Employment contracts
Use this function to enter the elements relating to the definition of the profession, the contract, the position and the remuneration of the employee.
You can also associate several employment contracts to the same employee.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Employee ID (field REFNUM) |
Employee associated with the work contract. |
Family name-First name (field SRN) |
Contract chrono (field CTRNUM) |
This field is automatically populated with the number of employment contracts when the employee's identity is entered.
Pay after exit (field FLGVAR) |
Date (field CTRDAT) |
Specify the date on which the contract mentioned hereafter becomes effective. |
Time (field ETRTIM) |
Starting time of the employee's contract. |
Site (field ETRFCY) |
Indicate the site the employee is assigned to. |
Company (field CPY) |
Legislation (field LEG) |
In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.
If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation. If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation. If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group. Example If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation. In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed. |
Effective date (field RETDATEFF) |
Date from which the additional clause to the work contract is taken into consideration. |
Backpay (field FLGRET) |
This check box is selected by default after an amendment with back-pay has been created It specifies that the corresponding effective date is taken into account in the case of a contractual change (amendment) with a retroactive effect (back-pay). |
Start reason (field CTRGRD) |
Specify the reason why you have created a new 'Contract' record corresponding to a new activity period. This field is mandatory because it is essential for the French DADS-U generation. |
End date (field XITDAT) |
Final exit (field XITFNL) |
Type (field NATCON) |
Enter the code of the employee’s contract nature.
Tab Contract
Use this function to manage an employee's various periods of activity. An employee can have several simultaneous or successive contracts. If it is the case, the employee has several contract chronos. Each contract chrono can contain several contractual changes. An employee appears in the selection panel on as many lines as there are contract chronos and additional clauses to these contracts for this employee.
The Administrative tab of the Position, Standard job and Profile functions is used to automatically populate the fields of the employee's contract record. If no data is entered in these fields, the software automatically populates them with the values entered in the Sites function.
Reminder: when creating a record, the site should be entered first. The field values defined for the site are applied to the Employment contract function. When the Administrative tab of the position contains default values, entering the position updates the values of the fields predefined for the site. The same applies when the standard job and the profile are entered.
In the Contract function, when a period of activity is created, modified or deleted, a warning message is displayed to notify the user that the periods of activity will be updated in the impacted functions (Time entry, Preparation slips, Adjustments).
Conditions for this message to appear: events have been saved later than the start date of the new period of activity and the user has chosen to display the periods of activity (Arrival, Departure) for at least one entry transaction.
Career follow-up (field SUICAR) |
This option box is used to include a contract record to the career management or conversely to exclude it. If this box is selected, and the Management of Skills and Careers module is available, the contract elements can be viewed in the Career function of the employee. If a contract record is deleted or if the box is cleared after creation, the corresponding event no longer appears in the 'Career' function. |
Coll. agreement (field CLLCVT) |
Collective agreement the employee is part of. |
Position (field POT) |
This optional field is used to specify the code of the employee's position to be selected from the list. When it is entered, it automatically populates the Position function and the 'standard job' field if it is linked to the employee's position. The user can either accept or refuse the update of the fields. |
Standard job (field JOBPOT) |
This optional field specifies the standard job code, selected from the list. This field is populated by default if the standard job is linked to the employee’s position. The user can either accept or refuse the update of the fields. |
Profile (field PROPRF) |
This field indicates the payroll profile of the employee. This profile, defined in the payroll plan, specifies by default the heading to be calculated for each payslip of the employee. |
Payslip title (field JOB) |
Description of the position filled by the employee. This description of the position is displayed on the salary slip and on some official documents. It can correspond to the title of the position, to the title of the reference job, or be completely different. |
Department (field ETRSRV) |
Specify the department the employee is linked to. |
Nature of work (field NATWRK) |
Reason (field CDDGRD) |
Use this field to select the replacement reason code for a fixed-term employment contract or a temporary employment contract. This reason is mandatory for the N4DS (S40.G10.05.019) concerning the following contract natures (S40.G10.05.012.001): Concerning the implementation of the interprofessional national agreement dated 11 January 2013, the amount of the unemployment insurance contributions is based on the reason and duration of the fixed-term contracts. The various categories of impacted fixed-term contracts must be identified based on the reasons for appeal. When the contract is a fixed term contract with a set objective, this field is automatically populated with the FTC with set objective value. You cannot modify this value. |
Duration (field NBRPER) |
Indicate the duration of the current contract in days, weeks, months or years. |
Period (field PERCON) |
Indicate the duration of the current contract in days, weeks, months or years. |
Contract end (field ENDCON) |
Replaces (field MATREMP) |
If the contract nature is not a training period agreement, the title of this field is Replaces. Enter the ID number of the replaced employee. The surname and first name of the replacement are then automatically displayed next to the Replaces field. If the contract nature is a training period agreement, the title of this field is Tutor. Enter or select the tutor’s ID number. The surname and first name of the tutor are then automatically displayed next to the Tutor field. |
field SRNRPL |
Trial period
Trial period end (field ENDTRY) |
Specify the start date of the trial period. |
Renewed (field NEWTRY) |
End 2nd test (field ENDTRY2) |
Employment confirmed (field EMPCFM) |
Contract no. (field NUMCON) |
Contract number mentioned on the work contract document. |
Register no. (field NUMRGT) |
Register number. Update using the Register numbering function. |
CEA signature (field STRCAE) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
CEA ref. (field REFCAE) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Temp agency (field AGNMIDWRK) |
Indicate the name of the temp agency the employee ID number depends on. |
Job type (field TYPJOB) |
Indicate the position type of the employee. |
Work abroad (field WRKSTG) |
Specify if the employee works abroad. If the 'Expatriate worker' standard job is chosen, select 'Yes' in the scroll-down menu. |
Employment status (field DNATYPMOD) |
Working conditions (field DNACODMOD) |
Occupation status (field OCPSTA) |
PT rate (field RATMIDWRK) |
Specify the rate corresponding to the part-time work of the employee. |
Full-time contributor (field COTMIDWRK) |
This field is only available for the French localization.
It is only available if: - The employment type is different from a full time - The part-time rate is different from 0 - The working condition is different from a full time
The values are the following: - Not applicable Default value if the reason for the employee's arrival is different from 'PTP' (employee moving to a full time with contribution) - For the retirement basic scheme - For the retirement basic and complementary scheme Default value if the reason for the employee's arrival is equal to 'PTP' (employee moving to a full time with contribution)
Weekly hours (field HRSWEK) |
Number of weekly hours of the work contract. |
Monthly hours (field HRSMTH) |
Number of monthly hours of the work contract. |
Annualized no. days (field NBRDAYCTR) |
Annualized no. hours (field NBRHOUCTR) |
This field is only activated for a management based on an annualized number of hours. It is populated using the Company annualized no. of hour general parameter |
Working time unit (field DNACODTIM) |
Title (field PLNDES) |
Contract currency (field CUR) |
Frequency (field PERCOD) |
Enter the pay extraction period for the contract. You can select a pay extraction period with the same legislation as the company the contract is linked to. Pay extraction periods (or frequencies) are managed in the Extraction period function. An employee can move during the tax year from one extraction period to another, but this requires a new chrono contract to be created.
Reference planning (field PLNTYP) |
Specify the reference planning the employee is dependent on.
WT smoothing (field MODTPS) |
Select this box if the employee qualifies for working time smoothing.
Student (field SCHJOB) |
Indicate whether the position of the employee is a student job. |
Foreign worker (field FOREIGN) |
Contract type (field CTRTYP) |
Qualification code (field CATQLF) |
Qualification (field QLF) |
Level (field LVLQLF) |
Specify the professional abilities or the qualification level of the employee button. |
Executive status (field STAEMP) |
Coefficient (field COE) |
Index (field IND) |
Rank (field GRA) |
Employment type (field EQUEMPTYP) |
Occupation level (field OCPLEV) |
OFO code (field OFOCOD) |
Seniority date (field DATANC) |
Apprentice ref date (field DATANCAPT) |
Company entry date (field DATCPY) |
Site entry date (field DATFCY) |
Free date (field DATLIB) |
Creation date (field DATCRE) |
The Creation date and Period end date fields are specific to South Africa and Ghana legislations. These dates are automatically filled by the system. They are used to know in which pay month the contract was created and terminated in order to determine the employee status for reports, that is to say if the employee is New, Active or Terminated as well as Future terminated, Current termination or Old termination (statuses used in the reports). For example, if the status is New, it means the employee and the contract have never been included in previous reports. If the status is Active, it means the employee and the contract have already been included in reports and continue to be included in reports. If the status is Terminated, it means this is the last time the employee and the contract will be included in reports. When a new contract is created, the creation date defaults from:
In case of patch installation, the creation date defaults from the seniority date (filled in the Seniority date field in the same block). |
Final exit (field DATXITFNL) |
The Creation date and Period enddate fields are specific to South Africa and Ghana legislations. These dates are automatically filled by the system. They are used to know in which pay month the contract was created and terminated in order to determine the employee status for reports, that is to say if the employee is New, Active or Terminated as well as Future terminated, Current termination or Old termination (statuses used in the reports). For example, if the status is New, it means the employee and the contract have never been included in previous reports. If the status is Active, it means the employee and the contract have already been included in reports and continue to be included in reports. If the status is Terminated, it means this is the last time the employee and the contract will be included in reports. The period end date is used to see in which period the employee's contract was terminated, irrespective of the employee's contract end date. It defaults from the end date of the pay month, and only if the contract Final exit check box is selected. In case of patch installation, if the contract Final exit check box is selected, the period end date defaults from the contract end date (filled in the End tab, in the End date field). |
Documents to generate
Employment contract (field FLGCRECTR) |
field ICOCTR |
field ICOCTR2 |
Appoint. letter (field FLGCRELET) |
field ICOLET |
field ICOLET2 |
Revision (field FLGCREAVN) |
field ICOAVN |
field ICOAVN2 |
Extracted DUE (field FLGDUE) |
Tab End
End of activity period
End date (field XITDAT) |
In the event of an employee leaving the company, specify the departure date. Otherwise, leave this field empty. |
Final exit (field XITFNL) |
In the event of an employee leaving the company, specify:
End reason (field XITGRD) |
Date of death (field DATDTH) |
RTZ of totals in case of departure (field RAZCUM) |
If this check box is selected, the totals set up to 'RTZ of totals in case of employee departure', will be reset to zero when the first pay is calculated after the employee’s departure. |
Time events balance (field CLEEVETIM) |
