Financials >  Current processes >  Simulations >  Deactivation  

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The purpose of the simulation is to make it possible for the user to appreciate the impact of an accounting or analytical entry on their accounts, without the posting being assimilated to the "real" elements of their accounting.

The journal being simulated can be active or inactive. Once activated, it is integrated to the inquiry screens and the reports. It can be converted to a real journal or deactivated to become an inactive simulation journal (that is to say a "hidden" journal, not visible in inquiries and reports). For instance, simulation of stock count entries such as 'provisions for risk'.

There are several functions having a direct impact on the simulation journals:

  • Activation,
  • Deactivation,
  • Cancellation,
  • Validation.
  • The "Deactivation" function is used to change the category of journals from "active simulation" to "inactive simulation".

    SEEWARNING A period cannot be closed if the simulation entries have neither been converted to actual entries nor canceled.

    SEEINFO When a simulation entry is processed, all the ledgers containing this entry will be impacted.


    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

    Screen management

    The submitted generation screen is identical for each of the four processes. It is made up of a group of selection criteria making it possible to define the generation type required.

    Entry screen


    Selection criteria

    The selection of the simulation documents on which one of the four processes will operate is performed following several criteria:

  • The company,
  • The site,
  • Entry type: it needs to be be flagged "Simulation".
  • Journal type: it must be consistent with the selected entry type.
  • Journal: it must have the same type as the type associated with the entry being used.
  • The user.
  • These criteria make it possible to restrict the selection of the simulated documents to be processed, it is not however mandatory to use all these fields. By default, the system selects all the documents.

    Date ranges are used to refine the selection. It is the creation date, specified on document entry, that is taken into account.

    The "simulation not active" flag can only be used for document validation. If this flag is not checked, only the active simulated documents are validated (and as a consequence become real documents). It is thus possible to extend the validation to non-active simulation documents. 




    The following fields are present on this tab :


    • All companies (field ALLCPY)

    Select this check box to run the process for all companies. Otherwise, you need to select a company.

    Special case

    In a multi-legislation environment, this check box is not available. The process can only be run one company at a time because the document type and journal for the posting are likely for a single legislation.


    Enter the company code for which the processing has been started.

    SEEWARNING The company code:

    • must necessarily refer to a legal entity,
    • must necessarily be entered if the box "All companies" is not checked.


    • All sites (field ALLFCY)

    Select this check box to run the process for all sites. Otherwise select a site.


    Enter the site code for which the processing has been started.

    SEEWARNING It is mandatory to enter this field if the box "All sites" is not checked.

    • All document types (field ALLTYP)

    If this box is checked, all types are taken into account by the operation. Otherwise, the type to be taken into account must be entered.

    When a journal type is entered, the processing is only started for the journals for which this type has been used.
    Only the journal types for which the simulation category has been checked are submittted here.

    SEEWARNING It is mandatory to assign this field if the box "All journal types" is not checked.

    • From entry (field VCRDEB)

    Initial journal number used to select the records to be processed.

    • To entry (field VCRFIN)

    End journal number used to select the records to be processed.

    • All journal types (field ALLTYPJOU)

    If this box is checked, all journal types are taken into account for the operation.

    • Journal type (field TYPJOU)

    Enter the journal type. It must be of the same type as the journal linked to the selected journal type.

    SEEWARNING It is mandatory to enter this field if the box "All journals" is not checked.

    The journal type is used to group journals based on common characteristics mainly linked to the nature of the operations that will be recorded in it:

    • Sales,
    • Purchasing,
    • Cash,
    • Miscellaneous Operations,
    • Analytical MOs,
    • Carry forward entries.

    Some processings and controls depend on the journal type:

    • the "carry forward entries" journals can only record journals associated with the "Carry forward entries" period",
    • the "ana. MO" type journals can only record journals assigned to the "analytical" category.
    • a cash account must be attached to each "cash" type journal so that the entries posted in this journal have an automatic counterpart. A cash-type journal is used:
      • in the A/P-A/R accounting module on payment posting,
      • in the automatic journals.

    SEEREFERTTO The setup of the cash journals is specified in the Definition of the journals, journal types and accounts on payments documentation.

    Six journal types have been allocated to the miscellaneous operations:

    • values 4 and 5 for the General Accounting,
    • values 8, 9 and 10 for the Analytical Accounting,
    • All journals (field ALLJOU)

    If the box "All journals" is checked, all types of journals are taken into account for the operation.

    Here, indicate the journal code comprised of one to five alphanumeric characters.
    Upon creation, the journal is automatically open for all the specified periods.
    The journal selected here must be of the same type as the journal linked to the journal type kept in the previous selection criteria.

    SEEWARNING It is mandatory to enter this field if the box 'All journals' is not checked.

    • All users (field ALLUSR)

    When this box is checked, the data associated with all the users are involved by the process (if it is not checked, only the user whose code is given is involved (if no code given, the current user).

    If a user code is entered in this field, the process only includes accounting documents entered by the user. If left blank, only accounting documents for the current user are included.

    • Inactive simulations (field SIM)

    The "Non active simulation" and "Status of the generated entries" criteria are only requested for the validation of journals as MOs. They make it possible to take account of the non active simulation entries and to generate the journals in real and temporary mode.

    • Automatic simulated entries (field AUTACC)

    The 'Automatic sim. scr.' criterion is used to include the automatic simulation entries in the activation, deactivation or cancellation processes. These automatic simulation entries are characterized by their REFSIM fields (Simulation Reference) that are loaded.
    The automatic simulation entries are systematically excluded from the validation processing.

    • Start date (field STRDAT)

    It is possible to further define the selection, by specifying a date range.
    The creation dates, on journal entry, are those that are taken into account.

    • End date (field ENDDAT)



    • Generation type (field SIMSTA)

    In the event of an actual generation, the status of the journal can be:

    • Temporary
    • Final

    The entry status for entries must be Final when the requested generation type is Actual and the company meets one of the following criteria:

    SEEINFO The status defines your ability to modify the document. Once final, the modifications of the journal are only for information purposes or concern the analytical postings. The date, amounts, accounts, VAT code, and other purely accounting information can no longer be modified.

    In temporary mode, most of the information displayed on the journal can be modified. The modification options can vary based on:

    • The nature and the origin of the accounting document:
      • Temporary payment document: bank line that cannot be deleted
      • Purchase invoice document: BP line that cannot be deleted, purchase account and VAT that cannot be modified
    • The management events that have an impact on the account document are:
      • Charge account with a declared VAT amount
      • Matched VAT account or not

    Journal type to be used to generate the journals coming from the processing.

    SEEWARNING Reminder: Pay attention to the selected journal types: their purpose is among other things to prohibit or authorize progagation between ledger types.

    Journal taken into account to generate journals coming from the processing.
    It must be of the same type as that of the journal linked to the journal type previously selected.

    • Log file (field TRC)

    By answering 'Yes', a log file is used to obtain the list of the journals validated by this process.



    Batch task

    This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task ACCSIMDES is provided for that purpose.

    Specific Buttons

    Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

    If a memo code entitled STD is associated with the screen, it is loaded immediately on entering the corresponding function.

    For further information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

    Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup.

    Click this action to delete a Memo code.

    Error messages

    The only error messages are the generic ones.

    Tables used

    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation