Manufacturing >  Production tracking >  Production tracking  

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The objective of this function is the production tracking of work orders released to the workshop: collection of the production times devoted to the operations, material consumption, production reporting.

It is not possible to work with a works order (WO) until it is firm, and allocated at least globally, if it is this is the setting of the dedicated general setup and in this case if no critical material is in shortage (material where the "Release if shortage" flag is set to No in the product-site record).

This function was designed to automate as much as possible the tracking of WO(s). The setup of the production tracking transactions is used to pre-load all the information so that in the best cases, the simple creation of a tracking record carries out in a single action the tracking of the operations, materials and production reporting. However a more detailed manual tracking entry remains available to the operator at all times.

In addition, Sage X3 also provides mass WO tracking functions that are used to track several WOs at the same time and also to carry out production tracking without WO.

SEEREFERTTO A Production reporting function is also available in VT mode. It can be accessed from a portable terminal, and is also used to create production reportings and material consumption and to automatically launch the label print.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information and what information is displayed and printed.

If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed. The Production tracking function contains a header information section and three tabs.



This section is used to enter general information concerning WO tracking, such as:

  • The production site: it is this site for which the tracking is carried out. This field is initialized with the production site associated with the operator.
  • The number of the Work Order to be tracked. To select a Work Order, use the contextual button on the WO number field and select it from the list of all the WOs (Selection button).
  • The tracking number, automatically assigned by the system at creation, as a function of the sequence number counter.
  • The tracking date, entered in creation mode: by default it is the current date, but an earlier date can be entered although not a later one. In the case of material consumption and production reporting, the corresponding stock transactions are posted on the tracking date. The system validates that the entered date falls in a period for which the stock updates are authorized.
  • If the transaction used makes it possible to carry out several tracking types (material and operation tracking, production reporting), a check box and a tab are activated for each tracking type: It is then necessary to un-check the boxes for those tracking types that are not required. On the other hand, if the transaction only allows one tracking type, materials for example, only the Material tracking tick box is present, ticked and non modifiable and only the Material tab is proposed..




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations.

  • Tracking number (field MFGTRKNUM)

The WO tracking is identified by this unique number.
It is automatically generated upon each creation.

  • Order no. (field MFGNUM)

This field displays the work order number (unique ID).
This number is automatically or manually generated upon each creation.
Click the Selection icon to open the list of work orders (which only includes 'Firm' or 'Closed' work orders) and select a work order.

  • Tracking date (field MFGTRKDAT)

The tracking creation date is initialized at the current date.
This is the date that will be used as the posting date for all stock transactions linked to this tracking.
It can be re-entered to a prior date, provided that such date is in an open period in the accounting calendar.
It is not possible to enter a date that is later than the current date.

Block number 2

  • Operation tracking (field OPETRKFLG)

Flag making it possible to know if tracking concerns an
operation tracking.
This field is assigned depending on the entry transaction
being used.

    • Production reporting (field ITMTRKFLG)

    Flag making it possible to know if the tracking concerns a production reporting.
    This field entry depends on the entry transaction being used.

    • Material tracking (field MATTRKFLG)

    Flag making it possible to know if tracking concerns a
    material tracking.
    This field is assigned depending on the entry transaction
    being used.

      • Warehouse (field WRHE)

      The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH.
      Movement warehouse, suggested by default for all the document lines.
      It must be entered if it is defined as mandatory at the level of the entry transaction.
      It is loaded in priority with the warehouse defined for the user. If it fails to be set up at user lever, it is initialized with the warehouse defined, by default, at site level for this type of movement.



      Tab Operations


      This screen is used to enter the time passed on the operations in the works order.

      All the fields that can be entered in this tab are pre-loaded by the transaction.

      Operations grid

      In automatic tracking the quantity carried out by each operation is loaded by default with the quantity remaining to be produced in the WO and automatic completion is proposed by default.

      If this data is acceptable to the user, all that needs to be done is to create the tracking record by recording the time passed.

      If these data are not suitable, the following fields: actual quantity, actual rejected quantity, unitary time, operation, setup, completion flag, ID number, messages and scrap messages can be assigned: production times are automatically adjusted.

      The actual quantity is the total quantity produced in the operation: it includes the rejected or "in QC" quantity arising from the operation.

      If a reject quantity is entered, it is possible to associate with it up to 15 different reject messages, this entry is accessible using the right mouse button on the "Reject quantity" field and from the "Reject message" field, both during the entry in the table and during the entry of the detailed production tracking.

      A contextual button provides an Entry by range with start and end range, when entering the production times.

      If an operation range is present in the list of operations to be tracked, the operations tracked using this range are also present but cannot be modified: their actual quantities and times are automatically adjusted according to the range tracking.

      It the transaction also includes a production reporting, the actual quantity for the released product is adjusted as a function of the actual quantity entered at the level of the operation. Warning: only the total quantity actually produced is reported on the line of the released product, therefore if a rejected quantity is entered on the operation, it will be necessary to use the detailed entry of the released product line to ensure data consistency.

      If the transaction includes material consumption, the quantity of the consumed material is adjusted on the actual quantity of the linked operations, as a function of the Material consumption method setup of the transaction.

      Only a modification to the quantity to be tracked in the table header leads to an adjustment of all the consumed materials, depending on the Material consumption method setup of the transaction.

      Depending on the setup of the chosen tracking transaction, it is possible to carry out the operation tracking either in operation unit or in the stock unit of the released product: one of these two units is proposed by default, based on what is requested in the transaction parameters.

      The Tracking type column cannot be entered, it is useful to view in the created operation tracking using a time tracking plan where it is possible to track a WO operation and a routing operation without WO.

      Similarly, the "Order no.", "Routing" and "BOM code" data can never be entered: they are used in the reading of a tracking generated by a tracking plan, which can then group all the operations of several WOs and/or trackings on a Production routing without WO.

      In the case where the WO that is the object of an operation tracking is scheduled, (in the same way as in modification or deletion of an operation tracking) the production load is automatically updated when the tracking entry is generated. 

      It is possible to add an operation to be tracked directly in the grid or by using the right-click button "Add unplanned operation".




      The following fields are present on this tab :

      Block number 1

      • Operation range (field WOPE1)

      This field corresponds to the range on the operation numbers.
      The entry of the operation number range is used to select the operations to be tracked that will be displayed in the operation table.

      • field WOPE2


      • Filter (field FILTOPE)

      Use this field to filter the records to be tracked. Select one of the following values:

      • All
      • Closed
      • Not closed
      • Tracked qty (field QTESUIVOPE)

      This field, that has been entered, is used to readjust the actual/consumed quantities of the lines.
      This quantity is expressed:

      • in stock unit in case of a multi-line release,
      • in release unit in case of a single-line release.

      This field is initialized for an initial tracking with the quantity planned in the work order.
      This is only accessible if the filter submits the non-closed operations.
      The modification of this quantity leads to a recalculation of the actual quantities suggested in the operations to be tracked.

      On analytical inquiry, this field determines the non-financial unit linked to the displayed account.
      The non-financial unit is determined when setting up an account associated with a given value.
      This unit is called upon entry.


      • No. (field NO)


      • Tracking type (field TIMTYP)

      This field can take the following values:

      • WO: the declared time concerns a WO operation,
      • product: the declared time concerns a routing operation,
      • miscellaneous: the declared time concerns time on a work center.
      • Operation (field OPENUM)

      The production routing is described by means of operation numbers.
      Each operation corresponds to a task carried out on a given resource, with given times.

      • Split (field OPESPLNUM)

      The field corresponds to the operation fraction number.

      • Std oper (field STDOPENUM)

      The standard operation is a "template" operation used to create or modify the routing operations.
      The definition of the fields of a standard operation is very similar to that of a routing operation.

      Recover the standard operation data:

      • if the operation unit is mentioned in the standard operation, it is used again, otherwise, the stock unit of the product in the routing is used.
        If not entered, the conversion coefficient is extracted from the coefficient table
      • The times (rate, setting time and operating time) are converted if the time unit of the routing header is different from that of the standard operation.
        The standard operation is referenced in the operation that called it as a template.

      SEEWARNING When modifying a standard operation, the modifications are not passed on to the associated operations.

      • Type (field WSTTYP)

      The type of a work center can be either machine, labor or sub-contracting.
      The work centers of "sub-contracting" type are used to manage the operations carried out externally by sub-contracting suppliers.

      • Actual work center (field CPLWST)

      This field indicates the actual work center.
      The work center is attached to a work center group. It corresponds to a production resource on which a routing operation has been carried out.  

      • Description (field WSTSHO)

      This field specifies the "short" description of the work center.

      • Actual labor W/C (field CPLLAB)

      A labor work center can be associated with the machine-type principal work center.

      The labor work center times are calculated using two coefficients:

      The operation unit expresses the operating time in another unit than that of the product described by the routing.

      Example :

      A product managed by unit can be subject to three operations, without any intermediate stock. It is not necessary to create semi-finished products for each production phase:

      • Mixing: time is expressed for a lot with the kilogram as the unit,
      • Extrusion: time is a rate in meters per hour,
      • Cutting: time is expressed in hours per unit.

      This unit is associated with a conversion coefficient for the stock unit of the product for which the routing has been set up and the operation unit.

      The quantities of the work order operations are expressed in the operation unit.

      • U-OPE conversion (field OPEWORCOE)


      • Labor time set fac (field SETLABCOE)

      This is the planned setting time to obtain the setting time allocated to the labor work center linked to the main work center.

      This coefficient applied to the planned setting time to obtain the setting time allocated to the labor work center linked to the main work center.
      This field is only available for entry if the labor work center is entered.


      • Remaining quantity (field EXTQTY)

      This field indicates the planned quantity, expressed in sales unit, for this contract product.
      For information purposes, this quantity is used upon price list search.

      • Labor r-time fact (field OPELABCOE)

      This is the coefficient applied to the planned operation time. It is used to obtain the operation time for the labor work center linked to the principal work center. This field is only available for entry if the labor work center is defined.

      Operation times are subdivided as follows:

      Proportional times are expressed for the production of an operation unit (and not in the stock unit of the finished product using the routing).

      • Total actual quantity (field CPLQTY)

      This field displays the total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit.

      • Actual rejected qty. (field REJCPLQTY)

      This field displays the actual rejected quantity.

      The sum of the "quantity produced under quality control" plus the "rejected quantity" cannot exceed the Total completed quantity.

      • Time unit (field TIMUOMCOD)

      The time unit defines how time for the operations in this routing is expressed. The time unit can be 'hours' or 'minutes'.

      It applies to the setup time, run time and the rate of all operations in the routing.

      • Actual unit time (field CPLUNTTIM)

      The unitary time is the actual operation time necessary for the production of a unit.

      • Remaining stp. time (field EXTSETTIM)

      The setting time is a fixed amount of time necessary to prepare the work center.
      It is part of the work center load.
      It is expressed in the time unit specified in the routing.

      • Actual stp. time (field CPLSETTIM)

      This is the actual setting time.
      The setting time is a fixed amount of time necessary to prepare the work center.
      It is part of the work center load. It is expressed in the time unit specified in the routing.

      • Remaining run time (field EXTOPETIM)

      The operation time is the time necessary to manufacture the product described in the routing.

      The operating time:

      • in hours or minutes (see the time unit),
      • is expressed for 1, 100, 1,000 or a lot of units of the operation based on the management unit,
      • can be proportional or fixed, based on the type of operation times.
        Example :
        Time unit = Hours
        Time type = Proportional
        Management unit = Time for 100
        Operating time = 2
        Operation unit = Kg
        Finished product unit = One
        Conversion coefficient DU-OU = 0.5
        The operating time equals 2 hours for 100 Kg. If the Work Order is launched for 1,000 units of finished product, the time necessary to produce this operation is 10 hours to obtain 500 Kg.
      • Actual run time (field CPLOPETIM)

      This is the actual operation time.
      It is possible via a contextual button to enter start and end times.
      In that case, the system automatically calculates the actual operation time.

      The operating time:

      • in hours or minutes (see the time unit),
      • is expressed for 1, 100, 1000 or a lot of units of the operation based on the management unit,
      • can be proportional or fixed based based on the operating time type.
        Time unit = Hours
        Time type = proportional
        Management unit = Time for 100
        Operating time = 2
        Operating unit = Kg
        Finished product unit = Un
        REL-OPE conversion coefficient = 0.5
        The operation time is equal to 2 hours for 100 Kg. If the Work Order is launched for 1000 units of finished product, the time necessary to produce this operation is 10 hours to obtain 500 Kg.
      • Close (field CLEFLG)

      Use this field to specify whether the line must be closed or not ('Yes'/'No').

      • Employee ID (field EMPNUM)

      This field corresponds to the Labor operator.

      • Message (field MSGNUM)

      This field displays the information message linked to the operation tracking.
      It belongs to the TABMSG table.
      It is possible to enter an information message, whether the time unit is entered or not.

      • Reject (field SCANUM1)

      It is the information message concerning the rejected quantity.
      It belongs to the TABSCA table of the scrap messages.

      • Scheduling (field SCDCOD)

      Scheduling determines the way in which routing operations follow each other. It can take the following values:

      • Absolute successor. Position is at the end of the longest operation in the routing.
      • Overlapping wait = lots. The following operation can start after a period of time corresponding to the number of lots manufactured during the processed operation.
      • Overlapping wait = time. The next operation can start after a period of time equal to a given overlapping time.
      • Overlapping wait = quantity. The next operation can start when a given quantity over the processed operation has been produced.
      • Start synchronization. The next operation is synchronized to start at the same time as the processed operation.
      • End synchronization. The next operation is synchronized to end at the same time as the processed operation.
      • All order operations parallel. The next operation is synchronized to start at the same time as the first operation.
      • Subcontract synchronization. Code used automatically when a subcontracted operation is distributed over several supplier orders. In this situation the operation is split up and this code is used to link the various components to a single operation.
      • Simple successor. Position is just after the previous operation.
      • Next operation (field NEXOPENUM)


      • Start date (field INFCAPSTR)


      • End date (field INFCAPEND)


      • Milestone (field DACMST)

      This field defines the type of production tracking that applies to this operation, as follows:

      • No. This operation is not tracked manually.
      • Normal tracking. This operation is tracked normally.
      • Range. This operation and all the previous non-tracked operations are tracked automatically until the first operation is found that is set to Normal tracking or is itself included in a range of operations.
      • Order no. (field MFGNUMOP)


      This field indicates the product reference code. It is generated by a sequence number counter (set up in function Sequence number counters) in the case when the product category has a sequence number counter code.

      The reference cannot be modified. It is automatically assigned and displayed when the product creation is complete.

      • Code (field ROUALT)


      • Ope description (field ROODES)


      The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.

      In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of the default dimensions.

      In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset.










































      Action icon

      Tracking report

      This button summarizes the operation tracking flag (pending, in process, completed), the planned and actual quantities and the planned and actual production times.

      Operation Detail

      This button makes it possible to view the Operation detail record as it is expected in the WO.


      This button is used to view the Work Order being tracked.

      Technical Sheet

      This button is used to assign or view the Technical sheet linked to the operation if this is planned in the WO.

      Do not track

      This button is used when choosing not to track an ongoing tracking operation. The actual quantity for the operation then becomes zero. This is only possible during the creation of an operation to be tracked (not tracked by range) or added.

      Manual Entry

      This button is used to access the operation manual tracking.

      Standard rerouting action

      This button is used to view and extend the text associated with the operation at WO level.

      Tracking Modification

      It is possible to modify the operation tracking where time has already been entered by using the Tracking Modification contextual button: a window then opens that is identical to the manual tracking window, where the work centres cannot be entered. The detailed view of the rejection messages and their entry is then possible.

      The modifications carried out on an operation do not adjust the consumption of linked materials: it is necessary to carry out the required adjustments directly in the material issue workbench.

      On the other hand, if tracking operations that have not yet been the object of any tracking, it is necessary to create a new tracking record.

      Standard object management

      This button is used to reactivate an operation excluded in creation mode.

      Standard object management
      Tracking report
      Analytical dimensions

      This button gives access to the analytical dimensions of the operations.




      Tab Manufacturing


      This screen is used to carry out the receipt to stock from production. This stock movement uses the setups in the tracking transaction. 

      Quantity to track

      This quantity is initialized by the planned quantity for the WO. If the production reporting follows an operation tracking entry, this field is initialized with the planned quantity to be tracked from the operations and cannot be modified.

      Released product grid

      All the fields that can be entered in this table are pre-loaded by the tracking transaction.

      The lot, sub-lot, status, serial number, transaction description fields are accessible if required according to the tracking transaction used.

      Automatic production reporting

      If the system does not have the necessary stock information to carryout the receipt without intervention by the user, the product is displayed in red. It is then necessary to carryout a manual stock receipt using the right-click button "Enter quantity details".

      If sub-products are managed at the level of the WO tracking, these sub-products are present in the table for the products to be received in stock, characterised by the "Product type" column with the value "sub-product".

      Finally, according to the transaction setup, the "Tracking type column" is displayed: it cannot be entered but is useful when viewing the created tracking entry in the tracking plan where it is possible to carry out a receipt to stock with or without a WO.

      Similarly, the "Order no.", "Routing" and "BOM code" data can never be entered: they are used in the reading of a tracking generated by a tracking plan, which can then group all the operations of several WOs and/or trackings on a Production routing without WO.




      The following fields are present on this tab :

      Block number 1

      • Tracked qty (field QTESUIVITM)

      This field, that has been entered, is used to readjust the actual/consumed quantities of the lines.
      This quantity is expressed:

      • in stock unit in case of a multi-line release,
      • in release unit in case of a single-line release.

      This field is initialized for an initial tracking with the quantity planned in the work order.
      This is only accessible if the filter submits the non-closed operations.
      The modification of this quantity leads to a recalculation of the actual quantities suggested in the operations to be tracked.



      • No. (field NO)


      • Tracking type (field PRODTYP)


      • Revenue type (field ITMTYP)



      • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


      • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)


      On analytical inquiry, this field determines the non-financial unit linked to the displayed account.
      The non-financial unit is determined when setting up an account associated with a given value.
      This unit is called upon entry.

      • Remaining quantity (field UOMEXTQTY)


      • Total completed qty. (field UOMCPLQTY)

      This field indicates the actual quantity expressed in the release unit.

      • STK conversion (field UOMSTUCOE)

      This field displays the conversion factor used for the unit of measure of a quantity and the stock unit of the corresponding product.


      • Actual quantity STK (field CPLQTY)


      • Warehouse (field WRH)

      The presence of this field depends on the activity code WRH.
      It is initialized with the warehouse present in the document header.

      • It can be modified if it is defined as enterable in the entry transaction.
        If it is entered, the warehouse will be automatically entered on the stock detail lines and can not be modified.
      • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory and the warehouse cannot be entered either on the document lines or on the stock detail lines.
        To manage multi-warehouses on the lines, it is necessary, at entry transaction level, to set up the warehouse-line so that it can be entered. The split of a same line on several warehouses is carried out in the window Quantity detailed entry available by right-click.
        When a receipt line is distributed on various warehouses, this field is loaded on the slip line with character '$'.

      SEEINFOThe warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

      • Status (field STA)

      Status of the stock to be received.

      Location types are used to codify warehouse locations according to storage characteristics such as their dimensions, authorized statuses and technical constraints.

      They are associated with the products by site (or the products by warehouse when warehouses are managed): you can thus geographically group the products that share similar characteristics.
      The location type of the product is suggested by default. It can be modified if it is defined as available for entry at the level of the entry transaction.

      SEEINFO When warehouses are managed, entry of a location type is only permitted if at least one location is linked to the entered type and warehouse.

      • Location (field LOC)

      The storage location is automatically displayed based on the location type, if specified. Otherwise, the location taken into account is by default the location defined in the Product-warehouse, if the warehouses are managed, or else the location defined in the product-site record.
      This value can later be modified.

      SEEINFO When the warehouses are managed, only a location linked to the specified warehouse can be entered.

      • Lot (field LOT)

      Lot concerned by the receipt transaction.

      • No. of sublots (field NBSLO)

      This field contains the number of sub-lots concerned by the stock transaction.

      • Sublot (field SLO)

      Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction.

      • Ending sublot (field SLOF)


      • Serial no. (field SERNUM)

      This is the product serial number.

      • Last serial no. (field SERNUMF)


      • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)


      • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


      • Closed (field CLEFLG)

      Use this field to specify whether the line must be closed or not ('Yes'/'No').

      • Movement description (field MVTDES)

      A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the shipment line.
      This description is also accessible from the stock issue detail window. If it has been modified by this function, it will be automatically recovered and registered on the shipment line in this field.

      • Description (field ITMDES1)



      • Order information (field MFGNUMIT)





      Action icon

      Tracking report

      This button is used to view the progress status of a WO. The Tracking status screen summarizes the planned, actual and remaining quantities.

      Released prod det.

      This button makes it possible to view the Product detail record as it is planned in the WO.

      Work Orders

      This button is used to view the Work Order being tracked.

      Standard rerouting action

      This button is used when choosing not to track an ongoing production operation. the actual quantity for the product then becomes zero. It is only possible during the creation of a production to be tracked or added.

      Enter Detailed Quantities

      This button is used to reactivate a production excluded in creation mode.

      Enter Detailed Quantities

      This button gives access to the Detailed entry of the quantities of a production.

      Stock Txn Modification

      It is possible to modify a stock receipt using the contextual button Modification of the stock transactions: a window then opens that is used to modify the quantity received to stock, for each location and lot.

      The modifications carried out on a WO do not adjust the material consumptions linked nor the operations in an automatic way : It is necessary to carry out the required adjustments manually.

      On the other hand, if tracking operations that have not yet been the object of any tracking, it is necessary to create a new tracking record.

      Lot info

      This button is used to view the lot information.

      Lot complement

      This button is used to enter the lot information.

      LOT complement
      Stock by Lot

      This button is used to view the product stock by lot.


      This button is used to view the product BOM.

      Transaction inquiry

      This button makes it possible to view the receipt transactions created by tracking.




      Tab Components


      This screen is used to carry out material stock issues.

      All the fields that can be entered in this tab are pre-loaded by the transaction.


      The entry of operation number ranges is used to select the materials to be tracked with respect to their attached operations.

      If the material tracking is consecutive to an operation tracking, the ranges are pre-loaded with the values of the ranges in the operations tab.

      If the material tracking is consecutive to a production reporting, the ranges take the values 0 to 999.

      In neither of these two cases can they be modified.

      If material tracking is carried out alone, the entry of these ranges is used to re-load the materials grid.

      Stock withdrawal

      This field is pre-loaded by default by the chosen transaction. It is used to filter the materials as a function of their stock withdrawal method (immediate or post consumption).

      If the transaction plans a strictly manual withdrawal, it will impose the detailed entry of the material consumption with immediate stock withdrawal.

      The stock withdrawal field cannot be modified if the material tracking is made following an operation tracking or to a production reporting.


      This filter is used to choose the status of the materials to be tracked (closed or not).

      It is pre-loaded by default by the chosen transaction. If the material tracking follows an operation tracking, the material filter is identical to the operations filter and cannot be modified.

      Stock issue location

      This field entry is based on the setup of the tracking transaction and the WO allocation status: 

      • If the WO is allocated, this field cannot be assigned.
      • If the WO is not allocated, this field is used to initialize the preferred location in the picking criteria and the proposition if it is not automatically determined. In case of an automatic determination, the system attemps to pick from this location in priority and then plays by the production allocation rule.

      Materials grid

      Automatic tracking

      In automatic tracking, the quantity consumed for each material is loaded by default from the remaining quantity in the WO, weighted by the Material consumption method in the transaction ; and by default the user is prompted to complete the material.

      If these data are not appropriate, the consumed quantity fields and the close flag can be modified.

      The lot, sub-lot, status, serial number, transaction description fields are accessible if required according to the tracking transaction used.

      The material table displays the material allocation information from the time of release (allocation status, detailed, global, with or without shortage).

      • In the case of a detailed allocation without shortage, the stock issue location is specified in the material. If the material is allocated to several locations, the stock issue location is marked "Multiple".
      • If the material is in shortage and negative stocks are authorized at the product level, the material issue is performed: it generates a suspended stock movement and it will be necessary to adjust this system receipt to stock when the missing stock allocation is made.
      • If the allocation is global or if the WO is not allocated (which is possible as a function of the value assigned to the general setup MTKALLMGT), the system looks to carryout the issue as a function of the management and allocation rules.
      • Finally, according to the transaction setup, the "Tracking type column" is displayed: it cannot be entered but is useful when viewing the created tracking entry in the tracking plan where it is possible to carry out a receipt to stock with or without a WO.