When selected, this check box is used, in the case of an employee's long-term leave (parental leave, for example), to close events upon payslip calculation or time transfer. In this case, the period end date of the events to be taken into account is recalculated: if the departure date is later than the extraction end date of the next period, the period end date is equal to the final departure date. |
Notified on (field NTFDAT) |
In the event of an employee leaving the company, specify:
Dismissed on (field DATLIC) |
The 'Dismissed on' date is the date of notification signature of the dismissal. This date can therefore be identical to the date of notification of the exit, or, in the case of a dismissal for economic reasons, it can be equal to either the date of the preliminary interview as referred to in article L. 1233-11 of the French labor code, or to the submission date of the notification letter to the first meeting of the personnel representative bodies as set out in articles L. 1233-28 to L. 1233-30 of the French labor code. |
Last presence (field LSTDAY) |
In the event of an employee leaving the company, specify:
Date agreement terminated (field DNARUPCON) |
This is the date of signature of the contract termination agreement. |
ASSEDIC number (field NUMASS) |
Departure for leave (field XITLEA) |
Non-competition clause (field DNACLC) |
Allowance + stat min (field FLGINDSUP) |
Unemp allowances (field FLGALCCHO) |
Current transaction (field FLGTRN) |
This check box is only available for the French localization. This check box is available only if the Final exit check box is selected. It is used to inform, as early as contract level, that the employee has signed a transaction. This information is used within the framework of the contract end DSN extraction (the Current transaction check box will be automatically selected during the extraction process in the Contract data function. |
Compl. retirement contribution agreement (field COTRETCOM) |
The Compl. retirement contribution agreement check box only applies to the French legislation. It is available only if the Final exit check box is selected. For the DSN, the regulations of the French AGIRC and ARRCO complementary health schemes provide for the transfer of information concerning employees whose work contracts are terminated but who keep contributing to these complementary health schemes. Select this check box if a complementary retirement contribution agreement has been signed with the employee. This information is used to extract data on "Affiliated former employees". You must enter the start and end dates of the agreement. |
Period start (field STRRETCOM) |
The Period from andPeriod to fields only apply to the French legislation. If the Compl. retirement contribution agreement check box is selected, you can enter the start and end dates of the agreement (the start date must be later than the final end date of the contract. These dates are used for the French DSN to extract data for the "Affiliated former employees". |
Period end (field ENDRETCOM) |
Usage FTC exemption (field DERCDD) |
Affiliation to the contract preserved (field MNTAFFCON) |
Advance notice
Completed and paid (field FLGPRV) |
This indicator, which cannot be entered, is automatically activated when creating the asset when it is a legacy asset (entry or import legacy asset). |
Period start (field STRTIMNTC) |
Period end (field ENDTIMNTC) |
Not completed and paid (field FLGPRV2) |
Period start (field STRNTC2) |
Period end (field ENDNTC2) |
Neither completed nor paid (field FLGPRV3) |
Period start (field STRNTC3) |
Period end (field ENDNTC3) |
Departure before advance notice (field FLGXITPRV) |
Departure before advance notice Select this check box if the advance notice has not been complied with (termination of the trial period, for example). |
Period start (field STRXITPRV) |
Period end (field ENDXITPRV) |
Notice payment (field NTCPAY) |
Tax info
Tab Declaration
Use this tab to generate the DADS file (yearly social data declaration).
Any change in the position must be justified and archived in order to to generate the DADS-U.
Yearly declaration
Socio-professional category (field CATCSP) |
Indicate to which socio-professional group the employee belongs to, with respect to the social balance sheet. |
Federal ID code (field CTRCODSEE) |
PCS information (field PSNJOB) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Categ. status (field STACAT) |
Specify the category status the employee belongs to (senior executives, other executives, etc.) according to the collective agreement of the company. This field is used for DADS-U declarations. |
IRC status (field STACAT2) |
Specify the category status the employee belongs to within the framework of the AGIRC-ARRCO complementary welfare scheme. This field is used for DADS-U declarations. |
Professional status (field CATJOB) |
Specify the professional status of the employee. This field is used for DADS-U declarations. |
WA risk (field RSKWRK) |
The AT code identifies the type of work-related accident the employee encountered. |
BOETH status (field HDCSTA) |
Business expenses (field EXSPFL) |
This field specifies the payment procedure for professional expenses:
These 4 letters can be combined, for instance: RD: |
Deduction (field DED) |
When an employee is granted a specific fixed deduction for business expenses, the deduction rate and the "Fixed" and "Actual" option must be specified. |
Option (field OPEDED) |
Deduction category (field CATDED) |
This category must be present only if the fixed deduction coefficient is different from zero. It is used in the N4DS in the S40.G28.05.029.005 structure. |
Benefits by type (field AVNNAT) |
This field identifies the type of the benefits in kind.
