It is possible upon receipt, miscellaneous receipt, delivery return, or loan return to anticipate a stock receipt "to dock" (see the setup of the stock receipt notes): this is used to rapidly receive stock based only on the receipt note and to mark its receipt without taking the time to enter precisely the stock information necessary to a good management of products: the receipt is made to a specific location, which must be of the type "waiting put-away".
The stock thus "to dock" has then to be effectively put away in stock: this is the purpose of the Put-away plan function.
The put-away plan is a work plan that makes it possible for the warehouse personnel to select and display the stocks waiting put-away: the system calculates the potentially missing stock information for the lines as well as the location where the stock should be put-away according to the management rule retained for the original receipt movement (miscellaneous receipt or reception or delivery return etc...).
The user assigns a Put-away List number to a group of lines in the process of being put-away. This list can be printed and be used as a support for the physical movement of items in stock then recalled to validate the put-away movements on the system.
On validating on the system the movements carried out cause changes to intra-site locations specified in the put-away plan and in this way update the original receipt ticket with the final stock information assigned at the time of the put-away.
A Storage plan put-away function is also available in VT mode. It can be accessed from a virtual terminal and is used to perform stock changes from the lists of the put-away plan and automatically launch label prints.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The entry of a put-away plan is made on a single screen. The presentation of the put-away plan is a function of the transaction chosen.
If a single transaction is set up, no choice is offered on entry into the function. Otherwise, a window opens to present the list of transactions available for use. (The choice can also be restricted by using access codes).
At the time of a stock receipt in a location of the type "waiting put-away", the system creates, in addition to the stock lines, the stock movements and the receipt ticket lines corresponding to a receipt in process, the records "to be put-away" in the dedicated table (STOSRG).
The put-away plan makes it possible to select the lines to be put-away according to various criteria and to proceed to the movement of the corresponding stocks to their destination locations as well as to add the stock information, potentially incomplete such as the status, the lot, the sub-lot, the serial number, the stock identifiers 1 and 2 etc.
It should be noted that it is also possible to directly enter into the grid the put-away lines that should be processed if all the characteristics are known, it is not strictly necessary to use a selection.
The principle criteria to filter the lines to be put-away are available in the header section of the put-away plan. Additional criteria are proposed under button (Criteria] at the bottom of the screen.
Site: this field is mandatory and is used to select the lines to be put-away for a given storage site.
Put-away list: It is possible to carry out a put-away in two stages (the detail of the put-away is described later in the documentation). The first stage consists of the selection or the entry of the lines to be put-away, which should be processed in order to make them appear in the grid of the lines to be put-away. Specified in the lines to be put-away is the missing recipient information (final stock location, lot serial number, etc.). A line to be put away on which all the recipient information is specified is ticked in red, which means that the put-away movement is ready to be passed. Then, either the put-away is to be validated by activating button [Validate] at the bottom of the screen, or it can be decided to physically carry out put-away movements before saving them in the computer. In this case, it is possibme to mark the put-away movements to be passed by assigning a Put-away list number to them via button [Put-away list] at the bottom of the screen; it is also possible to print this list so as to leave for the storage store with this paper list. Upon validation on the computer of the movements carried out using a previously created put-away list, it is useful to display this list on the screen. The Put-away list field is used to do this and also to display in the Waiting to be processed put-away grid all the lines in the put-away list.
Include "Without list": If a put-away list has been recalled via the previous put-away list field, ticking the box "Include the Without list" is used to select the put-away lines not attached to a list in order to eventually associate new lines to be put-away to an existing list. If this box is ticked, all the selection fields are active. If this field is not ticked, the selection fields are not active and only the records attached to a put-away list specified above are displayed.
Destination warehouse: used to select the lines to be put-away for a given destination warehouse.
Date ranges type: used to filter the lines to be put-away based on the creation or allocation date of their receipt to dock. The Date type field makes it possible to specify which of these two dates is to be taken into account.
Product ranges: used to specify the group of products that the user wishes to put-away.
Entry type and entry number ranges: used to filter the lines to be put away depending on the document type and the original documents of the stock receipt to dock.
Location ranges: used to specify which location of type "pending put-away" will be processed. Specified here is the dock that received the receipts and that should be cleared.
Status ranges: the entry of a status is mandatory, even if for a "to dock" entry: it is then possible during the put-away process to filter lines to be put away according to the status allocated to them upon receipt. During the put-away the status of the put-away stock can be modified.
Warehouse ranges: used to specify the warehouses to which are attached locations of the "pending put-away" type.
Finally if all these selection criteria are insufficient, the user has more available criteria using the [Criteria] button at the bottom of the screen, described below.
In conclusion, if the different possibilities for the block "filters", "selections" and "start/end ranges" are combined the user can:
Once the various selection criteria have been entered, button [Search] is used to display all the put-away lines corresponding to the selection: these records are those generated in the STOSRG table at the time of a receipt to a location of the type "waiting put-away" via a stock receipt ticket of the type supplier receipt, miscellaneous receipt, delivery return etc.
These lines to be put away concern the stock located in a location of type "pending put-away" and they can have the following information missing: lot, sub-lot, serial number, stock identifiers 1 and 2, information that is used to precisely finalize the stock description but that can be omitted at the time of stock receipt in the specific case of receipt to dock.
The put-away plan is used to finalise the description of this stock in one part by specifying the final stock location for the receipt.
The processing of such a line to be put away not yet processed is carried out as follows:
The enterable fields in the line to be put-away are the unit, the quantity and the conversion coefficient PAC/STK (packing and stock units), the lot code, the sub-lot code, the serial number, the status, the location type and the recipient location.
It is possible to only put-away a part of the stock from a line to be put-away, in this case, the location change and the update of the original receipt ticket are made pro rata for the quantity put-away, and a line to be put-away is generated for the stock remaining to be put-away.
On the other hand, it is not possible to put away more than the quantity receipted to dock for a line. In this case it is necessary to return to the original receipt ticket.
The selection of a line to be put-away to process it is carried out as follows:
Once the detailed entry window is closed, the line to be put-away is automatically ticked.
A checked line to be put-away is a line for which all the recipient information has been specified: the fact that it is ticked means that this line cannot be proposed for put-away simultaneously in another plan.
The assignment of a put-away list number is made either by the use of the [Put-away list] button at the bottom of the screen: in this case all the ticked lines in the plan that do not already have a put-away plan have assigned to them the same put-away list number.
It is possible to assign a put-away list number by using the right button in the field put-away list for a line:
If the display of a specific put-away list is requested with "Include the without list", once a line without a list is processed, it is by default attributed with a put-away filter list number. It is of course possible to modify this put-away list number.
It is possible to have several put-away lists simultaneously present in the same grid.
The saving of the grid makes it possible to update the put-away lines in STOSRG. The stored put-away list numbers can be recalled at a later date.
It is possible to print one or more put-away lists (by the command File/List). The user can in this way make the recommended physical put-aways from a printed put-away list.
Once the physical put-away is carried out, the user recalls in the Put-away plan function the put-away list to be processed (the put-away list field in the plan header): all the put-away lines for the list are displayed. It is still possible to modify the recipient information for the lines as a function of the actual physical put-away carried out: the modification is made via right button Put-away line detail. All that remains is to validate (via the [Validate] button at the bottom of the screen) the computerized put-aways.
[Detail]: this button is used to open the detailed entry window for a line to be put-away in order to breakdown this line for several stock attributes, or in order to modify the recipient information of a line already ticked.
[Original document]: this button is used to access by tunnel the original receipt ticket for the line pending put-away
[Stock by site]: this button is used to access by tunnel the stock by site inquiry for the selected product.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
This field is used to select and recall a storage list number in order to validate the location change movements once they are physically performed in the warehouse. |
When checked, this box gives the possibility to add products on an existing list. |
The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH. |
Date type for the selection |
Document type for the selection. |
The Warehouses ranges are used to filter warehouses to which are attached locations of the "Pending put-away" type. Their presence and management depends on the setup of the entry transaction. |
Start - end range
The start product allowing the selection of the records to be processed. |
The end product allowing the selection of the records to be processed. |
The start location allowing the selection of the records to be processed. |
The end location allowing the selection of the records to be processed. |
The initial status allowing the selection of the records to be processed. |
The final status allowing the selection of the records to be processed. |
Start date used to select the records to be processed. |
End date used in the selection of the records to be processed. |
The initial document number used to select the records to be processed. |
The final document number used to select the records to be processed. |
Grid Awaiting storage to process
Line selection. |
Put-away list number, assigned either manually or by button. |
Document type |
Enter the entry number. |
The number of the journal line to process. |
This field indicates the references of the product to process. |
The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH. |
Reference of the location to be processed.
It is possible to specify a packing unit by supplier.
Only packing type units form the units of measure table can be chosen. |
This field specifies the quantity to be processed expressed in PKU.
This field displays the conversion factor used for the unit of measure of a quantity and the stock unit of the corresponding product. |
The presence of this field depends on the activity code WRH.
The stock status is used to define if a product is:
The statuses and sub-statuses authorized in a stock transaction can depend on various factors: The stock totals for the product are updated according to the status entered in the movements: |
The location types are used to codify the warehouse locations according to their storage characteristics: size, authorized statuses, technical constraints etc. |
Location in which the transaction will be carried out. |
The supplier lot number can be entered for information purposes in the receipt transactions. |
This is the lot for which the movement is done. |
This field contains the number of sub-lots concerned by the stock transaction. |
Sub-lot in which the movement will be carried out. |
Serial number for which the movement will be carried out. |
Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary. |
This field indicates the first recorded identifier. |
A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the shipment line. |
Action icon
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
PRTSCR : Screen print
STOSRG : Storage list
This can be changed using a different setup.
This button is used to launch a search for the lines to be put away based on the miscellaneous selection criteria assigned in the plan header and in the [Criteria] button. |
This button is used to select all the table lines before the put-away plan number is generated. |
This button is used to exclude all table lines. |
This button is used to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the put-away plan header. The main selection criteria in the header include: warehouses, products, locations and statuses. A grid is used to specify up to 6 original document groups for the selection of lines to put-away, possibly of different types. If all the standard criteria prove to be insufficient in the end, the user has a possibility to add a formula (of the type put-away plan) here that will have been itself constructed with the aid of a dedicated function. Finally, the put-away plan transaction setup plans to enter a combination of two the criteria used for the display in the grid of the lines to be put-away. These sorting criteria are used by default, but can be pre-loaded by a set of sorting criteria with the button Criteria. Upon closing the criteria window, the grid of selected put-away lines is sorted based on these last sorting criteria. Moreover, it is possible to save one or several sets of criteria by recording [Memo] codes that can be called later on [Call memo] or deleted [Delete memo]. |
This button is used to record the put-away list(s) referred to in the grid with the recipient data assigned. (thus this button is used to update the STOSRG table). |
This button is used to effectively validate the location movement changes resulting from a put-away. The original document having carried out the dock receipt is updated as a consequence. |
This button is used to view the setup of the put-away plan transaction currently being used.