MPS results
Use this function to display the MPS (Master Production Schedule) results for a specific product at a specific site.
The MPS help you match your supply of materials (components) to demand for your parent products.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This inquiry is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The screen code you select determines how information is displayed on the MRP/MPS results tab.
Use this section to enter the site and the product, then select Search.
Site (field FCY) |
Enter or select the site where the Product is stored. |
Date calculated (field DATREF) |
The MPS calculation processing date. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
Enter or select the product to display the MPS results for. You can only select a product that is stored at the selected site. |
Description (field ITMDES1) |
The name of the product. |
Category (field TCLCOD) |
The product category. The category defines how the component is used. |
Lowest level code (field LLC) |
Displays the lowest level that a component can be defined in the bill of material (BOM). |
Tab MRP/MPS results
This section displays details from the product and product-site records, including the management and reorder policies for the product.
The demand and request horizons, and lead times used in the projected stock calculations are displayed.
Calculated stock levels are displayed.
Block number 1
BOM code (field BOMALTTYP) |
Displays the type of BOM code that is displayed in the BOM code no. field. This can be a manufactured or subcontracted BOM code. |
BOM code no. (field BOMALT) |
The BOM code used in the MPS calculations. Multiple bills of material (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning). |
Management mode (field STDFLGDES) |
Displays the management mode for the product. This can be Available stock or By order. |
Week coverage (field DAYCOV) |
Displays the coverage period for the MPS processing calculations, in weeks. |
Suggestion type (field REOCODDES) |
The method the MPS calculations recommend you use to replenish stock to meet the demand. |
Reorder site (field REOFCY) |
When the suggestion is to replenish stock from an intersite transfer, this field suggests the supplier site to replenish the stock from. |
Reorder policy (field REOPOL) |
Displays the reorder policy used for calculating the suggestions. |
Description (field TRPAXX) |
The reorder policy description. |
Demand horizon (field FOHENDDAT) |
The request horizon used for calculating the projected stock. The available stock is calculated using the customer order book below this horizon, and the forecasts above this horizon. |
Firm horizon (field PLHENDDAT) |
The fixed horizon used for freezing the production plan for the MPS calculations. Suggestions are generated after this horizon. |
Starting stock (field STRSTO) |
Starting stock is calculated from the total accepted stock quantity on the MPS calculation processing date. |
Shrinkage percent (field SHR) |
The total production loss from each routing operation or storage loss percentage used for calculating the quantity to reorder to cover the requirement. |
Production lead time (field MFGLTI) |
For manufactured items, the number of days it takes to produce the finished or semi-finished product. This field is only displayed if the product-site production, purchase, or quality control lead time is greater than zero. The production lead time is used to calculate start and end dates for suggestions, usually for a given lot size. It is expressed in calendar days. |
Purchase lead time (field OFS) |
For purchased items, the number of days it takes to reorder the product and for manufactured items, the number of days it takes to produce the finished or semi-finished product. This field is only displayed if the product-site production, purchase, or quality control lead time is greater than zero. The purchase lead time is used to calculate start and end dates for suggestions, usually for a given lot size. It is expressed in calendar days. |
Quality ctrl. lead time (field QUALTI) |
The number of days between the requirement date and the suggestion end date for carrying out quality control. This field is only displayed if the product-site production, purchase, or quality control lead time is greater than zero. The quality control lead time is used to calculate start and end dates for suggestions. It is expressed in calendar days. |
Total internal stock (field INTSTO) |
Internal stock is calculated from the total accepted stock quantity on the MPS calculation processing date. It is displayed in the stock unit. |
Total stock pending put-away (field PLFSTO) |
The total quantity of the product, in the stock unit, awaiting put away on the MPS calculation processing date. |
Total loan stock (field BPRSTO) |
The total quantity of the product, in the stock unit, on loan on the MPS calculation processing date. |
Total subcon. stock (field SCOSTO) |
The total quantity of the product, in the stock unit, with a subcontractor on the MPS calculation processing date. |
Pending issues (field WAISTO) |
The total quantity of the product, in the stock unit, allocated to suspended transactions on the MPS calculation processing date. |
Detail allocation (field ALLSTO) |
The total quantity of the product, in the stock unit, allocated internally. |
Detail shortage (field DETSHT) |
The total quantity of the product recorded as missing. |
Global allocated (field GLOSTO) |
The quantity of the product currently allocated to orders globally. |
Global shortage (field GLOSHT) |
The total quantity of the product recorded as missing globally. |
Order (field WIPTYPSTA) |
The suggested order type. |
Order no. |
The suggested order number. An asterisk (*) displays after the order number if the suggestion is for shortages calculated within the firm horizon that are transferred to the first period after the horizon. |
Entry (field VCRNUM) |
The order number creating the demand on the product. |
Period (field BUC) |
The MPS produces a suggestion by period that regroups all the requirements over the period. |
Requirement date (field REQDAT) |
The date the product is needed. |
Demand/Supply (field REQQTY) |
The calculated required quantity or replenishment quantity of the product. Demand is displayed as a negative quantity, supply as a positive quantity. |
Projected stock (field EXTSTO) |
The projected available stock of the product at the site. |
Remaining quantity (field RMNEXTQTY) |
The required quantity. Demand is displayed as a negative quantity, supply as a positive quantity. |
Allocated quantity (field ALLQTY) |
The quantity already allocated to the order line. |
Start date (field STRDAT) |
The planned production start date. |
End date (field ENDDAT) |
The end or required completion date. |
Source order type (field WIPTYPSTAO) |
The type of order at the source of the requirement. |
Source order no. (field WIPNUMORI) |
The order number at the source of the requirement. |
Source product (field ITMREFORI) |
The order number creating the demand on the product. |
MRP message (field MRPMES) |
MRP date (field MRPDAT) |
The estimated end or required completion date, as calculated by the MPS processing run. |
MRP quantity (field MRPQTY) |
The estimated required quantity, as calculated by the MPS processing run. Demand is displayed as a negative quantity, supply as a positive quantity. |
Order no. (field WIPNUM) |
Coverage quantity (field COVQTY) |
Displays the quantity needed during the coverage period used in the MPS processing calculations. |
Allocation status (field ALLSTA) |
Major version (field ECCVALMAJ) |
Indicates which version of this product applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the "form, fit, or function" has changed. This field is not populated if the product is not version managed. If there is a shortage of safety stock, the latest active major version is displayed. |
Minor version (field ECCVALMIN) |
Indicates which minor version of this product applies. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version. This field is not populated if the product is not version managed. If there is a shortage of safety stock, the latest active minor version is displayed. |
BOM code no. (field WBOMALT) |
Multiple bills of material (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning). |
Source project (field PJT) |
Links production of this product with a specific project. This field displays one of the following:
If the value of the field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project budget structure or the project operational (task) structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3".
Significance |
Select Significance from the Actions icon to view the meaning of the acronyms used to describe the different types of in-process orders and the order number. The first 2 characters = the order type; the third character (S (Suggested), P (Planned) or F (Firm)) = the status of the order. |
Specific actions
Menu bar
Select the WIP action to inquire on all orders and suggestions in progress for the product at the site. |
Select the Site stock action to access the Stock by site inquiry for the selected product. |
Select the Reorder policy action to view the set of parameters in the reorder policy for the product-site record. The Master Production Schedule calculations refer to a specific set of reorder parameters when planning current and future material requirements for a product-site record. The reorder parameters include loss percentages, splitting, and whether safety stock should be included in the calculation run. |
Select the Product site action to view the product-site details. |
Error messages
The only error messages are the generic ones.
Tables used
Refer to documentation Implementation