These 4 letters can be combined, for instance FA. |
ICT (field NTIC) |
Assessment of the benefits from the tools linked to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). |
Tip (field TIP) |
Specify if the employee is paid with tips. This field is used for DADS-U declarations. |
Part-time activity organization (field PTLACT) |
Salary periodicity (field WAGPAYPER) |
CNBF code (field CODCNB) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
DSN ground for exclusion (field GRDEXUDSN) |
Use this field to specify:
Not impacted
Total DSN exclusion
Other values
Employee type (field EMPTYP) |
Additional public policy scheme (field PUBDTFCPT) |
Yearly declaration - SS scheme
Sickness (field SYSMAL) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specify the employee's social security scheme(s): if all the risks (sickness, maternity, WA, pension) are covered by the membership to a single basic scheme, then enter only the basic scheme. If not, enter all the schemes one by one. These fields are used for French DADS-U declarations. |
SL (field SYSAT) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specify the employee's social security scheme(s): if all the risks (sickness, maternity, WA, pension) are covered by the membership to a single basic scheme, then enter only the basic scheme. If not, enter all the schemes one by one. These fields are used for French DADS-U declarations. |
Pension (field SYSVIP) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Extension (field SYSFLG) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Extension code for the Alsace/Moselle region: add this heading if the employee qualifies for the Alsace/Moselle regional scheme in addition to the mandatory Social Security basic scheme. |
DON'T USE (field MODCTR) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This field is dedicated to the Portuguese legislation. For a new contract, you have to enter manually the contract modality. The contract modality depends on the values of the Type and Job type fields on the employee contract as listed below:
The contract modality is part of the data that is communicated to the Portuguese Social Security (through the Communication function available from the Actions panel). |
Communicated (field SSCCOM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Multi-employer (field SEVEMP) |
Indicate whether the employee has worked or is working for several employers simultaneously and specify the period of time during which this employee has been in this multi-employer situation. |
Period start (field STRDATSEV) |
Period end (field ENDDATSEV) |
DNA-AC - Administrative
Admin situation (field DNASITADM) |
Employee's or public servant's administrative situation code that identifies if private law or public law applies to the employee's contract. |
Foreign company (field DNACPYSTG) |
Status of the employees working for the benefit of a foreign company |
Liable for Assedic (field DNAACTASS) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Unemployment exemption (field DNAEXOASS) |
Liable for AGS (field DNAAGS) |
Holiday fund (field DNACCP) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
AL fund no. (field NUMCCP) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Object number (field NUMOBJ) |
Object number assigned by the CNCS (French national center for movies and entertainment) and transferred to the MEC (Monthly Employer Certificate) of the casual workers that are hired to carry out this object (show, production, movie, etc.). |
Kinship (field LNK) |
Link (field TYPLNK) |
Multiple jobs
Multiple jobs (field SEVCTR) |
Indicate whether the employee has several work contracts at the same time. |
Main site (field MAIFCY) |
This box is used to specify the main site in the case where an employee has several contracts in the same company and for different sites. |
Industrial tribunal
Body of electors (field PRUCOL) |
Sector (field PRUACV) |
Polling place (field PRUVOT) |
Contract right (field PRUCTR) |
Category (field CATFRT) |
Pension fund (field RETFDSNUM) |
Category (field CAICAT) |
Rate 1 (field CAIRATPS) |
Rate 2 (field CAIRATPP) |
Tab Declaration (next)
Compl. health insurance
Compl. health ins. scheme (field AFFMUT) |
Enter or select the complementary health insurance scheme code. Complementary health insurance scheme codes are stored in the miscellaneous table no. 329 - Complementary welfare scheme. A code corresponds to a number/beneficiary type pair (for example, 1 adult + 1 child). The complementary health insurance scheme code is used in the payslip:
No compl health affiliation (field NOTAFFMUT) |
Beneficiary no. (field NUMBNF) |
Enter the employee’s beneficiary number to the health insurance organization. |
Children (field NBRPEO2) |
Adults (field NBRPEO3) |
Others (field NBRPEO4) |
This tab is only displayed if the BTP activity code has been activated.
Other CCPs
ASSEDIC beneficiary (field BUICODASS) |
Contributor status (field BUISTAPAY) |
Reduc rate Exp (field BUIRATEXS) |
Specify the reduction rate applied to the employee for business expenses. This field is also used for the DADS-U declarations. |
PF and welfare membership (field BUIRETPRV) |
Enter the code that specifies the membership type to a supplementary pension institution and a welfare institution that may differ from the employee's collective agreement assignment. This field is used for French DADS-U. |
Working time
Unit (field BUICODTIM) |
Day type (field BUIDAYTYP) |
Unit (field BUICODSAL) |
Type (field BUICODHRS) |
Profession (field BUICODJOB) |
Specify the BTP (French construction industry) profession code of the employee.
This field is also used for French DADS-U declarations. |
Qualification (field BUICODQLY) |
Specify the classification-qualification code of the employee. |
Category (field BUICAT) |
Level (field BUILEV) |
Tab Casual worker in entertainment industry
In the specific case of casual workers, the analytical dimensions and dimension types are not displayed in the Acct tab of the Contract function, but they are specified in the tab reserved for artists and casual workers.
Casual worker in entertainment industry
Qualification (field PSNTYP) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Fee type (field TYPCAC) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
MEC no. (field AEMNUM) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Contract status (field STACTR) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Payroll calculation (field CALPAY) |
Object of contract (field OBJCTR) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Place of show (field LIEU) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Provider IDCC no. (field IDCCP) |
Grid Dates of services
Start date (field PSNSTRDAT) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
End date (field PSNENDDAT) |
Duration (field NBRDAY) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Start time (field PSNSTRTIM) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
End time (field PSNENDTIM) |
Duration (field NBRTIM) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
No. fees (field NBRCAC) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Expense (field AMTCRG) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Exempt expenses (field AMTCRGEXO) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Budget (field AMTBUD) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Slip (field BUL) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
Certificate (field NUMCER) |
Field exclusively linked to the French legislation. |
This function provides quick access to the payslips for the current contract.
Tab Payroll
Use this tab to:
- Enter and view the payroll information (gross to net pay, exemptions, etc.) of an employee
- View the salary evolution, and various totals set up for a specific employee
- Enter a usual prepayment
Fields and field values are available or not, depending on your legislation.
Payslip (field RPTBUL) |
Enter the code of the employee's payslip, if it is different from the code defined in the parameter value management, BUL chapter, NOMRPTBUL parameter, for the employee's site or company. |
Payslip break (field FLGCREBUL) |
Select this box if a new payslip needs to be generated for this specific contract record. For example, if the role of an employee is changed in the middle of the month, two payslips can be generated : A payslip for the start of the month (or the period of activity) on the last date corresponding to the initial role (defined by the end date);and a payslip from their transfer date to their new role (defined by the transfer reason and the effective date)until the end of the month. Clear this box if the payment details for this contract record must be consolidated on the same payslip as the previous contract record. For example, if the employee's contract is modified in the middle of the month with the start reason code for an hourly capacity change, two payslips will not be needed.
Paperless payslip (field BULDEMAFF) |
Hide time references (field FLGTIMREF) |
Net to gross payroll
Net to gross payroll (field TWDPAY) |
Select 'Yes' if the payslip of the employee must be calculated from the net to the gross amount. In that event, the back-pay parameters need to be entered. |
Objective heading (field OBJRUB) |
Net to gross payroll calculation.
Objective variable (field OBJVAR) |
Secondary variable (field INCVAR) |
Net to gross payroll calculation.
Usual prepayment (field INSAMT) |
If the employee benefits from a regular prepayment (each month), specify the amount of this prepayment and the day of payment. |
Day (field INSDAY) |
Code (field EXOCOD1) |
Period start (field EXOSTR1) |
Period end (field EXOEND1) |
Code (field EXOCOD2) |
Period start (field EXOSTR2) |
Period end (field EXOEND2) |
Code (field EXOCOD3) |
Period start (field EXOSTR3) |
Period end (field EXOEND3) |
Code (field EXOCOD4) |
Period start (field EXOSTR4) |
Period end (field EXOEND4) |
Initial basic salary (field MTH) |
Enter a decimal value in this field. This value is then linked to a variable on the payslip. This variable is the one that you have set in the VARMTH – Initial base salary general parameter (chapter BUL, group MIS). Example:
Initial contractual hours (field HRS) |
Enter a decimal value in this field. This value is linked to a variable on the payslip. This variable is the one that you have set in the VARHRS – Initial contractual hours general parameter (chapter BUL, group MIS). |
field ZON1 |
You can set the description you want for this field in the FLDCTR1 - Title of field in work contract general parameter (chapter PAY, group PER). Enter a decimal value in this field. This value is linked to a variable on the payslip. This variable is the one that you have set in the VARZON1 – Free field general parameter (chapter BUL, group MIS). Example:
field ZON2 |
You can set the description you want for this field in the FLDCTR2 - Title of field in work contract general parameter (chapter PAY, group PER). Enter a decimal value in this field. This value is linked to a variable on the payslip. This variable is the one that you have set in the VARZON2 - Free field general parameter (chapter BUL, group MIS). Example:
Grid Salary gains
Date (field SALDAT) |
Date upon which the salary has been modified. This information is updated using the History extraction function. |
field SALVAL |
The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary variable set up in the VARSAL - Salary variable parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group). |
field SALVAL1 |
The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary variable set up in the VARSAL2 - Salary variable parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group). |
field SALVAL2 |
The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary variable set up in the VARSAL3 - Salary variable parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group). |
field SALRUB |
The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary heading set up in the RUBSAL - Salary heading parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group). |
field SALRUB1 |
The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary heading set up in the RUBSAL2 - Salary heading parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group). |
field SALRUB2 |
The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary heading set up in the RUBSAL3 - Salary heading parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group). |
Reason (field SALGRD) |
Specify the reason for the modification of the salary element. |
field CUM1 |
field CUM19 |
field CUM2 |
field CUM20 |
field CUM21 |
field CUM3 |
field CUM22 |
field CUM4 |
field CUM23 |
field CUM5 |
field CUM24 |
field CUM6 |
field CUM25 |
field CUM7 |
field CUM8 |
field CUM9 |
Profession code (field OCPCOD) |
This field is used to specify the profession code corresponding to this employment contract. The list of profession codes is defined in Miscellaneous table 11552. |
Professional cat. (field PFLCATCOD) |
In this field, specify the code of the professional category for this employee. The validated codes are delivered by the Portuguese office for Strategy and Planning. The list of validated professional category codes for the current fiscal year is provided in the miscellaneous table no. 11554/. |
Working time duration (field WRKTIMLNG) |
This field is used to specify the collective agreement code for the specific working hours in the work contract. The validated codes are delivered by the Portuguese office for Strategy and Planning. The list of collective agreement codes is defined in Miscellaneous table 11555. |
Working time mgmt. (field WRKTIMMGT) |
This field is used to specify the collective agreement code for the specific working days in the work contract. The validated codes are delivered by the Portuguese office for Strategy and Planning. The list of collective agreement codes is defined in Miscellaneous table 11556. |
IRCT Code (field IRCTCOD) |
Use this field to provide the collective bargaining agreement code that covers this contract of employment. This number is issued by the government. The list of collective agreement codes is defined in Miscellaneous table 11557. |
IRCT Applicability (field IRCTAPL) |
Use this field to specify the current extension applied to the collective agreement code defined in the IRCT code field. The list of the collective agreement extension codes is provided in the miscellaneous table no. 11558/. |
Tax and UIF info
IRP5 start date (field IRPSTRDAT) |
The field is exclusively linked to African legislations. The IRP5 start and end dates are reset with new values when a year-end program is performed. |
IRP5 end date (field IRPENDDAT) |
Tax status (field TAXSTA) |
Legally retired (field TAXLEGRET) |
Deemed remuneration (field TAXDMDAMT) |
Directive number (field TAXDIRNUM) |
Foreign income (field TAXFORFLG) |
Directive percentage (field TAXDIRPRC) |
Directive amount (field TAXDIRAMT) |
Withhold shares tax (field TAXWTHSHR) |
UIF status (field UIFSTA) |
Learner/Excluded for skills levy (field LNRSKL) |
Manual IRP5 (field MANIRP) |
Excluded from OID (field OIDFLG) |
Voluntary over deduction (field VOLDED) |
Tax info
Tax cycle start date (field TAXSTRDAT) |
This field is exclusively linked to African legislations. The Tax info block contains the tax data. This data is used on the tax record line in the Employees function, Additional tab, Tax info block. The tax cycle start and end dates specify when the employee’s financial data must start and end to accumulate for the purpose of tax calculation and statutory reports. |
Tax cycle end date (field TAXENDDAT) |
Tax status (field TAXSTAAFR) |
This field is exclusively linked to African legislations. Specify the tax status of the employee. The list of statuses available from the drop down list is linked to the legislation of your folder. The possible values are:
Part-time director (field PARTIMDIR) |
Vehicle rate (field VEHRAT) |
Car registration no. (field CARRGSNUM) |
Make of car (field CARMAK) |
Directive number (field DIRNUM) |
This field is exclusively linked to African legislations. If the employee is associated with a directive, the number and percentage or amount of the directive must be entered in the related fields. |
Directive percentage (field DIRPRC) |
Directive amount (field DIRAMT) |
Exclude VET levy (field EXUVETLVY) |
This field is exclusively linked to African legislations. Select this check box if the employee must be excluded from the calculation of the VET levy. |
Exempt certificate (field EXOCERNUM) |
Tax dependents (field TAXDEP) |
Tax class (field MLTTAXCLS) |
This field is exclusively linked to African legislations. Select the employee’s tax class. |
Excluded from WCF (field EXCWCF) |
Employee position (field EMPPOS) |
ETI info
Non-qualifying emp. (field NONQLFEMP) |
This field is exclusively linked to African legislations. |
ETI calculation type (field ETICLCTYP) |
This field is exclusively linked to African legislations. |
Permanent (field ETISTA) |
Std. industrial class. (field SICSUBCLS) |
This field is exclusively linked to African legislations. |
Special econ. zone (field SEZCOD) |
Tax info (UK)
Employee provided form (field PRVFRM) |
Starting declaration (field STRDLC) |
Occupational pension (field OCCPEN) |
Recently bereaved (field RECBEROCCP) |
Annual pension amount (field ANNPENAMTO) |
EEA citizen (field EEACIT) |
EPM 6 scheme (field EPMSCH) |
Intention to live in the UK for 183 days or more (field LIVMOR) |
Intention to live in the UK for less than 183 days (field LIVLES) |
