Fixed assets >  Processes >  Movements >  Mass asset split  

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This function of mass split leads to the mass break-down, according to the parameters specified by the user, of a group of assets defined by selection criteria.

This processing responds to the need to manage the components of a fixed asset separately, when these components require dedicated depreciation methods or rates, or when they are subject to periodic replacements. It will be the same for the maintenance and service expenses being part of yearly programs for major repairs that must be capitalized from the start as a component distinct from the fixed asset.

It is applied on setups previously defined and referenced by the user at the level of the Splitting – Distribution keys function, which specifies a distribution key (for example: the Group, the CoA account,…) and the distribution wanted for the different values of this key.

By the end of the mass split processing:

- Each processed asset will have the Principal asset status.
- Each generated asset will have the Component asset status and will be linked to the split asset.

..\FCT\SEEINFO An asset meeting at least one of the following conditions is implicitly excluded from the list of selected assets:

- It is a Component asset (linked to a Principal asset),
- it is Inactive,
- its holding type is In template,
- update 8.0.0 and higher: it is classified as for sale.
- It has been the object of an actual asset issue in a previous fiscal year,
- It is in the process of an intra-group transfer.


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Screen management

This function is composed of:

- a header that is used to specify the processing options and to choose the company and the financial site(s) to which the assets to be processed belong,
- the Parameters tab used to enter the reference of the setups which the process is based on,
- the Extended selection tab used to select the assets to be processed.

Management method for the window

The management is the same for this window as for all the mass process functions that can be applied to assets.

Process setup

First, it is necessary to set up the processing or to recall, using the button button, an existing setup previously saved under a Memo code.

The setup of the processing consists in:

- Entering the processing options. By default, the process is carried out in Simulation mode and generates a Detailed Log file displaying the different parameters applied at the time of the process execution as well as the list of updated assets.
- Selecting the company and potential other financial sites where the assets are registered. By default, all the financial sites of the company are selected.

- Entering the reference of the distribution key defined at the level of the Splitting – Distribution keys.

- Carrying out if necessary a selection of the assets concerned by the process.

Note: when the setup of a processing is completed, it is possible to save it under an identification code using the button  .

Running the process

After the setup, a consistency check must be carried out on the parameters entered by clicking the button suppliers bank details.

Activating this button leads to displaying the processing results in a control window.



The header contains the process options and is used to select the company as well as the site(s) that are referenced to the assets to be processed.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Simulation (field FLGSIM)

This box is checked by default. It specifies that the processing is carried out in simulation mode. In this case, the controls and the process are carried out but no modification of the database is recorded.

  • Report (field FLGETA)

This indicator can be accessed only when one or several reports are linked to the massive process. In this case, the activation of this indicator enables the user to print these reports.

  • Detailed log file (field FLGDET)

A log file is automatically displayed on process completion, showing the processing parameters. A Statistics section gives the number of selected assets, the number of assets updated as well as the number of assets not processed due to an error. Assets with errors are listed with their error reason.

When this box is ticked, the log file is displayed in the form of a detailed report presenting, in addition to the information listed above, the list of assets successfully processed.

The viewing and printing of log files are possible at any time via the report code ATRACE - Print log file print request, obtained from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu.

Grid Company selection

  • field FLGCPY

Help common to all the mass processings.
The grid displays the list of the managed companies for which the user is authorized.
Check a box to select the company which must be processed.
After selecting a company, all the financial sites that are linked to it are selected by default. You can selectively de-select those that are not concerned by the processing.
You can also select directly the site(s) to be processed. In that case, the company to which they are attached is automatically selected.

SEEINFO When the company setup ACCPERCTL - Control of accounting periods (chapter AAS, group CPT) has the value 'Yes', the company is not displayed in the list if at least one of its contexts is not synchronized with the accounting period/fiscal breakdown. The desynchronization status of a context is visible in the screenDetailed status of contexts that can be accessed from the Actions icon.In that screen, on the Calculation tab, the field Modification type has the value 'CNX' and the field Modified parameter has the value 'DESYNC'.In this case, it is necessary to launch the processing of Contexts synchronization.

The Identification Code for the company.

Grid Site selection

  • field FLGFCY

This non enterable flag is activated to indicate that the site is selected. After selection of the company all the sites attached to it are automatically selected.

Identification Code for the company which the site is linked to.

Identification code of the site.




  • Simulation:
    This box, ticked by default, is used to carry out a mass explosion simulation for the selected assets. The update is not recorded in the database.
    The impact of the process on the assets can be viewed in the Check window and in the log file displayed on process completion.
  • Detailed log file:
    A detailed log file is systematically displayed at the end of the processing. It displays the options and parameters of the process, the selection criteria and presents the list of the assets successfully processed with the list of the assets coming from the split for each. its Description, Groupcode, CoA and IAS/IFRS allocations and its Ex-tax CoA entry value.
    A Statistics section gives the number of selected assets, the number of assets updated as well as the number of assets not processed due to an error. Assets with errors are listed with their error reason.

    Note: the viewing and printing of the log files is possible at any time via the Print log file print request of the ATRACE report code, obtained from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu.

Company selection – Site selection

These tables display both the list of managed companies for which the user is authorized and the list of financial sites linked to these companies where the user is authorized.

SEEINFO When the company parameter ACCPERCTL - Control of accounting periods (chapter AAS, group CPT) has Yes for value, the company is not displayed in the list as soon as at least of one its context is not synchronized with the accounting period/fiscal breakdown. It is then necessary to launch the Context synchronization process.
The desynchronization status of a context can be viewed on the Detailed status of contexts, Calculation tab (the value of the Modification type field is set to: CNX and the value of the field Modified parameter is DESYNC).

It is necessary to select the company and the sites in which the assets involved in the processing, are registered. After the selection of the company, all the sites linked to the company are selected by default. The user can de-select those that are not concerned by the processing.
It is also possible to directly select the site(s) on which the processing will be carried out; in this case, the company to which they belong, is automatically selected.

After having selected the company or sites, it is possible to refine the selection by entering other selection criteria in the dedicated Extended selection tab.

Tab Setup definition


Only the Distribution key reference defined in the parameters of the asset management must be entered.
This reference, linked to the distribution key and distribution required during the split, is mandatory for the various values of the key.




The following fields are present on this tab :




Tab Extended selection


This tab is used to enter the asset selection criteria.

It contains five lines, each of them used to enter a criterion, with each criterion being linked to the next one by one of the following logical operators: And, Or.

The process for selection criteria entry is as follows:

1/ Enter, or select from the list obtained by a right click the field in the asset table FXDASSETS which contains the information to which the selection is applied.

2/ Then select the operator: Any, Equal, Different, Greater than or equal, Less than, Less than or equal, Like.
The Like operator is valid only for numeric fields. It makes it possible to use wild card characters.

3/ Enter a value. The list of possible values for the chosen field can be obtained with a right click when these values are contained in a local menu or in a table (miscellaneous table, common table, accounting table, etc.).

The user can also:

- enter the criteria in the form of an expression; the formulas of this type can be entered by right-clicking the fields in the asset table FXDASSETS,

- enter a selection formula by calling the formula editor.

Reminder: The selection options are the same as those used in the standard Advanced selection function. For more information, see the documentation on ADONIX object ergonomics.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Block number 2

  • field FLD1

Indicate a field from the table.

  • field DES1

Libellé du champ.

  • field OPE1

Indicate the comparison operation:

  • The "indifferent" operator is used to obtain all records of an object.
  • The '* ?' operator is used to define wildcards.
  • field VAL1

Indicate the comparison value (without quotation marks for the alphanumeric fields).

  • field PAR1
  • field ANDOR2

Indicate the link between criteria lines.

Example :

If Expr1 and Expr2 or Expr3 (Expr = expression) are entered we would have :

(Expr1 & (Expr2 | (Expr3)))

Block number 3

  • Expression (field EXP1)

Indicate if necessary an expression to complete the search.

The criterion is added to the previous criteria by the link AND.

The expression cannot contain fields from a table other than the principal table for the object. These can be indexed.

  • field PAREXP

Si cette case est cochée, l'expression est définie comme valeur par défaut modifiable.



Processing description

  • For each split asset:

    - Update of the Amount fields.
    - Modification of the asset status. If it was an Autonomous asset before the split it becomes a Principal asset at the end of the split.
    - All the fiscal years and periods (for the plans having fiscal years with periods) are updated in proportion to the splitting basis.
    - All the flows and events are split in proportion to the splitting basis.
  • For each asset resulting from the split:

    - All the fields are filled in the same way as the fields of the split financial asset, except:
    * fields declared as updated in the parameters of the distribution key. They are loaded using the values specified in this setup.
    * Amount type fields. They are calculated by applying the set up distribution percentage to the source asset amount.
    * the Creation date field, filled with the creation date of the record.

    - All the fiscal years and periods (for the plans having fiscal years with periods) are created in proportion to the splitting basis.

    - All the flows and events are created in proportion to the splitting basis.

    - Its status automatically takes the value Component. It is automatically linked to the split asset (with the Principal status).

    - the Entry origin section automatically takes the value: Split.

    - In the case when its account allocation is different from the one of the original asset, an Allocation Change event (FASCHGIMP) is generated for each plan using the current period or fiscal year start date as effective date.
    (The user can view the events in the Events journal window that can be accessed from the Other info tab of the Fixed assets management function).


1/ The update of the Group and/or Accounting code fields via the parameters of the distribution key does not lead to the associations triggering when they exist. The depreciation methods of the source asset are loaded in the same way as the split asset.

2/ The expenses potentially linked to the original asset are not split and stay linked to it.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Specific Buttons

This button leads to the display of a control window containing two tables: 

  • The first table displays the list of assets:
    meeting the selection criteria,
    and having at least one of the values present in the performed setup, at the level of the field selected as distribution key.

    It displays the values of the sections after split, for each asset on which no error was returned. The potential lines with errors are identified by color display.
    This list can be updated by deleting each line corresponding to the assets to exclude from the process using the right-click Delete line
  • The second table contains the list of the assets coming from the split of the asset on which the cursor is positioned in the first table. It presents the accounting allocations, the distribution percentage allocated and the IAS/IFRS and Ex-tax CoA entry values for each.

    Any modification applied to the list of selected assets must be validated using the button suppliers bank details. To cancel the modifications in process, click  . Then click on the button   to close the control window; the setup entry window is again displayed which makes it possible to either confirm by clicking on  , or to abort the update by clicking the button  .
    Reminder: by default, the process is launched in simulation mode; it is necessary to uncheck the Simulation option to launch the process in actual mode.

Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

If a memo code entitled STD is associated with the screen, it is loaded immediately on entering the corresponding function.

For further information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.


Loss of traceability when splitting a posted asset relating to an accounting entry. The accounting entry is not split and remains attached to the main asset.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation