Service Requests
The service requests represent the starting point for an operational activity in customer support. Their creation often occurs as the response to a telephone call. They have as their goal to express and register in a clear, summarized and complete fashion, all of the customer request.
A customer request can concern:
- the solving of a malfunction that has occurred with an item,
- the need for additional explanations on a specific subject,
- a request for advice and hints to carry out certain tasks,
The processing of these requests introduces a concurrent need to establish exploitation costs, to identify and verify the installation and to track the material used to fix the problem.
The service requests lead to the tying up of very qualified personnel to resolve situations that are often previously unknown.
Thus each service request is the pivot between the three main pillars of the customer support center:
- the understanding of the customer base,
- the management of warranty and maintenance contracts,
- the management of the staff's skills.
Each of these three aspects are used to carry out the entry of a request by:
- verifying the use of material for the service contract (warranty or maintenance),
- assigning a technician with the required skills to the task of solving the problem.
The Service request function offers several functional automated processes to facilitate the tracking and processing of the request during the time available, for example:
- the automatic assignment of the requests,
- the statistics for the employee costs,
- the reorientation of the requests without object,
- the automatic control of the assignment of a request to a contract,
- the in-depth analysis of the service contracts,
- the assistance on the resolution of requests without assignment,
- the tracking of the progress history for a request,
- the search tools for the knowledge database,
- assistance on the planning of service responses,
- assistance with loading the knowledge database.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Several tabs are used to enter the service requests. Several types of icon are also found in a service request.
Icon display
A service request displays different types of important icons. The status of the request and its severity level are illustrated by the several icons:
- The first icon shows the status of the request in the header. The different request statuses are defined in the miscellaneous table 422 - Service requests statuses. A single service request status must correspond to a closing process.
- The second icon shows the severity level of the request in the header. The different severity levels are defined in the miscellaneous table 428 - Service requests severity levels.
Displaying principle of icons
To display an icon corresponding to the severity level of a request, enter in the miscellaneous table 428 setup (Icon column), for each of the level codes, the coordinates of the icon included in the Sage X3 icon library.
The number of the icon entered for the status code or severity level returns an icon.
Each icon code contains a code between 0 and 299.
Site (field SALFCY) |
This field contains the code for the site from which the service request will be tracked. |
field SRENUM |
This field corresponds to the main identifier of each service request. Its generation is ensured by an automatic sequence number counter. By default, this code is made up of a sequence number limited to 15 characters. In addition to this technical identifier, each service request can contain:
From the Actions icon, click Search by customer chrono to open the selection window of service requests, based on the customer and their sequence number counter (chrono). Click Service responses by request to inquire all the service responses planned for the service request. |
Customer (field SRENUMBPC) |
In addition to the technical identifier, each service request can contain an alphanumeric customer seq. number and a numeric and chronological customer seq. number.
Service caller (field SREDOO) |
The notion of an order giver is relevant to the majority of companies that carry out a customer support activity. The true customers for these companies are the suppliers for the people who call. Definition of a default order giver : To facilitate the management of calls, the customer support call centers frequently deliver a different telephone number for each order giver. In this way, for each incoming call, the order giver for which a service request must be process is often known in advance. This field offers a functionality that is used to automate the contents of this field. In fact, in an After-sales technician knows that he/she will work for the nest three hours on the account for a specific order giver, a contextual menu is used to define the contents of this field for next request creations. This contextual menu named "Define by default" saves the name of the order giver or the absence of the order giver as the next value by default for any request created by THIS USER until a new order is entered. Selection of an order giver : The contextual menu "Selection" associated with the "Order giver" field is used to: - Select an order giver from amongst those defined in the business partner file if the customer field is empty. |
Customer (field SREBPC) |
This field either indicates the code of the final customer or the customer code of the order-giver. To select a customer code, click the Selection icon and:
You can also use the Actions icon and click:
field ICOBPC |
Contact (relationship) (field SRECCN) |
This field is used to save the identity of the physical individual who has issued the request. |
field ICOSAT |
Tab Post
Block number 1
Title (field SRETTR) |
This field must contain a text that is used to understand in several words the nature of the request. |
This field is used to enter a full description either of the customer problem, or of the request for explanations or advice.
Date created (field CREDAT) |
Time (field CREHOU) |
Created by (field FULNAMUSR) |
Source (field SREORI) |
Document no. (field SREORIVCR) |
Line (field SREORIVCRL) |
Statistical groups
field TSDCOD |
Use these fields to enter the statistics group codes for the service contracts. Codes can be selected and initialized from the service contract template. You can define up to 5 statistical groups. The number of groups and their names can be set up when installing the application. These groups are used in statistical processes and as selection criteria in many programs. |
Tab $
A service request can be multi-base, multi-component but always mono-skilled.
Block number 1
field TYPMAC |
Use this field to specify the method used to enter the installed base related to the service request.
Any modification to the entry method of the installed base leads to the complete deletion of the Base and Component grids. |
Base filter (field MACFLT) |
This field is the starting point for defining the targeting of the filtered installed base. From the Actions icon, click Targeting to access the inquiry window of Machine targeting types. You then have two possibilities: 1 - Select an existing target to be included in the service request. 2 - Proceed with the definition of a new targeting that will then be included in the service request. |
Customer filter (field MACFLTINT) |
In the very common case where the service request only concerns the base installed at the customer's, this option is used to over-ride one of the installation criteria of the base in the targeting definition. In fact, if you select this option, only the customer installed base will be included in the service request. |
field NBMACSEL |
Base (field MAC) |
Use this field to proceed with the successive entry of the different installed base records involved in the service request.
Any entry of an installed base on a service request automatically leads to:
The first installed base entered on the service request is automatically considered as the default base. |
Product reference (field ITM) |
Description (field ITMDES) |
Serial number (field SER) |
Quantity (field QTY) |
Base on loan (field LND) |
Skill (field PBL) |
An installed base record can be associated to a skill group. The entry of a skill group automatically leads to:
Description (field PBLCLA) |
Coverage (field COVFLG) |
This field is used to modify the coverage applied automatically by the system. |
Coverage support (field COVSPT) |
Document no. (field COVVCR) |
Points debited (contract) (field PITMAC) |
Base by default (field MACDEF) |
This column is used to indicate the installed base record that must be used by default in this service request. |
Action regrouping (field ITNGRU) |
This column is used to carry out groupings of the installed base records. |
Grid Components
Component (field CPNITM) |
This field is used to indicate the component or component that is malfunctioning in the installed base. |
Description (field CPNITMDES) |
Quantity (field CPNQTY) |
This field is used to enter the quantity of components that can be found in the selected defective installed base. |
Coverage (field CPNCOVFLG) |
This field is used to modify the coverage applied automatically by the system. |
Coverage support (field CPNCOVSPT) |
Document no. (field CPNCOVVCR) |
This field is used to indicate the skills group required for the processing of the service request. 1 - The skills group is entered : All the installed base records must share the same skill.
Service responses |
Click this action to trigger a service response in the installed bases of the service request. The skills knowledge base is not always able to deliver the necessary keys to resolving a customer problem. The true actions of correcting the problem are often between the enterprises. The term "service response" groups together under a generic term all the actions that a technician can carryout to resolve a customer problem. This can range from a simple telephone call to a physical service response at the customer's site. In order to manage the processing of a service request within the required time frame, make sure the service response header information is properly qualified. It is precisely this that the service response creation function will carryout. Use this function to:
Click the Service response creation menu to access the service response file. You can then view the status of the service responses associated with the customer request. Two panels are available for this purpose in the selection panel. If you click New, the following fields are automatically preloaded:
You need to fill in the record by entering the following information:
After-sales BOM |
Each component can be directly selected from the product base or from the after-sales BOM for the installed base concerned. Use this action to open the BOM of the selected base. |
Product notes |
Tab Checks
This tab contains all the information that is used to carry out the operational management of the request.
The creation of the solution is always suggested, but this is optional. To cancel the solution creation, click End.
Request assignment
Assignment (field SREASS) |
In the absence of assignment rules for the service request, the assignment of the request is always linked by default to "dispatching".
The SREASSDEF - Request default assignment and SREASSDET - Request default assignment parameters (HDK chapter - SRE group) are used to control this default behavior. They have priority in the assignment algorithms associated with the skill group. Even though the automatic assignment of request mechanisms often provide a satisfactory result, it is sometime necessary to manually intervene in order to carry out the most appropriate assignment. Several tools are available for this.
This option is also used to perform the closing of service requests.
The closure of an intervention is the time to enter the status of the request. At the time of the closure, the status of the request is automatically initialized with the status of the request which corresponds with the closure status. It should be noted that a single request status must correspond to a closure status in miscellaneous table 422: Service request status. The icon corresponding to the closure status will then be displayed in the service request header. |
Assignment detail (field SREDET) |
Even though the automatic assignment of request mechanisms often provide a satisfactory result, it is sometime necessary to manually intervene in order to carry out the most appropriate assignment. Several tools are available for this: Assignment to dispatchingIf you click Dispatching, the Assignment detail field must either be empty or contain a Site code.
This field defaults to the site code specified on the request header. Allocate to an employeeIf you click on Employee, the Assignment detail field must contain the code of a customer support user. This field is loaded by default based on the skill group entered in the request.
Assignment to a queue
If you click Queue, the Assignment detail field must contain the code of a queue.
Assignment to the commercial serviceIt can happen that a customer contact the customer support service for reasons that which fall outside of the intervention of this structure. It is often the case that certain customer can call to order new products or to obtain a new quote etc. In the case where the processing of a call is clearly a commercial issue, click Sales department to redirect the request. A task is then automatically generated for the sales representative in a charge of the customer account. The due date of the task displays the date identified in the Desired resolution date field of the request. This generation takes place at the time of the confirmation of the creation or modification of the request. The technician is warned with the following message: A task has been generated for the attention of ????. In this way, the sales representative will be warned instantly of the customer request directly via their normal workbench. |
Assignment date (field SREDATASS) |
This field indicates the date of the last manual or automatic assignment of the request. |
Request status (field SRESAT) |
Use this field to know the current progress of the request. Any modification to this field is recorded in the history of the request status. To view this history, go to Functions / Status history from the Actions panel. |
field OVRCOV |
This field indicates the coverage applied globally at the level of the service request. When the global coverage is automatically defined, it represents an aggregation of the different coverages for the installed base concerned. When the global coverage is manually defined, it applies to all the elements that make up the service request. You can apply up to seven different types of coverage to a service request:
When a service request is commercially covered by an employee that does not exercise the function of commercial manager, an electronic alert message is automatically sent to the hierarchical manager. Any modification of the global coverage will lead to :
When the manually-applied coverage is not satisfactory, click Default coverage from the Actions panel is used to re-establish a default coverage calculated automatically for each of the elements that make up the service request. |
Resolution constraints
Severity level (field SREGRALEV) |
Use this field to indicate the level of severity of the service request. |
Requested resolution date (field SRERESDAT) |
This field indicates the date after which the customer issue must be resolved. When the request is not covered by a service contract, this date corresponds to the current date increased by the number of days contained in the global parameter QREAC - CS reactivity level (days) (HDK chapter, SRE group) set to 7 standard days. If the request is covered by a service request, this date is loaded as a function of the quality constraints in the contract concerned. This date can also be affected by a manual modification to the contract. In fact, the customer can be confronted by a specific situation that imposes more extended resolution lead-times than planned. The reasons for this extended lead-time can be described in the Reason field. |
Time (field SRERESHOU) |
Support contract (field CONSPT) |
This field is used to indicate the contract used to respect the quality constraints. |
Reason (field SRERESREN) |
This field indicates the reasons that have led to a manual modification to the "Desired resolution date" field. |
Time stamp
field TITBLK |
field TITDAY |
field TITHOU |
field TITMNT |
field TITSPG |
The timestamp entry is used to enter the time devoted to the processing of a service request. The product, which is automatically consumed for this timestamp, is defined in the setup. (Products for timestamp) Each timestamp can be entered manually. They can also be calculated automatically if you click Start timestamp from the Actions icon. Each time a timestamp is triggered, it is automatically recorded if one of the following events occurs after one minute:
The timestamp triggered from one of these three fields is related to the default installed base. You can also click Start timestamp from the Actions icons available on each installed base concerned when the timestamp relates to a specific base. The triggering of a timestamp is also the means to access specific operational features of the service request processing. The Preferences action is indeed used to activate the access to a specific feature in the context of the service request. |
field TITCSPG |
The totals fields are automatically recalculated after each recording of a new timestamp. |
Last escalation
Code (field SREESCNUM) |
This field displays the code of the last escalation carried out for the service request. |
Date (field SREESCDAT) |
This field indicates the date on which the escalation has been executed. |
Time (field SREESCHOU) |
Type (field ESCTYPCLA) |
This field displays the type of the last escalation carried out for the service request.
Tab $
All the information necessary for the invoicing of the service requests figure in this tab.
Bill-to customer (field SREBPCINV) |
Code of the bill-to customer initialized by default with the bill-to customer code associated with the customer entered in the service request header. |
Pay-by (field SREBPCPYR) |
This field is used to enter the paying customer code. It is initialized by default with the paying customer code associated with the customer entered in the service request header. |
Group customer (field SREBPCGRU) |
This field is used to enter the group customer code. It is initialized by default with the group customer code associated with the customer entered in the service request header. |
Storage site (field STOFCY) |
The warehouse site specified in the request will be used as the default warehouse site for each new consumption related to a product generated in the stock. |
Project (field SREPJT) |
This field is used to indicate any project code at the origin of the financial coverage of the service request. Its management depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project control parameter.
When the project code is modified, a dialogue box opens and suggests a recalculation of prices and discounts. The answer 'Yes' causes a price list search, based on the new project code, for all consumption lines. |
field SREREP |
This field is used to indicate the sales representative(s) to which any commission that will be posted related to the amounts consumed in the service request. |
Tax rule (field SREVACBPR) |
This information is used to indicate the tax rule for the document. This code is controlled in the tax rule table and is initialized by the corresponding code in the BP record. It can be modified. |
Entity/Use (field SSTENTCOD) |
Rate type (field SRECHGTYP) |
Price type (field SREPRITYP) |
Currency (field SRECUR) |
This currency is used to value all the financial elements in the service request. |
Payment term (field SREPTE) |
This code defines the payment method the invoiced consumptions. It is initialized by the bill-to BP and is controlled in the payment condition table. |
Settlement discount (field SREDEP) |
This information is entered in the quote and it is initialized by the discount code in the bill-to customer. It makes it possible to determine a series of early discount rates or late charges to be applied depending on whether the payment is early or late with respect to the due date. |
Grid Analytical dimensions
Dimension type (field DIE) |
Description (field NAMDIE) |
Dimension (field CCE) |
Grid Invoicing elements
No. (field NOLIG2) |
Description (field SHO) |
% or amount (field INVDTAAMT) |
The values relate to the invoicing footer. This information can directly come from the parameters of the invoice footer or from the customer record. |
Curr. (field WWCUR) |
SST tax code (field SFISSTCOD) |
Enter the code to use in order to override the default SST tax code from the product or invoice element. This tax code is recognized by Sage Sales Tax and is used to identify line types for tax purposes. This field is available only if the LTA - Local taxing activity code is activated, and the USATAX - Tax system user parameter is set to Yes. For invoicing elements designated as the SST document discount for a company, you cannot remove the SST tax code value on the document. |
Tab $
The consumptions represent an indispensable support to the invoicing of the service requests.
Tracking consumptions
Each service request can contain several levels of consumption.
- The service request as a whole: no tracking line is entered. If no installed base has been entered and at least one installed base record has been entered in the request, then the consumption will be automatically assigned by default to the installed base record.
- An installed base component: enter a consumed installed base component in the Component concerned field.
- A complete installed base: enter an installed base code in the Base field.
The order of consumption lines changes according to the date at which the consumption has taken place, and according to time. If the time is the same, the order of consumption lines is sorted according to the consumption sequence number counter.
A consumption can be of multiple types:
Totally free
The Amount consumed field is entered and the Amount to be invoiced is set to '0'.
Partially invoiceable
The Amount consumed is entered with a value greater than that of the Amount to be invoiced but different to 0.
Totally invoiceable
The values in the Amount consumed and Amount to be invoiced fields are identical.
Each consumption can benefit from one of two types of coverage :
- Financial
- By Points
More generally, each service request can be subject to three types of coverage :
- Financial
- By Points
- Mixed
The Subtotals section of the bottom of the screen is used to display the cumulated amount for the consumption type and the total of the points consumed on the execution of the service request.
Total Labor
Groups the sum of the amounts for the Labor type.
Parts total
Groups the sum of the amounts for the Item type.
Total expenses
Groups the sum of the amounts for the expenses type.
Consumed points
Groups the sum of points consumed.
The Totals section at the bottom of the screen is used to measure the coverage of all the consumption lines.
Total consumed
Groups of the sum of the amounts consumed.
Total invoiceable
Groups the invoiceable amounts.
Total not invoiced
Groups the non invoiced amounts.
Point fraction
Groups the fraction that concerns points in the case of mixed coverages.
Consumptions entered in service responses are also displayed in the consumptions grid, since the service request will be invoiced. In this grid, the maximum number of consumptions that can be entered (as a whole) for a service request is determined by the sizing activity code SHD - Consumptions (after-sales). Once the maximum number allowed as been reached, you can no longer enter consumptions directly on the service request or on any of the service responses. Besides, in order to avoid errors when invoicing the service request, check that the value of activity code SIH - Number of sales invoice lines, is consistent with the SHD activity code.
Example :
- The SHD activity code is set to 999.
- The SERV001 service request includes 300 direct consumption lines.
- The INT001 service response includes 300 consumption lines.
- The INT002 service response includes 300 consumption lines.
The service request thus presents a total of 900 consumption lines.
Only 99 consumption lines can be added total, both on service responses or directly on service requests.
Grid Track the consumption
Base (field HDTMACSRE) |
This column is used to identify the installed customer base for which the consumption is carried out. This base MUST be chosen from amongst the customer installed base for the service request. |
Component (field HDTCPN) |
This column is used to specify the particular component for which a consumption is carried out. |
Consumption type (field HDTTYP) |
this column is used to select the type of the consumption that has been entered. The type conditions the nature of the product reference authorized for the consumption.
This information is automatically initialized with respect to the parameter DEFHDTTYP - Type of consumption / default (HDK chapter - SRE group). |
Consumption (field HDTITM) |
This field is used to enter the product consumed. A contextual menu "Product Stocks" is used to access the stocks by product inquiry screen. |
Major version (field ECCVALMAJ) |
The major version number can be accessed if the tracking of major versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major'). If the preloading of versions is active at the product/customer level (in the Customers tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), or by default, at the product/sales level (in the Sales tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), then the last active major version is preloaded automatically. The major version number can be entered if, in the setup function of the Service requests (GESCMS) entry transactions, in the Consumptions tab,the Major version field is set to 'Entered'. If you enter a major version number, the system checks that the major version does exist and its status. If an error occurs, a warning non-blocking message displays. |
Minor version (field ECCVALMIN) |
The minor version number can only be accessed if the tracking of major and minor versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major and minor'). If the preloading of versions is active at the product/customer level (in the Customers tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), or by default, at the product/sales level (in the Sales tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), then the last active minor version is preloaded automatically. The minor version number can be entered in the following cases:
If you enter a minor version number, the system checks that the major version does exist. If an error occurs, a warning non-blocking message displays. |
Storage site (field HDTSTOFCY) |
This field is only used for those items generated in stock. |
Quantity/Duration (field HDTQTY) |
This field is used to enter the quantity consumed. |
Unit (field HDTUOM) |
This field is used to enter the unit in which the consumption will be expressed. By default, the unit is qualified with the sales unit of the product consumed. |
Provider type (field HDTAUSTYP) |
This field is used for the labor consumptions. |
Provider (field HDTAUS) |
If the consumption is carried out by an internal employee, this field must contain a user code. |
Description (field HDTAUSCOD) |
Planned date (field HDTPLNDAT) |
A consumption is either :
This field is used to indicate the date on which the consumption has been planned. |
Date executed (field HDTDONDAT) |
This field is used to indicate the date on which the consumption has been carried out. The entry of a date triggers the opening of an entry window for the stock issued, if the consumption concerns an item managed in stock for which a stock issue is requested. |
Time executed (field BHDTDONHOU) |
This field is used to indicate the time at which the consumption has been carried out. |
Stock issue (field HDTSTOISS) |
This field is qualified by default as a function of the "Stock issue by default" note in the product record.