Working in/out of the UK, but living abroad (field WRKIUKLIVA) |
Tax code (field TAXCOD) |
Tax code amount (field TAXCODAMT) |
Tax code label (field TAXLBE) |
Payroll process status (field PAYPROSTA) |
Scottish tax (field SCTTAX) |
Week 1 / month 1 (field WK1MH1) |
Welfare to work (field WELWRK) |
Manual NI entry (field MANNIENT) |
Right to work (field RITWRK) |
NI number (field NINNUM) |
NI category (field NICAT) |
Student loan (field STULOA) |
Student loan type (field STULOATYP) |
Student loan start date (field STULOADAT) |
Student loan end date (field STULOADATE) |
Student loan priority (field STULOAPIO) |
Director status (field DIRSTA) |
Status start date (field DIRSTASTR) |
Tax year start (field TAXYEASTR) |
Tax year end (field TAXYEAEND) |
Apprentice (field APR) |
Apprentice start date (field APRDAT) |
Apprentice end date (field APRDATEND) |
Net foreign tax credit relief (field NETFRNTAX) |
FPS employee details resubmission (field RTIEMPRSB) |
Late PAYE reporting reason (field LTEPAYREA) |
RTI payroll ID (field RTIPAYIDT) |
Changed RTI ID (field CHGPAY) |
Old payroll ID (field OLDPAY) |
On strike within the RTI payment period (field RTISTK) |
Been on an unpaid abs during the RTI pay period (field RTIABS) |
Insurance (field NSSCPY) |
Use this field to specify the insurance policy code which applies to the work contract, in the event when the insurance linked to the contract is different from the insurance company.
Insurance policy (field NSSPOL) |
The Social Security Number identifies the policy number of the insurance company mentioned in the Insurance field. |
Labor union
Labor union (field SYNCOD) |
This field is used to specify the syndicate code corresponding to this work contract.
Number (field SYNNBR) |
This field is used to specify the work union membership code corresponding to this work contract.
Meal vouchers
Tickets restaurant card (field CARTIKRES) |
Tab Admin
Grid Supervisors
Contact (relationship) (field RESPO) |
Supervisors (field CHEFCTR) |
Family name-First name (field NAMCHEF) |
Grid List of substitutes
Employee ID (field RPL) |
Employee able to replace the employee in question in the latter's absence. |
Family name-First name (field NAMSUPPL) |
Comment (field CMTRPL) |
It possible to enter the tasks carried out by the replacement in the employee's absence. |
Grid Populations
Code (field POP) |
This code is used to identify the employee population for which the processing must be launched. |
Update type (field MAJTYP) |
This field, which cannot be accessed, displays the update type for an employee. Manual update If the update is a manual process, the employee can only be removed from the population in a manual way. Automatic update If the update is an automatic process, the deletion of the employee from the current population, which is performed in this function or the employee record, is only temporary. To permanently delete an employee from a population group, you should modify the membership criteria, then refresh the list. |
Hierarchy (field LISTHIERAR) |
Tab Acct
Use this tab to enter and view the accounting information (account, analytical dimension, etc.) of an employee.
Entering data in this tab is optional and is only possible if the Accounting info in contract check box has been selected.
The accounting information in the contract record always has priority over the accounting information in the employee record.
Accounting information in contract (field FLGCTRCPT) |
According to the value of the CTRCPT - Accounting info in contract parameter (CPT chapter, MIS group), the 'Accounting information in contract' box can be selected or not:
Private account (field BPR) |
The individual account associated with an ID number is used in the following three cases:
If this field is entered and an accounting is associated with the folder, this field must match a BP-type account. |
Accounting code (field ACCCOD) |
The accounting modifier associated with an employee ID is a code referenced in the Access codes table. An employee-type accounting code, with the form xxx10, and which applies to a 64100 account, will return the 64110 account. |
Distribution key (field DSP) |
Use the analytical distribution keys to automatically distribute the amount of a general accounting posting line onto several analytical lines based on weighing coefficients. The analytical distribution key contains one to ten alphanumeric characters. |
Title (field DSPDES) |
Grid Dimension types/Dimensions
Dimension type (field DIE) |
An analytical axis is defined by a code of 3 characters. It corresponds to a particular subdivision of the enterprise for analytical purposes. In fact for a given axis, it is possible to associate a chart of analytical dimensions. There are 1 to 9 analytical axis available in a given accounting reference as well as a chart of accounts (often called a chart of natures). A company can use 1 to 9 accounting references (some analytical, some not). The analytical references can share the analytical charts or use different ones. It is the accounting template that defines the combination of references used by a group of companies. |
Dimension (field CCE) |
An analytical dimension is an element of the analytical chart of accounts on which accounting entries can be posted. Each analytical dimension type represents a specific division of the company into a set of analytical payment attributes. An analytical dimension is thus an analytical payment attribute within a dimension type. |
Initialization (field INICCE) |
Specify the default allocation key or dimension for each dimension type. These elements can be used to initialize the analytical time entry and the analytical entry of each salary slip, based on the initialization type associated with each dimension type. The four initialization types are the following: Conservation
Time upd
Tab Backpay
The first fields of this tab are automatically populated according to the fields entered in the amendment with back-pay.
Before clicking the Loading button, the first lines of the grid are populated with the original dates of the contract, the new effective date and consequently the back-pay date (specified in the amendment).
Click the Loading button to populate the other lines of the grid with the values of the fields modified in the other tab of the contract (for instance, the index or rank).
In order to correctly display in the grid the values of the fields modified in the other tabs of the contract, the Back-pay box must have been previously selected for these fields (see the Miscellaneous prerequisites paragraph of the Back-pay function).
Backpay (field FLGRET) |
Type (field RETTYP) |
Status (field RETSTATUT) |
This field can take the following values:
Effective date (field RETDATEFF) |
Date from which the additional clause to the work contract is taken into consideration. |
Reason (field RETGRD) |
Loading (field LOAD) |
This button is used to load the grid containing the fields used for the back-pay. |
Grid Detail
Field (field FLD) |
The fields that appear in the grid correspond to those fields with their 'Backpay' box selected in the 'Employee field dictionary' function (see the Miscellaneous prerequisites |
Table (field TBL) |
Description (field TIT) |
Period start date (field STRDAT) |
The date of the period corresponds to the date previously entered and used as the basis for the back-pay. |
To (field ENDDAT) |
Type (field TYP) |
Payroll dated (field STRPAY) |
To (field ENDPAY) |
Slip (field STRBUL) |
To (field ENDBUL) |
Source (field VALORI) |
This variable specifies by default the original values in the various contracts (the original dates or the other values before they are modified for the backpay). |
Destination (field VALDEN) |
This variable specifies by default the destination values in the various contracts (the effective dates or the other values after the modification is performed for the backpay). The destination values can be modified here. These new values are then taken into account for records and calculations. |
Leave cycle type (field LEACYCTYP) |
Leave resume date (field LEARSMDAT) |
Loading |
Tab Hazardous conditions
The Position hazardous conditions tab is only available for the French legislation.
Hazardous conditions are managed by default at the level of the position (in the Position function, Position hazardous conditions tab). Managing hazardous work conditions at contract level is possible but it must remain an exception.
To manage the hazardous work conditions at contract level:
1. In the Position function, Position hazardous conditions tab, select the Excp. hazardous conditions box.
2. In the Hazardous conditions tab of the contract record, select the Excp. hazardous conditions box.
3. Enter the risk factors in the Hazardous conditions criteria grid and at least a validity start date for each factor.
4.For each risk factor, you can enter a comment regarding the implemented prevention measures or a global comment.
Excp. hazardous conditions (field FLGEXCPEN) |
If the Excp. hazardous cond in cont box is selected, hazardous work conditions can be managed at contract level. The Excp. hazardous cond in cont box must be selected in the Positions function, Position hazardous conditions tab.
To print the individual record to be provided to the employee, data is read at contract level, not a position level. |
Risk factor (field WPEN) |
This field is only available for the French legislation. The risk factor and the validity start and end dates entered in the Hazardous conditions criteria table are initialized in the Detail block based on the line of the table where you are positioned. |
Validity from (field WSTRDATPEN) |
Validity to (field WENDDATPEN) |
Org. prev. measures (field WPRVORG) |
This field is only available for the French legislation. You can enter comments on the work strain factor (organizational, collective or individual preventive measures, or global comment). |
Coll. prev. measures (field WPRVCOL) |
Ind. prev. measures (field WPRVIND) |
Comments (field WCOMMENT) |
Loading |
Tab Place of work
Workplace address
APE/SIC (field NAFWRK) |
Legal nature (field WRKNATLEG) |
Legal nature (field WRKNATLEGU) |
Country code (field WRKCRY) |
Country code (field WRKCRYUSR) |
Country name (field WRKCRYNAM) |
Country name (field WRKCRYNAMU) |
Workplace name (field WRKNAM) |
Workplace name (field WRKNAMUSR) |
Additional info (field WRKADD1) |
Additional info (field WRKADD1USR) |
Address (field WRKADD2) |
Address (field WRKADD2USR) |
Municipality (field WRKADD3) |
Municipality (field WRKADD3USR) |
Municipality code (field WRKCODSEE) |
Municipality code (field WRKCODSEEU) |
Postal code (field WRKCODPOS) |
Postal code (field WRKCODPOSU) |
City (field WRKCTY) |
City (field WRKCTYUSR) |