Stock >  Inquiries >  Movements >  Average cost evol./movement  

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The purpose of this function is the display on the screen of all the expired products for a given date. This inquiry is used to easily identify the differences of value between movements, making it possible to add color-coded alerts.

For instance, if the AC variation exceeds 10% between 2 movements, the field "AC after" is identified by its color.

The alerts and color codes can be customized in the entry window of Criteria.


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Screen management



The header information includes the specifications of:

  • the two mandatory selection criteria: the site and product,
  • the period to which the inquiry applies,
  • the classification criterion: Creation dates of movements Posting dates of movements sorted by ascending (+) or descending (-) order.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

This field displays the company currency and cannot be modified.

Enter the reference of the product for which the stock needs to be inquired.

Block number 2

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

Start date used to select the records to be processed.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)

End date used in the selection of the records to be processed.

  • Sort order (field SRTCOD)

Sorting criteria for the list or the inquiry.



Tab Movements / products


The columns present in this table depend on the setup of the chosen screen code.

By default the table reproduces for the selection criteria chosen, a line by stock movement transaction carried out with as the principal information :

  • the STK quantity is active after the movement
  • the amount of the order and of the movement
  • the Stock before and after movement
  • the base amount before and after movement
  • The AC before and after movement (AC = amount/quantity)




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • Allocation (field IPTDAT)


  • Quantity (field QTYPCU)



  • STK quantity (field QTYSTU)



  • Active quantity (field ACTQTY)


  • Order amount (field AMTORD)


  • Movement value (field AMTVAL)


  • Order variance (field VARORD)


  • Status (field STA)


  • Movement variance (field VARVAL)


  • Stock before (field BEFSTO)


  • Stock after (field AFTSTO)


  • Amount base before (field BEFAMT)


  • Amount base after (field AFTAMT)


  • Average cost before (field BEFPRI)


  • Average cost after (field AFTPRI)


  • Order price (field PRIORD)


  • Valued price (field PRIVAL)


  • Cost source (field PRINAT)


  • Variance not absorbed (field AMTDEV)


  • Lot (field LOT)


  • Sublot (field SLO)


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)


  • Starting serial number (field SERNUM)


  • Ending serial number (field SERFIN)



  • Location (field LOC)


  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)


  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


  • Movement type (field TRSTYP)


  • Movement description (field MVTDES)



  • Entry type (field VCRTYP)


  • Entry (field VCRNUM)


  • Line no. (field VCRLIN)


  • Source document type (field VCRTYPORI)


  • Original document (field VCRNUMORI)


  • Source document line (field VCRLINORI)


  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOT)


  • Potency (field POT)



  • Accounting date (field ACCDAT)


  • Accounting document (field NUMVCR)



  • Owner (field OWNER)


  • Intercompany (field BETCPY)


  • Creation user (field CREUSR)


  • Date created (field CREDAT)


  • Time (field CRETIM)




Action icon

Cost adjustment

This button is used to view the detail of the various price adjustments that have taken place on the selected movement transaction, for the document concerned. This button is only active if at least one price adjustment exists for the movement transaction.

Accounting Document

This button makes it possible to view the accounting document generated for the selected movement transaction if this is subject to an accounting interface.

Stock by Lot

This function is used to access the Lot stock inquiry.


Used to inquire the traceability of a product.

Order price detail

This right-click option is used to access the window presenting the order price detail.

Valuation price detail

This right-click option is used to access the window presenting the valuation price detail.


This right-click option is used to access by tunnel the management function of the stock movement support document.

Original document

This right-click option is used to access by tunnel the management function of the stock movement support document.




Specific Buttons

This button is used to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the inquiry header.

Formula: if the standard selection criteria are insufficient, it is possible to set up an additional formula that must be of the type, Stock selection.

"Internal" movements: the "internal" movements are the movements generated during the status changes, the stock count input, as opposed to the "stock" movements that truly give rise to a stock movement.
By default, the inquiry displays only the "stock" movements. By ticking this box, "internal" movements are also taken into account.

Movement status: By default the inquiry displays the movements actually updated. It is possible to choose to display the movements waiting to be updated, for example those arising from a material issue in a shortage. The display of these two types of movement cannot be carried out simultaneously.

Adjust. movements: by ticking this box, adjustment movements are also taken into account. The inquiry displays, for a given movement, as many lines as there are moved serial numbers. When this box is not ticked, the serial number are aggregated in order to make the inquiry easier by reducing the number of displayed lines, and present only one line per movement.

Screen code: the inquiries can be set up in a general manner (for more detail, see the Inquiry screens documentation). It is possible to call upon customized inquiry screens via the screen code. This customization is used notably, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid.

Style: the style, used to display the information, can be set up directly in this window, thanks to the entry of:
- a condition formula,
- the style to apply if the formula is respected,
- the field in which the style must be applied.

There are three default style; they apply to the following fields:

  • The Stock after movement (AFTSTO), displayed on a Red background when negative.
  • The Posting date (IPTDAT), displayed on an Orange background when different from the Creation date.
  • The AC after (AFTPRI), displayed on a Yellow background when the variation between two movements exceeds 10 %.

It is possible to save one or several sets of criteria by recording [Memo] codes that can be called later on [Call memo] button or deleted [Delete memo] button.

Classification: various classification criteria are suggested, notably a classification by movement posting dates and a classification by the creation date of the movements, sorted by ascending (+) or descending (-) order.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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