Journal entry
Use this function to create and manage accounting journals according to the selected entry transaction.
- Create accounting journals such as miscellaneous operations.
- Partially modify accounting journals generated in other modules.
- View all the accounting journals.
When an entry is entered directly, its counterpart is mandatory. For journals generated in other modules, the counterpart is automatic.
When the status is Temporary, journals can be deleted or modified, but journals generated in other modules are subject to consistency checks. When the status is Final, some accounting elements included in a journal can no longer be modified.
Depending on the setup of the transaction and journal type used, the following elements can be specified in journal entry:
- Purely analytical journals
- General and analytical journals
- IAS documents, etc.
The types of ledgers entered and actually propagated depend on two setup elements.
You can browse between the source journal and the target journals.
When fixed assets are managed, the journal entry can trigger the automatic generation of the expenses. The list of expenses generated is displayed in the selection panel under Associated expenses.
See the documentation for entry transactions setup.
French electronic signatures for sales invoices and journal entries
In compliance with French and Portuguese antifraud legal requirements and to ensure data security, electronic signatures are automatically generated when a customer invoice or journal entry is posted or set to Final, respectively. After the electronic signature is generated, further modifications to any of the fields identified below can be easily detected.
You can use the Electronic signature control function (FRADSICTL) to review the current electronic signature and highlight any inconsistencies.
See the “French electronic signature how to guide” or the "SVAT certification for Portuguese legislation guide" on the tab for details on implementing this feature. This document is intended for administrators and consultants who maintain and update Sage X3.
Data from invoices or journal entries posted before activating the electronic signature feature is not added to the DKSDATAFRA table and therefore no electronic signature is created.
Legislations other than French or Portuguese do not need to generate electronic signatures.
The electronic signature is a record in the Electronic signatures table (DKSDATAFRA) that includes data from the following fields in the Sales invoice (SINVOICE) and Account entries (GACCENTRY) tables:
Field code |
Description |
Data source: SINVOICE |
Data source: GACCENTRY |
Origin of the document |
1 |
2 |
Journal |
Journal description |
Total by tax rate |
Invoice amount with VAT |
Date and time of the signature |
Datetime$ |
Document type |
Evaluate SIH.SNS |
Company name |
Company postal code |
Company VAT number |
Customer name |
Customer postal code |
Journal code |
Journal description |
Final number |
accounting date |
Account code |
BP |
Journal entry line |
Line description |
string$([F:DAE]DES<>"", |
Screen management
The transaction you select determines how you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed.
If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen displays.
- If the entry mode for the selected transaction is Column or Row you can view, enter, and edit a journal for a manual ledger.
- If the entry mode for the selected transaction is Tab, you can only view existing journals. You cannot enter or edit a journal. All ledger types, manual and automatic, are displayed.
- Transferring the journal to other ledgers is determined by the entry transaction.
Automatic generation of expenses
Entering miscellaneous operation documents, or the reversal entry, can automatically generate fixed assets Expenses. The list generated expenses displays in the Selection panel under Associated expenses.
The journal must be Actual and the status must be Final. The following steps must be implemented:
- The FAS - Fixed assets activity code must be active.
- Entry type: The expense creation must be authorized for the entry type to which the journal is attached.
- Account setup: Fixed asset tracking must be activate to authorize the use of the account on assets and expenses that are managed in fixed assets module. Creating expenses from validating the journal to allocating to the accounts must be authorized. The accounting nature must be entered.
- When the journal status is temporary, the Final validation process, or the Reversal process, after validation of the document, automatically generates the expense.
- When a journal line is subject to a manual analytical distribution (the $ symbol is displayed in the field Distribution), then there are as many expenses created as there are manual distribution lines for this journal line.
- When the company is subject to the French legislation, the recovery VAT rate is not 100 percent and the VATAUTVAL - VAT Automatic validation parameter is set to No, then the VAT coefficients on the expense must be validated so the expense is capitalized. The validation is done by selecting the Validated checkbox, available and displayed only on the expense as long as the validation has not been performed.
Screen management
Block number 1
Site (field FCY) |
The site code for the operation is initialized with the site associated with the user code. It can be modified on the condition that it is chosen in the list of authorized sites. |
Entry type (field TYP) |
Each accounting journal entered is linked to a given type. The journal type corresponds to the nature of the entered posting: customer invoice, miscellaneous operations, cash receipt, etc. This information comes with management rules relating to VAT, reminders, etc. It is one of the key elements of the journal entry. The setup of the selected journal type determines if you can open or close the propagation to the manual ledgers.
Number (field NUM) |
This field represents the unique identifier of a journal in a journal type. |
Date (field ACCDAT) |
This date corresponds to the date of the generated accounting postings. It must belong to a fiscal year or period that is open for all the ledger types. |
Block number 2
Journal (field JOU) |
Enter the journal code (1 to 5 alphanumerical characters).
Category (field CAT) |
The category is set up in the journal type. Actual:
Active simulation/inactive simulation: Off balance sheet: Template: |
Status (field STA) |
Use this field to select the journal status: Temporary or Final. When set to Final, the only modifications you can make on a journal are for informational purposes only or if they concern the analytical postings. The date, amounts, accounts, VAT code, and other purely accounting information can no longer be modified. |
Transaction (field DACDIA) |
The entry transaction must be selected before starting the journal entry .
The Transaction field is initialized according to the entry transaction selected. Four standard transactions are delivered:
A journal can only be viewed by means of:
Tab Header
Block number 1
Default description (field DESVCR) |
Entering a value to enable the header description for the journal postings. |
Bollato sequence number (field BOLLATO) |
Field specific to the Italian law. |
Entry date (field ENTDAT) |
Default due date (field DUDDAT) |
Value date (field VALDAT) |
The default value of the value date is the entry date. |
Bank date (field BANDAT) |
This field is specific to the Italian law and used to specify the posting date of the operation. |
Rate type (field TYPRAT) |
This field is used to select different types of rate : daily rate, average rate, etc. |
Rate date (field RATDAT) |
Date initialized with the system date. |
Currency (field CUR) |
The currency in which the posting will be recorded (called the transaction currency) is, by default, the main general ledger currency for the company to which the site belongs. If the currency is different from the original currency the conversion will be based on the exchange rates recorded in the database for the chosen rate type and the rate date.
Source document (field BPRVCR) |
The 'source document' and 'document date' fields respectiveley correspond to the reference (journal number) and date of the BP journal. |
Document date (field BPRDATVCR) |
Source (field ORIGIN) |
The Source field displays the source of the journal entry and the Source transaction field displays the origin code for the transaction in conjunction with the value in the Source field.
Source transactioncode values include:
Examples & special cases If you import journal entries using an import template, the Source transaction code displays the import template code. Accordingly, the Source field then displays Import. If you create an invoice in Supplier invoices (GESBIS) that generates an automatic journal entry, the Source transaction code displays the automatic journal code, BCPIN, with the standard setup. Accordingly, the Source field then displays Automatic generation. When the Validation of simulation entries function (CPTVALSIM) is run on simulated journal entries, whether new journal entries are created or not, the Real journal entries are set with Automaticgeneration and CPTVALSIM as the Source transaction code. When you reverse a journal entry either directly from the Journal entry function (GESGAS) or from the Reversals function (CPTEXT), the reversal journal entry is set with Automatic generation and with CPTEXT as Source transaction code. When a payment cancellation is executed on a posted payment from Payment/Receipt entry function (GESPAY), the corresponding journal entries are set with Automaticgeneration and PAYCANCEL as Source transaction code. When the Dimensional allocations function (CPTDSPANA) is run, the journal entries then generated are set with Automaticgeneration and CPTDSPANA as Source transaction code. |
Source transaction (field ORICOD) |
Source module (field ORIMOD) |
It identifies the source module of the accounting journal.
Project (field PJT) |
Interbank code (field BANCIB) |
The Inter-banking code is used by all the banks to specify the bank operation type on the lines of the bank statements that are sent to their customers. It is used to facilitate (sort, selection) and control the bank reconciliation between the postings in a bank account with the lines in the bank statements. This field is initialized in the journals generated for the entered payment lines with an appropriate payment attribute. |
VAT date (field VATDAT) |
This is the reference date for the VAT extraction. The date defaults from the accounting date or the document date, depending on the DCLVATDAT – Date for tax declaration parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group) setting, which can be the accounting date or the document date. If you use the document date, you can act on a period declaration independent of the accounting date. You can change this date if the journal entry has not been included in a declaration. The Formulas grid in Automatic journals has a field for the VAT date. You can enter a formula to use a custom date. This date must comply the legislation rules for the declaration.
Fees declaration (field FLGDAS) |
Specify whether the entry must be taken into account in the DAS2 fee declaration or in the 281.5 one. |
Reminder (field FLGFUP) |
Indicate whether a reminder must be issued for this journal. |
Pay approval (field FLGPAZ) |
This field is only accessible upon creating or duplicating a journal. It is initialized according to the NIVBONPAYE parameter data. |
Reference (field REF) |
This field contains the journal reference. |
Simulation reference (field REFSIM) |
This technical field is fed upon generation of a simulation posting. |
Reversal (field RVS) |
Two values are possible for this field:
Reversal date (field RVSDAT) |
Actual reversal date. |
Source type (field RVSORITYP) |
Fields recalling the journal type and the number of the reversed. |
Original number (field RVSORINUM) |
Tab Lines
These lines are used for the accounting entry. Each entry transaction is different.
For manual journal entry
If the Control type field is set to Inactive for the account, you can enter any value on the line.
If the Control type field is set to Authorization for the account, you can only enter a code listed in the Tax control grid in the Management section for the account. Otherwise you receive a blocking message.
I the Control type field is set to Restriction for the Account, you can only enter a code that is not listed in Tax control grid. Otherwise, you receive a blocking message.
For automatic journal entry
The same rules apply but the blocking message displays when you click Save.
No. (field NUMLIG) |
Line number. On "In column" entry, the line number is used as in unique identifier of the line and is used to link lines with different ledger types that relates to the same logical line (for an ex-tax line, there can be a line for the social ledger, one for the associated analytical ledger and one for the linked IAS ledger). |
Site (field FCYLIN) |
You can enter on the entry line a site that is different from the one indicated in the header. |
Ledger (field LEDTYP) |
These fields specify the ledgers impacted by the netry of the current journal. For the 'In line' entry, only one ledger can be specified. If the setups in the accounts, the entry transaction and the journal type establishes it, the propagation to the other ledgers of company ACM is carried out automatically. |
Ident. (field IDTLIN) |
This field (maximum five alphanumerical characters) is used to link lines that belong to different ledgers but relate to the same information line. |
Ctrl. (field SAC1) |
The account associated to the collective account is displayed by default. The BP is left to specify. In the case of a multi-role BP, the search algorithm is function of:
The initialization of the code for the Control field depends on whether or not the BP/Company tab is present in the BP record (GESBPR). |
field ACC1 |
This field is used to select the accounts recorded on the current chart of accounts. On this ACC field, the user can access the current ledger's accounts only.
When you enter the short code for an account, it is replaced with the actual account code. |
Description (field ACCDES) |
Title of the account. |
BP (field BPR) |
Specify the BP code. If the Collective and Account fields are empty, the number of the collective account will be determined by the BP accounting code. Searching this account is carried out in accordance with the priority order in the journal entry transaction, (field BP search),and takes into account the tab BP/Company if it is present. |
Debit (field DEB) |
Enter an amount if the entry line is a debit. The default sense is set up in the account file. If the default account sense is not determined, the cursor is positioned on the field that is used to balance the journal. The journal must necessarily be balanced in the transaction currency. A rounding variance line is generated automatically in order to balance the journal in the ledger currency if necessary. Three options are proposed using the right-click menu:
Credit (field CDT) |
Enter an amount if the entry is a credit. The default sign for an account may be defined during the setup of this account (see the GL accounts documentation). |
Pointer (field DOEPTR) |
Description (field DES) |
This is a free field, designed to explain the posting of this entry By using " / ", the account title is displayed by default ; and with "=", the previous line description is copied. |
Free reference (field FREREF) |
Text box which content can be used as automatic matching criteria. |
Tax (field TAX) |
When the account on the line is subject to tax, the tax field is accessible for entry. It is initialized with the tax code associated with the account. According to the context, it is necessary to verify that this tax code corresponds to the tax actually applicable, or it should be modified. The tax code defines the rate, the rules, and the terms for the deduction applicable to the operation. If the Control type field is set to Inactive for the Account, you can enter any value on the line. If the Control type field is set to Authorization for the Account, you can only enter a code listed in the Tax control grid on the Management tab in the Account. Otherwise, you receive a blocking message. If the Control type field is set to Restriction for the Account, you can only enter a code that is not listed in Tax control grid. Otherwise, you receive a blocking message. |
field CPA1 |
This field is used to indicate the contra account.
If left blank, it will be initialized upon journal posting. |
Partner (field CSLBPR) |
You can only enter a Business partner with one of the following characteristics: Customer, Supplier, or Miscellaneous BP. The Partner is the partner of original record if an account class is set to Yes, and it is empty if the account class is set to No. For a profit and loss account (set up in the chart of accounts line 11), there is no partner regardless of the Partner management setup.
Partner initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory Partner management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction with consolidation management selected. For control accounts
If no Business Partner is defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner (CPT chapter, CSL group) parameter value. If this parameter is defined, there is no default partner value. For General accounts
If the Entry partner check box is not selected for the general account defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner parameter value. If this parameter is not defined, there is no default partner value. If no control account line has been found, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner parameter value. If this parameter is not defined, there is no default partner value. Limit: If the journal entry is posted with several control account lines, the partner defaults from the first control account line. The partner is the same for all the general account lines where the Entry partner check box is selected. Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management, the partner initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no partner can been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, a blocking message appears notifying you that partner management is mandatory. |
Partner (field CSLCOD) |
This field is only available if the CSL - Consolidation activity code is active at the folder level. This is a display-only field that is populated according to the following: The value can default from the setup of the corresponding Journal entry transaction (GESGDE). There is no default value for this field when a journal entry is created from an automatic journal entry or manually. However, you can define a default value for this field when you create an automatic journal entry using the Automatic journal variables function (GESGVG). For example, on a sales invoice, to create a default value for the partner field on duty free and VAT lines, use the syntax [ F: SIH ] BPR. The automatic journal field is then populated with the partner code charged on TTC line of the sales invoice. The field can also default to the partner for the Extraction for Consolidation (BALCONSO) if the option Free criteria is selected. |
Flow (field CSLFLO) |
Flow code coming from the account if the flow code management has been chosen for the account. Flow initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory flow management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction whose consolidation management is selected. When creating or posting a journal entry, the journal entry line flow code defaults as follows: If a flow code is parameterized on the journal, it defaults to that value. If there is no flow code on the journal, the flow code defaults to the value defined on the account. The flow depends of the direction on the journal entry line.
Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management selected, the flow initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no flow has been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, you receive a blocking error message that flow management is mandatory for the current account. |
Quantity (field QTY) |
Because of the analytical nature of a line, you have to enter a quantity expressed in the indicated non-financial unit.
Unit (field UOM) |
On analytical inquiry, this field determines the non-financial unit linked to the displayed account. |
Project (field PJTLIN) |
Cost type (field PCCCOD) |
Distribution (field DSP) |
Defined here are the allocation methods for the line amount on the different dimensions of each dimension type. These methods are defined as follows:
For instance: For these two later cases, it is possible to pre-initialize the allocation with an already existing key. The final display will be " $ ". |
field CCE1 |
Indicate in this field the dimensions that should be assigned to the posting line.
If the accounting amount is not distributed over several analytical dimensions, the "allocation" field cannot be assigned. The entry is achieved directly in the following columns, in the dimension concerned, for each of the dimension types. Default dimensions can be specified in the analytical account and taken into account or not, according to the default dimension setup. For the journals automatically generated from other modules, the default dimensions are defined by a process (see the Default dimensions documentation). |
Statistic 1 (field STT1) |
Statistic 2 (field STT2) |
Statistic 3 (field STT3) |
Capital flow (field CAPFLOTYP) |
Matching (field MTC) |
Matching code after the automatic or manual matching has been carried out. |
Matching date (field MTCDAT) |
Actual date where the matching is carried out. |
Maximum group date (field MTCDATMAX) |
Minimum group date (field MTCDATMIN) |
Mark (field CHK) |
Reconciliation date (field CHKDAT) |
Bank statement (field BSITRS) |
Declared tax (field AMTVAT) |
Internal number (field ACCNUM) |
Chronological number (field CHRNUM) |
Sequence number attributed to all entry lines when the entry is set to definitive. This number coms from the counter specified in the Sequence number assignment / Financials module / Document types / accounting sequence no.. No gap should exist in its sequence, which insures that no entry line has been deleted, added or inserted. |
Total debit (field TOTDEB) |
Total of the debit lines which compose the posting lines. |
field CURAFF |
Total credit (field TOTCDT) |
Total of the credit lines which compose the posting lines. |
field CURAFF2 |
Description (field AFFICHE) |
Balance (field SOLDE) |
VAT line generation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When creating a line, you can select this option when the VATLINGNR - VAT line generation parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group) is set to Yes. The VAT lines generation function generates the tax line (Normal tax rule type) or the tax lines (CEE tax rule type) for the base line (preceding line). The base line must be entered with a tax code that complies with the following criteria:
The account on the base line must comply with the following criteria:
Note: The VAT line generation function does not support creating base lines subject to partially deductible VAT for non-recoverable taxes. |
Accounts inquiry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use this link to get a quick access to the Accounts inquiry. |
Statistical Codes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Select this option to distribute the lines on three statistical codes for analysis. |
Structure | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Select this option to chose the account structure to predefine the group of accounting and analytical allocations of an entry, and to pre-load them on creation. When you choose an account structure, an additional window opens where you can enter the amount to be distributed and, if necessary, the BP to be applied to the control lines. |
Open item management | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Field descriptions
Block number 1
Grid Details
Select this option to view the Open items of the current journal. The automatic open items are calculated according to the selected payment method when you create the accounting journal.
Select this option to view the current journal distributions. The window displays the distribution percentage, the distributed amounts, and the dimensions where the amounts are distributed.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
PIECE : Entry print
This can be changed using a different setup.
Special functions
1. In the Number field, delete the entry number.
2. Update the data in the other fields if necessary.
3. Click Create to create the new entry.
Fields that cannot be modified
To guarantee the integrity of the journal data from other modules, certain fields cannot be modified. For example, a payment sent to a given bank prevents the modification of the associated account. To cancel such a transaction, you first need to cancel the payment (this reverses the journal), then re-enter the payment for a new bank account. The ability to modify some fields can also be subject to whether or not the journal entry has been validated or not. The table shown below lists the fields that cannot be modified for journals from modules other than accounting:
Source module |
Field |
Account type |
Journal status |
Modification |
All |
Currency |
- |
Temporary |
Impossible |
All |
Currency rate |
- |
Final |
Impossible |
All |
Exchange rate type |
- |
Final |
Impossible |
All |
Site |
- |
Temporary |
Impossible |
All |
Account |
Collective |
Temporary |
Impossible |
All |
Business partners |
- |
Temporary |
Impossible |
All |
Amount |
Collective |
Temporary |
Impossible |
BP |
Account |
Bank |
Temporary |
Impossible |
BP |
Amount |
Bank |
Temporary |
Impossible |
Specific buttons
Delete |
Click Delete to delete this journal. The following conditions must be met to successfully delete a journal:
Menu bar
Click Payment to view the payment for this journal. |
Click Invoice action to view the customer invoice or supplier invoice for this journal. |
Click Transaction to view the format for this entry transaction. |
To reverse a journal, select the journal to be reversed and click Reversal. If the default suggestion is not appropriate, enter your own date and description.
Attached document: Control on journal entryGeneral principlesIt is possible to trigger a control on the coherency of the VAT data linked to the accounting document. This control can be set up:
The control is performed upon entry (creation/modification) of the document. Imports and automatic generations of documents from upstream modules in batch task should create entries that are coherent with respect to the VAT. Tax codes other than VAT are excluded from the control. The control upon document entry carries out the same processing than the controls carried out upon execution of the CONTVAPCE VAT control report. Control algorithmThe general parameters should be positioned correctly so that the control can be carried out. The additional condition is that the document type used should be triggering either for VAT on debits or on VAT on receipts. The control is carried out by VAT code / Tax allocation. For each VAT code present on the document, the processing cumulates on one hand the base amount (accounts flagged with the type 'subject') and on the other hand the VAT amount (accounts flagged with types VAT or EU VAT). From the base amount and the VAT code, the processing determines a theoretical VAT amount. This theoretical VAT amount is compared to the VAT amount issued from the document. If the variance is greater than the threshold set up for the company (after the conversion to the document entry currency, if applicable), the processing triggers a message which is either a simple warning or a blocking error, depending on the error policy chosen for the user. Particular cases:EU VAT management
Prepayment managementIn this type of journal, the prepayment account is in fact tax-including. The processing recalculates the theoretical basis by application of the VAT rate and from this reconstructed basis, calculates the theoretical VAT. Other cases
- Access code controls are not applied to the entry type, the account or the dimension in journal inquiry. Access code controls are only performed based on the journal (in compliance with the inquiry screens when using the Jump to action).
- If a journal is not available in the inquiry, related journals are displayed in the selection panel. If, however, after clicking on a journal number you cannot view the journal, the message 'XXXX non authorized journal' is displayed.
- The selection window for the header information field Journal(field JOU) displays all journal codes. It does not filter the codes by company, site or group if a specific company, site or group was defined when the journal code was created.
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Unbalanced journal entryIn entry creation, the journal must balance to zero (Balance=0).
At least one dimension type must be enteredThe analytical allocation is mandatory.
Fiscal year change prohibitedIt is not possible to change the journal date beyond the fiscal year, if journal lines have been entered.
X Journal not authorized for this journal typeThe journal is prohibited for this journal type. For instance, documents with the type Sales invoice cannot be entered in a Purchasing journal.
Entry transaction: XXX Setup to reviewMandatory ledger not present for the selected Journal entry transaction code.
XXX Closed Period YYY: Incompatible transaction codeThis message is displayed when a journal entry is displayed for the following reasons:
- The Ledger type (for example, Legal (Social), Analytical, IAS, Group) has not been specified for the selected Journal entry transaction code.
- The journal entry date falls within an accounting period that has been closed for this Ledger type.
To amend this journal you must use a journal entry transaction code that displays all Ledger types. This journal entry transaction code is defined in either the parameter SCHSTDC - Column entry transaction (chapter CPT, group DEF) or the parameter SCHSTDL - Line entry transaction (chapter CPT, group DEF).
Amount line null: update the quantity signThis message is displayed if the modified document does not come from the accounting module and if this document contains at least one line with an amount equal to zero and quantities.
The quantity must be an absolute value. The direction has an impact on the debit or credit of the analytical balance.
Error on counter [Counter Code]
Entry matched, cancellation not possibleEntry checked, cancellation not possibleThis journal will not be regeneratedDocument generated via the calculated entry [Calculated entry code]
This journal will not be regenerated
Line i: this line has been subject to marking
The company is not converted to EuroOpen item on statementOpen item settledOversettled open itemEntry date inconsistent with entry dateReserved for the legislationMaximum matching dateMini matching dateCarry-forward period not openClosing period not openSwitching to actual amount not allowedDate prior to the accounting dateAuthorized Payment approval level
This site is in the companyAt least one account must be enteredControl accountUnbalanced distributionToo many different sitesUnbalanced journalUnbalanced journal in ledger currencyAutomatic counterpart impossibleAutomatic generation of connection entries not possibleActual documents prohibitedProhibited exceptional documents
Simulation journals prohibitedModel journals prohibitedBalance controlBalance controlQuantity controlAccount prohibited on journalMandatory accountNo spreading to chartAllocation mandatory on chartInconsistent nonfinancial unitProhibited code incompatibleChart of accounts incompatibleFull line entry grid
Unauthorized journal on this document typeAccount prohibited on journalChange of fiscal year prohibitedNot possible to determine the control accountBusiness partner incompatible with the control accountMandatory ledger: no default accountMandatory ledger not presentNo possible ledgerSingle-ledger journal typeChart $1$, account $2$ - Flow management is mandatoryProfit and loss accounts not definedThe results account (line 11) is not entered at the level of the accounts plan setup ( Various accounts tab) and the FRWANA - Analytical carry-forward (chapter CPT, group FIY) and/or FRWGAC - General carry-forward (chapter CPT, group FIY) parameters are set to 'Yes' for the current company.
The $1$ tax code is not authorized at setup level for the $2$ account / chart $3$If the Control type field is set to Authorization for the Account, you can only enter a code listed in the Tax control grid on the Management tab in the Account.
If the Control type field is set to Restriction for the Account, you can only enter a code that is not listed in the Tax control grid.