This report displays the situation of the exceptional depreciation of the financial year or of the current period for each of the selected assets.
The assets are classified by company then by values of Sort criteria 2and 3 chosen by the user, with a sub-aggregation at each break on one of these criteria.
It is also possible to get a synthesis edition presenting only sub-aggregations by accounting codes, financial site and company.
A general total is presented in the case of a multi-company edition.
The amounts of the exceptional depreciation are carried by the chart of accounts, contrary to the amounts of the depreciation to reintegrate carried by the fiscal plan, displayed at the level of the DEPSITUREINTreport (Depreciation reintegration).
This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Fixed Assets - Fixed assets.
Parameter |
Parameter title |
Type |
cpydeb |
Company limit |
fcydeb |
Financial site range |
ccptdeb |
Accounting code range |
accdeb |
General account ranges |
accifrsdeb |
IFRS" account range |
typdetdeb |
Holding type (Local menu Owned, Rented, Leased, Provisional, Concession...) |
refdeb |
Asset range |
situation |
FY or period (Local menu Financial year, Period) |
datdeb |
Date range |
D4 |
encours |
Assets in process (Local menu No, Yes) |
actif |
Active assets (Local menu No, Yes) |
selentree |
Entry selection (Local menu All Assets present in Fiscal year/Period...) |
selbiensor |
Selection of the issued assets (Local menu Issued and non issued assets, Non issued assets... |
biensor |
Basis = 0 if issue (Local menu No, Yes) |
tri2 |
Classification criterion 2 (Local menu Financial site, Accounting code, CoA account...) |
tri3 |
Classification criterion 3 (Local menu Financial site, Accounting code, CoA account...) |
detail |
Detailed status by asset (Local menu No, Yes) |
impselections |
Print selections (Local menu No, Yes) |
The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function GESFAS (Assets).
1/ The value entry for the selection parameters is optional. The default values displayed are those entered at the level of the Report dictionary.
When the values are entered, no existence control is carried out. In the case where they do not exist or are not consistent, no edition occurs.
2/ The Start and end dates entered at the level of the Start date setup: Date ranges, must exactly match the ranges of a financial year in the case of a Financial yearsituation, or at the ranges of a period, in the case of a Periodsituation.
3/ According to the chosen value for the Entry selection setup: Entry selection, the selection is applied in the following way:
- All the fixed assets available in the financial year/period : are selected only the fixed assets of which the smallest of the two following dates: Posting date and First use date, is lower or equal to the financial year end date/period asked.
- Fixed assets entered in the financial year/period: only the fixed assets of which the posting date is located on the financial year or on the period asked are selected.
- Fixed assets previous to the financial year/period: only the financial assets whose posting date is previous to the financial year start date or to the asked period are selected.
Only the assets whose depreciation methods are different at the accounting and fiscal levels are selected.
Are systematically excluded, the assets:
- whose depreciation date is greater than the current financial year end date or the current period (according to the value entered for the selection setup: Financial year situation or Period).
The assets are displayed grouped and classified by ascending order according to the following criteria:
- Company. Aggregation by company with page break
- 2nd classification criterion: by default, the Financial site. Aggregation by criterion with page break
- 3rd classification criterion: by default, the Accounting code. Aggregation by criterion with page break
- Fixed asset reference
The Sort criteria 2 and 3 have to be chosen among the values contained in the local menu 3265; it can come, for example, from the Financial site, from the Geographic site, from the Accounting code, from the CoA account or IAS/IFRS, from the Family, from an Analytical distribution key, from an Analytical dimension type, from anIFRS segment, from a TGU.
The report content varies according to the value entered for the setup: Report detailed by asset (or synthesis report).
Information | Loaded from the headings | Table |
Reference | AASREF | DEP |
Description 1 | AASDES1 | FAS |
Account | ACC or IASACC | FAS |
Issue date | ISSDAT | FAS |
On the 2nd line: values of the fiscal plan
On the 3rd line: values of the Chart of accounts
Information | Loaded from the headings | Table |
Depreciation start date | STRDPRDAT | DEP (Fiscal) DEP_1 (Accounting) |
Depreciation end date | ENDDPRDAT | DEP (Fiscal) DEP_1 (Accounting) |
Depreciation method | DPM | DEP (Fiscal) DEP_1 (Accounting) |
Depreciation duration | DPRDUR | DEP (Fiscal) DEP_1 (Accounting) |
Depreciation rate | DPRRAT | DEP (Fiscal) DEP_1 (Accounting) |
Balance sheet value | DPRBAS | DEP (Fiscal) DEP_1 (Accounting) |
Aggregation of the depreciation at the start of the financial year | DPRCUM |
Financial year depreciation expense | ENDDPE + EXCDPR |
Line 2:
Fiscal year exceptional balance: | LEGCUM - LEGRVECUM | DEP_1 |
Exceptional recovery of the financial year |
Exceptional previous periods (if periodical situation asked) | PERLEGCUM - PERLEGRVE | DEP_1 |
Line 3:
Exceptional provision of the financial year: |
| |
Recovery on issue* | NBV (DEP_1) – NBV (DEP), if NBV (DEP_1) >= NBV (DEP) |
| Calculated: |
*Amount calculated only if the issue is real or if it occurs during the current financial year or period.
The report then displays the aggregation lines identical to those displayed below for a synthesis report.
The data extracted from the following tables are processed by the report DEPSITUDERO :
Table |
Table description |
Parameter values |
Site profile function |
Charge |
Fiscal year |