Quantity to issue (field HDTISSQTY) |
This field, which cannot be entered, is used to view the number of quantities to be issued to the line. |
Quantity issued (field HDTISSISS) |
This field, which cannot be entered, is used to view the issued quantity for the consumption line. |
Billable (field HDTINV) |
This field determines the invoiceable amount for the consumption. Reminder : a service request is only invoiceable if it is closed and it contains at least one invoiceable consumption. When the service request is closed, the phrase "Request pending invoicing" appears below the request status (management tab). The invoiceable amount is qualified by default thanks to the different applicable coverage evaluation mechanisms. It can still be modified. Two general parameters influence the invoicing rules for the consumption lines:
NB : An invoiceable consumption line containing a text is never aggregated during its invoicing. Also, the consumption lines share the different analytical dimensions are never aggregated. This field is calculated again if the following elements of the consumption are modified:
The general parameter CLOINV - Service request invoicing (HDK chapter, INV group) is used to neutralize all features related to the invoicing. |
Amount consumed (field HDTAMT) |
This field contains the amount consumed. It is always qualified by default thanks to the different applicable coverage evaluation mechanisms. It thus corresponds to the net price recovered by the price list search multiplied by the quantity; and can still be modified. This field is calculated again when the following elements of the consumptions are modified:
Amount to invoice (field HDTAMTINV) |
This field is used to enter the amounts that will be picked up in the invoicing of the consumption lines. This field is modifiable. |
Currency (field HDTCUR) |
This field is used to enter the currency that is used to value the consumption lines and that will be picked up in the invoicing phase. |
Points debited (field PITHDT) |
In the case of multi-base requests, the consumptions covered financially can be mixed with consumptions covered by points. |
Text (field HDTTEX) |
This field is used to complete the product reference with an explanatory text for the consumption carried out. It is generally used to detail the nature of the work carried associated with a product reference of the type Labor. It is possible to directly enter a text of up to two hundred characters in the grid. If the text to be entered is too long, the "Text" contextual menu is used to open an additional window in which the maximum text is controlled by the data type ACB. |
Consumption chrono (field HDTNUM) |
Action Chrono (field ITNNUM) |
field CCE1 |
The setup determines if the analytical dimensions can be modified. They are initialized based on the setup of the default dimension.
In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line is entered and the project code is modified, the analytical dimensions are not reset. |
Block number 2
Labor (field TOTSVC) |
Parts (field TOTPDT) |
Project expenses (field TOTEXS) |
Consumed (field TOTCSM) |
Billable (field TOTINV) |
field PRCINV |
Not invoiced (field TOTNOTINV) |
Consumed (field TOTPIT) |
This field displays the total number of points mobilized or consumed automatically by the service requests. |
Part (field PRCPIT) |
This field is only of interest in the case of service requests covered by different types of service contracts. In fact, in this case, some consumptions can be covered in a financial fashion whilst other are covered using point debits. |
Stock Issues |
Use this menu to manually open the stock issue entry window. You can then manually enter the stock issue. This menu is active if the Stock issue box is checked. The system determines the precise quantity to be issued, loads the product reference and service request number, and so on. Only stock information such as serial numbers remain to be processed. |
Issue modification |
Use this menu to modify a stock issue, carried out beforehand either automatically by the system or manually using the contextual menu Stock issues. This menu is active if the Stock issue box is checked. The system sets itself on the stock issue carried out with the product reference and the quantities to be issued are pre-loaded. The user that want to modify the pre-established stock issue has only to select the information to be modified. In the stock issue entry window, the consumption line number of the service request is loaded by default. |
Text |
If the text to be entered at the level of the Text field is very long, use the Text menu to open an additional window where the maximum text length is set based on the size of the ACB data type. |
Service Response |
Use this menu to view the service response associated with the service request. |
Product notes |
Click this action in order to open a window displaying the note(s) associated with this product.
Tab Invoicing
Grid Invoices
Date (field INVDAT) |
Amount - tax (field INVAMT) |
Document no. (field INVVCR) |
Grid Open items
Date (field DUDDAT) |
Amount + tax (field DUDAMT) |
Dispute (field DUDDPTCOD) |
Open item no. (field DUDNUM) |
Grid Payments
Date (field PAYDAT) |
Amount + tax (field PAYAMT) |
Payment no. (field PAYNUM) |
Open item no. (field PAYDUDLIG) |
Detail |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
DEMSERV : Service requests
This can be changed using a different setup.
Menu Bar
Order |
Click this action to select the order used to cover the request. A request using this type of coverage without order number is considered as totally covered commercially. |
Invoice |
Invoice |
Menu Bar
Use this function to send an email including the service request (in attachment, and via hyperlink for employees) to one or several recipients. In the Send email screen, you can filter recipients by type (User, BP, Contact, Other). The Recipients selection grid is then updated according to the recipient type you selected. In the Recipient and Copy to grids, enter the email addresses or double-click a recipient in the Recipients selection grid. You email address is entered by default in the Copy to grid so you automatically receive a copy of the email. The Message field displays the following elements:
You can modify the message if needed. Click OK to send the email. |
Use this function to open the solutions search window (Solutions function). Each technician can carry out a search on the complete knowledge database. This search is used to find the solutions to be applied to earlier problems of a similar nature. This search can be carried out on the basis of:
Search on keywordsTo carryout a search by key-words, the Key-words search must be ticked. The keyword entry field is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space. Search on the title and customer problem descriptionTo carryout this type of search the Search on title and description must be ticked. The field used to enter the significant words is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space. It is possible to recover any keywords entered in a search by keywords. If the user ticks the Identical keywords box, all the words entered in the text associated by a search by keywords is recovered in the text field beneath. Search by solutionTo carryout this type of search, the Search by solution must be ticked. The field used to enter the significant words is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space. It is possible to recover any keywords entered in a search on the title and description. If the user ticks the Identical key-words box, all the words entered in the text associated with search on the title and description are recovered in this text field. Search on the skills groupIt is possible to enter up to 6 skills groups to carry out a search in the solutions. Search on employeesIt is possible to enter up to six employees to carry out a search of the solutions. Search on creation dateIt is then possible to carry out a search on the basis of the creation date. To carry out this type of search the Search on the creation date must be ticked. The entry fields Between the and and the are then accessible.
If no solution corresponding to the search criteria has been found in the database, it is possible to carry out new attempts. If the search criteria are numerous, it can take a long time to correct all the entry fields. To avoid this, the Reinitialize button will restore the search screen to its initial state. A new entry can then be carried out directly in the fields you require. If the solution search has not given the required results, use the Functions/Advanced search menu to perform solutions targeting. The selection capacities are then infinite. Search resultIf several solutions corresponding to the search criteria are found, they are displayed in a new window Solutions found. The left hand section contains a grid containing all the solution codes found, plus their creation date and the code of the editor. Click one of the solutions to display in a single screen: the title, the description of the problem and the solution applied. If additional information is required, use the available contextual menu and button Detail to access the full record of the selected solution. |
The history of statuses is automatically loaded with the modifications carried out in the Request status field. Use this function to display the grid containing the request status and date on which the request was set to this status. |
Use this function to open the Escalations history screen (Escalation parameter function). This screen displays all escalations related to the service request. You can view the enterprise action for the execution of the service request being escalated. This menu is only accessible if the request has been subject to at least one escalation. |
If the manually applied coverage is not considered satisfactory, use this function to re-establish a default coverage calculated automatically for each of the elements that make up the service request. |
Use this function to access the detail of the solution applied to the customer's problem. This menu is only accessible for closed service requests that have given rise to the creation of a solution record. |
Use this function to view the invoice associated with the service request. This menu is only accessible for the requests that have been the object of invoicing. |
Use this action to plan a Service response from the service request. |
Use this action to plan an Appointment directly from the service request. In fact, the service requests can generate a planned appointment. |
Use this action to plan a Call directly from the service request. In fact, the service requests can generate a plan of calls to be carried out. |
Use this action to plan a Task directly from the service request. In fact, the service requests can generate a plan of tasks to be carried out. |
Use this action to plan a Service response directly from the service request. |
Use this action to plan a Warranty request directly from the service request. Requests can indeed generate warranty requests. |
Use this action to plan a Project directly from the service request. In fact, the requests can generate CRM project conclusions. |
Use this action to enter an Appointment directly from the service request. Requests can indeed generate appointments. |
Use this action to enter a Call directly from the service request. Requests can indeed generate calls. |
Use this action to enter a Task directly from the service request. Requests can indeed generate tasks. |
Use this action to view the service request entry transaction used. This option gives access, via a tunnel, to the Journal traceability inquiry function that makes it possible to view and browse the hierarchy of the entries originating the document or coming from it. LimitationsThe import of service requests is not supported by Sage X3. |
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The name of the customer must be indicated to control the entry of the request.This message is displayed when you enter a skills group or a machine code and no customer code is entered in the service request record. It is then impossible for the system to carry out the control on the request coverage.
No task could be assigned to a sales rep. You must create a commercial action manually.This message is displayed when you assign the request to the commercial service and no representative can be automatically determined for the customer concerned.
Error during the creation of the status history. Transaction canceled.This message appears when an attempt to automatically create a status history has failed at the time of confirming the modification of a service request.
Do you confirm the change to the installed base identification method? All the installed bases listed and their different component will be definitively deleted.This message appears when the entry method for the installed base has been modified. A confirmation question proposes the validation of the complete deletion of the Installed base and Component grids.
You are modifying a closed service request.This message is displayed when you attempt to modify a closed request.