Period and FY closing
Use this function to launch the fiscal year or period closing for the chosen companies and contexts.
See the section on Using intermediate commits for details and how to take advantage of intermediate commits for closing large volumes of fixed assets.
When you close in actual mode, the counter for managed assets is also updated. If the number is more than 5% of the maximum number of assets authorized by your license, the closing process is automatically blocked.
You can see the number of assets granted by the license and the counter of the assets managed in the solution, folder, and company in the Status of contexts function (SAISTACPY).
You cannot reverse an actual close for a period or a fiscal year.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Entry screen
To launch the closing process, you can select one or several companies and the context.
Simulation (field FLGSIM) |
This check box is selected by default and runs the closing in simulation mode. In this case, controls and the process are carried out but there are no updates recorded in the database. Clear this check box to run in actual mode. In this case, you cannot reverse the closing and updates are recorded in the database. If you are using intermediate commits, it is recommended that the NIVTRACE – Log file level parameter (AAS chapter, MIS group) value is 0. |
Status of contexts (field ICOINFO) |
Click this button to access the Status of contexts function describing the situation of each company context in relation to the closure. For each context, it displays the criteria that could block the closing. |
Grid Company selection
field CLC |
Select this check box to include the company on the line in the closing process. |
Company (field CPY) |
This field displays the company code and cannot be modified. The list only includes the companies specified in the folder for which at least one of the contexts can be closed. |
Grid Depreciation contexts
Context (field CNX) |
When you click on a company in the Company selection grid, you can see the contexts for this company that you can close. |
field CNXOK |
This field indicates whether or not the context can be closed:
Close (field TYPCLC) |
Use this field to select the type of closing: current period or current fiscal year. The value is automatically loaded according to the current period for the selected company: |
FY start (field DATSTRFIY) |
This field contains the start date of the current financial year of the context. |
FY end (field DATENDFIY) |
This field contains the end date of the current financial year of the context. |
Period start (field DATSTRPER) |
This field contains the current period start date. |
Period end (field DATENDPER) |
This field contains the current period end date. |
Last closed asset (field LSTCLOFAS) |
When there is an error related to an asset during a closing using intermediate commits, this field displays the last successfully closed asset. If an error occurs after all assets have been closed, this field displays the following message: "Error in closing." This could mean there is an error not related to a specific asset.
When you relaunch the process in actual mode, the field is empty and the process resumes with the next asset in the commit. |
This grid displays companies defined in the folder that meet both conditions:
- The company has at least one context eligible for a period or fiscal year closing. Click the Status of contexts icon to view the situation of each company context in relation to the closing. For each context, it displays the criteria that can block a closing.
- The user has been granted rights for all the sites of the company.
- If a company has at least one inactive asset, you cannot initiate a close and therefore the company is not listed in the grid.
- If a company is a source or target company in an intra-group transfer operation, you can only select this company if the operation status is In preparation. Otherwise, an error message displays followed by a window showing the list of related operations. If the closing is launched by the batch server, a new control is carried out at the launch of the request to make sure that no intra-group sales related to the selected company has been defined between the preparation of the request and its launch. If there are any, the selection of the company is canceled and this is noted in the log file.
This table lists the contexts managed for the company highlighted in the Company selection grid and for which a period or fiscal year closing is possible. You can close for each context by period closing or fiscal year, according to its situation.
You can close a context for a period closing when the following conditions are met:
- The current period is not the last period of the fiscal year. These periods are closed along with the fiscal year closing.
- All the plans of the context are calculated.
- All the provisions for renewal are calculated, in the event of an accounting and fiscal context and when the concessions are managed according to the renewal mode.
- All the expenses and all the variances between plans, if they are managed, have been posted for the current period; if its posting type is actual. The posting of the events is not mandatory for a periodic closing. Likewise, for the accounting and fiscal context, and with concession management, all the provisions for renewal must have been posted for the current period.
- No error or inconsistency has been detected in the context data.
- In addition, if the ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control parameter (AAS chapter, CPT group) is set to Yes, the following conditions must be met:
- The following period (future current period) is open in accounting.
- The context is in sync with the accounting.
