List of Deliveries
Use this function to:
- inquire all or part of the deliveries carried out or being carried out for one customer or all customers,
- target a delivery group using the available criteria.
This function only displays the delivery header information but provides you with a direct access to the delivery so you can view it in details.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This screen is divided in two parts:
- use the first part to access the main criteria,
- use the second part to view in a grid the deliveries selected based on the criteria.
In the header, enter the main selection criteria for the inquiry.
Company (field CPY) |
The company and the shipping site are used to select the deliveries of a company or a site grouping or a site. When the function is accessed, the shipping site proposed by default corresponds to the user's default sales site. The company is then deduced from the user's site. It still is possible to modify the company or the site. It is entirely possible to view the deliveries for all the companies (the company code and the site code are not entered) or all the sites (the company code is entered but not the site code). The selected sites are checked depending on the authorizations granted to the user. In effect, if a site is not authorized for a particular user, the latter will not be able to view the deliveries for this site. Likewise, if the inquiry is launched for all the company's sites, the user will need the authorization for all the sites, otherwise they will have to specify an authorized site. |
Ship site (field STOFCY) |
Customer (field BPCORD) |
This field is used to enter a customer code.
From project (field PJTDEB) |
In these two fields, you can specify the start and end ranges of the project reference. |
To project (field PJTFIN) |
Start date (field DLVDATDEB) |
The indicated date ranges are used to filter the documents whose date is included within this interval.
End date (field DLVDATFIN) |
Company (field CURS) |
The currency of the company or the folder are automatically displayed. The company currency varies depending on the company selected for the inquiry. Based on the setup of the inquiry, three types of amounts can be expressed:
Folder (field CURD) |
Category and delivery type
Normal (field LNDN) |
Enable this check box to select the deliveries of the Normal category. |
Delivery type (field DLVTYPNOR) |
This field can only be entered if the category is specified. It is used to filter the deliveries of a same category according to the delivery type. |
Loan (field LNDO) |
Select this check box to select the deliveries of the Loan category. You can apply an additional filter on this category by selecting a Delivery type. |
Delivery type (field DLVTYPLND) |
This field can only be entered if the category is specified. It is used to filter the deliveries of a same category according to the delivery type. |
Subcontract (field SCOFLG) |
Enable this check box to select the deliveries of the Subcontract category. You can apply an additional filter on this category by selecting a Delivery type. |
Delivery type (field DLVTYPSCO) |
This field can only be entered if the category is specified. It is used to filter the deliveries of a same category according to the delivery type. |
Nonbillable (field NONINV) |
Enable this check box to select the deliveries of the Nonbillable category. |
Delivery type (field DLVTYPNIN) |
This field can only be entered if the category is specified. It is used to filter the deliveries of a same category according to the delivery type. |
Validated (field CFMFLGO) |
This field is used to select the deliveries according to their status:
By default, the deliveries of both statuses are selected. |
Not validated (field CFMFLGN) |
Tab number 1
The columns present in the delivery table depend on the setup of the screen code chosen.
Delivery no. (field SDHNUM) |
Based on the setup of the delivery inquiry transaction, the following information can be viewed:
Customer (field BPCORD) |
Project (field PJT) |
Ship date (field SHIDAT) |
Based on the setup of the delivery inquiry transaction, the following information can be viewed:
Deliv date (field DLVDAT) |
Validated (field CFMFLG) |
Invoiced (field INVFLG) |
Loan (field LND) |
Valuation + tax (field DLVINVATI) |
Currency (field CUR) |
Based on the setup of the delivery inquiry transaction, the following information can be viewed:
Amount + tax (company) (field DLVATISOC) |
Amount + tax (folder) (field DLVATIDOS) |
Carrier (field BPTNUM) |
Delivery mode (field MDL) |
Return status (field RTNSTA) |
Printed PT (field PRNNPR) |
Printed PS (field PRNNDE) |
Sales site (field SALFCY) |
Ship site (field STOFCY) |
Delivery type (field SDHTYP) |
Nonbillable (field NONINV) |
button. |
You can access the displayed delivery, providing that you have the required authorizations. |
Sales journal traceability |
Click this action to display the log of sales documents. |
Specific Buttons
Next |
Click this action to go to the next page if the table contains more lines than can be displayed in a screen. |
Return |
Click this action to go to the previous page if the table contains more lines than can be displayed in a screen. |
Menu Bar
Use this graphical inquiry to view the delivered tax excl. amount by period. The amount is broken down in the different delivery categories (Normal, Loan, Subcontract). When accessing this inquiry from the delivery list inquiry, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were. |
Use this graphical inquiry to view the delivered tax excl. amount by period. The delivered amount is sub-divided based on the amount that remains to be invoiced and on the already invoiced amount. This means that the sub-contract deliveries and the loan deliveries whose loan return date is not exceeded are not taken into account. When accessing this inquiry from the delivery list inquiry, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were. |
Use this graphical inquiry to compare the delivered tax excl. amount and the returned tax excl. amount by period and by delivery category. When accessing this inquiry from the delivery list inquiry, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were. |
Use this graphical inquiry to compare the ranking of the return reasons by returned tax excl. amount over a given period. When accessing this inquiry from the delivery list inquiry, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were. |