WO reactivation
Use this function to reactivate a closed work order.
When you reactivate a work order, the status of the work order changes from Closed to Firm. At Firm status, additional trackings can be recorded for the work order.
You can only reactivate a closed work order if the production cost price has not been calculated for it.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
You use the Header section to select the production site and the work order you need to reactivate.
Production site (field MFGFCY) |
Type in or select the work order production site. |
Work order (field MFGNUM) |
Type in or select the work order number. You can only select from the list of closed work orders at the selected production site. |
WO status (field XMFGSTA) |
Indicates the status of the work order. The status is Closed when you select the work order. It changes to Firm after you reactivate the work order. |
Tab General
This section displays the work order header information.
Block number 1
Planning site (field PLNFCY) |
The planning site for the work order. The planning site and production site can be different. |
Release mode (field XMFGMOD) |
The release mode for the work order. Complete: The work order has both components and routing operations defined. The default order for the list of components reflects the order of the components in the BOM, but can be amended. Materials only: Only components are needed for the work order. Operations only: Only routing operations are needed for the work order. |
Released routing (field ROUNUM) |
The routing code describes the process involved in manufacturing (producing) or processing a product. That is, the sequence of operations and tools that are involved in producing or processing the product. The routing code matches the product code. The product code can be a manufactured product (a bill of material), or a generic reference to a parent routing which is linked to several products. |
Routing code (field ROUALT) |
Multiple routings can be defined for a single product. Each routing code can be assigned specific management features. These include restriction of the routing to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for use in a manufacturing environment, for costing, or for capacity planning). |
Block number 2
Last tracking (field TRKLAST) |
The date of the last record tracked for the work order. |
Closing date (field CLODAT) |
The date production ceased and the work order was closed. |
Lead times
Scheduling mode (field XSCDMOD) |
The scheduling method for the work order. Backward: With "backward" or upstream scheduling, the production start date (Start date field) is calculated from the end or required completion date (End date field). Forward: With "forward" or downstream scheduling, the system calculates the required completion date (End date field) from the defined production start date (Start date field). The calculations rely on the production lead time, reduction factor, and economic quantity defined on the product-site record. |
Start date (field STRDAT) |
The production start date.
End date (field ENDDAT) |
The work order completion date.
Status (field XMFGTRKFLG) |
The current work order status or progress of the work order. Completed: The work order is complete. All components, operations, and released items are tracked in full. |
Scheduling status (field XSCDFLG) |
The stage of the work order in the scheduling process. Not scheduled: The work order is not scheduled. Scheduled: The work order is scheduled. |
Allocation status (field XALLSTA) |
The tracking status of the work order components. Not allocated: Components are not allocated to the work order. Complete: All components are tracked in full. |
Stock unit (field STU) |
The unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes. |
Planned quantity (field EXTQTY) |
The planned production quantity. The quantity is expressed in the stock unit. |
Total actual quantity (field CPLQTY) |
The total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the stock unit. |
Remaining quantity (field RMNEXTQTY) |
The quantity of the finished product not yet tracked. |
A status completed (field OKCPLQTY) |
The quantity that passed inspection and quality control. |
Q status completed (field QUACPLQTY) |
The quantity currently in quality control. |
R status completed (field REJCPLQTY) |
The quantity that failed inspection or quality control. |
Tab Products
You use this section to display information on the product to be manufactured and production quantities.
field AFFFLG |
Select the checkbox to display the work order quantities in a graphical or list format. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
The code of the product to be released. The product is a manufactured product that is held in stock. The bill of material (BOM) defines the materials (components, ingredients) needed to manufacture the product. |
Line status (field ITMSTA) |
The progress and status of the work order line. |
Product type (field ITMTYP) |
The type of product on the order line. Product: A manufactured product. By-product: An unplanned by-product or secondary product added to the work order. A by-product is a product that is produced incidental to or as a residual product from the production process for the main product. For example, if a component is cut from sheet metal the offcuts can be returned to stock to be used for smaller components. |
REL (field UOM) |
The release unit of measure (volume or mass) for this product for this order. This unit and any applicable unit conversion are defined for this product on the product record. |
Release qty (field UOMEXTQTY) |
The planned quantity. The quantity is expressed in the release unit. |
The product-specific conversion factor applied between the stock unit and the release unit of measure. This unit conversion is defined for this product on the product record. |
Expected quantity (field EXTQTY) |
The planned quantity. The quantity is expressed in the stock unit defined for the product. |
STK (field STU) |
The unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes. |
Total completed qty. (field CPLQTY) |
The finished quantity. The quantity is expressed in the stock unit defined for the product. |
Remaining qty. (field RMNEXTQTY) |
The outstanding quantity. The quantity is expressed in the stock unit defined for the product. |
QC quantity (field QUACPLQTY) |
The actual quantity under quality control. The sum of the actual quantity under quality control plus the rejected quantity cannot exceed the finished quantity. |
Rejected qty. (field REJCPLQTY) |
The actual quantity that failed inspection or quality control. The sum of the actual quantity under quality control plus the rejected quantity cannot exceed the finished quantity. |
Description (field ITMDES1) |
The product description. |
BOM code (field BOMALT) |
Multiple bills of materials (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning). |
Project (field PJT) |
The specific project production of this product is linked with. The project code can be one of the following:
If the value of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project budget structure or the project operational (task) structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3."
Lot (field LOT) |
The lot assigned to the released product, based on the product management mode. If the product is managed with automatic lot numbers, the lot number is assigned by the system when the work order is created. |
Ship-to type (field BPCTYPDEN) |
Identifies the destination for the product. This can be a site or a customer. |
Destination (field BPCNUM) |
The site or customer to ship the product to. The reference is determined by the value of the Ship-to type field (BPCTYPDEN). |
WO description (field MFGDES) |
The order description or order reference. |
Product (field CPSREF) |
The code of the product to be released. |
field STUG |
The release unit of measure (volume or mass) for this product for this order. |
Planned quantity (field EXTQTYG) |
The planned work order quantity. |
Completed qty. (field CPLQTYG) |
The finished quantity. |
Tab Components
You use this section to view the components (materials) needed to produce the product.
The CUMMAT-Material total mode parameter (GPA chapter, WOM group) defines whether components that appear multiple times are consolidated onto a single line, and at which stage in the process.
Grid Components
No. (field NOLIG) |
The default order for the list of components reflects the order of the components in the BOM but can be amended in the work order. |
field AFFFLG |
Select the checkbox to display the work order component quantities in a graphical or list format. |
Component type (field CPNTYP) |
Defines the type of component this is. Normal: A component defined on the bill of material. By-product: An unplanned by-product or secondary product. Text: Free-format text. Costing: When a value is calculated for the provisional cost and the production cost price of the parent product. |
Component (field ITMREF) |
The component product reference. |
Line status (field XMATSTA) |
The current status or progress of the component number. Completed: The work order is complete. The component number is consumed and tracked in full. |
STK (field STU) |
The unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes. |
Requirement date (field RETDAT) |
The date the component is needed for production. |
Requirement qty. (field RETQTY) |
The quantity of the component needed to produce the released product. |
Type (field TYPQTY) |
Indicates if the component is stored in stock. Physical: This is a physical component for which quantities are stored in stock. Active: This is an active component such as nails or staples for which quantities are not stored in stock. |
Consumed qty. (field USEQTY) |
The quantity of the component consumed to produce the bills of material (BOMs) on the work order. |
Allocated qty. (field ALLQTY) |
The quantity allocated to the order line. |
Shortage (field SHTQTY) |
The quantity of the component that is outstanding for the work order to be completed.
Available qty. (field AVAQTY) |
The available quantity expressed in the stock unit of the components. |
Description 1 (field ITMDES1) |
The component description from the product record. |
Op. (field BOMOPE) |
The specific operation in a production routing the component is assigned to, according to the manufacturing requirements. |
Shrinkage % (field SCA) |
The percentage of the component expected to be scrap or lost during the production process.
BOM sequence (field BOMSEQ) |
Identifies the sequence number of this component in the BOM (bill of material). It identifies a component where multiple components with the same product code are defined as variants or options. |
WO line (field MFGLIN) |
The line number of the released product. |
Planner (field PLANNER) |
The operator in charge of performing the production planning or product ordering. |
Total (field CUMFLG) |
If set to Yes, the total available stock is displayed. |
Pick list (field PICPRN) |
If set to Yes, the component is printed on the work order material issue note. |
To subcontract (field SCOFLG) |
The replenishment source for the component. This might be internal, made available to a subcontractor, or supplied by a subcontractor. |
Component (field MATREF) |
The component product reference. |
STK (field STUG) |
The stock unit for the component. |
Requirement quantity (field RETQTYG) |
The quantity of the component needed to produce the released product. |
Consumed quantity (field USEQTYG) |
The quantity of the component consumed to produce the bills of material (BOMs) on the work order. |
Tab Operations
You use this section to view the operations needed to manufacture the product.
Grid Operations
No. (field NOLIG) |
The default operation order reflects the order of the operations in the routing but can be amended in the work order. |
field AFFFLG |
Select the checkbox to display the work order operation quantities in a graphical or list format. |
No. (field OPENUM) |
The sequence number of the operation. The operations in a routing used for manufacturing a product are assigned operation numbers. Each operation number corresponds to a task carried out on a given resource, with given times. |
Line status (field OPESTA) |
The progress and status of the operation. Closed: The operation number is complete. |
Work center (field EXTWST) |
The production resource used for the operation |
Work center group (field WCR) |
The group of work centers this work center belongs to. Work center groups are used to review workloads. |
Type (field WSTTYP) |
The type of operation that is performed on the selected work center. This might be a machine, a labor resource, or a subcontracted operation. Subcontracting work centers are managed externally by subcontract suppliers. |
Description (field ROODES) |
The description defined for the routing operation. |
Start (field OPESTR) |
The operation start date. |
End (field OPEEND) |
The operation completed date. |
Expected resources (field EXTWSTNBR) |
The number of work centers needed so that all or part of the work center resources can perform an operation. |
Unit (field OPEUOM) |
The unit in which the work order operation quantity is expressed. Work order operation quantities are expressed in the operation unit. |
Actual work center (field CPLWST) |
The production resource used for the operation, that is the actual work center used. The work center is the main (principal) work center for the operation. It can be a machine or a labor work center. The work center is attached to a work center group. |
Expected quantity (field EXTQTY) |
The planned quantity expressed in the operation unit. |
Total completed qty. (field CPLQTY) |
The total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit. |
Rejected qty. (field REJCPLQTY) |
The actual rejected quantity. |
Time unit (field TIMUOMCOD) |
The time unit defines how time for the operations in the routing are expressed. The time unit can be in hours or minutes. The time unit applies to the setup time, run time, and the rate for all operations in the routing. |
Setup time (field EXTSETTIM) |
The time estimated to set up the machinery ready for use. The time is expressed in the defined time unit. |
Actual stp. time (field CPLSETTIM) |
The actual time taken to set up the machinery ready for use. The time is expressed in the defined time unit. |
Run time (field EXTOPETIM) |
The estimated operating time for the expected or planned quantity. The run time is expressed as follows:
Actual run time (field CPLOPETIM) |
The actual operating time for the total completed quantity. The actual run time is expressed as follows:
Labor center (field LABWCR) |
The group associated with the labor work center. |
Labor wk C (field EXTLAB) |
The labor work center associated with the machine. For example, a labor work center that relates to the crew that operates the machine. |
Exp. no. labor (field EXTLABNBR) |
The number of this particular labor resource that are needed to perform the operation. |
Supplier (field BPSNUM) |
The code for the external supplier of the product needed for the production operation. |
Order no. (field POHNUM) |
If the operation has been subcontracted to an external supplier, the purchase order number created for the subcontract operation. |
Line (field POPLIN) |
The line number on the purchase order that is for the subcontracted product needed for the subcontract operation. |
Sequence (field POPSEQ) |
Grid Graph
Operation no. (field OPENUMG) |
The operation sequence number. |
field STUG |
The unit in which the work order operation quantity is expressed. Work order operation quantities are expressed in the operation unit. |
Expected quantity (field EXTQTYG) |
The planned operation quantity. |
Total completed qty. (field CPLQTYG) |
The total completed operation quantity. |
Specific actions
Error messages
The only error messages are the generic ones.
Tables used
Refer to documentation Implementation