Setup >  Customer relation >  Outlook synchronization >  Forced synchronization  

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The forced synchronization is used to carry out a forced mass synchronization of the out-of-phase records between Outlook and Sage X3.

Screen management

From a single multi-criteria entry screen, a user authorized to carry out the Outlook synchronization can mark the records that need to be submitted to a forced mass synchronization.

Entry screen


As a reminder, the actions implying the display of a record in the synchronization data table are the following:

  • A: Creation (of tasks, calls, appointments and Outlook contacts): a data being created has no precedent.
  • M: Modification. A data being modified has a precedent, it already exists in the base.
  • A: Deletion. The data is no longer present in the database.

The action with the letter "R" means that the current record has been forced.

A data may be forced when there is an anomaly at the level of the current record, for instance; the updating of some information is out-of-phase. Switching the line to status R allows it to be taken into account for the next synchronization.

From the forced synchronization entry screen, the current user can check the object types that they wish to submit to a forced mass synchronization. These can be:

  • the Outlook contacts
  • the tasks
  • the calls
  • the appointments

For each type of object, it is moreover possible to limit the selection by entering record ranges.

As far as the specific case of the forced synchronization of the Outlook contacts is concerned, it is possible to force the records either totally or only in part. It is likewise possible to limit the selection from the contacts of the current sales representative. It is possible to limit the selection depending on a range of sales representatives and/or on a range of information (Leads).

When the processing is started, a detailed log of the results can be sent.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The connected user is loaded by default.

Then, the system checks the sales representative associated with the current user (AUSCRMA and AUSCRMF parameters).

Company code associated with the user code for whom the forced synchronization data process must be launched.

  • Detailed log file (field FLGTRCDET)

Used to request a detailed log of the forced records further to the process being launched.


  • Outlook contact (field SELCOR)

If this flag is activated, the X3 Outlook contacts can be processed within the framework of the forced mass synchronization of those records to be synchronized.

Corresponding code from which the forced mass synchronization process must start.

Corresponding code from which the forced mass synchronization process must end.

  • Generate from my contacts (field CORSYNCNT)

When the flag "Generate from my contacts" is activated, the process considers those contacts that the sales representative of the current user has among the customers assigned to him/her.

When the flag "Generate from my contacts" is activated, the user can limit the selection of the records to be processed by specifying customer ranges.

When the flag "Generate from my contacts" is activated, the user can limit he selection of the records to be processed by defining customer ranges, but they can also specify the function to be held by the contacts at these customers'.

  • Function (field CORFCTTXT)


  • Generate from my leads (field CORSYNPST)




  • Generate from sales rep (field CORSYNREP)

If this flag is activated, it means that the Outlook contacts linked to sales representatives need to be processed.

If the flag "Generate from the sales representatives" is activated, it means that the Outlook contacts linked to sales representatives need to be processed and a range of sales representatives can be entered to limit the selection.

If the flag "Generate from the sales representatives" is activated, it means that the Outlook contacts linked to sales representatives need to be processed and a range of sales representatives can be entered to limit the selection.


  • Synchronize tasks (field SELTSK)

If this flag is activated, the X3 tasks can be processed within the framework of the forced mass synchronization of those records to be synchronized.

  • Start date (field TSKDATDEB)

Date of the X3 tasks from which the process is launched.

  • End date (field TSKDATFIN)

Date of the X3 tasks up to which the process is launched.

  • From open item (field TSKECHDEB)

Due date of the X3 tasks from which the process is launched.

  • To open item (field TSKECHFIN)

Due date of the X3 tasks up to which the process is launched.

  • Force contact (field TSKFORCOR)

If this flag is activated, it means that the contacts of the X3 tasks can be forced.

  • Synchronize calls (field SELCLL)

If this flag is activated, the X3 calls can be processed within the framework of the forced mass synchronization of those records to be synchronized.

  • Start date (field CLLDATDEB)

Start date of the X3 calls from which the process is launched.

  • End date (field CLLDATFIN)

Date of the X3 calls up to which the process is launched.

  • Force contact (field CLLFORCOR)

If this flag is activated, it means that the contacts of the X3 calls can be forced.


  • Synchronize appointments (field SELBAP)

If this flag is activated, the X3 appointments can be processed within the framework of the forced mass synchronization of those records to be synchronized.

  • Start date (field BAPDATDEB)

Start date of the X3 appointments from which the process is launched.

  • End date (field BAPDATFIN)

Date of the X3 appointments up to which the process is launched.

  • Force contact (field BAPFORCOR)

If this flag is activated, this means that the Outlook contacts (persons to be met) of an X3 appointment can be forced.

  • Force representative (field BAPFORREP)

If this flag is activated, it means that the sales representatives (intervening persons) of an X3 appointment can be forced.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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