Use this function to create and manage SDD direct debit mandates (SEPA Direct Debit).
The mandate features the authorization granted by the debtor to the creditor to allow such creditor to initiate one or several SEPA direct debits.

SEEINFO From the 1st of February 2014 onwards, in countries using the Euro, all banking retail credit transfers and direct debits in Euro will have to meet the SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) scheme conditions.


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Screen management


Tab Mandates

Tab Direct debits

Use this tab to inquire the list of the direct debits issued for the current mandate. Enter, for instance, the direct debit date, the amount, and the currency.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  MANDATE : Mandates

  LISMANDATE : List of mandates

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons


The Validation button is enabled only if the following mandatory fields are populated:

  • Address code of the company,
  • Address code of the customer,
  • IBAN code,
  • BIC code, except when the value of parameter OPTBICSTR - Optional BIC code start date (TC chapter, SDD group) specifies that the BIC code is optional on the mandate,
  • Signature date,
  • Signature place.

The validation action enables the Adjournment and Revocation buttons.
SEEINFO A confirmation message is displayed after validation.


Use the Adjournment button to put the mandate on hold.

The mandate can no longer be used for invoices, open items and payments. Modifications are possible only in the context of amendments. If the adjourned mandate is a main mandate, the Main mandate box is automatically cleared.

Click on the button Validation to reactivate the mandate.
SEEINFO The mandate needs to be validated for the Adjournment button to be activated.


Use the Revocation button to terminate permanently the authorization previously given to the creditor to issue direct debits orders.

A mandate can be revoked even if the last direct debit has not been issued. 
If the revoked mandate is a main mandate, the Main mandate box is automatically cleared. It can no longer be modified and it is stored in the database.

The revocation action is irreversible, a confirmation is requested from the user: "The revocation of mandate $1$ is irreversible. Are you sure you want to continue?".

SEEINFO The mandate needs to be validated for the Revocation button to be activated.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The SEPA creditor identifier for the company must be entered.

This blocking error message is displayed when there is no SEPA creditor identifier. The user must enter this identifier in the Companies record).

Does this IBAN change correspond to a bank change?

This message is displayed when the mandate is validated and the creation date of the mandate is equal or greater than the optional BIC start date, and if:

  • you modify the IBAN on the mandate,
  • you modify the BIC code on the customer record (Bank ID tab) and then modify the mandate.

This message is particularly important in case the BIC code is not entered on the mandate: the system cannot automatically differentiate an IBAN change from an IBAN change linked to a bank change.

SEEINFO The date entered in the parameter OPTBICSTR - Optional BIC start date(TC chapter, SDD group) determines if you can leave the BIC code field empty on the mandate, depending on the creation date of the mandate.

According to your answer ('Yes' or 'No'), the system performs consistency checks and updates in the amendments table.

On import, the answer depends on the value of the field NDAIMPFLG- SMNDA or IBAN in the MDT import template.

SEEINFO The SMNDA rule applies when the IBAN or bank are changed.The IBAN rule applies when changing the IBAN ('IBAN only').

When modifying the IBAN in a mandate, the following error messages can be displayed following consistency checks:

BIC inconsistent with bank change.

This blocking message is displayed in the following cases:

  • You have modified the IBAN on the mandate but did not modify the BIC code (this is the 'IBAN only' rule).
  • You answered 'Yes' to the question "Does this IBAN change correspond to a bank change?" , though no bank change was performed.

Example with IBAN change on the mandate:

Customer IBAN and BIC.
IBAN1 and BIC1 code
IBAN2 and BIC1 code

Completed flows:
1) Mandate validated with IBAN1 and BIC1.
2) IBAN1 changed to IBAN2 and 'Yes' answered to the question.

Blocking message: BIC inconsistent with a bank change.

BIC code changed: choosing the "IBAN-only" rule is not consistent.

This blocking message is displayed in the following case:

  • You have modified the IBAN and the BIC code.
  • You answered 'No' to the question "Does this IBAN change correspond to a bank change?" , though a bank change was indeed performed.

Example with IBAN change on the mandate:

Customer IBAN and BIC.
IBAN1 and BIC1 code
IBAN3 and BIC3 code

Completed flows:
1) Mandate validated with IBAN1 and BIC1.
2) IBAN1 changed to IBAN3 and 'No' answered to the question.

Blocking message: BIC code modified: choosing the rule 'IBAN only' is consistent.

Example with BIC change on the customer record:

IBAN and BIC of the customer on the mandate:
IBAN1 and BIC1 code

Completed flows:
1) Mandate validated with IBAN1 and BIC1.
2) BIC1 changed on the RIB record of the customer for BIC2.
3) Update of the mandate and 'No' answered to the question.

Blocking message: BIC code modified: choosing the rule 'IBAN only' is consistent.

There already is an IBAN amendment from IBAN $1$ to IBAN $2$.

The amendments table stores the modifications applied to the IBAN or BIC code.

This blocking message is displayed in the following case:

  • You have modified the IBAN but did not modify the BIC code (this is the 'IBAN only' rule).
  • You have then reverted the IBAN back ('IBAN only') to its former value.
  • You answered 'Yes' to the question "Does this IBAN change correspond to a bank change?" , though no bank change was performed.

Example with IBAN change on the mandate:

Customer IBAN and BIC.
IBAN1 and BIC1 code
IBAN4 and blank BIC code

Completed flows:
1) Mandate validated with IBAN1 and BIC1.
2) IBAN1 changed to IBAN4 and 'No' answered to the question.
3) A 'IBAN only' recording is created in the amendments table.
4) IBAN4 changed to IBAN1 and 'Yes' answered to the question.

Blocking message: A IBAN amendment already exists from IBAN1 to IBAN4.

There already is an SMNDA amendment from IBAN $1$ to IBAN $2$.

The amendments table stores the modifications applied to the IBAN or BIC code.

This blocking message is displayed in the following case:

  • You have modified the IBAN and BIC code (this is the 'SMNDA' rule).
  • You have then reverted the IBAN back to its former value.
  • You answered 'No' to the question "Does this IBAN change correspond to a bank change?" , though a bank change was indeed performed.

Example with IBAN change on the mandate:

Customer IBAN and BIC.
IBAN1 and BIC1 code
IBAN4 and blank BIC code

Completed flows:
1) Mandate validated with IBAN1 and BIC1.
2) IBAN1 changed to IBAN4 and 'Yes' answered to the question.
3) A 'SMNDA' recording is created in the amendments table.
4) IBAN4 changed to IBAN1 and 'No' answered to the question.

Blocking message: A SMNDA amendment already exists from IBAN1 to IBAN4.

Tables used

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