Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The header screen picks up by default the sales representative code associated with the connected user, this code being specified in the AUSCRMF - Representative user parameter (CRM Chapter, COL group) of the CRM activities module.
It is possible to manually select another employee.
The date ranges are used to filter the CRM activities to be displayed for the specified employee. In this way, all the appointments, calls or tasks included within this date range are displayed.
Employee (field REP) |
This field is used to enter the code of a sales representative whose activity needs to be inquired. |
Start date (field DATMIN) |
Start date to be stipulated before launching the search. |
End date (field DATMAX) |
End date to be stipulated before launching the search. |
Tab Calendar
This tab displays in graphical or tabular form the tasks, calls and appointments associated with the header employee and included within the specified date range.
The CRM calendar is a graphical component that can be viewed in several manners:
- daily view,
- weekly view in working days,
- weekly view in calendar days,
- monthly view.
Each CRM activity is associated with a color:
- red: tasks,
- green: calls,
- yellow: appointments.
If the users position themselves on a particular day, they can:
- view the details of the CRM activity being displayed,
- access the management of displayed tasks, calls and appointments (links to the objects),
- create a task, a call or an appointment (creation icon in the right-hand side corner).
Appointments (field AGDBAP) |
Filter on the appointments. |
Tasks (field AGDTSK) |
Filter on tasks. |
Calls (field AGDCLL) |
Filter on calls. |
Grid Planning workbench
Week (field SEMAINE) |
Week number of the commercial action. |
Start date (field DATDEB) |
Start date of the commercial action. |
Start time (field HEURDEB) |
Start time of the commercial action. |
End date (field DATFIN) |
End date of the commercial action. |
End time (field HEURFIN) |
End time of the commercial action. |
Action type (field TYPACT) |
Action type |
Done (field EXE) |
Commercial action status. |
Subject (field OBJET) |
Commercial action object. |
Category (field LIBCATEG) |
Category |
Code (field KEYACT) |
Sequence number of the commercial action. |
BP (field BPR) |
BP code. |
Person (field CCN) |
Contact number. |
Detail |
Displays the details of a CRM activity. |
Tab Calls
Block number 1
Category (field SEAAPTTYP) |
This field is used to filter the list of appointments by category. If a category is selected, only the appointments belonging to this category are displayed. |
Include late appointments (field SEABCS) |
This field is used to isolate the appointments of the type "Absence" for the period specified in the header. When an appointment is of the type "Absence", it is always displayed in the workbench regardless of its status, "done" or "to do". |
Grid Appointment
Start (field APTDAT) |
Time (field APTHOU) |
End (field APTDATEND) |
Time (field APTHOUEND) |
Week (field APTWEE) |
BPs/Contact/Object (field APTCMP) |
Location (field APTPLC) |
Appointment taken by (field APTCREUSR) |
Category (field APTTYPCLA) |
Goal of the appointment (field APTOBJ) |
Detail |
Is used to access the complete appointment record corresponding to the line displayed in the CRM planning workbench. |
New |
Displays an entry window. The report record automatically transforms the appointment status from To do to Done. |
Prospect/Customer History |
Used to create a new appointment directly from the "Appointments" function. |
Outlook Contact History |
Displays the history of movements of the selected customer in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Outlook Contact History |
Displays the Outlook contact history in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Appointment location |
Appointment itinerary |
Tab Tasks
This tab displays the calls under progress for the specified user who is included in the date range.
Category (field SEACLLCAT) |
This field is used to filter the list of calls by category. If a category is selected, only the calls belonging to this category are displayed. |
Late calls (field SEACLLDEL) |
Filter on late calls. |
Additional information (field SEACLLCMG) |
Filter calls associated with call campaigns. |
Priority level (field SEACLLPIO) |
This field is used to filter the call list according to their priority level. This criterion can be combined with the category. |
Unplanned calls (field SEACLLNDT) |
Filter on unscheduled calls. |
Grid Calls
Week (field CLLWEEK) |
Week number. |
Date (field CLLDAT) |
Date of the call. |
Time (field CLLHOU) |
Time of the call. |
Contact (relationship) (field CLLCNTNAM) |
Code of the call contact. |
BP (field CLLCMPNAM) |
BP code in the call header. |
Direct line (field CLLETS) |
Direct line number of the contact. If this field does not make it possible to reach the contact, the user can obtain from within a single window, the list of all the telephone numbers which can potentially be used to call the contact. |
Mobile phone (field CLLMOB) |
Cellphone number of the contact. If this field does not make it possible to reach the contact, the user can obtain from within a single window, the list of all the telephone numbers which can potentially be used to call the contact. |
No. of attempts (field NBRTNT) |
Number of call attempts. |
Call object (field CLLOBJ) |
Call object. |
Category (field CLLCATCLA) |
Call category. |
Priority level (field CLLPIOCLA) |
Call priority level. |
Campaign code (field CLLCMGNUM) |
When the call obviously comes from a marketing campaign, the code of both the campaign and the marketing operation should be saved. These data will feed the statistics sent back by the marketing campaigns. The "Selection" context menu displays the list of all the marketing campaigns defined in the application. |
Operation code (field CLLOPGNUM) |
Number of the marketing operation at the origin of the call. |
Detail |
Displays the details of a call by providing access to the call record. |
Prospect/Customer History |
Displays an entry window. The appointment report record automatically transforms the status of calls from To do to Done. |
Outlook Contact History |
Execute Call Script |
Displays the list of all scripts defined in the application. The execution of a call script is displays a window with a question and an active "response" field. There are multiple "possible response" fields, but only one of them can be used for a question. |
Set call-back time |
Displays a window in which a call-back option must be confirmed. Each call-back leads to the automatic creation of a call-attempt record. |
New |
Used to create a new call directly from the Call function. |
Prospect/Customer History |
Displays the history of movements of the selected customer in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Contact History |
Displays the Outlook contact history in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Call Attempt History |
Tab Projects
This tab displays the tasks under progress for the specified user, which are included in the date range.
Block number 1
Category (field SEATSKTYP) |
This field is used to filter the list of tasks by category. If a category is selected, only the tasks belonging to this category are displayed. |
Include delays (field SEATSKRTD) |
Taking into account of the task deadlines. |
Include unplanned tasks (field SEATSKNDT) |
Filter on unscheduled tasks. |
Priority level (field SEATSKPIO) |
This field is used to filter the task list according to their priority level. This criterion can be combined with the category. |
Include late tasks (field SEATSKDEL) |
Filter on late tasks. |
Grid Tasks
Week (field TSKWEEK) |
Week number. |
Due date (field TSKDUD) |
Task due date. |
Start of the description (field TSKDES) |
Task description |
Priority level (field TSKPIOCLA) |
Task priority level. |
BP (field TSKCMPNAM) |
Company name of the BP associated with the task. |
Contact (relationship) (field TSKCNTNAM) |
Code of the contact associated with the task. |
Corresponding project (field TSKOPPNAM) |
Code of the project associated with the task. |
Category (field TSKTYPCLA) |
Task category. |
BP (field TSKCMP) |
Code of the BP associated with the task. |
Detail |
Displays the details of a task by providing access to the task record. |
Prospect/Customer History |
Displays an entry window. The appointment report record automatically transforms the status of tasks from To do to Done. |
Outlook Contact History |
Used to create a new task directly from the Tasks function. |
Prospect/Customer History |
Displays the history of movements of the selected customer in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Contact History |
Displays the Outlook contact history in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Tab Information
This tab displays the projects under progress for the specified user, which are included in the date range.
Block number 1
Category (field SEAOPPTYP) |
This field is used to filter the list of projects by category. If a category is selected, only the projects belonging to this category are displayed. |
Stage in process (field SEAOPPSTE) |
This field is used to filter the list of projects according to their current stage. This criterion can be combined with the category. |
End of absence (field NOOPPCDA) |
Filter on the projects without requested closing date. |
Grid Projects
Desired conclusion (field OPPCDA) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Closing date of the required project. |
Step (field OPPSTE) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use this field to specify the successive steps reached by the project. Setup example for Table 400 - Project step:
Depending on the setup of this table, some step types can be automatically created:
Additional details about the setup of miscellaneous table 400 - Project step
BP (field OPPCMPNAM) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Company name of the BP associated with the project. |
Amount (field OPPAMT) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project amount. |
Currency (field CUR) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Success probability (field OPPSUC) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Success percentage of the project. |
Number of quotes (field OPPNBQ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This inaccessible field displays the number of quotes already generated for the project. This is loaded on the creation and the deletion of the quotes for a project. |
Project description (field OPPDES) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project description. |
Category (field OPPTYPCLA) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project category. |
Project chrono (field OPPNUM) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This field is by default associated to an automatic functioning sequence number counter. Consequently, the user should not normally concern him/herself with its contents. |
BP (field OPPCMP) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Code of the BP associated with the project. |
Detail |
Displays the details of a project by providing access to the project record. |
Prospect/Customer History |
Used to create a new project directly from the Projects function. |
Contact History |
Displays the history of movements of the selected customer in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Contact History |
Displays the Outlook contact history in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Tab Marketing Campaigns
Grid Marketing operations
Operations (field TTROPG) |
Calls (field NBRCLL) |
Start (field OPGDATSTR) |
End (field OPGDATEND) |
Campaigns (field TTRCMG) |
Start (field CMGDATSTR) |
End (field CMGDATEND) |
No. of calls made (field RMNCLL) |
No. of calls remaining (field RMNCLLX) |
Include late campaigns (field DELAY) |
All campaigns considered (field EVRCLL) |
When the field "Display the calls for all campaigns together" is not selected, a click on one of the marketing operations allows the user to obtain the list of the calls relative to this operation. These calls are also assigned to the representative and to be carried out during the period mentioned in the workbench header. In order to link the calls and their respective operation, each selected operation carries a small arrow at the start of its title. When the "Display the calls for all campaigns together" field is ticked, all the calls and all of the marketing operations are displayed together in the right half of this tab. Only a selection based on the period and the representative identified in the planning workbench header is carried out. |
Grid Calls to be executed
Date (field DAT) |
Time (field HOU) |
Company (field CMP) |
Contact (relationship) (field CCN) |
Direct line (field ETS) |
Mobile phone (field MOB) |
No. of attempts (field TNT) |
Detail |
Report |
Telephone Numbers |
Script |
Set call-back time |
Prospect/Customer History |
Displays the history of movements of the selected customer in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Contact History |
Displays the Outlook contact history in terms of actions to do and actions done. |
Tab Information
This tab displays messages related to the specified user (late actions, alerts etc.).
Appointments (field INFBAP) |
Information on the appointments. |
Calls (field INFCLL) |
Information on calls. |
Tasks (field INFTSK) |
Information on tasks. |
Projects (field INFOPP) |
Information on projects. |
Contracts (field INFCON) |
Information on service contracts. |
Type (field INFTYPE) |
Displayed message type. |
Key (field INFKEY) |
Chrono number concerned by the message. |
Message (field INFINFO) |
Information message or alert. |
Late (field INFDELAY) |
Information on deadlines. |
Sales rep (field INFREPNAM) |
Code of the sales representative concerned by the message. |
Detail |
Used to access the current record of the recording concerned by the message or the alert. |
Specific Buttons
Menu Bar
Access to the appointments management in creation mode. |
Access to the calls management in creation mode. |
Access to the tasks management in creation mode. |
Access to the appointments management in creation mode. |
Access to the calls management in creation mode. |
Access to the tasks management in creation mode. |
Access to the projects management in creation mode. |
Access to the service requests management in creation mode. |
This button makes it possible to view the setup of the entry transaction used. |