Declarations >  Fee declaration >  France >  Processes >  TDS file generation  

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The 1099 file is sub-divided into two parts:

  • Declaration of salaries paid during the fiscal year;
  • Declaration of fees paid during the fiscal year.
  • Sage X3 enables the 1099 file amounts to be declared: any person who paid fees, commissions and other remunerations to a third party within the framework of their job, must declare these amounts to the Administration, irrespective of their amounts.

This function is used to constitute the magnetic support:

  • The Service Supplier File-Bilateral standard
  • The 1099 declaration

Case of the 1099 declaration

The operating method is as follows:

  • From the issuing site entered in the screen, Sage X3 moves up to the assignment company of this site and to the corresponding extraction parameters. By convention, the 1099 issuing site is the declaring site of the assignment company. All this infiormation is used to deduce the S10 segments.
  • Then, for each company to be processed:
    • Sage X3 recovers the extraction parameters linked to this company. All this infiormation is used to deduce the S20 segments.*
    • Segments S70 are built from the extraction of the fee lines.
    • Segment S80 ends the company sequence.
  • The file ends with segment S90.


  • Management of the 1099 declaration for the multi-site option: the 1099 extraction works on the basis of a list of companies supplied upon starting. The extracted fee lines are those that are recorded either directly on the 1099 sites of these companies, or on financial sites attached to these 1099 sites. The site registration numbers should be entered for the latter. In the same way, it should be checked that there are fees to be declared on each of the 1099 sites.
  • Information on the contractors (providing the services): The 1099 declaration conveys information on the contractors that the extractor cannot load from the suppliers. This information should be entered before the 1099 file is generated. It is especially the case for:
    • the job title,
    • the flag mentioning whether the contractor is a physical or moral person, and, in the first case, the mandatory mention of the first and last name,
    • flags for expenses refunds, incomes in kind.
  • The checks carried out on the 1099 file by the French Administration are more extensive than for the The Service Supplier File-Standard. Compliance with the standard is strict, and X3 does not carry out all the checks. There are Internet sites that can be used to download checking tools, that should be implemented before sending the file to the Administration. Here are a few useful Internet sites:


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Screen management

Entry screen


This function is used to control and generate the Service Supplier File (TDS).
Two types of Service Supplier File generation are possible:

  • Bilateral Service Supplier File,
  • 1099 file.
Service Supplier File

The file name is generated under the format PRAAAAMMJJ-HHHHHX.EXT with:

  • PR: Prefix as mentioned in the file parameters,
  • YYYYMMDD: File generation day,
  • TTTTT: File generation time,
  • X = "T" if the file is generated in test mode, "" otherwise
  • EXT is equal to TDB for the Service Supplier file-Bilateral standard.

Another file is created in parallel, that is only used for processing purposes: PRYYYYMMDD-TTTTTX.

1099 file

The file name is generated under the format PRYYYYMMDD-TTTTTX with:

  • PR: Prefix as mentioned in the file parameters,
  • YYYYMMDD: File generation day,
  • TTTTT: File generation time,
  • X = "T" if the file is generated in test mode, "" otherwise
  • EXT is equal to DAD.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Test file (field TEST)

This flag is used to specify whether the file is a real file or a test file. It has an impact on the name file, and possibly, on the file content (1099 processing).

  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all the companies (otherwise, they have to be specified).

Grid Companies

Enter the company code or use the Look up tool to search for and select the code.

Block number 2

  • field TDSFLG

This parameter is used to specify the type of 1099 file to be generated. Only the normal declaration is foreseen.


  • Group (field GRP)

This parameter is used to specify the structure of the 1099 file to be used.

  • Type (field TYPFIL)

This parameter is used to specify the type of 1099 file to be generated. Only the normal declaration is foreseen.

Block number 5

The declaration site issuing the 1099 file must be entered. It must belong to one of the companies entered in the list.

  • TDS year (field YEA)


File generation

  • field TYPEXP

Select Client to generate the extraction files in a folder on your computer or workstation.

Select Server to generate the extraction files on a network or shared folder. Enter or select the server location (Access path) in the Directory field.

  • Back-up directory (field VOLFIL)

If you selected Server to generate the extraction files on a network or shared folder, enter or select the server location or Access path.

Click on the Selection icon in order to open the list of volumes. In this list, you can select a directory.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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