Use this inquiry to view all orders in process for a range of products, for one or all sites.
You can sort the list by product, document type, or document.
Sorting by document lists all firm work orders (type WOF) and material requirements (type MWF) together for 1 work order.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This inquiry is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The screen code you select determines how information is displayed on the WIP tab.
Use this section to define the site, the range of products you want to view the projected stock movements for, and the sort order, then select Search.
Block number 1
Site (field FCY) |
Type in or select the product storage site. The default site displayed is associated with your user record but you can edit it. |
Block number 2
From product (field ITMREFSTR) |
Enter the selection start product number. The product ranges limit the report to these products only. |
To product (field ITMREFEND) |
Enter the ending product number for the selection. Product ranges are used to restrict the report to these products only. |
Sort order (field SRTCOD) |
Select the classification criteria for the display of the returned lines. |
This tab displays all orders in process for the selected order types. The status of each order is included.
Type (field WIPTYPSTA) |
The order type that is currently work in progress plus the current status of the order. The first 2 characters = the order type; the third character (S (Suggested), P (Planned) or F (Firm)) = the status of the order. |
Order type (field WIPTYP) |
The type of order that is currently work in progress. |
WIP status (field WIPSTA) |
The current work in progress status of the order. The status might be Suggested, Planned, or Firm. |
Entry (field VCRNUM) |
The order reference. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
The code of the product to be released. |
Description 1 (field ITMDES1) |
The description from the product record. |
Major version (field ECCVALMAJ) |
Indicates which major version of the product applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the "form, fit, or function" has changed. |
Minor version (field ECCVALMIN) |
Indicates which minor version of the product applies. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version. |
Original site (field ORIFCY) |
The original order site. |
Storage site (field STOFCY) |
The site associated with the work in progress order. |
Start date (field STRDAT) |
The associated order date or planned production start date for the order. |
End date (field ENDDAT) |
The associated end or required completion date for the order. Where an order only has a single order date, this date is the same as the order date. |
STK (field STU) |
The unit in which the product is stored. |
Planned quantity (field EXTQTY) |
The planned quantity. The quantity is expressed in the stock unit. |
Total actual quantity (field CPLQTY) |
The total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit. |
Remaining quantity (field RMNEXTQTY) |
The remaining or outstanding quantity needed to complete the order. |
Allocated quantity (field ALLQTY) |
The quantity allocated to the order line. |
Project (field PJT) |
The associated project code. The content can be one of the following:
If the content of the field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3".
BP (field BPRNUM) |
The code of the business partner customer or supplier associated with the order. |
Entry type (field VCRTYP) |
The reason for the order or the resulting order type. |
Line no. (field VCRLIN) |
The associated line on the source document or order. |
Sequence no. (field VCRSEQ) |
The sequence number of the component in the source parent product. |
Product source (field FMI) |
Indicates how the goods needed for the order line will be managed. Normal: As a normal order, from stock. With a back-to-back order:
MRP message (field MRPMES) |
The generated replanning message based on the requirement calculation. |
MRP date (field MRPDAT) |
The end date of the order, as calculated during an analysis with rescheduling. |
MRP quantity (field MRPQTY) |
The quantity as calculated during an analysis with rescheduling. |
Source document type (field VCRTYPORI) |
The reason for the order. |
Original document (field VCRNUMORI) |
The number of the source document or order. |
Source document line (field VCRLINORI) |
The associated line on the source document or order. |
Source document sequence no. (field VCRSEQORI) |
The sequence number of the component in the source parent product. |
Source product (field ITMREFORI) |
The original product code. This product code describes what is referred to as a "Bill of material", a BOM. A BOM contains structured information for making and costing a product. It defines the components that make up a product, and given this, the cost of the product. |
Priority (field PIO) |
The delivery priority for the source document or order: Normal, Urgent, Very urgent. |
Order no. (field WIPNUM) |
The source order number. |
Source (field ORI) |
The origin of the order. |
Search key (field SEAKEY) |
The sort and selection criterion. |
Shortage (field SHTQTY) |
The shortage quantity of stock when there is not enough stock to complete the order line. |
Quantity assigned (field MTOQTY) |
The quantity linking the sales orders and the purchase orders or work orders. |
BOM type (field BOMALTTYP) |
Indicates if the BOM is for sales use, for manufacturing, or for subcontracting. |
BOM code (field BOMALT) |
Multiple bills of material (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning). |
Operation number (field BOMOPE) |
The production operation linked to the component. |
Operation lead time (field BOMOFS) |
The operation lead-time is used to calculate the date of the component requirement with respect to the production start date of the parent product. It is expressed in calendar days. It can be a negative value. Example: A work order has a start date of June 26. If the operation lead time is 7 days, the material requirement date will be calculated on July 3 (June 26 + 7 days); if the operation lead time is -7 days, the material requirement date will be calculated on June 19 (June 26 - 7 days). |
Optimization flag (field OPTFLG) |
Indicates if the order has been optimized in the scheduling. |
Export number (field EXPNUM) |
The export counter value. |
Date created (field CREDAT) |
The date the change request was created. |
Creation user (field CREUSR) |
The code and name of the user that created the change request. |
Change date (field UPDDAT) |
The date the change request was last edited. |
Change user (field UPDUSR) |
The code and name of the user that last edited the change request. |
Request ID (field CCMRID) |
The change request reference. |
Request status (field CCMSTA) |
The current stage of the change request in the change cycle. |
Significance |
Select Significance from the Actions icon to view the meaning of the acronyms used to describe the different types of in-process orders. The first 2 characters = the order type; the third character (S (Suggested), P (Planned) or F (Firm)) = the status of the order. |
Load in progress |
Select Load in progress from the Actions icon to view workload at the production site. |
Customer order |
Select Customer order from the Actions icon to view the source sales order details. |
Transfer request |
Select Transfer request from the Actions icon to view the source order details. |
Contract |
Select Contract from the Actions icon to view the source open order contract details. |
Supplier order |
Select Supplier order from the Actions icon to view the source purchase order details. |
Subcontract order |
Select Subcontract order from the Actions icon to view the source subcontract order details. |
Work order |
Select Work order from the Actions icon to view the source work order details. |
Specific actions
Menu bar
Select the Graph / Quantities action to display projected stock quantities in a graphical format by period over the course of a specified horizon. You can modify the reference date, frequency, and number of periods. Select the Search action to display the results. |
Select the Graph / Supply/demand action to display projected resource and requirement quantities in a graphical format by period over the course of a specified horizon. You can modify the reference date, frequency, and number of periods. Select the Search action to display the results. |
Error messages
The only error messages are the generic ones.
Tables used
Refer to documentation Implementation