The purpose of this function is to manage the purchase requirements of the various departments or sites of a company. Each purchase request can contain several lines concerning different purchased products regardless of whether they are managed in stock or not.
This option is used to create, modify, delete, duplicate, view and print purchase requests. Moreover, the recorded purchase requests can be listed, signed (depending on the setup), closed and displayed during the creation of an RFQ, and finally they can be taken into consideration to be turned into an order during order entry.
A purchase request can be modified or deleted as long as it has not been signed or when all the signatures have been cancelled (provided the signature management is activated) or as long as it has not been completed or turned into an order.
When modifying a purchase request, it is possible to be positioned on a line and use the context button to:
So as to satisfy every company legal context, posted amounts in expense accounts must correspond -depending on cases- to:
The application is used for the posting of expenses and the generation of pre-commitments, commitments and expenses according to one of theses three options. Corresponding budgetary postings are done according to the same rules.
This commitment mode is determined by the PURCMMTAX - Commitment type parameter (ACH chapter, CMM group). The posting of invoices and credit notes and their budget upload depends on the VAT rate and on the deduction percentage.
The supplier code contains the tax rule. Purchase requests can be entered without supplier code: therefore, the PURVACBPR- Default tax rule parameter (ACH chapter, CMM group) can be used to stock a default tax rule for the entry of purchase requests, for the company or the site.
The presentation of the entry screen depends on the setup of the chosen transaction.
If a single transaction has been set up, no choice is suggested. Otherwise, a window opens presenting the list of transactions for which the user has authorization. Regardless of the transaction used, the recording of a purchase request is broken down into a section containing header information and a tab used to create the various lines.
The header is used to enter the general information about the purchase request, such as the requester, the site, the request date and the project code.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Code of the requester, initialized by default to the code of the connected operator, and modifiable. |
Code of the site issuing the order (request for quote, purchase request, order, subcontract order etc.). |
Purchase order number that allows the order to be identified in a unique way. This number is generated automatically upon each creation according to the sequence number counter setup associated with this type of document. |
The order date is initialized to the current date and can be modified (only in creation mode). The modification of this date during the creation leads to the following message being displayed for the re-activation of the prices and any discounts calculated for the lines already entered: |
Help common to Receipts and Purchase requests.
The management rules of this field are based on the PJTSNGDOC - One project by document- parameter (TC chapter, MIS group).
This tab is used to identify the object product(s) of the purchase request. In this tab, the minimum information to be entered are the product, the required delivery date and the quantity.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This is the internal reference of the requested product, which must be included in the Products.
The product description can be modified whatever the product category. From the field, Productfield, several possibilities are offered In effect, it is possible to directly enter a product reference whose existence is controlled in the Products file or use the action menu in order to:
The activation of the contextual button after the entry of the product reference is used to restrict the list to those elements (RFQs or orders) specifically for this product. When the entered product is already the subject of an order or a contract, a message is displayed to inform the user whether the line of this contract is still valid or not. For the products managed in stock, it is possible to take into account the suggestions coming from the MRP calculation (in the Manufacturing module) or those coming from the reorder calculations (in the Stock module). When there are purchase suggestions for the product entered (POS), a window automatically opens to propose that the requirements be taken into account. If the user does not want to take into account the suggestions, they should exit this window to return to the line entry. If the user wants to take the suggestions into account, they can enter a date range in order to limit the proposition in time: When no date is entered, the suggestions as a whole are submitted. You can then modify the unit in which the requirements quantities must be expressed: by default the stock unit is suggested. It can be modified provided the new unit is selected from the unit list suggested in the selection (purchase unit, packing unit and stock unit of the product). Requirement lines are then displayed with, for each one:
After entering the unit, you can automatically enter the quantity to be taken into account, which is the only information that can be entered on this screen. If the user wishes to sort the list proposed by requirement date or by site, they must exit the entry mode ("Escape"), then use the contextual button in order to choose the sort required. The suggested quantity taken into account can be modified on the condition that the quantity entered is less than or equal to the requirement quantity, which can be the case if, for instance, the user wishes to take into account only part of the requirement. If you wish to exclude requirement lines, enter a null quantity. At the end of this, if at the time of entry of the product, the user has previously selected an invitation to tender response, an additional check is carried out and a warning message appears when the total requirement quantity is less than that mentioned in the response. You can cancel or proceed with your entry. After validation, the requirement lines taken into consideration are regrouped by site and the corresponding PR lines are automatically generated. The entry of other data in the line depends on the selected transaction. For instance, this is the case with the Site, Supplier and Net price. |
Main designation of the product issued from the product record and that can be modified during entry. This is the product description translated into the operator's language.
This is the description entered in the product record. This description will be transferred with any modifications to the supplier invoice.
Receipt site where the goods must be delivered by the supplier, initialized to the order site if the latter is also a warehouse.
However when the request site is not declared as a warehouse in the site table and the ordered product is managed in stock, it is the first storage site associated with the legal company of the request site that is proposed. Several possibilities are offered to the user from the Receiving site field. The user can:
This is the desired receipt date. A check is carried out with respect to the unavailability dates of the reception site. In the case of the site being unavailable on this date, a warning message appears and another date must be entered. The planned due date can also be automatically recalculated when the date entered corresponds to a non-working day for the site: it is then automatically proposed as the first working day before the non working day. This information is mandatory. A warning message can also be displayed if the date entered comes previous today's date. It is used to initialize the theoretical order date. |
This is the default purchase unit linked to the product. When the supplier is changed, this unit can be adjusted according to the purchase unit defined on the supplier-product record.
The purchase unit cannot be modified. A re-calculation of the quantities, prices and discounts is then carried out.
The unit is initialized by default to the purchase unit associated with the product. When an RFQ response has been taken into account, the unit specified in this response is submitted. When this field can be entered, a new unit can be selected in the unit table. |
This section is mandatory. The quantity must be entered. In effect, a message warns the user that the line will not be created if the quantity remains null at the end of the entry. A warning message can also appear when modifying the quantity proposed further to the taking into account of the requirements and when the quantity entered is less than the quantity taken into account. |
This field indicates the product management unit in which the stock is expressed. |
This is the quantity in stock unit calculated from the ordered quantity in order unit. |
The supplier code must fulfill certain conditions: activated and no prospect types. From this field, several possibilities are offered to the user. It is possible to directly enter a supplier code whose existence is checked in the Suppliers file or use the contextual button to:
Upon modification of the supplier on a purchase request line, the re-calculation of the prices and discounts according to the price lists defined for the new supplier is suggested. The quantity of the request and the purchase unit can be adjusted according to the purchase unit of the new supplier and if need be according to the rounding rule defined by the PURQTYRND general setup. Moreover, following the entry of the supplier, different warning messages can appear in the following cases:
The major version number can only be accessed if the tracking of major versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major'). If the versions preloading is activated at the product/suppliers level, or otherwise, at the product/order level, the last active major version is preloaded automatically. Otherwise, the last major version with the 'Stopped' status will be preloaded. It remains modifiable. |
The minor version number can only be accessed if the tracking of major and minor versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major and minor'). If the versions preloading is activated at the product/suppliers level, or otherwise, at the product/order level, the last active minor version is preloaded automatically. It remains modifiable. |
Help common to Receipts and Purchase requests. The management rules of this field are based on the PJTSNGDOC - One project by document parameter (TC chapter, MIS group).
In creation mode, when no receipt line is entered, analytical dimensions are reinitialized according to the setup of default dimensions when the project code is modified. In creation mode as well as in modification mode, if a receipt line has already been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reinitialized. |
Theorical order date initialized with the desired reception date. |
On a purchase request, this net price can come from a RFQ, a price list or the product record. Whether field "Net price" is present or not in the screen, the price is initialized based on the choice made at the level of parameter PSHVLT - PR line valuation (chapter ACH, group PRI): From the net price field, the contextual button makes it possible for the user to:
The entry of the products is performed in a grid, it is thus possible to enter several products: at the end of a line entry, users automatically find themselves in entry mode for the next line. At this stage, it is possible to return on the entered line and use the context button to:
According to the defined setup, the budget control can be carried out at the level of each line or at the end of the entry. At the end of a line entry, a warning is given when the budget control on the line has been activated and a budget has been exceeded. This message can be blocking or constitute a simple warning according to the choice made in the general setup (see parameter BUDCNTPRP - Precommitment control type, chapter BUD - group CMM). A similar message may appear when validating the PR. In addition, when the update of pre-commitments is active, this update is carried out automatically:
At the end of the processing, a number is assigned to the purchase request and is displayed. Depending on the chosen transaction, the printing of a Purchase request document can be automatically launched after the entry has been completed. |
This currency corresponds to:
The amounts of the purchase request line are expressed in this currency.
This field indicates the purchase accounting account. The charts of accounts that can be accessed depend on the account core model associated to the company of the movement. If this field is not entered, the account will be automatically determined by the accounting code of the product (according to the setup of the automatic journal PQUIS). |
It is the purchase type (purchase of goods or purchase of fixed assets) used to determine, when it is modified, the account and the tax account to use. The purchase type is initialized by default according to the tax associated to the product account. |
Depending on the setups the dimensions can be modified as they are initialized according to the default dimensions setups. |
This field is used to enter a first tax code to be applied. |
This field is submitted to the MMS - MMS Interface - X3 activity code. |
This field is submitted to the MMS - MMS Interface - X3 activity code. |
This button is submitted to the MMS - MMS Interface - X3 activity code. |
Action icon
This button is used to inquire the budget on which the purchase request line is posted.
This button can only be entered if:
This button is used to access the pre-commitments corresponding to the purchase request line.
This button is only accessible when the signature management is active (general parameter). It is used to view the signature stage of the purchase request by displaying for each line:
This option is used to access the Journal traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.
Click this action in order to open a window displaying the note(s) associated with this product.
This information can relate to product availability, additional or substitute products, or a promotional message.
This window may open automatically depending on the setup defined when creating the notes.
Notes are limited to a screen inquiry and cannot be printed.
For further information, see the documentation on Notes.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
BONDA : Purchase request notes
PREQUISE : Purchase request list
PREQUISL : Detail purchase request list
This can be changed using a different setup.
This setup is performed at the Customization level of the current object, by associating a report code or a print code to it.
It is possible to further specify this setup:
This button is used to view the order lines created from each line of the purchase request with, for each line, the order number and the order line number, the purchase unit and the quantity. |
Click this action to:
During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.
Click this action to:
This function is used to view the orders associated with the current purchase request.
This function is used to view the purchase request transaction being used.
This option is used to access the Journal traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
This message appears when the assignment of sequence number counters for the Purchasing module has not been carried out. To correct this problem, it is necessary to check that the required sequence number counters do exist (if this is not the case, they should be created), then assign them to the different documents using the appropriate function. (see the Pre-requisites paragraph of this documentation).
This message appears during the entry of the request site, when the signature management is active and no setup exists for the signature rule for the legal company to which the request site is attached.
This message appears in creation mode when the reading of the specified sequence number counter is invalid and the system has been unable to get a sequence number.
This message appears when the entered product is part of a category of non-bought manufactured products.
This message appears when the reception site entered does not belong to the same legal company as the request site. To correct this problem, it is necessary to select a site from the suggested list.
This message appears when the required reception date entered falls in one of the unavailable periods for the receiving site.
This message is displayed when the entered supplier has been specified to be 'on-hold' in the supplier record. This message can be a simple warning message or a blocking message depending on the value given to the dispute code in the supplier record.
This message appears when the requested product is not referenced for the entered supplier. This message can be a simple warning message or a blocking message depending on the value given to the previously defined ITMBPS parameter.
This message appears when the requested product has been declared as "blocked" in the product record for the entered supplier. This message can be a simple warning message or a blocking message depending on the value given to the Blocking code in the product record (Product-Supplier tab).
This message appears when the quantity of a generated line is modified after taking into account the requirements, and when the quantity entered is less than the sum of quantities of the requirements that have been taken into account.
This message is displayed when an attempt is made to insert a line or duplicate a line when the maximum number of lines for a purchase request, defined by the appropriate activity code, has been reached.
This message is displayed after entering a PR line, when the requested quantity is null: the line is not valid but it is still displayed for potential modification. If the quantity is still equal to zero when the PR is validated, the line will not be kept.
This message appears when an attempt is made to create a purchase request (or save a modification) while at least one of the lines show a budget overrun and the BUDCNTPRP parameter indicates a blocking control.. The PR lines remain displayed in order to enable the user to modify the line with a budget overrun or to abort the processing.
This message is displayed when validating the purchase request when no line has been entered or when a single line has been entered with a requested quantity equal to zero:
This message appears when trying to modify a purchase request or when the latter is completed, fully signed or fully ordered.
This message appears when trying to close a line that has just been entered but that has not been created yet. To solve this problem, users need to save their purchase request (Create or Save button) and go back to the modification.
This message appears when trying to modify or delete a fully or partially ordered PR line.
This message appears when trying to modify or delete a fully or partially signed PR line. To solve this problem, the user needs to cancel the affixed signatures if they have the necessary authorizations.
This message appears when trying to modify or delete a closed PR line. To solve this problem, the closing need to be cancelled, if possible in this context.
This message appears during the recording of a PR modification, when at least one line contains a null requested quantity: the PR lines are still displayed for new modification.