The account structures, designed to simplify the entry of journals of a recurring nature, are used to automatically initialize accounting (general account, tax code) and analytical (natures, allocation structures and dimensions) information of the entries associated with it.

They are accessible in the parameters of the entry transactions, when entering journals or invoices (customer or supplier) of the A/P - A/R Accounting module.
The combination of an account structure and an entry transaction is used to optimize the entry of postings by only displaying on the screen the fields necessary for the entry and by defining their default value.
When entering a BP invoice, by default, once the tax-excl amount of the invoice has been entered, it is suggested to apply the account structure defined at the level of the customer or supplier record (see the documentations Customers and Suppliers)
When the account structure contains VAT accounts, they are not taken into account on invoice entry.

Based on the module, the purpose of a structure is different:

  • an account structure designed to be used in the A/P - A/R Accounting module corresponds to a single-entry entry structure since the offset is ensured with respect to the document header (BP and tax-incl amount),
  • an account structure designed to be used in connection with an entry transaction corresponds to a double-entry entry structure since the structure contains all the entry lines of the journal.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  LISSCHCPT : Account structures

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Incorrect date

This message can be displayed for instance if the validity end date entered is earlier than the validity start date.

You do not have access to this code.

The entered access code does not exist in the table or the user creating the account does not have access to this code. The selection function should be used to find out an existing or authorized code.

Screen incompatible with the nature

The syntax of the entered filter is not consistent with the default nature associated with the account. The nature filter must authorize the use of the account default nature. The default nature or the nature filter have to be modified.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation