Stock >  Receipt/issue transactions >  Intersite transfers  

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The Inter-site transfers function is used to intervene on a stock line or a group of stock lines so as to transfer stock from one site to another for the one or several companies.
The functionalities to be covered by the function are determined by the selection of a stock change transaction of movement type "inter-site transfers" that can be set up.

SEEREFERTTO An Inter-site transfers function is also available in VT mode. This function, accessible from a virtual terminal, is used to create inter-site transfer transactions and launch the printing of labels automatically.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


When entering the Inter-site transfers function, the user must choose a transaction from those set up.

Use this function carry out stock transfers from one site to another. In this case, it is implicitly possible to modify the stock status and unit on the target site.

Selection block

The intersite transfer is performed on a specific slip. A same slip can group transfers for several products; however, it is convenient to select the stock lines to be transferred product by product. The Product field of the Selection header block acts as a filter for stock lines to be moved.

Stock lines block

You can intervene on a stock line or a group of stock lines. These stock lines have to be selected by picking in the case of a mass intersite transfer. They are shown in the Stock Selections panel. So that the stock lines appear in this selection panel, it is necessary to have entered a product code and source location in the dedicated field.
The stock lines thus selected generate the lines of the inter-site transfer slip.

Selection of stock lines
The Stock selection panel is loaded with all the stock lines of the product. These lines can be filtered in order to reduce their number and specify the additional filters in the dedicated window, activated using the Picking criteria button.
The selection is made by picking the displayed lines either one by one or as a group of lines. The selection of a group of lines is made by picking the first line to be selected and the last amongst the lines shown in the selection panel whilst holding the [Shift] key down: all the lines contained between these two lines are then selected.  To select several groups of stock lines, the [Control] and [Shift] keys need to be used.
The stock quantity selected on a line is limited to the available quantity for this stock line (the available stock for each line is shown in the Stock lines selection panel).

Case of the products managed by serial numbers
The picking of the serial numbers to be modified can take place in several ways: 

  • by a multiple selection of consecutive serial numbers in the selection panel: the system aggregates on a single slip line the group of selected consecutive serial numbers,
  • by selecting line by line the serial numbers to be processed: the system only aggregates serial numbers if the line by line selection is made in consecutive serial number order. As soon as the sequence is broken, the system creates a new slip line.

Inter-sites transfers
Depending on the setup of the selected inter-site transfer transaction, the slip lines thus created show the source and targetstock information.
According to the role of the transaction used, it is possible to change the target information in order to specify the quantity to be processed, the target location, the target status, the target unit, or the movement description either directly on the document line or via the Detail entry of the intersite transfers if the selected stock must be distributed between several locations, or with several statuses or several units.

Status change
For each product, at the level of the product record, Controlstab, it is possible to specify if it is necessary to generate an analysis request in the case where the new status will be of the Q* type.
When creating the slip, the system generates as many stock movements as there are modified stock lines.
It is not possible to modify a created inter-site transfer: to modify a previous movement, it is necessary to carry out a movement in the opposite direction. However, the details of applied modifications can be inquired by clicking on Stock movements inquiry from the Actionmenu, on the slip line.

Inter-site or inter-company transfer
To transfer stock to another inter/intra-company site, you must use a transaction meant for this type of transfer.
Some information specific to inter-site transfers must be specified.

  • Target site
    This site can be part of the same company as the entered storage site, which would be used as the source transfer site, but it can also be part of a different company. In the latter case, the transfer is called a inter-company stock transfer, and the Inter-company flag is updated automatically by the system and cannot be modified.
  • Purchase site
    This field is only used in an inter-company context.  In this case, the purchase site is loaded by default with the target site, if it is a Purchase-type site. Purchase. When this is the case, the system assigns the first Purchasing type site of the target company.
    Two controls to be performed:
    • the entered purchase site must correspond to the same company as the destination site,
    • a customer record must be associated with the entered purchase site for the invoicing to be possible.
      In an intra-company context, the purchase site is grayed out.
  • Sales site
    This field is only used in an inter-company context. In this case, the sales site is loaded by default with the storage site (transfer source) if it is of the Salestype, otherwise the system assigns by default the first site of the Sales type linked to the same financial site and company as the storage site. It is necessary to check that the sales site assigned is part of the same company as the stock site.
    In an intra-company context the sales site is grayed out.
  • Target address in an intra-company context
    This field is loaded by default with the address defined by default in the destination site.
  • Target address in an inter-company context
    If the purchase site is defined as a customer, the destination address is the delivery address of this customer corresponding to the target site (reception site of the ship-to customer).

By default, an inter-company transfer is flagged to be invoiced : the invoicing of such elements is carried out using the automatic invoicing function of transfers. Once the transfer has been invoiced, the invoice entry number is updated on the transfer entry in the dedicated field. An inter-site / intra-company transfer cannot be marked as "to be invoiced".
SEEINFO Transfers in stock are facilitated transfers that do not manage returns, for instance.If you are to manage full and regular flows, the use of inter-site transfers is not recommended.In order to transfer goods between different companies, you need to use the Shipments and Receipts functions that can process returns and credit memos.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The storage site is initialized by default with the usual stock site of the user.


