The mono-line import template FASX3 enables the import of assets from X3 130 or X3 V5 as one line per asset including all together the asset info and the depreciation info.
This import is only possible for asset creations and does not allow any updates.
The processing associated with the template is IMPFAX3. The processing source is made available for customization purpose.
The following parameters must be entered
CREACGGRP (defined at level Folder) : Auto group creation
CREBUDINV (defined at level Folder) : Investment budget auto-creation
CRECCE1 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation dimension 1
CRECCE2 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation dimension 2
CRECCE3 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation dimension 3
CRECCE4 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation dimension 4
CRECONNUM (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation market
CREDEMINV (defined at level Folder) : Investment request auto-creation
CRELOC (defined at level Folder) : Auto-location creation
CREPLNINV (defined at level Folder) : Project auto-creation reference
CREUSRFL1 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 1
CREUSRFL10 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 10
CREUSRFL2 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 2
CREUSRFL3 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 3
CREUSRFL4 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 4
CREUSRFL5 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 5
CREUSRFL6 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 6
CREUSRFL7 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 7
CREUSRFL8 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 8
CREUSRFL9 (defined at level Folder) : Auto-creation free code 9
DISAFAS (defined at level Folder) : Import the "inactive" assets
FASPLN3 (defined at level Company) : Third X3 workbench
FASPLN4 (defined at level Company) : Fourth X3 workbench
FASPLN5 (defined at level Company) : Fifth X3 workbench
REPDPRCUM (defined at level Company) : Pick up depreciation total
REPENDDPE (defined at level Company) : FY charge recovery
These parameters can be found in Chapter AAS, Group IMP.
Since the import is mono-line, only FXDASSETS table is automatically updated through the import tool. Info with no matches in FXDASSETS table, such as depreciation info stored in DEPREC table, are conveyed through generic fields named *1 to *99. In this case, IMPFASX3 processing manages these fields.
If the field is missing from the import file, or is not completed, its default value is: void for alphanumerical fields or zero for numerical fields.
Field | Title | Note |
FCY | Financial site |
AASREF | Asset |
AASDES1 | Description |
AASDES2 | Description 2 |
SET | Set number |
ACGGRP | Group |
ACCCOD | Accounting code |
PURDAT | Purchase date |
AASIPTDAT | Allocation date |
ITSDAT | First use date |
ETRNAT | Receipt nature |
AASQTY | Quantity | If value =0, set to 1 |
ACGETRNOT | Ex-tax receipt value | If value =0, set to *5 |
IVCVATRAT | Invoiced VAT rate | The imported value is multiplied by 100 |
IVCVATAMT | Invoiced VAT |
DEDVATRAT | Collected VAT rate | The imported value is multiplied by 100 |
DEDVATAMT | Collected VAT | The imported value is multiplied by 100 |
TAXBAS | Tax basis |
TAXTYP | Tax type |
GEOFCY | Site | See below Import of Locations |
| Site description | |
*8 | Building | See below Import of Locations |
*9 | Building description | See below Import of Locations |
| Analytical distribution |
CCE(0) | Analytical dimension |
*70 | Description of dimension type 1 |
CCE(1) | Analytical dimension |
*71 | Description of dimension type 2 |
CCE(2) | Analytical dimension |
*72 | Description of dimension type 3 |
CCE(3) | Analytical dimension |
*73 | Description of dimension type 4 |
| Analytical dimension 5 |
*74 | Description of dimension type 5 |
| Analytical dimension 6 |
*75 | Description of dimension type 6 |
| Analytical dimension 7 |
*76 | Description of dimension type 7 |
| Analytical dimension 8 |
*77 | Description of dimension type 8 |
| Analytical dimension 9 |
*78 | Description of dimension type 9 |
USRFLDA1 | Free field 1 |
ISSDAT | Issue date |
*3 | Issue type |
ISSAMT | Issue amount |
BUY | Buyer |
| Buyer label |
*1 | Amt +/- accounting value |
*2 | Amt VAT deduction supplement |
| Re-evaluation date |
| Revaluation amount |
*5 | Original value |
| Re-evaluated amount |
*10 | Accounting depreciation start date |
*11 | Accounting Depreciation Method |
*12 | Accounting Depreciation Duration |
*13 | Accounting Depreciation Rate |
*14 | Accounting Depreciation Basis |
*15 | Accounting Depreciation Cumulation |
*16 | Accounting Depreciation Charge |
*17 | Specific Accounting Rule |
*20 | Financial depreciation start date |
*21 | Financial Depreciation Method |
*22 | Financial Depreciation Duration |
*23 | Financial Depreciation Rate |
*24 | Financial Depreciation Basis |
*25 | Financial Depreciation Cumulation |
*26 | Financial Depreciation Charge |
*27 | Specific Financial Rule |
*30 | Depreciation start date 3 |
*31 | Depreciation Method 3 |
*32 | Depreciation Duration 3 |
*33 | Depreciation Rate 3 |
*34 | Depreciation basis 3 |
*35 | Depreciation total 3 |
*36 | Depreciation Charge 3 |
*37 | Specific Rule 3 |
*40 | Depreciation start date 4 |
*41 | Depreciation Method 4 |
*42 | Depreciation Duration 4 |
*43 | Depreciation Rate 4 |
*44 | Depreciation basis 4 |
*45 | Depreciation total 4 |
*46 | Depreciation Charge 4 |
*47 | Specific Rule 4 |
*50 | Depreciation start date 5 |
*51 | Depreciation Method 5 |
*52 | Depreciation Duration 5 |
*53 | Depreciation Rate 5 |
*54 | Depreciation basis 5 |
*55 | Depreciation total 5 |
*56 | Depreciation Charge 5 |
*57 | Specific Rule 5 |
*80 | Bar code | See below Import of Physical Elements |
*81 | Serial no. | See below Import of Physical Elements |
*82 | Statement date | See below Import of Physical Elements |
*83 | Statement time | See below Import of Physical Elements |
*84 | Current report | See below Import of Physical Elements |
*85 | Inv. result | See below Import of Physical Elements |
Other fields than those available in the standard template can be added; their values are then entered in the fields of the asset transaction (provided these fields are editable).