You can close a context for a fiscal year closing when the following conditions are met:
- The current period is the last period of the fiscal year.
- All the plans of the context are calculated.
- All the periods are in actual posting.
- All charges, variances between associated plans, when these variances are managed, and events in the event type depreciation plan sense of the context to be close used in the active accounting entry types, have been posted on all the periods of the fiscal year.
- All assets classified as for sale in the FY have been disposed.
- For the assets disposed of in the current fiscal year, there is no amount to be posted on the periods of the next fiscal year if their posting is actual. The depreciations and variances between plans posted on the next fiscal year before recording the disposal must be reversed.
- No error or inconsistency has been detected in the context data.
- In addition, if the ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control parameter (AAS chapter, CPT group) is set to Yes, the following conditions must be met:
- The following period (future current period) is open in accounting.
- The context is in sync with the accounting.
- In addition, when concessions are managed according to the renewal mode, the following conditions must also be met:
- All the provisions for renewal must be calculated and posted for all the periods of the year.
- For the assets issued in the current fiscal year, there is no provision to be posted on the periods of the following fiscal year if their posting type is actual. The provisions posted on the following fiscal year before recording the issue, must be reversed.
- All the renewing assets, used in the chart of accounts, must have been renewed. The indicator Renewal carried out must be activated.
- There is no renewal preparation operation for which the renewal date falls within the current fiscal year or for which the date has not been entered.
Status of contexts |
For each managed company, select this option to view the status of each of its contexts with respect to the calculation, the accounting interface, the renewal of assets, its synchronization with the accounting, and its eligibility for the generating flows and a closing. Please refer to documentation for Status of contexts. |
Processing description
- The current Period closing in the context leads to the following operations :
- The period takes the Closed status; its posting type (simulation/actual) is kept.
- The Following period becomes the Current period and its posting type (simulation/actual) is kept if the period was open. If the period was closed, its entry type is initialized using the value of the closed period.
- At the level of each given asset:
* the status of each plan of the context (DEPSTA field in the DEPREC depreciation table) takes the Closed value.
* the periodic depreciation totals of the closed context are increased based on the amount of the corresponding charge, which will be reset to zero.
- The flows are created or updated for the closed period, with status Final.
In order to avoid impacting negatively the first period closing, it is advised to generate all the flows a first time after the fiscal year opening, through the Provisional flows generation process. This processing, which integrates optimization parameters, will level this operation on the entire duration of the first period.
Then, during the closing processing, the flow generation will be limited to the new assets and only to those that have been subject, since the last generation, to a job action having an impact on the flow.This mechanism which aims at optimizing the processing time, is described in an attached document: Flow optimization.
- When submitting the closing of the depreciation context selected for the management of the OPE (Production units), the production plans associated with the context are updated in the following way: if the OPE completed over the period are not specified for the period being closed, the closing processing automatically populates the completed OPE with the planned OPE.
- All provision issue of an asset, at a date less than or equal to the end of the period being closed, is automatically canceled.
Concession management:
- All the validated renewal operations are deleted.
- The current Fiscal year closing leads to the following operations, in the context:
- the closing of the last period of the fiscal year (current period).
- The Current fiscal year takes the Closed status and its posting type (simulation/actual) is kept.
- The Following fiscal year becomes the Current fiscal year. The first period opens with a posting type defined at the level of the DEFPSTTP - Posting type parameter (AAS chapter, CPT group). Other periods are initialized to 'Not open' with no posting type.
- The fiscal year that follows takes the Following fiscal year status. If the latter is not defined, it will be created based on the same FY split as the Current FY, with respect to the following conditions:
* The FYR start date is fixed to the day after the end date of the Current FYR.
* The FYR end date is fixed to the same date as the Current FYR end plus one year.
* If the current FYR is sub-divided into periods, the periods in the next FYR are created in the same way i.e. conserving the same sub-divisions as that existing in the Current FYR, taking into account leap years. The weights of periods (number of days, weeks, months) are re-calculated with the new dates.In the case of a current FY whose duration is less than one year, the new FY is created with a duration of one year from the date of the new FY; in this case no period sub-division is kept.
- The flows are created or updated for the closed fiscal year, with status: Final. An optimization mechanism makes it possible to limit the generation to the new assets and to those that have been subject, since the last generation, to a job action having an impact on the flows.
An initial flow is also created for the following year, for each concerned asset and each concerned plan of the company.For more details on the flow optimization, see the attached document: Flow optimization.
- When submitting the closing of the depreciation context selected for the management of the OPE (Production units), the production plans associated with the context are updated in the following way: if the OPE completed over the period are not specified for the period being closed, the closing processing automatically populates the completed OPE with the planned OPE.
- At the level of each of the assets concerned, the depreciation totals for the closed context are incremented with the corresponding depreciation charge amount which is then reset to zero.
-At the level of the assets issued in the fiscal year: (in the DEPREC table) the depreciation records related to the fiscal years posterior to the closed fiscal year are deleted.
- Any provisional issue of an asset, at a date less than or equal to the end of the FY being closed, is automatically canceled.
Management of Subsidies:
When the Reconsideration of the previous subsidies is prohibited (the GRTPRVUPD parameter is set to No) the closing processing of the Accounting and fiscal context (and implicitly, of the Subsidy plan) activates automatically the forcing indicator linked to the Subsidy amount field of each expense linked to an asset whose subsidy plan is closed. The subsidy amount of the expenses and the depreciation basis, on the Subsidy plan, of the linked assets will not be updated anymore during the subsidy calculation processing.
Management of Concessions:
- At the level of the assets issued in the fiscal year: the records (in CCNRPR table) of the provisions for renewal, relating to the fiscal years later than the closed one, are deleted.
- The renewal value of the assets is reset to zero (in order to be recalculated during the next calculation). The renewal value forcing indicator is deactivated for those assets whose renewal value had been forced.
- All the validated renewal operations are deleted.
Using intermediate commits
During the period and fiscal year end closing for fixed assets, system performance can be affected when working with large volumes of data to process. Closing large volumes of fixed assets in multiple commits can improve performance. This follows the standard process, but closes large volumes in a series of commits.
1. Set the INTCOMCLO - Intermediate commits closing parameter (AAS chapter, PRF group) to Yes to enable multiple commits during the closing process. Otherwise, all checks and updates are performed in a single commit.
2. Use the INTCOMCLON – Number of assets per commit parameter (AAS chapter, PRF group) to define the number of assets processed by a commit. The default value is 1000.
Errors in closing
If there is an error during closing, all functions related to the company’s fixed assets are blocked and you can only execute the closing manually here until the error is resolved.
In the Status of contexts function, the Last closed asset column displays the last committed asset, unless the error was before the first commit. The Closing status remains Yes, but the color is amber. The log file shows that nothing was committed, and the process was cancelled.
If an error occurs after the last asset is committed, the Last closed asset column displays, “Error in closing.” This could mean that the error is not related to an asset.
After resolving the error, you can relaunch the process, which resumes after the last committed asset.
When you close the period or fiscal year in actual mode with no errors, the Last closed asset column is cleared.
Log file details
A log file displays at the end of the process for simulated or actual closings. The level of detail is determined by the NIVTRACE – Log file level parameter (AAS chapter, MIS group) setting. Selecting 9 gives the most detail. Selecting 0 only displays the number of assets per commit that were closed.
For a simulated closing
If you set the NIVTRACE - Log file level parameter to 9, for example, the log file displays details like the number of assets per commit and each asset that is processed for all the depreciation plans for each context. The log also displays the date and time of the closing for each commit. After each commit closes, the next one starts.
For an actual closing
Set this parameter to 0. In this case, the log file only displays the number of active intermediate commits and the number of assets per commit.
The log file also includes details related to errors such as “Depreciation record not found” and the related code and date. When you relaunch the closing, the log file shows last committed asset, which is the point at which the process resumes for intermediate commits.
Note: You can print or view the log files at any time from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu. Select ATRACE – Print log file from the list of report codes.
Batch task
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FASCLOTURE is provided for that purpose.
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
"The context xxx: Modifications are pending processing before closing"
When setup modifications influencing the calculation of the assets have been done, the closing of the concerned context is not authorized as long as the process of these modifications and a new calculation have not been done.
refer to to the description of thePending modifications processing.