  • Signed (field CFMFLG)


  • Entry (field VCRNUM)

Enter the entry number.

  • field VCRDES

This is the description of the document.

  • Allocation date (field IPTDAT)

This is the date which is used when posting the movement. It defaults to today's date but can be changed to an earlier date, if the selected date is in an open period in the accounting calendar.

SEEINFO You cannot enter a date later than today's date.

References of the project linked to the work order
(in 20 characters, not checked in the table)

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.


The name (title) of the production site.

This field is only useful in an inter-company context. In this case, the purchase site is loaded by default with the destination site, if it is a Purchase-type site. When this is the case, the system assigns the first Purchase-type site of the destination company.
Two controls to be performed:

  • the entered purchase site must correspond to the same company as the destination site,
  • a customer record must be associated with the entered purchase site for the invoicing to be possible.

SEEINFO In an intra-company context, the purchase site is grayed out.

  • Address (field FCYADD)

This is the default address code for the chosen receiving site. This address will be printed on the order document sent to the supplier.
From this field, you can select another address for the receipt site if multiple sites are defined.

  • Intercompany (field BETCPY)

This field specifies if the transfer is an inter-company transfer. It is not available for modification.

The sales site must be part of the same company as the start site.

  • Invoice no. (field SIHNUM)

This is the invoice number.

  • To be invoiced (field INVSGH)

This is used to indicate whether the transfer must be invoiced or not.


Enter the supplier at the origin of the receipt. The selection lists specific to the intersite and intercompany orders and deliveries available for receipt are filered to those related to the entered supplier.

From the Selection icon, you can:

  • select a supplier from the list of active suppliers.
  • access, based on your authorizations, the supplier record, and create a new supplier if necessary.

  • Address (field BPSADD)

Sub-contractor address to which the transfer will be made.

  • Location (field SCOLOC)

In this field, enter a location by subcontract supplier address (where the supplier is defined as a customer). This location must be of the Sub-contractor type and will be used for sub-contractor deliveries.

This filed is only available if a shipping site is entered on the delivery address. The location necessarily belongs to this site.


This field is used to select theproduct. Selection start and end ranges must be entered for the product reference.

  • Major version (field ECSSEL)

The display of this field depends on the setup of the entry transaction used.

The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
This is the reference of the warehouse to process.
It is initialized with the warehouse defined by the user. If it fails to be set up at user lever, it is loaded with the warehouse defined, by default, at site level for this type of movement.

  • Location (field LOCSEL)

Reference of the location to be processed.
This field is can only be viewed if the following conditions are met:

  • The stock change is an Internal one.
  • Mass stock changes are authorized by the entry transaction.

SEEINFO When a warehouse is entered, the location MUST belong to this warehouse.


  • Status (field STADESH)


The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
This field can be viewed only for Internal stock changes.
Its presence and management conditions (Displayed / Entered) depend on the setup of the entry transaction at use.
This warehouse will be transferred by default as the destination warehouse on every line and will remain available for modifications thus making it possible to manage multi-warehouses entries.

SEEINFO The transfer of a product to a warehouse is authorized only if the product-warehouse record exists for this given warehouse.

  • Location (field LOCDESH)

This field can only be viewed for stock changes of the Internal type.
Its presence and management conditions (Displayed / Entered) depend on the setup of the entry transaction at use.
A default location can be loaded automatically from the product-warehouse setup. By default, the default location management is subject to the management rules for the 'stock change' movement types and the location parameters of the product-site concerned.
When a warehouse is entered, the location MUST belong to this warehouse. This location will be transferred by default as the destination location on every line and will remain available for modifications thus making it possible to manage multi-warehouses entries.

SEEINFO The transfer of a product to a location attached to a warehouse is authorized only if the product-warehouse record exists for this given warehouse.

Stock picking

  • Include all (field ALLINC)

This button is only available for Internal changes and when the entry transaction authorizes mass location changes.
It can only be used when the original location and the destination location are entered.
It is used to carry out a mass loading of the stock line table with the lines present in the picking list. This list can be filtered using the [Picking Criteria] button.

  • Exclude all (field ALLEXC)

This button is only available for Internal changes and when the entry transaction authorizes mass location changes.
It is used to mass empty all stock lines of the table.
It can only be used if the original location is entered as only the lines containing this particular location will be deleted.

Grid Stock lines


  • Description (field ITMDES1)


  • Lot (field LOT)


  • Sublot (field SLO)


  • Version (field ECCVALMAJ)



  • Status (field STA)


  • Loc. type (field LOCTYP)


  • Location (field LOC)



  • PAC quantity (field QTYPCU)

This field specifies the quantity to be processed expressed in PKU.