      It is possible to add an unplanned material directly in the grid. 

      Similarly, the "Order no.", "Routing" and "BOM code" data can never be entered: they are used in the reading of a tracking generated by a tracking plan, which can then group all the operations of several WOs and/or trackings on a Production routing without WO.

      Manual tracking

      If the system does not have the necessary stock information to perform the issue without the intervention of the user, the product to be produced is displayed in red. It is then necessary to carryout a manual stock receipt using the right-click button "Enter quantity details".

      If the stock is not available but the product is managed with "negative stock authorized", the field will be displayed in green.

      A cumulated material for tracking cannot be the object of a detailed tracking.




      The following fields are present on this tab :

      Block number 1

      • Operation range (field WOPE1)

      This field corresponds to the range on the operation numbers.
      The entry of the operation number range is used to select the operations to be tracked that will be displayed in the operation table.

      • field WOPE2


      • Stock withdrawal (field STOCOD)

      This flag is used to filter the records to be tracked based on their stock issue mode.
      The possible values are:

      • manual,
      • automatic,
      • all.
      • Filter (field FILTMAT)

      Use this field to filter the records to be tracked. Select one of the following values:

      • All
      • Closed
      • Not closed
      • Tracked qty (field QTESUIVMAT)

      This field, that has been entered, is used to readjust the actual/consumed quantities of the lines.
      This quantity is expressed:

      • in stock unit in case of a multi-line release,
      • in release unit in case of a single-line release.

      This field is initialized for an initial tracking with the quantity planned in the work order.
      This is only accessible if the filter submits the non-closed operations.
      The modification of this quantity leads to a recalculation of the actual quantities suggested in the operations to be tracked.

      On analytical inquiry, this field determines the non-financial unit linked to the displayed account.
      The non-financial unit is determined when setting up an account associated with a given value.
      This unit is called upon entry.

      Block number 2

      • Stock issuing location (field LOCSTO)

      This field entry is based on the parameterization of the tracking transaction and the WO allocation status:

      • If the WO is allocated, this field cannot be assigned.
      • If the WO is not allocated, this field is used to initialize the preferred location in the picking criteria and the proposition if it is not automatically determined. In case of an automatic determination, the system attemps to pick from this location in priority and then plays by the production allocation rule.


      • No. (field NO)


      • Tracking type (field MATTYP)

      The consumption type can take the following values:

      • WO: Consumption deals with a material related to a WO,
      • Product: Consumption deals with a material related to a BOM.
      • Component type (field CPNTYP)

      Use this field to define what type of component this is. You can set it to one of the following values:

      • Normal. A component of this bill of materials.
      • By-product. An unplanned by-product or secondary product.
      • Text. Free-format text to be displayed on a work order.
      • Costing. When a value must be calculated for the provisional cost and the production cost price of the parent product.

      This field enters the component product.

      • Description (field ITMDES1)

      This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line.

      • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)

      This field indicates which version of this component (material) applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the "form, fit or function" has changed.

      This field is not populated if the component code defined in the Component or Material field is not version managed.

      • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)

      This field indicates which minor version of this component (material) applies. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version.

      This field is not populated if the component code defined in the Component or Material field is not version managed.

      • Op. (field OPENUM)

      The production routing is described by means of operation numbers.
      Each operation corresponds to a task carried out on a given resource, with given times.

      • Actual work center (field CPLWST)

      This field indicates the actual work center.
      The work center is attached to a work center group. It corresponds to a production resource on which a routing operation has been carried out.  

      • Short description (field WSTSHO)

      This field specifies the "short" description of the work center.

      This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

      • The stock
      • The standard price
      • The BOM link quantity, etc.

      This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.

      • Remaining quantity (field RETQTY)

      This field displays the quantity related to the requirement.

      • Quantity tracked (field USEQTY)

      This field indicates the consumed quantity.

      If material tracking follows an operation tracking or production reporting, the quantity to be tracked is automatically indicated and cannot be modified.

      This field is initialized for an initial tracking with the quantity planned in the work order.
      This is only accessible if the filter submits the non-closed operations.
      The modification of this quantity leads to a recalculation of the actual quantities proposed for the materials to be tracked.

      The lines in red characters indicate that:

      • the tracking quantities have a value equal to zero,
      • the stock could not be determined, no matter whether the tracking quantity is equal to zero or not.
      • Type (field TYPQTY)

      It is the quantity type.
      Within the framework of the potency management, the quantity can be expressed in physical or active unit.

      • Warehouse (field WRH)

      The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
      It defaults to the value of the warehouse specified in the header.

      • This field can be modified if it is defined as available for entry at the level of the entry transaction.
        When this field is entered, it is used as a filter for stock detail line selection and cannot be modified.
        When this field is not entered, the warehouse defined by default for this type of movement in the product-site record is used as the selection filter.
      • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory and the warehouse cannot be entered either on the document lines or on the stock detail lines.
        To manage multiple warehouses on the lines, the entry must be set up at the entry transaction level. The selection of a single product line distributed over multiple warehouses is available by clicking Enter detailed quantites from the Actions icon.
        If a single product line is distributed over multiple warehouses, the corresponding fields display the '$' character.

      SEEINFO The warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

      • Lot (field LOT)

      This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement.

      • Sublot (field SLO)

      Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction.

      • Loc. (field LOC)

      This field indicates the stock issue location.

      • Status (field STA)

      This field indicates the product status (A, Q, R).

      SEEINFO When the status changes from A to Q, the stock keeps the same location (no stock movement to be controlled).

      • Starting serial number (field SERNUM)

      This is the product serial number.

      • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)

      This field contains the end serial number.

      • Mvt. des. (field MVTDES)

      A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the shipment line.
      This description is also accessible from the stock issue detail window. If it has been modified by this function, it will be automatically recovered and registered on the shipment line in this field.

      • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

      Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary.

      • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


      • Closed (field CLEFLG)

      Use this field to specify whether the line must be closed or not ('Yes'/'No').

      • Stock withdrawal (field STOCODL)


      • Requirement date (field RETDAT)

      This field displays the date on which the requirement arises.


      Several BOMs can be defined for the same product reference.
      They can be distinguished via the code, entered on two numbers.

      The various BOM codes can be used to manage different product structures according to their use context such as:

      • MRP calculation,
      • Sales order entry
      • Manufacturing/production

      This field can be left empty (value = 0) to enable manual entry of the components. In this case, only the component is loaded.

      • Order information (field MFGNUMMA)


      • Allocation status (field ALLSTA)


      The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.

      In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of the default dimensions.

      In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset.

      • Location management (field LOCMGTCOD)

      The product can be managed in stock, with possible entry of a storage location based on the value assigned to this code.
      SEEINFO The storage address is always checked as existing.



      Action icon

      Tracking report

      This button is used to view the material tracking report.

      Product Detail

      This button makes it possible to view the Product detail record as it is planned in the WO.

      Work Orders

      This button is used to view the Work Order being tracked.

      Do not track

      This button is used when choosing not to track a material being tracked. The quantity to be consumed becomes nil: this is only possible during creation of a material to be consumed or added.

      Enter Detailed Quantities

      This button gives access to the Stock detail window that is authorizing the manual material tracking in order to select the stock line(s) to be consumed.

      Standard rerouting action

      This button enables an excluded material to be reactivated.

      Stock by Site

      This button is used to view the stock by site of the selected product.

      Stock Txn Modification

      It is possible to modify the consumed quantity for a material using the Stock movements modification button. Only a decrease of the consumed quantity is authorized To increase the consumption, another tracking entry must be created.

      Transaction inquiry

      This button makes it possible to view the transactions created by tracking.





      Specific actions

      The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

      The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on their authorizations.

      • Work order (field MFGNUM)

      This field displays the work order number (unique ID).
      This number is automatically or manually generated upon each creation.
      Click the Selection icon to open the list of work orders (which only includes 'Firm' or 'Closed' work orders) and select a work order.

      • WO status (field XMFGSTA)



      Click the Status action to view information that relates to the work order as a whole.

      Menu bar

      Option / Producable quantity

      This menu makes it possible to automatically readjust the quantity to be tracked based on material availability.

      Option / Manufacturing labels

      Click the Manufacturing labels action to print the production labels.

      Option / Stock labels

      Click the Stock labels action to print the stock labels.

      Option / Transaction

      Click the Transaction action to view or amend the format of this entry transaction.

      Text / Header text

      Click the Header text action to view, enter or modify text associated with this work order.

      Error messages

      In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

      This site is not a production site

      When entering the production site.

      Date greater than the current date

      This message is displayed if the tracking date entered is greater than the current date.

      Period not defined or process prohibited for this date

      This message is displayed if the entered date falls in a non open period or during a period when stock updates are prohibited.

      Record does not exist

      This message is displayed if the WO entered does not exist.

      No record selected

      This message can appear in several cases:

      • In WO selection, if no WO meets the selection criteria.
      • When loading the different grids (operation, released products, materials) if no selection meets the filters (for instance, non closed operations are requested and all the operations for this WO are already closed).
      It is only possible to track a WO with status "FIRM"

      This message is displayed if the status of the work order is not set to 'Firm'.

      A material is out of stock and prevents the tracking of this WO (XXXXX)

      This message is displayed during the creation of the tracking for a WO where a material is out of stock and where the Release if shortage setup is set to NO in the product-site record.

      Record that already exists

      This message is displayed during the creation of the tracking with a manual sequence number if the tracking number already exists in the database.

      Incomplete allocation. Tracking impossible

      This message is displayed if the work order is not at a minimum allocated globally and the MKTALLMGT general setup, Mandatory allocation to the WO, is set to 'Yes'.

      The WO is not printed: Tracking impossible

      This message is displayed if the production folder has not been printed and this is mandatory for production to start (according to the DOSFAB general setup).

      Incomplete Work Order: Tracking impossible

      This message is displayed if the work order is not complete (only materials or only operations) and the WO management plans to complete this order before releasing the production.

      The end range is prior to the start range

      This message appears in three cases:

      • During the start and end operation range entry in the operation tracking tab
      • During the start and end operation range entry in the material tracking tab
      • During entry of the start and end time for the manual operation tracking.
      Excluded line

      This message is displayed if an attempt is made to track an excluded operation, released product or material.

      Previous operation not tracked

      This message is displayed when an attempt is made to track an operation even though the previous operation has not been tracked. This message can be blocking or not according to the value of the CTLOPEPRE general setup.

      Technical sheet not entered

      This message is displayed upon tracking creation (as a function of the value of general setup CTLFICTEC) and if an operation with a technical sheet has been tracked and that the technical sheet has not been entered.

      Problem with the update of the WIP load

      This message is displayed during the creation of an operation tracking if the WIP load record has not been updated correctly.

      No tracking carried out

      This error message is displayed during creation of the tracking if no operation or released product or material has been tracked.

      Problem at the time of sequence number counter recovery

      This error message is displayed during creation if the reading of the associated sequence number counter is incorrect.

      No sequence number counter is associated with this document

      This error message is displayed during creation if no sequence number counter has been assigned to the production tracking.


      This number is already used!

      This message is displayed when an unplanned operation is added if the operation entered already exists in the WO.

      Sub-contracting prohibited

      This message is displayed on adding a non-planned operation of the sub-contractor type (entry of a standard sub-contractor operation or an actual work center of the type sub-contractor).

      Actual quantity greater than the planned quantity. Continue?

      This warning message is displayed during the tracking of an operation if the actual quantity is greater than the planned quantity.

      Rejected quantity greater than the actual quantity

      This message can appear during operation tracking if the rejected quantity is greater than the actual quantity.

      Recover the standard operation data?

      This message is displayed during the adding of an unplanned operation after the entry of a standard operation.

      The labor work center must not be identical to the principal work center

      This message is displayed during the manual tracking of an operation if the actual labor work centre is identical to the actual principal work center.

      XXXXXX is not a labor work center

      This message can appear following the validation control on the actual labor work center.

      The site attached to the work center must be the same as the site linked to the routing code

      This message can appear following the validation control on the actual machine or labor work center.

      Tracking unexpected operation on a versioned routing

      This warning is displayed if this work order uses a routing that is version-managed and you have chosen to add a new operation to it. Click Cancel to abandon your action. To add the new operation, click OK. You will not be prevented from adding the operation if you need to. This message is only displayed the first time you elect to add an operation to a work order that uses a routing that is version-managed.

      Modifying work center of a versioned routing operation

      This warning is displayed if this work order uses a routing that is version-managed and you have chosen to modify an existing operation. Click Cancel to abandon your action. To modify the work center, click OK. You will not be prevented from modifying the operation if you need to.


      Material with strict manual stock issuing method : Mandatory manual tracking

      This message is displayed if an attempt is made to automatically track a material with an immediate issue method and a transaction that prohibits the automatic issue for this type of material (strict manual issue).

      Not enough stock for this material and negative stock prohibited

      This message is displayed when an attempt is made to consume a material for which there is not enough available stock and where negative stock is prohibited for this material.

      Quantity generating a negative stock

      This message is displayed during the manual tracking of the material if the quantity consumed does not exist in stock. According to the setup "negative stock authorized" in the product record, this message can be critical or not.

      Product not managed in stock

      This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material, if the entered product is not managed in stock.

      Material already present in the tracking for the same operation

      This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product is already present in the materials to be tracked table.

      Material already present in the tracking for another operation: Continue?

      This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product entered is already present in the materials to be tracked table for another operation.

      Material already present in the WO for the same operation: Continue?

      This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product entered already exists for the same operation but is not present in the  materials to be tracked table. If the user decides to continue, the system proposes the characteristics for this material.

      Non-existent product code

      This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product entered does not exist.

      The product is not linked to this production site!

      This message is displayed when adding an unplanned material if the product entered does not exist in the selected production site.

      Tracking unexpected material on a versioned product

      This warning is displayed if this work order is for a product (BOM) that is version-managed and you have chosen to add a new component to it. Click Cancel to abandon your action. To add the new component, click OK. You will not be prevented from adding the component if you need to.


      Production reporting: entry of the receipt to stock not carried out line : XXX

      This message is displayed in production reporting if the receipt to stock has failed.

      Tracking following a sub-contractor receipt: Deletion impossible

      This error message is displayed after using the Delete action if the tracking has been created automatically by a sub-contract receipt. In this case, the tracking entry cannot be deleted by the tracking option. However, it will be automatically deleted if the receipt from which it came is deleted.

      Adjustment of the quantities to be tracked?

      This message is displayed after having requested the producible quantity in order to readjust the different quantities to be tracked.

      Problem with stock update

      This error message is displayed during production reporting or material consumption if the stock file update could not be carried out correctly.

      WO closed. Deletion impossible.

      It is not possible to delete a tracking for a closed work order.

      Tables used

      SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation