Ordered, Not Ordered, Expired)
When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of quote lists, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.
You us this graphical inquiry to display, for each main sales representative (the main sales representative entered in the header), the tax excl. amount of valued quotes (including the invoicing elements) over the relevant period. The quotes are only valued if they are fully taken into consideration. The amount is broken down in the various statuses of the selected quotes (Ordered, Not Ordered, Expired)
When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of quote lists, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.
You use this graphical inquiry to view the customer ranking in tax excl. amount for quotes recorded over the relevant period.
When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of quote lists, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.
You use this graphical inquiry to view the main sales representative ranking in tax excl. amount for quotes recorded over the relevant period.
When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of quote lists, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.