This inquiry is used to obtain for a works order and a release product, the breakdown by cost type of the production cost for the WO being viewed.
This inquiry is only available if the Production cost price has been updated.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The inquiry screen displays by cost group, the production cost for this order as well as the calculation setups used.
The total result is not a result returned for the unit but is a global result.
The following selection criteria can be found in the header:
The product for which the result will be displayed must be entered (this is the released product).
It is necessary to indicate the site.
It is necessary to specify the calculation year.
The works order number plus the line number for the released product must be specified.
The line number corresponds to the line of the released product in a multiple works order.
First range: 1,000, second range: 2,000, etc.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Reference of the manufactured/sub-contracted product which cost price needs to be calculated. |
This field contains the storage and/or production site. It is initialized by default with the normal storage site of the user. |
Work order/sub-contract order numbers used to select a cost price. |
Block number 2
Block number 3
Block number 4
This tab lists the different cost components of the work order and displays a graph of the distribution of the production cost price by cost type.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field contains the value linked to the material directly associated to the nomenclature first level of the product. |
This field displays the subcontract service cost. The price used to value the service is specified by the VLTSCEOEXT - Service value price/planned PC parameter (ACH chapter, COS group). |
Grid Graph
Display graph
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Graph
Display graph
This tab displays the parameters used in the calculation of the cost price.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Calculation setup
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
MFGCOST : WO cost detail
This can be changed using a different setup.
This button is used to view the production cost history for a product in a given period. |