Manufacturing >  Batch processes >  Automatic release  

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Use this function to change the status of suggested or planned work orders at a given production site to planned or firm work orders.


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Screen management

The Automatic release function displays an initial screen into which you enter your selection (or filtering) criteria and a log file that displays the results of the run.

Entry screen


Selection of the work orders

First select the status of the work orders to be processed (suggested or planned). Then select the target status for the work orders (planned or firm).

Start/end ranges

A number of ranges are displayed.

  • To change the status of all applicable work orders, leave all the fields blank.
  • To change the status of selected work orders, type in the required ranges. Leave the first field blank to include the lowest value or the second field blank to include the highest value.

You can restrict the orders selected to only those work orders optimized for scheduling.

A log file displays the results of the run. Where appropriate it includes information which should be noted or acted upon before the work orders are processed further.


You can optionally define an automatic work order transaction code. If you leave the transaction code blank, the transaction code attached to the general stock parameter MFGMTSNUM - Automatic WO transaction (chapter STO, group MIS) is used.


You can optionally send the processed orders for printing.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection criterion

Type in or select the production site from which the work orders are to be processed.

WO to process

  • WO to process (field AVSTA)

This code makes it possible to filter the statuses to be processed:

- planned
- firm

New status

  • New status (field APSTA)

This field makes it possible to define the destination status:

- planned
- firm

Start - end range

  • Work order no. (field MFGNUMDEB)

This field displays the work order number (unique ID).
This number is automatically or manually generated upon each creation.
Click the Selection icon to open the list of work orders (which only includes 'Firm' or 'Closed' work orders) and select a work order.

This field contains the reference of the project for which the production has been launched.

  • Destination (field BPCNUMDEB)

This code is used to identify the ship-to type of the product stock.
According to the ship-to type, it can either be a site or a customer.

  • Order no. (field VCRNUMDEB)

This is the journal number at the origin of the requirement.

  • Released product (field ITMREFDEB)

This field is used to filter the work orders assigned according to the released product.

  • Start date (field STRDATDEB)

This field identifies the planned start date of the Work Order.

Enter, select or build an Sage X3 filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.

Block number 5

  • Release optimized orders only (field OPTIMFLG)

It is possible to change from planned or firm status only the orders optimized by ticking the "Launch of optimized orders only" box.


  • Automatic WO transaction (field MFGTRS)

Code of the release transaction used in work order generation.

WO documents

  • Report (field IMPFLG)

Activation/deactivation of the print.

Printer code.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNMAUTR is provided for that purpose.

Action panel

Click the OK action to release all work orders flagged for processing.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

The production site from which the work orders are to be processed.

  • field FCYDES

The name (title) of the production site.


  • field PECFLG

This is the selection indicator.

  • field PLNTYP

This field displays the target status for the work orders (planned or firm).

This field displays the code of the product to be released.

  • Description (field ITMDES1)

This field displays the description of the product to be released.

  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)

The current version of this product is displayed:

  • Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the 'form, fit or function' has changed.
  • Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version.

You can type in, or select a different version of this product, if required. This field is not available for entry if the product code defined in the Product field is not version managed.

If you type in a product version which is not valid on the start date a warning message is displayed. Your modifications will not be accepted.

 The version you choose must be at status 'Available to use' on the scheduled start date of this work order. If you change the proposed production start date this might cause an inconsistency with the selected version. You will not be able to release the work order (via the OK action). You must either change the product version or change the production start date for this work order.

  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)


  • Planned quantity (field EXTQTY)

This field contains the quantity of the product to be released, expressed in the stock unit.

This field displays the unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes etc.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

This field identifies the planned start date of the Work Order.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)

This field identifies the planned end date of the Work Order.

Several BOMs can be defined for the same product reference.
They can be distinguished via the code, entered on two numbers.

The various BOM codes can be used to manage different product structures according to their use context such as:

  • MRP calculation,
  • Sales order entry
  • Manufacturing/production

This field can be left empty (value = 0) to enable manual entry of the components. In this case, only the component is loaded.

This routing code describes a particular sequence of shop floor processes for a particular product. That is, the sequence of operations and tools that are used in a particular routing.

The routing code is a product code which can be the reference for a manufactured product or a generic reference (mother routing) linked to multiple products.

Multiple routings can be defined for a single product. Each routing code can be assigned specific management features. These include restriction of the routing to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for use in a manufacturing environment, for costing or for capacity planning).

  • Major version (field ROUECCMAJ)

The version of this routing that applies on the scheduled start date (field Start date) for this work order is displayed, if the selected routing is version managed.

You can type in, or select a different version of this routing, if required.

  • Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the 'form, fit or function' has changed.
  • Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version.

This field is not available for entry if the displayed routing code is not version managed.

 If you choose to select a different version of this routing the version selection screen only displays those versions that are available for use on the production start date. The list includes those versions with an exception date that matches the production start date of the work order. You can, however, view all versions of the selected routing via the Routing Management (GESROU) function.

 If you type in a routing version which is not consistent with the displayed work order start date an error message is displayed. Your modifications will not be accepted.

 The version you choose must be at status 'Available to use' on the scheduled start date of this work order. If you change the proposed production start date this might cause an inconsistency with the selected version. You will not be able to release the work order (via the OK action). You must either change the routing version or change the production start date for this work order before you can continue.

  • Minor version (field ROUECCMIN)


  • Lot (field LOT)

Reference of the lot number to be processed.

  • WO description (field MFGDES)

Non modifiable field displaying the description of the transaction.

References of the project linked to the work order
(in 20 characters, not checked in the table)


  • Original document (field VCRNUMORI)

This is the journal number at the origin of the requirement.

The product categories are used to classify and filter the products according to their use. This step makes it possible to refine the selection prior to carrying out the adjustment process. This code is specified in the Product record to enable selections.

  • Management mode (field MGTCOD)

These fields constitute a filter for the BOM levels to process. It is thus possible to specify the BOM sub-levels to precess by applying a filter on the management mode: only the products of the split BOM whose management mode is the one selected will be filtered.


  • Priority (field PIO)

Priority code management flag


To view or amend the work orders selected for processing (suggested or planned), click View.

You can Exclude all selected work orders, Include all work orders, flag individual work orders to be released and Reinitialize (reload) the displayed list, as required.

 You are advised to view (via the View action) the work orders selected for processing before releasing the flagged work orders (via the OK action).

  • All work orders flagged for processing will be released and created when you select OK. The System log is updated accordingly.
  • If any work orders are not flagged this indicates that there is an issue with the work order start date. Check the following:
    • Is the start date (field Start date) earlier than today’s date? If it is you must change the start date.
    • Is there an inconsistency between the displayed work order start date and a version? This might be the version of the product to be released (BOM) or the routing version.
      Be careful! The issue with the work order start date will remain in force if you change a version and the new version is inconsistent with the start date. You will not be able to release the work order (via the OK action).
      Tab through the unchecked line. If a version is blank or not consistent with the calculated work order start date an error is displayed. You can type in, or select a version of the product to be released (BOM) and the associated routing, if required. The BOM or routing version you choose must be at status 'Available to use' on the proposed production start date of the work order.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The end range is prior to the start range

Coherency check of the selection ranges.

Modification in process on another workstation

This message is written to the process log if a lock problem prevents the update of the work orders.

Rollback following an error in the transaction

Serious access problem in the database.

No work order processed

This message is displayed if it was not possible to release any work orders.

Problem in the table XXXXXXXX

Serious access problem in the database.

Tables used

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