The registration to a training period follows a nominative request made and accepted earlier or a direct entry for an employee.
The registrations are entered or generated automatically in accordance with several criteria.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Workflow rules
After a new registration, an e-mail with the training notification is sent to the participant and their manager.
The message sent contains the following pieces of information:
- The training period
- The dates of the training session
- The address of the training session.
The workflow rule is INSSTG, the data model associated is INSSTG and the planning workbench associated with INS.
It is possible to enter directly the session without using the Training.
Training period (field STG) |
Specify the code of the training period attached to the registration. |
Session (field SES) |
Specify the code of the session attached to the registration. |
Employee ID (field REFNUM) |
Specify the employee ID attached to the registration. |
Name (field NAM) |
Last name (field SRN) |
Contract (field CTRNUM) |
The employee's contract number matches one of their contract sequence numbers. |
Legislation (field LEG) |
Status (field STA) |
This field, which cannot be modified, uses the following values obtained after the update of the validation procedure:
Tab Costing
The classification criteria ('Fiscal nature', 'Action category') are:
- Inherited from the session if they are defined in a unique way
- to be completed in registration otherwise.
The costs other than the salary costs are inherited from the session and can be modified if needed.
The salary costs come from the headings of the Payroll plan set up in the following parameters (chapter PLA, group TXH):
Request (field DEM) |
If the registration has been generated automatically from training requests, this field contains the number of the initial request. A tunnel is available to access the request by right-clicking. |
Category 2483 (field CATFRT) |
Category to which the employee is attached. This category is used in the 2483 declaration about the amounts paid by the employer for professional training in France. It is also used by the training module during the generation of training requests, the provisional plan as well as in the provisional cost calculation of actions. |
Pro period (field FLGPRO) |
Request system (field TYPFRTDEM) |
This field contains the training scheme of the training request (when it is entered). |
Reference period (field REFPER) |
This field is dedicated to Portuguese legislation. |
Fiscal nature (field DESNATFIS) |
Specify the fiscal nature covered by the registration. By default, it is entered with what has been defined in the request or, if it has not been entered in the request, with what has been defined in the training session. This field can be modified. |
Action category (field DESCATACN) |
Specify the action category covered by the registration. |
Grid Actual individual costs
Cost (field TYPCRG) |
The user specifies the nature of the actual individual costs generated by the registration. By default, these natures are initialized using the natures defined at the session level. The values of the fields can be modified. It is also possible to add the natures of the additional costs. The costs (salary and charges) for the attending employee are calculated automatically depending on the hour rate of the employee ID registered. In the Payroll module, this hour rate corresponds to the headings defined in the general parameters. Outside the Payroll module, this hour rate corresponds to the rates defined in the category 2483 of the employee ID registered. Management rule: hour rate * the duration as a number of hours. there are two calculation options defined in the parameter MODCAL (Chapter FRT, Group MIS).
These headings can be customized They are preset to use the actual hour rates of the attendee or the trainer (monthly costs in regards to the actual number of hours worked during the month). The chargeable accommodation costs are calculated automatically in regards to the minimum guaranteed. This minimum is defined in the general parameter MG. Management rule: 5 * minimum guaranteed * the duration as a number of days. |
Total (field CSTTOTIDV) |
Chargeable (field CSTIPTIDV) |
System (field DESTYPFRT) |
Specify the scheme used for the registration:
The scheme is entered by default but it can be modified. |
Fund. type (field TYPFIN) |
Type of funding for the cost nature. |
Organization (field ORGFIN) |
Funding organization. The funding organization entered must be active. Click the Selection icon icon in order to open the list of active organizations. |
Summary of individual costs
Total (field CSTMOYTOT) |
Chargeable (field CSTMOYIPT) |
Tab Attendance
The initialization of this tab depends on the session calendar related to the registration.
By default, the system considers that the employee attended every training period. To specify that an attendee has been absent during the totality or a part of the session, it is necessary to enter the absences in the "Absences" tab. The "Attendance" tab is updated automatically.*
Grid List of days
field DAT |
End date (field DATF) |
Day (field DAY1) |
Start time (field DEBTIM) |
Hours and break duration of the attendee during the current day of the training. |
End time (field FINTIM) |
Break (field NBRTIMBRK) |
No. of hours forecast (field NBRHOUPREV) |
This field indicated the number of hours initially planned for the session. It cannot be entered by the user. |
No. of hours (field NBRHOUREA) |
By default, this field is initialized using the number of theoretical presence hours defined at the level of the session calendar. |
No. of days (field NBRDAYREA) |
By default, this field is initialized using the number of theoretical presence days defined at the level of the session calendar. |
No. of hours outside of WH (field NBRHOUREA2) |
Specify the number of presence hours spent by the employee outside their working time. |
No. days outside WT (field NBRDAYREA2) |
Number of presence days outside working hours. |
System (field TYPFRT) |
Specify the scheme used for the registration:
The scheme is entered by default but it can be modified. |
Number of hours (field NBRHOUIPT) |
Number of days (field NBRDAY) |
Number of hours outside of WT (field NBRHOUIPT2) |
Number of days outside of WT (field NBRDAY2) |
The number of days planned outside of working hours is initialized. |
field WFILLER |
Number of nights (field NBRNGT) |
This field displays the number of nights covered by the session. It is initially calculated as one less than the number of consecutive days in the session, but you can amend it to allow for exceptions such as an early start on the first day or a late finish on the last day. The number of nights in the session can be different from the number of nights calculated in the training period. |
Training order
Working hours transfer (field TRFTPS) |
This field, which cannot be entered, can be used to specify whether there has been a transfer in the time management. It concerns the training hours that took place during working time within the framework of a training period of type 'Short-term training period'. |
This field, which cannot be entered, can be used to specify whether there has been a transfer in the time management. It concerns the training hours that took place during working time within the framework of a training period of type 'Other training period'. |
Outside working hours transfer (field TRFREQ) |
This field indicates if there has been a generation of a pay preparation slip for the hours that took place outside of working time. |
This field, which cannot be entered, specifies the reference of the preparation slip, when the transfer of training hours has been carried out. It concerns the training hours that took place outside of working time within the framework of any training period type. |
Tab Absences
In case of a 'Short-term training period': the days and/or the hours of absence for a day are entered. During the validation:
- If the absence lasts for a whole day, the day of absence is deleted from the attendance grid.
- If the absence only lasts for a part of the day, the day stays in the attendance grid and the number of hours and days of absence are decreased on this line.
- In both cases, the information of the "Attendance" block is recalculated.
- When deleting a day of absence, the day is readded to the attendance grid and the the sequence number counters are recalculated.
For training periods of type 'Other training period', the following pieces of informations are entered:
- The absence date (this information is not mandatory).
- The number of absence hours.
- The counters are recalculated in the "Presence" tab (in the "List of days" grid and in the "Attendance" block).
- When deleting a day of absence, the counter are recalculated in the "Attendance" tab.
For every type of training period, a reason can be entered to justify the absence.
Grid List of days
Date (field DATABS) |
Day (field DAYA) |
Start time (field DEBTIMA) |
Hours and break duration of the attendee during the current day of the training. |
End time (field FINTIMA) |
No. of hours (field NBRHOUREAA) |
Specify the number of absence hours. The Attendance tab is updated automatically. |
No. of days (field NBRDAYREAA) |
Specify the number of absence hours. The Attendance tab is updated automatically. |
No. of hours outside of WH (field NBRHOUREAA) |
No. days outside WT (field NBRDAYREAA) |
Absence reason (field RENABS) |
Tab Skills
The skills and their levels are inherited from the objective skills defined in the Skills of the Training function. They can be modified if needed.
Then, the Validation of skills function or the [Validation] button can be used to include the skills acquired in the Career form of the employee.
Block number 1
Validated skills (field UPDCPC) |
Skills (field CPCAFT) |
List of skills related to the training period. |
Levels (field LEVAFT) |
Tab Authorizations
When creating a registration, the Authorizations grid is initialized with the target authorizations defined in the training period during the registration. Only the target authorizations of the training period can be entered.
Block number 1
Validated authorizations (field UPDHAB) |
Authorizations (field HABAFT) |
List of skills related to the training period. |
Description (field DES) |
Granting date (field HABSTR) |
By default, the granting date is the end date of the training period but it can still be modified. |
To renew (field HABFLG) |
By default, the value of this field is set to 'Yes' but it can still be modified. It can be used to specify if the training period is to be renew at the due date. |