Concession contracts
This function is used to save and list all the concession contracts managed by the company, to which assets can be assigned. It can be accessed only if CCN - Concessions activity code is active.
Reminder: two concession management methods are available in the application. The choice of the method used is specified in the setup of the Contexts:
- Method: 1st asset of the concession
According to this management method, the fixed asset identified as the 1st asset of the concession is the one carrying the amortization expense. The renewal of this asset is not managed; the amortization expense for this asset applies up to the end of the concession: thus no provision calculation for renewal is performed.
- Method: Renewal
According to this management method, the particularity of the assets in concession is that they can carry a renewal obligation: if their depreciation end is noted on the industrial plan before the end of the concession, these assets must be renewed by the Grantee. The amortization expense is carried by the 1st asset of the concession and then by each of the assets which renew it. It is therefore necessary to evaluate their replacement value each year in order to perform provisions for their renewal.
At the end of the concession, these assets are transmitted to the licensor for free or in exchange for an indemnity.
Managing concessions with the Renewal method requires the proper setup at Accounting and Fiscal level, notably with entry of the Industrial plan and Amortization expense plan.
The application does not manage assets renewed by the grantee and not transmitted to the licensor at the end of the concession.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The entry screen consists of a header presenting the identification information of the agreement and of four tabs:
- The Main tab contains the characteristics of the contract.
- The Allocations tab is used to enter the accounting code determining the accounts to allocate upon generation of the journal entries related to the concession agreement, as well as analytical allocations of the agreement.
- The Revisions table contains the list of potential riders registered on the contract. The registration of a rider is performed via the dedicated function:Revisions.
- The Other info tab, dedicated only to free fields and tracking information. It is also used to access the events generated for the contract.
The left list Concession assets contains all the assets assigned to the agreement and is used to tunnel to the function managing the selected asset.
Block number 1
Company (field CPY) |
Company code in which the concession contract is entered. This field, non enterable, is loaded with the company of the financial site entered. |
Financial site (field FCY) |
The choice of the financial site is subject to management and authorization rules given to the user.
Events (field EVTLIST) |
Block number 2
Reference (field CCNREF) |
This field is used to identify a concession contract with the help of a reference composed of up to a maximum of 20 alphanumerical characters.
The reference assigned to the asset depends on the setup of the counter assigned to the Concession contract reference section in the Fixed Assets module. (Functions Sequence number counters and Assignment of sequence numbers). |
Description 1 (field CCNDES1) |
Concession contract name. |
Description 2 (field CCNDES2) |
Concession contract additional name. |
Entry screen
Concession contract
Status (field CCNSTA) |
This field contains the concession contract status.
Grantor (field CCNUSR) |
Name of the concession's grantor. This must have necessarily been listed as Grantor in the BPstable. |
Default concession (field DFTCCNFLG) |
This field is used to specify whether the concession is the default concession for the company site. |
Start date (field STRCCNDAT) |
This mandatory field is used to specify the start date of the concession. |
End date (field ENDCCNDAT) |
This field enables the user to precise the end date of the concession. |
Effective end date (field REAENDCCN) |
This field is displayed only if the concessions management mode is: Renewal. |
Tab Allocations
Accounting code (field ACCCOD) |
The accounting code entered must correspond to a code with the Concession type defined in the accounting code table. |
Distribution (field DSP) |
The allocation processing key entered in this field is used to load the associated dimension types. It is made up of one to ten alphanumerical characters. |
Dimension type code (field DIE) |
Analytical dimension (field CCE) |
An Analytical Dimension is an element of the analytical general ledger accounts. It is divided into Analytical axes where each axis constitutes a particular slice of the enterprise in a set of analytical destinations. The setup of the folder permits the definition of 1 to 9 axes. |
Tab Revisions
Grid History
Rider date (field REVDAT) |
This field, that cannot be entered, contains the date when the revision has been recorded. |
Start date (field REVSTRDAT) |
This field, that cannot be entered, recovers the start date of the concession. |
End date - before (field REVENDDATO) |
This field, that cannot be entered, recovers the end date of the concession before recording the revision. |
End date - after (field REVENDDATN) |
This field, that cannot be entered, displays the end date of the concession after recording the revision. |
Reason (field REVREN) |
This field, that cannot be entered, shows the reason for the revision. |
Tab Other info
This tab is specific to free fields. The number of managed free fields, their titles, the miscellaneous tables assigned to the control of the Code-type free fields and the currency for each Amount-type free field, depend on the setup carried out at Free field properties level.
These free fields can be used depending on the management requirements, to store unplanned data in the Main tab.
This tab also displays information useful to contract tracking: origin of the creation (transaction entry, import, etc.), code of the user at the origin of the creation followed by the creation date, and finally the code of the user who carried out the last modification followed by the date of this modification.
A button can be used to display a window presenting the journal of the events generated by the contract.
field USRFLDA1 |
Enter an alphanumeric value that can be linked to a miscellaneous table. |
field USRFLDA2 |
field USRFLDA3 |
field USRFLDA4 |
field USRFLDA5 |
field USRFLDA6 |
field USRFLDA7 |
field USRFLDA8 |
field USRFLDA9 |
field USRFLDA10 |
field USRFLDM1 |
This field is used to specify the value of an amount-type free field, expressed in a currency that can set up. Six free fields of this type are available. |
field USRFLDM2 |
field USRFLDM3 |
field USRFLDM4 |
field USRFLDM5 |
field USRFLDM6 |
field USRFLDC1 |
Enter a value for the coefficient type. |
field USRFLDC2 |
field USRFLDD1 |
Enter a value for the date type. |
field USRFLDD2 |
field USRFLDD3 |
field USRFLDD4 |
Record tracking
Entry origin (field CREORI) |
This field displays the origin of the record. |
Creation (field CREUSR) |
This field displays the user who created (entered) the record. |
Date (field CREDAT) |
This field displays the creation (entry) date of the object. |
Modification (field UPDUSR) |
This field displays the user that made the last modification on the recording. |
Date (field UPDDAT) |
This field displays the date of the last modification entered for the object. |