Purchasing >  Purchase requests >  Close purchase requests >  Automatic closing  

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This function is used to close in bulk a selection of Purchase requests entered in the Purchase requests function. When the close function is launched, the pre-commitments generated by the PRs are reversed (in negative amounts).


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Screen management

The PRs to be processed are selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Company
  • Site
  • Requester (selection among the users)
  • Date range (PR creation date)
  • Range on the no. of PRs to be processed

 The log file flag is used, when checked, to obtain a summary of all the validated journals at the end of the processing.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field XCPYFLG)


This field specifies on which company the process is carried out.

  • All sites (field XFCYFLG)


This field is used to carry out the process on the assigned site.

  • field FCYNAM


  • All requesters (field XUSRFLG)


Operator code used to sort out the entries to be processed.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

Start date used to select the records to be processed.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)

End date used in the selection of the records to be processed.

Initial purchase request number used to select the entries to be processed.

End purchase request number used to select the entries to be processed.

Start product reference allows the selection of the entries to be processed.

The product end reference allows the selection of the records to be processed.


  • Log file (field TRACE)

Select this check box to generate a log file after running the process.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNPSH is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons

Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

If a memo code entitled STD is associated with the screen, it is loaded immediately on entering the corresponding function.

For further information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation