There are two ways to call this function:
This function is used to view the provision plan for asset renewal in the form of two grids:
As soon as an asset In concession has an Effective renewal obligation, it is subject to a calculation of provisions for renewal.
Provisions for renewal are calculated and saved in a dedicated table (CCNRPR). The management of the records of this table is performed similarly to that of the depreciations, with one record per period according to the calculation horizon determined by the number of fiscal years to calculate specified in the Context setup: the provision calculation therefore generates as many records as there are periods and fiscal years within the asset longevity, in the framework of this calculation horizon. The division into periods is taken into account on the current, next and next +1 fiscal year; beyond that, the fiscal year is considered as a period.
The calculation of provisions determines the amount of provisions for a fiscal year, and then these amounts are distributed into the non closed periods after deduction of the provisions already recorded on the closed periods. The distribution is made in proportion to the number of days in the periods.
Two different amounts of provisions are calculated: the account provisions and the fiscal transitions. The posting of provisions impacts either account provisions or fiscal provisions, depending on the type of provisions to post specified in the setup function of the Accounting and fiscal context.
Refer to documentation Implementation
This function can be accessed only in display mode; no value can be modified.
The information displayed can also be presented:
- as fields in a Detail window accessible by right-clicking a line of the grid,
- in a graphic form by clicking the icon in the top-left corner of the grid. (see documentation on Grid management.
FY provision plan
This grid presents the detail of the provisions for the fiscal year, with each line corresponding to a fiscal year. The number of fiscal years displayed depends on the number of fiscal years to calculate specified in the Context setup. The line corresponding to the current fiscal year can be distinguished by a unique highlight color.
Period provision plan
This grid presents the detail of the period provisions for the asset, relative to the fiscal year selected in the first grid, with each line corresponding to a period.
When the function is opened, the default display is the provision plan for the periods relative to the current fiscal year. The line corresponding to the current period can be distinguished by a unique highlight color.
Only the period provision plans relative to the closed fiscal years as well as the current, next and next +1 fiscal years can be displayed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
This field, that cannot be modified, recovers the company in which the financial asset is referenced. |
This non modifiable field displays the site that is referenced by the financial asset. The choice of the financial site is submitted to management and authorization rules given to the user.
Block number 2
This non modifiable field contains the reference of the financial asset. |
This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset. |
This field, non modifiable, contains the complementary description of the financial asset. |
Grid FY provisions
This field , which cannot be modified, displays the fiscal year start date of the context Accounting and fiscal. |
This field , which cannot be modified, displays the fiscal year end date of the context Accounting and fiscal. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the replacement value of the asset at the start of the fiscal year, expressed in the management currency of the Accounting and fiscal context. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the update coefficient to apply in order to determine the period end replacement value. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the end of fiscal year replacement value, expressed in the management currency of the Accounting and fiscal context. It corresponds to the value entered by the user, when this value has been forced. In the other cases, it is equal to: the fiscal year start initial amount * update coefficient. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the total of accounting provisions to renew taken in the previous fiscal years. This amount is expressed in the Accounting and fiscal management currency. |
This field, which cannot be modified, contains the amount of account provisions to renew for the current fiscal year. This amount is expressed in the currency of Accounting and fiscal management. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the total of fiscal provisions to renew taken in the previous fiscal years. This amount is expressed in the Accounting and fiscal management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the amount of fiscal provisions to renew of the current fiscal year. This amount is expressed in the Accounting and fiscal management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the total of fiscal provisions to recover taken in the previous fiscal years. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the amount of fiscal provisions to renew of the current fiscal year. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the total of caducity additions taken in the previous fiscal years. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the amount of the caducity addition of the current fiscal year. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
Grid Period provisions
This field contains the current period start date of the considered context. |
This field, non modifiable, displys the periode end date of the plan. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the replacement value of the asset at the start of the fiscal year, expressed in the management currency of the accounting and fiscal context. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the update coefficient to apply in order to determine the period end replacement value. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the end of fiscal year replacement value, expressed in the management currency of the Accounting and fiscal context. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the total of accounting provisions to renew taken in the previous periods. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the amount of accounting provisions to renew of the period. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. It is calculated using the amount of the fiscal year provision to which a prorata is applied according to the weight in days of the period. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the total of fiscal provisions to renew taken in the previous periods. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the amount of fiscal provisions to renew of the period. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. It is calculated using the amount of the fiscal year provision to which a prorata is applied according to the weight in days of the period. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the total of fiscal provisions to recover for renewal, noticed in the previous periods. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the amount of fiscal provisions to renew of the current period. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the total of caducity additions taken in the previous periods. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the amount of the caducity addition of the current period. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, which cannot be modified, contains the accounting provision amount remaining to be posted. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, which cannot be modified, contains the accounting provision amount already posted. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, which cannot be modified, contains the fiscal provision amount to post. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
This field, which cannot be modified, contains the fiscal provision amount already posted. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency. |
Action icon
This button, accessible from the lines of both grids, is used to display a window containing, in the General tab, the detail of the provisions by period or fiscal year.
This information is the same as that displayed in the grid lines.
The standard navigation buttons are used to display the previous/next fiscal years.
The header reminds the user of the identification information of the asset, the fiscal year and the concerned period otherwise. It displays also the calculation status of provisions (Green light: Calculated - Red light: To be calculated).