SEEINFO The quantity can be modified in part.

  • PAC-STK conv. (field PCUSTUCOE)



  • STK quantity (field QTYSTUDES)

This field indicates the quantity to process, expressed in STK.
SEEINFO This quantity can be partially changed.

  • Available STK (field STUDIS)


  • Serial number (field SERNUM)


  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)


  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)


  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


  • Custom field 1 (field STOFLD1)


  • Custom field 2 (field STOFLD2)


  • Quality control (field QLYCTLDEM)


  • Owner (field OWNER)


Enter a new packing unit of measure.

  • Dstn. PAC/STK factor (field COEDES)

Enter the PAC-STK coefficient (packing and stock UoM).

  • Qty. PAC dstn. (field QTYPCUDES)


The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
This is the warehouse towards which the transfer must be carried out. The presence of this field and its management conditions (Displayed / Entered) depend on the setup of the entry transaction at use.
In the case of a stock change of Internal type, this field is loaded by default with the warehouse specified in the header. This field remains available for modifications on every line thus authorizing a multi-warehouse management.

SEEINFO The transfer of a product to a warehouse is authorized only if the product-warehouse record exists for this given warehouse.

  • Dstn. status (field STADES)

Enter the new status.

  • Dstn. loc. type (field LOCTYPDES)

The type of location towards which the transfer will be carried out.

  • Target location (field LOCDES)

This is the location towards which the transfer must be carried out. The presence of this field and its management conditions (Displayed / Entered) depend on the setup of the entry transaction at use.
In the case of a stock change of Internal type, this field is loaded by default with the location specified in the header. When it can be entered, this field remains available for modifications on every line thus authorizing a multi-warehouse management.
SEEINFO The transfer of a product to a location attached to a warehouse is authorized only if the product-warehouse record exists for this given warehouse..

  • Identifier 1 dest (field PALNUMDES)

No help linked to this field.

  • Identifier 2 dest (field CTRNUMDES)


  • Analysis req. (field QLYCTLFLG)

This parameter is used to enter an analysis request to be processed with function quality control, when the status has been entered with value "Q".
If this parameter is set to "No", the status change from "A" to "R" cannot be completed in the quality control function: it is necessary to use a status change ticket.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the shipment line.
This description is also accessible from the stock issue detail window. If it has been modified by this function, it will be automatically recovered and registered on the shipment line in this field.

  • Price ex tax in STK (field PRI)

Order price.

The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.

In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of the default dimensions.

In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset.



Action icon

Enter stock chge det

In stock movement entry, a stock line (or a set of stock lines for consecutive serial numbers) can be distributed into multiple locations, statuses or units. To do so, open a detailed entry window to distribute the quantity into the required stock data.

The detailed entry window is composed of a header and a stock lines grid.

  • The header picks up the stock characteristics of the stock line to be changed (or the stock lines if consecutive serial numbers have been selected) as well as the quantity to be processed.
  • The table only picks up the destination stock information that the stock transaction anticipates can be modified as well as the quantity to be processed.

Within the header section of this window, under the [Options] button, it is possible to have access to the inquiry to view and potentially modify the analytical dimensions attached to the issue and receipt movements, however this is only in the case of an inter-site stock transfer slip.
SEEINFO For internal stock change or supplier transfer slips, analytical sections are not managed.

Stock by Site Report





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BONTRF : Transfer notes

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button activates a screen where it is possible to assign several filters: these filters are used to limit the stock lines that will be suggested in the selection panel of stock lines.

Menu Bar


This function is used to view the setup of the inter-site transfer transaction being used.


This function is used to view and potentially to modify the analytical sections attached to the slip header, only in the case of an inter-site transfer slip.

Transport note / Sending


Click this button to send the individual transportation note.
Use the Transportation doc communication (FUNTRNDOC) function for mass communication of transportation notes.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Additional info

  • Departure date (field DPEDAT)

Displays the departure date for this delivery or return.

  • Departure time (field ETD)

Displays the arrival date for this delivery or return.

  • Arrival date (field ARVDAT)

Delivery departure time.

  • Arrival time (field ETA)

Delivery arrival time.

  • Registration (field LICPLATE)

License plate of the vehicle carrying goods.

  • Trailer license plate (field TRLLICPLAT)

Enter the trailer license plate.

Manual document

  • Manual document (field MANDOC)

If the web service is down, the transportation note must be communicated using a paper document including the paper document number and the internal system number. This communication must be done directly in the AT portal.

This field must contain a slash character (/) separating the sequential number specific to the series (on the left) and the sequential number itself (on the right). This is needed for all transportation notes for manual documents.


  • AT code (field ATDTCOD)

This field displays the AT code for the Transportation note returned by the tax authority.

This field populates automatically when you communicate using the web service.
If you communicated the transport using a manual document, you need to enter the code from the tax authority manually.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation