Use this function to select one by one the stock count lists generated for a session and to proceed with the counting of the selected stock. The selection panel displays all the stock count sessions and their respective lists.
This function is based on the setup of the stock count transactions: you can, for example, choose to perform a detailed stock count entry or an "aggregated" count entry for all the lots, sub lots, serial numbers of a product (see the Stock count transaction setup documentation).
Refer to documentation Implementation
When entering the stock count function, the system requires that you choose a stock count transaction amongst those available.
A stock count list is attached to a stock count session. Choose a list for a given session from the selection panel and proceed with the automated count of the selected stock.
Depending on the selected Transaction setup, stock count lines displayed on the stock count note can be grouped or not: a stock count line reflects a stock line (or a product line for products in the selection where the stock is null).
Depending on the setup of the stock count session, the counting process can be performed as a multiple count. The operating rules are described hereafter.
A stock count list applies to a site and a session. It can have one of the following status:
To be counted: the list has been generated, but it has not yet been the object of a count or is only partially counted.
Partially validated or validated: the count of all or part of the stock count lines has been performed and validated. The stock count variance movements have been posted and thus the validated lines can no longer be modified. However, you can still add new stock count lines to the list.
Closed: the count entry is finished, all the stock count lines have been validated. Click Closing to close the stock count list. Adding a new stock line is prohibited. In the case where stock count lines have not previously been validated at the moment of closing, these lines will be canceled: previously entered counts that have not been validated will be lost.
You can perform a count on a stock count line (entry of the counted quantity):
You can thus enter the counted quantity for a line, either in packing units or in stock units.
To enter a null stock, select Yes in the Zero stock column of your given line. All the lines within the group are then marked zero stock in this case.
If the line displays a group of several stock count lines and the quantity counted for the group is different from the theoretical stock, the system opens a detailed count entry window where the detail of the stock count lines in the group is displayed. You can then distribute the counted quantity to the stock count lines. If the distribution of this counted quantity is different from the quantity entered at the level of the grouping, the system sends a warning.
Displayed in the detail window are all the lines corresponding to a group or to the list, within this only the non-validated lines are modifiable.
Depending on the management mode of the product concerned, the fields: lot, sublot, major version (the non-discriminating minor version is not displayed as it is not recorded in the stocks table), serial number and location can be activated in the detail window.
If the product is managed with serial numbers, the quantity for each stock count line is automatically set to 1, and cannot be modified. Only the Zero stock check box can be used to intervene on the quantity associated with a serial number. If a serial number does not physically exist, it is necessary to select Zero stock and, if necessary, create a new line to enter the proper serial number.
When the stock count session includes multiple counts (three counts total, one being final), additional columns are displayed on the stock count note. These are:
During the stock count, it is possible that a product, or a lot, sub-lot etc. may be found physically in stock whilst it is non-existent in the theoretic stock. The system allows the addition of the count for this stock using the Add a line to the stock count list. This line addition can be made at different levels :
Either by the entry of a new line during the count entry in the detail window: on this new line, the system loads the stock characteristics that are common to the lines already displayed in the detail (characteristics that are display-only).
Or by activating the Add Line button available in the Actions menu on a grouping line: the empty entry detail window opens, using the shortcut key F2 is used to carryout entries directly on the first field that can be entered: on this new line, the system loads the stock characteristics that are common to the lines that are grouped on this line.
Or also by entry of a new line directly at the level of the group screen.
If you add a new line related to a nonexistent lot, a lot details window opens where you enter the characteristics of the new lot.
The stock count lines are valued according to the rule assigned for issue valuations in the product record.
The variance movements for a stock count are valued according to the rule retained in the product valuation method: it is possible to set up a rule to value negative variance movements, as well as an alternative default and a rule to value positive variance movements, as well as an alternative default. (see the documentation related to the setup of the methods of product valuation).
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
Stock count session number. |
Reference used to identify the stock count session. |
Radio button indicating whether the stock count is performed by Product or by Location.
Block number 2
Stock count list number. |
This non-enterable field displays the session status:
This field indicates the maximum number of lines in the grid. |
Block number 3
A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the shipment line. |
If a user code is entered in this field, the process only includes accounting documents entered by the user. If left blank, only accounting documents for the current user are included. |
This field displays the creation (entry) date of the object. |
This is the date used to record the stock movements and variances identified upon validation of the stock count list. The default value for this date is the creation date of the stock count session on which the list depends. However, it can be modified by the user if the entry transaction used authorizes it and if the stock count list is being counted. If the stock count has already been partially or fully validated, this date cannot be modified.
This field is used to indicate the Count manager number. In translatable fields such as this one, you can enter a description in a language other than the connection language: Click On line translations from the Actions menu. |
This field indicates the references of the product to process. |
This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line. |
The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH. This is he reference of the warehouse to which the stock count line applies. |
Reference of the location to be processed. |
This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement. |
Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction. |
Storage or packing unit being the subject of the detailed allocation. |
The stock status is used to define if a product is:
The statuses and sub-statuses authorized in a stock transaction can depend on various factors: The stock totals for the product are updated according to the status entered in the movements: |
Quantity in packing unit allocated on the document line. |
The PAC-STK conversion factor is used to calculate the quantity in stock unit from a quantity entered in packing unit: Qty in STK = Qty in PAC * coeff . |
Product storage unit. |
Counted stock in packing unit of measure |
The PAC-STK conversion factor is used to calculate the quantity in stock unit from a quantity entered in packing unit: Qty in STK = Qty in PAC * coeff . |
Counted stock in stock unit of measure |
Counted stock in packing unit of measure |
Counted stock in stock unit of measure |
In the case where a quantity is recorded as null indicate "YES". |
This is the product serial number. |
Specifies the product class. |
This is the variance between the theoretical quantity and the counted quantity. |
This is the variance in percentage between the theoretical quantity and the counted quantity. |
This is the unit value taken from the issue costing mode of the product. |
This is the theoretical value: unit value x theoretical quantity (US Stock). |
This is the counted value: unit value x counted quantity (Counted stock PAC). |
Locations under stock count taken into account. |
Enter your comments. |
Action icon
Use this action, similar to the one of the actions panel, to release the stock line(s) corresponding to the selected stock count line.
This button is used to open the detailed entry of the count for the selected line.
Use this action, available in the Actions menu on a given grouping line, to open the empty detail entry window.
The analytical dimensions carried by a stock count line can be viewed or modified by clicking Analytical dimensions from the Actions icon available on each stock count line or using the Analytical dimensions option in the actions panel of the stock count line details window.
The analytical dimensions of a stock count line are loaded at the creation of the list by the default dimension code STKINVD. The modification of these dimensions is possible irrespective of the status of the list (validated, closed...).
The analytical dimensions relating to the stock count movements (STOJOU table) cannot be modified and are loaded using the dimension code STJINV.
Click on this action to delete the lines of the selected group.
This action is not accessible if the stock count is global (Global field in the stock count session ticked) or if a quantity has been counted for a group line.
Click on this action to delete all the stock count lines related to a product included in a list. This button is not accessible if a quantity has been counted for a grouped product line.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
INVBOR : Stock count list
INVBORA : Grouped stock count note
INVBORCOM : Stock count complete form
INVBORCOMA : Aggrg stck count complete form
INVBORECA : Stock count variance form
INVBORECAA : Agg stk count & variance form
INVBORVAL : Valued stock form
INVBORVALA : Valued agg stk count form
This can be changed using a different setup.
Once a list is generated, the stock to be counted for this list is blocked, that is to say it is no longer possible to make any stock movements for the products concerned. The stock is released:
It is thus possible to carryout movements on stock that is still in the process of stock count entry on the system. The potential stock count variance movements generated when validating the list are added to the stock journal before the movements used in the stock release (see the details of the stock movements creation in the Stock journal structure documentation). |
Click to view the setup of the stock count transaction used for the stock count in process.
The dimensions attached by default to the stock count list header are loaded at the creation of the list based on the default dimension code STKINVH.
To view and modify these dimensions:
Reminder: to view or modify the analytical dimensions relating to the stock count line:
The analytical dimensions of a stock count line are loaded at the creation of the list by the default dimension code STKINVD. The modification of these dimensions is possible irrespective of the status of the list (validated, closed...).
The analytical dimensions carried by the stock count movements (STOJOU table) are not modifiable and are loaded using the dimension code STJINV.
This action is particularly useful with multiple counts. Once the quantities of the first and second counts have been entered and modified, you can no longer modify them. Using this action, you will be able to delete the last count performed.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
It is not possible to add to a stock count list the count for a product marked as not usable or expired or not renewed unless the session explicitly allows it.
It is not possible to enter a stock count a quantity that is less that the total quantity allocated for this stock. If such a case arises, it is necessary to review the allocations before a count entry.
This message occurs where a counted quantity is entered at the level of a group line and then, at the time of the detailed count entry for this line, the total quantities entered at the detail level is different to the quantity counted for the group.
The total number of lines for a planned list at the level of the session has been reached, it is no longer possible to add a new line to the list.