Use this function to manage the set of expenses. These expenses can be:
It is also used, in certain conditions, to create, change, delete an expense and to print the expense journal (these requirements are specified in the paragraph Other conditions).
These expenses, when they can be capitalized, can be selected in order to construct fixed assets. This operation is carried out by the Capitalize function in the Assets function.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The entry screen is made up of a header displaying the expense identification information and one to three tabs, according to the level of detail required and the entry screens set up in the Job object transactions.
The three standard tabs are the following:
The left list contains several lists:
The header contains the expense identification information, such as the financial site to which it is allocated, its reference, its line number, and its description.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
This field cannot be entered. It displays the company to which the financial site is attached. |
This mandatory field is used to enter the financial site to which the expense belongs. The choice of the financial site is submitted to management and authorization rules given to the user.
Block number 2
An expense is uniquely identified with the help of a reference composed of up to a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters as well as of a line number.
The reference assigned automatically to the expense is function of the sequence number counter assigned to the Expense referencesection of the Fixed asset module. (Sequence number counter Structure and Sequence number counter assignment functions). |
Description for the expense. |
For each reference, the value of the first line number is 1. Each number is then incremented by 1, either when launching the "+1" action, either at the time of the expense explosion action. |
Complementary description for the expense. |
The main tab is used to enter:
In the case where the Field associations are set up for the Expense object, the Group can determine the different field values, including the account allocations.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field is used to enter the supplier. |
This field enables the user to precise the description of the order. |
This field enables the user to specify the reference of the purchased item. |
Product management unit. It is in this unit where the quantity is expressed. |
Product quantity. |
This field enables the user to specify the type of the supplier invoice originating the expense. The default value is 1 - Invoice. If the type is: 2 - Credit Memo, the positive amounts will turn into negative amounts, and vice versa for the other types of invoices (except for the Invoice type, which can have a negative amount). |
This field enables the user to specify the reference of the supplier invoice originating the expense. |
This field enables the user to precise the date of the supplier invoice originating the expense. This date automatically fills in the Account posting date if it is not filled in. |
This field enables the user to define the currency in which the expense was made. |
This field enables the user to define the exchange rate type to be used when the expense is expressed in a currency different from the company currency. When the transaction is expressed in the company currency, this field is not available. |
This field enables the user to define the exchange rate type used when the expense is expressed in a currency different from the company currency. This field cannot be accessed when the transaction currency is the same as the company currency. |
This field is used to enter the accounting Group. |
The VAT sector must be previously defined, for the company, in the Activity sectors setup function. It is used to determine the taxation and liability coefficients that play a role in the determination of the expense deduction coefficient. |
Activity sector description. |
This check box is only displayed when the following conditions are met: It is used upon creation of an expense via validation of an invoice or document. Then, the user can validate the VAT coefficients allocated by default to the expense created, after having updated them, if necessary. This validation is mandatory in order for the expense to be capitalizable. |
The liability coefficient only appears when the company is submitted to the French legislation . |
The taxing coefficient illustrates the following principle: concerning taxable operations, only the tax on expenses used for operations allowing deduction can be deducted |
The liability coefficient only appears when the company is submitted to the French legislation. |
Annual deduction coefficient. It cannot be entered by the user. Its value, automatically calculated, corresponds to the multiplication of liability, taxation and admission coefficients, rounded with 2 decimals higher. |
Transaction currency |
Company Currency |
This field displays the expense amount ex-tax, expressed in the transaction currency. If the invoice is of the type Credit memo, any positive amount entered will be automatically changed to a negative amount. |
The amount ex-tax of the expense in the company currency. This amount is automatically calculated based on the expense amount ex-tax in the transacton currency and the rate of the transaction currency. |
This field displays the rate of applied VAT. |
This field displays the invoiced VAT amount, expressed in the transaction currency. It is automatically calculated based on the ex-tax amount and invoiced VAT rate. The amount then calculated can be modified by the user (except if the expense comes from the entry of a MO-type document). The entry of a VAT amount equal to 0 is allowed. In that case, the rate is automatically set to 0. |
The invoiced VAT amount expressed in the company currency. This amount cannot be entered. It is automatically calculated based on the VAT amount in the transacton currency and the rate of the transaction currency. |
The VAT recovery rate cannot be entered. It is loaded with the deduction coefficient. |
This field contains the recovered VAT amount in transaction currency. It is automatically calculated based on the invoiced VAT amount and the collection rate. The amount thus calculated can be modified by the user only if the collection rate is different from 0% and lower than 100%. |
The collected VAT amount expressed in the company currency. This amount cannot be entered. It is automatically calculated based on the collected VAT amount in the transacton currency and the rate of the transaction currency. |
This field displays the reference of the financial asset which the expense, when it has been capitalised, is linked to. The Capitalisation of an expense action is done from the Financial asset screen. |
Tick box non modifiable, automatically activated when the expense is linked to a financial asset. |
Tick box non modifiable, automatically activated during the capitalisation operation of the expense if it has been designed as Principal expense. |
This flag, that cannot be entered, is reserved to the Polish legislation and submitted to the KPL activity code. |
Accounting allocations
This field contains the expense posting date. Entering a date less than the invoice date is not authorised. When this field is not filled in, it is automatically filled in with the invoice date. |
This field contains the journal in which the expense is recorded. It is loaded, by default, with the journal code entered at the level of the DDEFJOU parameter. |
This field contains the accounting nature: fixed asset in process, fixed asset in service, cost, other. |
This field displays the nature of the IAS/IFRS account. |
This field displays the CoA account, i.e. the accounting classification of the expense towards the national norms. |
This field displays the IAS/IFRS account, i.e. the accounting classification of the expense towards the IAS/IFRS national norms. |
The original CoA account is systematically equal to the CoA account as long as the expense is not capitalised. When linking to an asset, the CoA account of the expense has the value of the asset CoA account. The original CoA account stays unchanged and enables the user to keep a trace of the initial posting. |
The original IFRS account is systematically equal to the IFRS account as long as the expense is not capitalised. When linking to an asset, the IFRS account of the expense has the value of the asset IFRS account. The original IFRS account stays unchanged and enables the user to keep a trace of the initial posting. |
This tab is used to enter the different allocations for the expenses:
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field is used in creation mode to enter an analytical distribution key, previously defined at the level of the definition function of Analytical distribution keys, which can also be accessed by right-clicking on Distrib. |
An Analytical dimension is a part of the analytical general ledger accounts. It is divided into Analytical dimension types where each dimension type constitutes a particular breakdown of the company into a set of analytical payment attributes. The entry of analytical dimensions can be set to mandatory using the setup carried out at the level of the Company (Accounting tab). |
Block number 1
This field is used to enter the recipient of the purchase. |
This field is used to specify the treasury generating unit to which the expense is posted. |
This field, which cannot be entered, is loaded only when the expense is created by an invoice validation or by the entry or validation of an accounting entry. It displays the type of document which originated the expense. |
This field, which cannot be entered, is loaded only when the expense is created by an invoice validation or by the entry or validation of an accounting entry. It displays the line number of the invoice or entry. |
This field, non enterable, is loaded only when the expense is created by an invoice validation. It is displaying the analytical invoice line number. |
This field, which cannot be entered, is loaded only when the expense is created by an invoice entry or validation. It displays the type of entry being used. |
This indicator enables the user to precise if the expense is subsidised; in that case, it is mandatory to fill the reference of an investment project which at least one subsidy with the Pending nature is linked to. |
This forcing flag can be activated: |
The subsidy amount corresponding to the expense is automatically calculated through the Subsidy calculation processing. |
This field is used to specify the budget financial year in which the expense has been planned. |
This field is used to specify the reference for the investment project for which the expense has been planned. |
This field is used to specify the investment budget reference for which the expense has been planned. |
This field is used to specify the investment request reference for which the expense has been justified. |
This field is used to specify the market number in which the expense is registered. |
This tab is dedicated to the management of free fields. The number of free fields managed, their titles, the miscellaneous tables assigned to the control of the Code-type free fields and the currency for each Amount-type free field depend on the setup carried out at Free field properties level.
These free fields are to be used according to the management requirements, to store the data not covered by the Main and Allocationtabs.
It also displays information useful to the expense tracking: origin of the creation (transaction entry, import or split, etc.), code of the user at the origin of the creation followed by the creation date, and finally the code of the user who carried out the last modification followed by the date of this modification.
A button displays a window presenting the journal of the events generated for the expense.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field enables the user to precise the value of a free area of the alphanuméric type which a miscellaneous table can be linked to. 10 areas of this type are available. |
This field enables the user to precise the value of a free area of the amount type, expressed in a parameterisable currency. 6 areas of this type are available. |
Currency which the amount is expressed in. |
This field enables the user to precise the value of a free area of the coefficient type. 2 areas of this type are available. |
This field enables the user to precise the value of a free area of the date type. 4 areas of this type are available. |
Record tracking
This field displays the origin of the record. |
This field displays the user who created (entered) the record. |
This field displays the creation (entry) date of the object. |
This field displays the user that made the last modification on the recording. |
This field displays the last modification date. |
This button opens a window displaying the event log generated for the object.
The Details right-click on a line opens a screen displaying the event content, detailed over several tabs: |
The deletion of an expense is prohibited in the following cases:
To be able to correct potential errors, the ADMIN user and any other authorized user can still deleted an expense (if not capitalized) taken from another module.User authorization is set up using the user parameter LOFDELAUT - Expense deletion authorization (AAS chapter, AUZ group).
The following preset queries are available as standard in the reference folder:
Code | Title | Contents |
ICGIFRS | Expense variance CG-IFRS / Ex | List of the expenses for which the allocation in the individual accounts is different from the allocation in the consolidated accounts |
ICPT23 | Expenses posted "in progress" | List of the expenses posted on a capitalization account in progress. |
INOTA7 | Expenses not capitalized | List of the expenses unlinked to a financial asset. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
LISLOF : Expense journal
This can be changed using a different setup.
This button is used to copy the expense currently being displayed. Its reference remains the same, only the line number is incremented. |
This action opens a window that is used to distribute an expense in order to generate 1 to n additional expenses (see the Explode an expense documentation).
This action available in View mode, is available even when the expense is attached to an asset.
This option gives access, via tunnel, to the inquiry function Entry traceability that makes it possible to visualize and browse into the hierarchy of original entries or coming from the document.