This report shows the depreciation plan of each selected asset. It is possible to obtain:
- either the fiscal year depreciation plan for the specified number of years,
- either the periodic depreciation plan concerning the current and next fiscal years.
The assets are presented, sorted by company, financial site and accounting code with a sub-aggregation to each shortage on one of these criteria.
It is also possible to obtain a synthetic report showing only the sub-aggregations by accounting code, financial site and company.
A global total is displayed in the case of a multi-company print.
This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Fixed Assets - Fixed assets.
Parameter |
Parameter title |
Type |
cpydeb |
Company limit |
fcydeb |
Financial site range |
ccptdeb |
Accounting code range |
accdeb |
General account ranges |
accifrsdeb |
IFRS" account range |
typdetdeb |
Holding type (Local menu Owned, Rented, Leased, Provisional, Concession...) |
refdeb |
Asset range |
plan |
Depreciation plan (Local menu Accounts, Finance, Minimum, Source, Reevaluation 76...) |
situation |
FY or period (Local menu Financial year, Period) |
horizon |
Number of years |
C |
encours |
In progress (Local menu No, Yes) |
detail |
Detailed status by asset (Local menu No, Yes) |
impselections |
Print selections (Local menu No, Yes) |
The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function GESFAS (Assets).
1/ Entering values for the selection setups is not mandatory. The default values displayed are those entered in the Report dictionary.
When values are entered, any existence control is carried out. In the case where they are inexistent or inconsistent, any print is carried out.
2/ the default value of the Number of years setup corresponds to the value allocated to the NBEXESTO general setup: Number of fiscal years to store, defined in the Folder. This setup is only used for a Fiscal year simulation. For a periodic simulation, only the current and next fiscal years are displayed.
The Inactive fixed assets are automatically excluded.
Note: when an asset has been the object of a provisional issue, the later fiscal years in which there is the issue date are not displayed.
The assets are presented, grouped and sorted in ascending order according to the following criteria:
- Company Aggregation by company with page break
- Financial site Aggregation by financial site with page break
- Accounting code Aggregation by accounting code without page break
- Fixed asset reference
The content of the report varies according to the value entered for the setup: Report detailed by asset (or synthesis report).
On the 1st line:
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Reference | AASREF | FAS |
Description 1 | AASDES1 | FAS |
Detention type | OWNTYP | FAS |
Depreciation start date | STRDPRDAT | DEP |
Depreciation end date | ENDDPRDAT | DEP |
Issue date | ISSDAT | FAS |
Depreciation method | DPM | DEP |
Depreciation duration | DPRDUR | DEP |
Depreciation rate | DPRRAT | DEP |
Residual value | RSDVAL | DEP |
Following lines:
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Fiscal year end date (if fiscal year Situation required) | FIYENDDAT |
Balance sheet value | DPRBAS | DEP |
Fiscal year start total depreciation | DPRCUM |
Fiscal year depreciation expense | ENDDPE + EXCDPR | |
Total end of fiscal year | DPRCUM + ENDDPE | |
End of fiscal year or period net value | DPRBAS – (2) | DEP |
Then, are displayed the aggregation lines identical to those displayed below for a synthesis report.