Service Requests
This function is used to manage the setup of the Service request entry screen personalization.
A standard Service request entry transaction is initialized on the installation of the software. It can be modified or deleted with the aid of this option, which can also be used to create new ones.
It is possible to set up several different transactions for the customer base. Each transaction, identified by a code and a label, appears in a selection window at the time of calling the "Service request" option.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The entry of the setup is carried out by entering information into the header and the six tabs that concern those fields that can be set up.
Transaction header
The transaction header allows the user to create new transaction codes or to look for existing transactions to be modified or deleted.
A transaction can be assigned to one or more users at the menu Profile level.
This is the code that identifies the setup of the Service request sentry transaction.
A description is assigned to each setup transaction code. These are the two items of information that appear in the selection window proposed at the start of the Service request entry.
Access code
The transactions can be filtered according to operators, thanks to the use of an access code : if the field is entered, only the users who have this access code in their profile will be able to access the transaction.
If several transactions are set up for a function, and the user only has access to one of them because of the access codes, the selection window is no longer offered: access is by direct entry.
This field is used to activate or deactivate the selected entry transaction.
Service request transaction
Transaction (field HTRNUM) |
Description (field DESAXX) |
This field is used to enter a title for each transaction. This title must provide a good understanding of the specific use reserved for each transaction. |
Active (field ENAFLG) |
Use this field to activate or deactivate a transaction. |
Access code (field ACSCOD) |
This access code is used to restrict access to data by user or group of users. |
Group (field GFY) |
Tab Parameter Definitions
This tab is used to manage the presence of the different functionalities in Service request entry.
- Installed base
- Component
- Skills
- Coverage
- Point management
- Consumptions
- Invoicing
- Escalations
- Timestamps
When a functionality is activated, the detail of the managed information is defined in the following tabs.
Base (field TSREMACFLG) |
This option is used via a simple click to de-activate all the functionalities related to the management of the installed base for a service request. |
Components (field TSRECPNFLG) |
This option makes it possible for a simple click to de-activate all the functionality related to the management of the components concerned in a service request. |
Skills (field TSREPBLFLG) |
This option makes it possible for a simple click to de-activate all the functionality related to the management of the skills groups in a service request. |
Coverages (field TSRECOVFLG) |
This option makes it possible for a simple click to de-activate all the functionality related to the coverage of a service request. The automatic coverage controls are always executed but it is no longer possible to modify them. |
Points management (field TSREPITFLG) |
This option makes it possible for a simple click to de-activate all the functionality related to the management of points debits in a service request. |
Consumptions (field TSREHDTFLG) |
This option makes it possible for a simple click to de-activate all the functionality related to the management of the consumptions on a service request. |
Invoicing (field TSREINVFLG) |
This option makes it possible for a simple click to de-activate all the functionality related to the invoicing of service requests. |
Escalations (field TSREESCFLG) |
This option makes it possible for a simple click to de-activate all the functionality related to the management of the escalation in a service request. |
Timestamps (field TSREHORFLG) |
This option makes it possible for a simple click to de-activate all the functionality related to the management of the timestamps in a service request. |
Fixed columns
Base grid (field COLFIXMAC) |
Component grid (field COLFIXCPN) |
Consumption grid (field COLFIXHDT) |
Tab Service Request
This tab is used to define the method of managing certain fields in the Service request entry screen by deciding for each of the proposed fields, whether they are :
- Hidden: The field is not shown on the screen, but it can be initialized with default values, according to other setups that control its update.
- Displayed: This field is displayed, but not accessible in entry mode. If the setups control the update of the field, the default value appears and it is not modifiable by the operator.
- Entered: The field is present on the screen and is accessible in entry mode. It can be initialized with a modifiable default value.
Customer request (field NUMBPCCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the entry of the selected information. This information can be either entered, displayed or hidden. |
Service caller (field DOOCOD) |
Statistical groups (field SRETSDCOD) |
Status (field SATCOD) |
Severity level (field GRALEVCOD) |
Resolution date (field RESDATCOD) |
Resolution time (field RESHOUCOD) |
Support contract (field CONSPTCOD) |
Reason (field RESRENCOD) |
Tab Consumptions
Entry mode
This tab is used to define the method of managing certain fields in the Service request entry screen by deciding for each of the proposed fields, whether they are :
- Hidden: The field is not shown on the screen, but it can be initialized with default values, according to other setups that control its update.
- Displayed: This field is displayed, but not accessible in entry mode. If the setups control the update of the field, the default value appears and it is not modifiable by the operator.
- Entered: The field is present on the screen and is accessible in entry mode. It can be initialized with a modifiable default value.
The Totals and Sub-totals fields are used to display the totals and sub-totals for the consumption lines.
Consumption type (field HDTTYPCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the entry of the selected information. This information can be either entered, displayed or hidden. |
Major version (field ECCCOD) |
Minor version (field ECCCODMIN) |
Provider type (field AUSTYPCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the entry of the selected information. This information can be either entered, displayed or hidden. |
Provider (field HDTAUSCOD) |
Planned date (field PLNDATCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the selected information inquiry. This information can either be displayed or hidden. |
Date executed (field DONDATCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the entry of the selected information. This information can be either entered, displayed or hidden. |
Time executed (field DONHOUCOD) |
Amount consumed (field HDTAMTCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the selected information inquiry. This information can either be displayed or hidden. |
Text (field HDTTEXCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the entry of the selected information. This information can be either entered, displayed or hidden. |
Time consumed (field HDTNUMCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the selected information inquiry. This information can either be displayed or hidden. |
Action sequence (field ITNNUMCOD) |
Subtotals (field SBBTOTFLG) |
This option determines if the section on the calculation of the sub-totals for the consumptions is displayed. |
Totals (field HDTTOTFLG) |
This option determines if the section on the calculation of the total consumptions is displayed. |
Tab Invoicing
This tab is used to define the method of managing certain fields in the Service request entry screen by deciding for each of the proposed fields, whether they are :
- Hidden: The field is not shown on the screen, but it can be initialized with default values, according to other setups that control its update.
- Displayed: This field is displayed, but not accessible in entry mode. If the setups control the update of the field, the default value appears and it is not modifiable by the operator.
- Entered: The field is present on the screen and is accessible in entry mode. It can be initialized with a modifiable default value.
Bill-to customer (field BPCINVCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the entry of the selected information. This information can be either entered, displayed or hidden. |
Pay-by (field BPCPYRCOD) |
Group customer (field BPCGRUCOD) |
Project (field PJTCOD) |
Sales reps (field REPCOD) |
Tax rule (field VACBPRCOD) |
Entity/Use (field SSTENTCOD) |
Rate type (field CHGTYPCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the entry of the selected information. This information can be either entered, displayed or hidden. |
Price type (field PRITYPCOD) |
Currency (field CURCOD) |
Payment term (field PTECOD) |
Settlement discount (field DEPCOD) |
Invoicing elements (field INVDTACOD) |
Invoice amount (field AMTINVCOD) |
Tab Inventory
This tab is used to enter the setups that are relative to stock management.
The service request entry transactions can manage by default a movement group (selected from amongst the values in the miscellaneous table 9 : Movement group), a stock movement code, (from amongst the values in the miscellaneous table 14 : Stock movement code) and a stock automatic journalcode.
The management of other stock information such as the warehouse site (header and lines), the stock issues, the quantity to issue or even the issued quantity can also be specified at the transaction level.
Movement group (field TRSFAM) |
This parameter is used to define, for this transaction, a default transaction group code. |
Movement code (field TRSCOD) |
This setup is used to define for this entry transaction a movement code used to specify rules for a specific type of movements. |
Auto journal code (field ENTCOD) |
This field is used for this transaction to specify the code of the accounting automatic journal used to generate, via the stock accounting interface, the accounting entries with respect to the stock movements created with this transaction. |
Storage site (header) (field STOFCYCOD) |
This field is used to define the status of the entry of the selected information. This information can be either entered, displayed or hidden. |
Storage site (line) (field HSTOFCYCOD) |
Stock issue (field STOISSCOD) |
Quantity to issue (field ISSQTYCOD) |
Quantity issued (field ISSISSCOD) |
Tab Browsers
In this function, the following fields cannot be accessed:
- Stock movement sections,
- Line distribution.
Block number 1
Header dimensions (field HEACCECOD) |
Parameter used to define if, for this transaction, the analytical dimensions fields of the document header must be:
Distribution line (field DSPCOD) |
This setup is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical distribution key at line and invoicing element level must be:
field DSPSCR |
Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:
Stock movement dimensions (field STOCCECOD) |
Specify for this transaction if the analytical dimension fields related to stock movements must be:
![]() |
field CCESCR |
Grid Dimension line
Dimension type (field DIE) |
You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line. |
Method (field CCECOD) |
Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:
Pre-loading dimensions |
Click the Preload dimensions action to load the default dimensions defined for a selected group of sites or companies. |
Tab Browsers
The Browsers tab is used to define the additional left list browsers in the Service request object.
This tab is used to specify the different additional browsers that will be added by the entry transaction.
This requires the entry of the specific browsers, as well as the filter applied for the display of their contents.
Last read
It is possible to activate the display of the last record read in the customer base management function via this field.
In first position
This field is used to place the last read list in first position of the left lists.
Grid Browsers
Object (field OBJLIS) |
This field is used to indicate the different additional browsers that will be added by the entry transaction . The authorized browsers are those associated with the SERREQUEST table. It must be different to SRE and SR2. |
Description (field OBJLISCLA) |
Index (field CLELIS) |
This field is used to define an index for the principal file for the display in the left list and in the selection windows. If this field is empty, it is the first index in the table that is used. |
Sort order (field ORDLIS) |
This field is used to define the direction from moving through the principal table for the display in the left list and the selection windows for the object. |
Filter (field FLTLIS) |
This field is used to define the filter applied for the display of the contents of the additional browser. |
Last read
Display (field DERLU) |
This option is used to activate the display of the Last read browser in the service request management function. |
In first position (field FIRLIS) |
This field makes it possible to place the left list 'Last read' in first position. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
PRTSCR : Screen print
This can be changed using a different setup.
Menu Bar
Validation |
At the end of the entry, the [Validation] button makes it possible to save the performed setup and trigger the generation of the corresponding screens. |