WO reactivation

Use this function to reactivate a closed work order.

When you reactivate a work order, the status of the work order changes from Closed to Firm. At Firm status, additional trackings can be recorded for the work order.

 You can only reactivate a closed work order if the production cost price has not been calculated for it.


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Screen management


You use the Header section to select the production site and the work order you need to reactivate.

Tab General

This section displays the work order header information.

Tab Products

You use this section to display information on the product to be manufactured and production quantities.

Tab Components

You use this section to view the components (materials) needed to produce the product.

The CUMMAT-Material total mode parameter (GPA chapter, WOM group) defines whether components that appear multiple times are consolidated onto a single line, and at which stage in the process.

Tab Operations

You use this section to view the operations needed to manufacture the product.

Specific actions


Select the Reactivate action to reactivate the work order and set it to Firm status.

At Firm status, additional trackings can be recorded for the work order.

 You can only reactivate a closed work order if the production cost price has not been calculated for it.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation