Entry Transactions
The accounting entry transactions are used to define various frameworks to enter accounting journals based on the different types of entries to be posted. Each recorded entry will be so recorded on an entry transaction. The following elements are defined for each transaction:
- a 'Line' or 'Column' type for entry and inquiry, a type 'Tab' only for inquiry,
- the number of currencies that can be taken into account by the transaction (limited to five).
All the fields that can compose the "Journal entry" screen are listed in the tabs "Header" and "Lines". For each of these fields, the setting up is used to specify:
- the possibility to access the entry,
- a default value,
- controls on the entered values.
An entry transaction makes it possible to define the types of ledgers that will be visible on journal entry. The ledger order predetermines the order in which they will be presented on journal entry.
The entry transactions can then be accessed on journal entry: based on the authorizations granted to each user, one or more entry transactions are accessible.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Transaction (field DIA) |
A transaction is used to define the entry framework for a journal. It is possible to choose the account structure to be applied, and to define a default value and a specific control for each field. The transaction is identified by an alphanumerical code of one to five characters that will be used on journal entry to select the transaction. The STD code transaction is used to view all the journals, irrespective of the transaction of origin. |
Description (field DESTRA) |
Full title of the current record. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Short description (field SHOTRA) |
The short description replaces the standard description when display or print constraints require it. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Batch entry (field FLGLOT) |
If this check box is selected, the current entry transaction is only used for a batch entry and the Counterpart fields do not display on the Lines tab. |
Entry screen
This screen presents the general characteristics of the entry transaction, along with the management rules of the various transaction fields.
Active (field ENAFLG) |
This box is used to specify if the tax determination rule must be activated or not:
Legislation (field LEG) |
Non-compulsory field containing the legislation code (miscellaneous table 909). The entered value is used upon creation and validation of the folder and upon addition of data during legislation copy. The data concerning the requested legislations and the common data (legislation code empty) on folder creation. Only the records concerning the folder legislations are retrieved on folder validation. The Legislation field is also used as a filter and checked upon movement selection and entry (entry of invoices, payments, journals etc.). If the field is empty, the current record can be used whatever the legislation of the company concerned by the movement. |
Group (field GFY) |
An entry transaction can be used on a company or a dedicated group. Enter the code of the group or the company to limit the use of the entry transaction. |
Access code (field ACS) |
This access code makes it possible to prohibit access to the transaction for certain users. If the field is assigned, only those users who have this access code in their profile will be in a position to enter or view these entries using this transaction. A user will be able to use a transaction if they have been granted the execution rights for said transaction (see the Access codes documentation). |
Validity start date (field VLYSTR) |
These dates define the period during which the entry transaction can be used. If the start date is not entered, the transaction can be used from the very first day of the first financial year. If the end date is not given, the transaction can be used from the start date without limit of time. |
Validity end date (field VLYEND) |
View left list (field FLGBRO) |
If checked, this box will authorize on journal entry the display of all the journals entered with the current transaction in the left list. |
No. currency rates (field NBRRAT) |
Number of currencies that can be taken into account by the transaction (limited to five). |
No. of fixed columns (field NBRCOL) |
The first N columns specified in this field remain visible on the screen when scrolling. |
BP search (field BPRFLG) |
This field makes it possible to define the search order of the collective account. The search order is defined as follows: For instance: 612 means that the search will be conducted in priority on the collective account associated with the accounting code of type "miscellaneous BP", then to the accounting code of type "customer" and finally to the accounting code of type "supplier". |
Entry mode
Entry type (field TYPENT) |
The entry of a journal can be performed according to three types:
Single page (field FLGPAG) |
If the current entry transaction fields are not numerous, journal entry will be performed on a single page. |
Grid Account structure
field NBRGDA |
Account core model (field GCM) |
Specify the account core models for which account structures can be applied to the current entry transaction. |
Account structure (field DIAACC) |
If needed, specify an entry model that can be used only within the account core model selected beforehand. |
Grid Ledgers
Ledger type (field LEDTYP) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use this field to define the ledger type concerned by the journal balance. In this function, only Manual ledgers can be accessed. You can read the balance on the selected ledger and balance the account for that ledger type. The propagation then initializes the accounts for the non automatic and non prohibited ledger types. This initialization process is based on the entry type setup and account setup. The propagated amount is the one calculated on the main general ledger in transaction currency. This amount is then converted into the currency of the propagated ledgers. When generating the journal balance, the propagation depends on the selected entry type. The entry type used during the journal generation and the entry type used during the balance generation (actual mode) must be consistent.If the two entry types are not consistent, the balance process must be launched on each non-propagated manual ledger where the account needs to be balanced. Examples
Selected ledger type = Social, Generation type = Actual In this case, when generating the balance, the propagation is global.
Selected ledger type = Legal; Generation type = Actual Here, the propagation is incomplete. The IAS ledger is not propagated. If you want to balance the account on the IAS ledger, relaunch the balance process for this ledger type using an entry type that only authorizes IAS ledgers. For an automatic ledger type, the amounts in transaction currency are not calculated from the balance. They are the same as the currency amounts calculated for the original manual ledger. The ledger amounts for the automatic ledger are calculated by converting its currency amounts according to the journal entry rates. |
Block number 4
Balanced entry (field FLGEQL) |
In a ledger, excluding the Social ledger, the entry can be unmatched. If this box is checked, the program will force the user to perform a matched entry. |
Tab Header
This tab manages the fields of the "Header" tab of the journal entry.
Grid Details
field NBRFLD |
Block (field MSK) |
Non-modifiable dentifier of a block of fields in the "Header" tab of the journal entry. |
Description (field FLDDES) |
Field identifier. |
Entry mode (field DAC) |
Field with a scroll-down list, to authorize, or not, the entry of a field, according to three modes:
Default value (field DEFVAL) |
Each field, editable or not, can benefit from a default value. The default value can be indicated:
If the default value is not entered, the program will assign a default value based on the context. Some instances of default values: DES field
Control (field CTL) |
This field refers to a Control table, if any, that is used te perform validity controls on each field, that is to say:
Tab Line
This tab manages the fields of the "Line" tab of the journal entry.
The display of the 'Account' lines is predetermined by the ledgers chosen in the Description tab.
Grid Details
field NBRFLD |
Description (field FLDDES) |
Field identifier. |
Entry mode (field DAC) |
Field with a scroll-down list, to authorize, or not, the entry of a field, according to three modes:
Form mode (field CRD) |
This field authorizes or not the display of the screen in record mode:
Default value (field DEFVAL) |
Each field, editable or not, can benefit from a default value. The default value can be indicated:
If the default value is not entered, the program will assign a default value based on the context. Some instances of default values: DES field
Control (field CTL) |
This field refers to a Control table, if any, that is used te perform validity controls on each field, that is to say:
Tab Dimensions
This grid is used to select dimension types in order to link them to default dimensions that will be submitted on journal entry by the current entry transaction. This grid does not nevertheless limit the journal entry to the dimension type codes selected here only.
Block number 1
Default dimensions (field CDE) |
If it is entered, this field specifies the default dimension to be taken account if no default value has been defined at account level or at the level of each dimension type of the transaction. |
Grid Details
field NBRFLD |
Dimension type code (field DIE) |
Select any dimension type code in the database. The dimension type code will load the journal entry with the default values chosen in the other fields of the grid. |
Entry mode (field DAC) |
Field with a scroll-down list, to authorize, or not, the entry of a field, according to three modes:
Default value (field DEFVAL) |
Each field, editable or not, can benefit from a default value. The default value can be indicated:
If the default value is not entered, the program will assign a default value based on the context. Some instances of default values: DES field
Control (field CTL) |
This field refers to a Control table, if any, that is used te perform validity controls on each field, that is to say:
Specific buttons
Copy |
It is used to copy the transaction to another folder. |
Window |
This button provides access to a presentation of the journal entry screen. |