The following list of fields presents specific processing cases:
Field | Title | Note |
IVCVATRATI | IAS invoiced VAT rate | The imported value is multiplied by 100 |
DEDVATRATI | IAS collected VAT rate | The imported value is multiplied by 100 |
DEDVATAMTI | IAS collected VAT | The value is imported if field DEDVATFLGI is set to 2 |
LOC | Location | Never imported. See below Import of Locations |
If parameter CREACGGRP - automatic group creation authorizes it, the import process automatically creates the imported groups that did not exist into the group table.
If parameters CRECCE1...4 - Automatic creation for section 1...4 authorize it, the import process automatically creates the imported the dimensions types that did not exist.
The field *70 for dimension type 1, 71* for dimension type 2, etc., if specified, is used for the description of the dimension
As this template is designed to import X3 assets, both the accounting and fiscal plans are mandatory, whereas plans 3, 4 and 5 are optional.
In Sage FRP FA, locations follow this naming convention:
<Geographical site>/<Building>/<Floor>/<Room>
If field *8 which corresponds to the building is specified, the import process assigns to field LOC Localization the value: GEOFCY/*8/X/X.
For instance, if the imported site is SG1 and field *8 is BAT1, then LOC Localization field of the imported asset has the value: SG1/BAT1/X/X. If field *8 is not specified, then the asset is created without any location.
Parameter CRELOC - Auto location creation when set to Yes enables the automatic creation of:
LOC Localization field will be specified even though the building, the floor or the location does not exist in the miscellaneous tables 604, 605 and LOCALIZAT table.
The assets issued during the current fiscal year or a previous one, may be imported.
The value of ISSDAT field - Issue date - indicates whether the imported asset is an issued one.
If this date falls before the beginning of the current year for at least one of the company contexts, the asset is regarded as issued during a previous fiscal year. Otherwise, the asset is regarded as issued during the current fiscal year.
The import process for assets issued during the current fiscal year consists of two steps:
1/ Creation of assets without issue info.
2/ Execution if the issue action in silent mode.
This process ensures the proper creation of issue events at the end of the import, and the potential issue cancellation.
The mandatory elements to specify for the import file, are:
The issue rule is set to: On the specified date, but it can be changed when specifying ISSDATRUL in the import file (in this case this field must also be added to the template).
Calculations related to issues (Net book value on day of issue, +/-values, etc.) are performed through the issue business action.
Error message no asset selected after an attempt to issue an imported asset shows either an error in the issue parameters (for instance invalid issue reason), or a functional error (disabled imported asset, issue date falling before purchase date…).
Importing an asset issued in a previous fiscal year consists in importing the asset plus its issue info. This does not trigger any calculation, info on the issue (net value on issue date, +/- values, etc.) must be mentioned in the import file.
The elements to specify for the import file, are:
Field *3 specified the issue type. If this field is not completed, the issue type is set to Sales. In that case, the possible choices are:
When an asset is created, a record is created in DEPREC depreciation table in the current period of the current fiscal year. As an asset issued in a previous fiscal year cannot keep a depreciation record in the current period, the record is relocated in the fiscal year corresponding to the issue date, even though this fiscal year is not defined for the context.
The import process requires two steps: one for the calculation of the main asset and another for the linking between this main asset and the component asset.
Recommended process:
1. Import of the main assets
2. Verification
3. Calculation
4. Backup
5. Import of the main components
6. Verification
7. Calculation
8. Backup
Future documentation
For a smooth recovery of assets prior to the FY, the following guidelines must be applied:
Before import:
Actual import of the company accounting assets.
After export: