Actions (OBJect)

General Contents - Templates - Object

A, B,C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z



AB_CREATION When aborting a creation because of an error (after Rollback)
AB_MODIF When aborting a modification because of an error (after Rollback)
ABANDON When aborting a creation, duplication or modification
AFFMASK Upon first display of the screen
ANNULE During record cancellation
AP_ANNULE After record cancellation
AP_CHANGE After the code change transaction
AP_FILGAUCHE During display of a left list different from the main list and the last read.
AP_IMPRIME After printing the Crystal Reports document
AP_LISTE After printing the Crystal Reports list
AP_VERF_ANU Before cancelling a record (after controlling the dictionary links)
APRES_CHOI After choosing a button, menu or left list, etc.
APRES_CRE At the end of creation (transaction over)
APRES_MOD At the end of creation (transaction over)
APRES_MODIF After any field modification
AV_ANNULE At the beginning of the cancellation transaction
AV_IMPRIME Before printing the Crystal Reports document
AV_LISTE Before printing the Crystal Reports list
AV_VERF_ANU Before cancelling a record (before controlling the dictionary links)
AVANT_ACT Before the execution of a predefined button
AVANT_CHOI After choosing a button, menu or left list, etc.
AVANT_DEVERROU Before unlocking a record (modification completed)
AVANT_MOD When switching to modification (after modification of a field)
AVANT_MODFIC During modification of a record (transaction start)
AVANT_OUVRE First action executed
AVANT_SUITE Before the execution of an action declared following a first action (on button or menu) in the action dictionary.
AVANT_VERROU Before locking a record
AVANTBOUT Before executing a button or menu declared in the window



BOITE Before opening the window with its tabs and left lists



CHANGE During the code change transaction
CLE_GAUCHE Before displaying a left list, to modify the characteristics of the sort key.
CREATION During the creation transaction



DEB_PICK As early as an element is selected in the picking list
DEBUT_CRE A the beginning of the creation transaction (combined OBJect)
DEBUT_MOD A the beginning of the modification transaction (combined OBJect)
DEFTRANS Start of the OBJect window analysis
DEGRISE After ungraying the keys (after creation/modification)
DEPICK After an element has been unselected in the picking list
DEVERROU When a record has been unlocked (modification completed)
DROIT Before loading the masks by the main table



EFFMASK When erasing masks (creation abort, etc.) )
ENV For an environment change (for GEODE & LOAN )
EXEACT After executing a predefined button, before the associated supervisor processing.
EXEBOUT After the execution of a button declared as a window



FERME Last executed action
FILGAUCHE To filter the records of a left list, except that of the last read.
FILTRE Definition of the criteria to be used as filter on the main table
End Further to the "END" button, before the record is unlocked
FIN_ACTION After executing a button, menu or left list, etc.
FIN_MOD At the end of modification (transaction over)
FIN_PICK End of the selection process of an element in the picking list



GAUCHE In selection of an element from a simple or hierarchical left list
GAUCHE9 In selection of an element from the last read list
GRISE When the key has just been grayed out (after switching to modification mode)



HINT Before the display of a left list, except that of the last read, in order to specify a browsing key.


I :

ICONE As early as double click on an icon on the bottom right of the screen
PRINT Before printing the Crystal Reports document (for GEODE)
INICRE During the creation transaction, just before the write
INIMOD During the modification transaction, just before the rewrite



LIENS After reading a record
LIENS0  Before reading a group of records (grid and combined OBJect)
LIENS2 After reading a group of records (grid and combined OBJect)



MEMO2 Picking memo in the picking selection window (for GEODE)
MODIF During the modification transaction, just after the record rewrite



OUVRE After opening the tables and screens
OUVRE_BOITE Before opening the window


PICKE After an element has been selected in the picking list
PRE_GAUCHE Previous page, when numbering the pages on the left list



RAZCRE When a new record is about to be created
RAZDUP When a new record is about to be copied
REMP_DERLU Before displaying the last read list.



SETBOUT Deactivation of the buttons and activation of the menus
SETTRANS End of the OBJect window analysis
STATUT After the execution of a menu declared as a window
STYLE After reading and displaying a record
SUI_GAUCHE Next page, when numbering the pages on the left list



TIROIR Before any left list is displayed
TITRE Before opening the window



VARIANTE Analysis of the OBJect windows (for each window)
VERF_ANU Before the deletion transaction of a record
VERF_CHG Before the code change transaction of a record
VERIF_CRE Before the creation transaction of a record
VERIF_MOD Before the modification transaction of a record
VERROU  When a record has been locked in modification or deletion mode