Declarations >  Intrastat >  Others >  Processes >  Manage Intrastat file  

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Intrastat is a declaration, which is usually done monthly, that produces statistics on the trade in goods between member states of the European Union (where arrival and dispatch flows are separated).
The application allows you to prepare the information to be declared. The declaration must be done manually from the Customs site or using a dedicated software.
The process is as follows:

  • Extraction of the software database lines. This operation is used to generate the lines to be communicated to the Customs administration. This extraction is based on the documents from the Distribution module that contain automated and editable dedicated fields.
  • Update (deletion/modification) of the lines calculated by the automatic extraction process before transfer to the Customs administration to take into account any specific cases not managed by the software.
    These modifications will only apply to the extracted lines. The source flows are not updated.
  • Transfer to the Customs administration. This transfer is carried out manually or using import/export templates. These templates are specific to each country and have different codes: FREECEXP (shipments) and FREECINT (introductions) for France.

Using the Intrastat file management function, you can modify the previously generated declaration by modifying, canceling or creating lines.


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Screen management

The Intrastat table is managed from a single section. Each line is identified by the company, the declaration date, the flow type, the entry type, the entry number and the line number.

All the information can be modified.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Processing no. (field EECNUMDEB)

It corresponds to the assigned processing number during a CBF table generation .

  • Intrastat date (field DEBDAT)

Date at which the entries are not taken into account anymore.
This is usually the end of the month.
The default date is the end of the month before the month of the current date.

  • Automatic flows (field FLO)

It identifies the flow of information to process.
The documents to process according to the flow are the following:
- Introduction
Purchase invoices
Purchase direct credit memos
Credit memos on sales return
Sales direct credit memos (with stock movements)
- Shipment
Sales invoices
Credit memos on sales invoices
Sales direct credit memos (without stock movements)
Credit memos on sales returns

A company cannot be defined as a legal company (it serves for reporting purposes only).

  • Line no. (field DEBLIN)

It is an incremental counter, initalized to 1, for each extraction processing carried out and flow type (receipt/shipment).

Block number 2

This is the code of the assignment company of the entity.
This optional zone makes it possible to specify entities common to several companies.

  • EU declaration level (field NIV)

Commitment level in which the declarant is situated.

Site that has shipped or received the goods.

Country code corresponding to the default address of the entered storage site.

  • Entry type (field VCRTYP)

No help linked to this field.

  • Order no. (field VCRNUM)


  • Line no. (field VCRLIN)


  • Document date (field DAT)


Block number 3


  • EU VAT no. (field EECNUM)

This is the VAT identification number of the BP. 

This European VAT number must be entered on all the invoices destined to or coming from the European Union. This number starts with two letters identifying the business partner country followed by a number depending on the country.

In France the number is comprised of FR, then 2 numbers identifying the tax office of the place where the company conducts its activities, followed by the Company tax ID no.(SIREN) of the company.

This information must necessarily be entered if the Company Registration number is set up as being mandatory for the country of the company.

No help linked to this field.

  • Description (field ITMDES1)


  • Commod. code (field CUSREF)

Customs reference
Alphanumeric code composed of 12 characters used to identify the product in case of customs statements.

Name of the nearest port. It's necessary to have filled miscellaneous table 951.

  • Receiving/issuing country (field DESCRY)

Destination country or country of origin of the goods.

  • Country of origin (field ORICRY)

The country code for the origin of the goods, initialized to the country code associated with the order supplier.
This field is used to indicate the country where the goods originated in the sense of EU customs rules on the origin.
For the INTRASTAT exchange of goods declaration, the EU country code field associated with this code in the country table is used.
SEEINFO For supplier returns this will be the destination country.


The EEC or statistical rules are used to specify the nature of the EEC transaction from a tax or statistical point of view. The EEC rule is used in the Intrastat declaration.
This information is initialized using the physical flows where it can be modified. This information can also be accessed from some financial flows (sales invoices and credit memos).
The initialization of the nature of the transaction is carried out according to the setups of the comparison table for the Movement rules and natures, which is used to associate an EEC rule and an EEC transaction nature to each type of flow. This setup can be adjusted by rule, country and group of companies.

This is the economic information on the transaction carried out. The nature of the transaction is used in the Intrastat declaration.
This information is initialized using the physical flows where it can be modified. This information can also be accessed from some financial flows (sales invoices and credit memos).
The initialization of the nature of the transaction is carried out according to the setups of the comparison table for the Movement rules and natures, which is used to associate an EEC rule and an EEC transaction nature to each type of flow. This setup can be adjusted by rule, country and group of companies.

  • Transport mode (field EECTRN)

The transport method by which the goods are presumed to leave their national territory on shipment (export) or to have arrived in on receipt (import). This information is used in the Customs document file.

  • Transport location (field EECLOC)

A transport location must be specified in the EU exchange declaration. It is combined with the Incoterm code in order to determine the delivery conditions referring to the sales contract terms that specify the respective obligations of the buyer and seller.

This information is not used in the French declaration.

The Incoterm codes, set by the International Chamber of Commerce, seek to standardize the terms the most used in the international commerce by defining the respective responsibilities of the seller and the buyer agreed upon on establishement of the sales contract by a unique word similarly understood throughout the world.

The Incoterm code, controlled in Incoterm table is used in the INTRASTAT file (Exchange of goods declaration). It can also be used to define the price lists.

  • Department (field REG)

No help linked to this field.

  • Region/State (field STAFED)
  • EU net weight (field NETMAS)

Net mass of the goods expressed in kilograms.

  • Intrastat additional units (field EECUNT)

This is the additional EU unit in which is expressed the quantity issued for the Customs Document File.

  • EU fiscal value (field FISAMT)

The fiscal value of the goods corresponds to the amount of the journal lines, to which it is possible to add the invoicing elements, if their setup is aimed at being a part of the fiscal value calculation. These elements are distributed depending on how their distribution over the lines is set up. The non-distributed elements over the lines are distributed in proportion to the amounts of the line with respect to the total of the journal (if the total of the journal is not equal to 0).

This value is converted into the company's currency (instead of the journal's currency) using the rate type defined by the setup of the TC chapter, CDF group: EECTYPCUR - EU currency rate type, and the rate at the date of the journal.


  • Statistic value (field STAAMT)

The statistical value of the goods is calculated by applying the fiscal value (without the invoicing elements, including those integrating the fiscal value), the EU increase coefficient defined in the ship-to customer record or supplier, then, by adding the invoicing elements when their setup is aimed at being a part of the fiscal/statistical value calculation.
This value is converted into the company's currency (instead of the journal's currency) using the rate type defined by the setup of the TC chapter, CDF group: EECTYPCUR - EU currency rate type, and the rate at the date of the journal.

  • Valuated line (field LINVALOFLG)

This flag is activated to indicate that the declared line has been revalued by the invoices/credit memos lines displayed in the table below.


  • Inv/credits (field VCRNUMVALO)

This grid displays the list of invoices/credit memos lines that have participated in the valuation of the physicial flow. The first column specifies the reference of the invoice or the credit memo; the second one specifies the number of the journal line.
A right click on a line is used to access the invoice/credit memo entered.

  • Journal line (field VCRLINVALO)




Action icon

Standard object management

Use this action to access the referenced invoice/credit memo.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  DEBVERIF : Intrastat report

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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