MPS results

Use this function to display the MPS (Master Production Schedule) results for a specific product at a specific site.

The MPS help you match your supply of materials (components) to demand for your parent products.


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Screen management

This inquiry is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The screen code you select determines how information is displayed on the MRP/MPS results tab.


Use this section to enter the site and the product, then select Search.

Tab MRP/MPS results

This section displays details from the product and product-site records, including the management and reorder policies for the product.

The demand and request horizons, and lead times used in the projected stock calculations are displayed.

Calculated stock levels are displayed.

Specific actions


Select the Criteria action to select a specific screen code. The screen code determines which information is displayed in the MRP/MPS results table.

You can save your selection criteria in, or recall or delete previous search criteria using a memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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